DAILY CAPITAL JOMtNAL, UALE3C, ORBGOK. HIUltSDAY, FEUItUAltY 18, 1000. aWFJamwiBBmra?''BB"'alEw. tmSCLWIH HBPSK MBS Coughs That Sack Little Lungs should be stopped immediately with a reliable cough remedy. Otherwise they may perma nently weaken the lungs and cause untold harm. Dr. D. Jayne's Expectorant is known by mothers ail over the world as a safe and effective remedy for Coughs and Colds. It has likewise been successfully employed in cases of Croup, Pleurisy, and kindred ailments for three-quarters of a century. Your druggist oells it in three size bottles at $1.00, 50c and 25c. Dr. D. Jaync's Tonic Vermifuge is a safe and reliable medicine for expelling worms. COMMISSIONERS GOURTKB. TERM The tallowing la a full, truu und correct Hut of claims presented tho county commissioners of Marlon county at tho February torm suld commissioners' court, together with tho nmnunts allowed, aud the action tnkon tnereen: Johns, Mrs., euro of poor .. COO Coutu, Knthorlno, do 10.00 R Wilson, Ella, do 5.00 Langwoll, Holon. do 15.00 Gobin, Llzetto, do 6.00 Lambert, Margarot, do .... 5.00 Nt'lmyer, Mr. and Mrs., do.. 8.00 Hoollor, Mr. and Mrs., do . . COO Sobnrbtick, Sebastian, do . . 3,00 Poernborn, Theo., do .... 10.00 French, Wni., do 5.00 Sportcmnn, Wm,, do 10.00 Scoble, Mrs . do 10,00 Boyo' & Girls' Aid Soc., do . . 10.00 Stripling, Huldn, do ...... 6.00 McLoughlln, Mrs. E. 0., do 10.00 Van Doron, Mrs., do 15.00 Patty, R do 7.00 Harris, L. H do 8.00 Snodderly, Flora, do 30.00 P.lggs, Hllleary, do 5.00 Lacovltch, Mrs., do 12.00 Shlolds, Margaret, do C.50 Shields, Jonn, do 0,50 Murray, John, do 8.00 Snydor, Silvester, do 5.00 Stroud, Clara, do 6.00 Cornloyt Mrs. Jacob, .do. .. . 10.00 Stewart, Wm., do 10.00 Miles, O. D , insano oxamln. 5.00 Miles, O. D., do 5.00 Salaried of OlUccra. Hyrd, Lois C, stenographer and boookkeoper 75.00 Court House. Powell, Henry, night watch $ 60.00 K"ono, W. M Janitor .... 60.00 Matlock, O. O., caro takor lawn, etc 50 90 SulnrJcti of Ofllccra. AtmBtrong, E. C, fruit Inspec tor 1100.00 Assessment and Collection Tnxes, Allen, F. W., work on tax roll 75.00 Duncan, R. M do 58 78 Phillips, F do- 118.10 Itonds and Highways. Abaqua Lumber Co., lumbor 3,04 Dcckwlth, J. T., inspection of roads, otc 7.00 Cooloy, H. W, labor .... .76 Cochran, E. 13., do 0.00 Colo, Oscar, teaming 3.Q0 Cummins, A. J., do 6.00 Cutsforth, Frank, do 4.60 Dltmar, T. A., gravel 4.90 Doke, Wm labor 1.25 Fischer Lumber Co., lumbor C2.82 Cloulet, H., Inspection of roads, etc 22.50 Qoogorson Bros., nails .... 2.83 Hagcnaur, Conrad, teaming. . 2.00 Harris, D. A., do 5.25 Keeno, David M., labor .... 1.50 Lcmbdke, Chas., as por report 130.00 Manning, E. W., labor 75 Miller & Son, S. 0., spikes oto 8.40 Ji'ortenDou. Wm., lumber . . 37. JO Olmstead, C. E., labor .... 4t00 Owon, P., do ( 4.00 Paris, John, do ' 1.50 Parts, Herman, do 1.60 Patten, J. 11, do 11.26 , Continued Patten, H. F do 6.75 Sandberg, J. O., do 1.09 Schollnrd, Wm., sorvlccs a viewer 32.00 Sherman, Jos., labor 1.12 Solgmund & Pugh, sharpening grader 2.50 Smith, Wm. H. H., labor .. . Smith, Lyle, C, do 5.00 Smith, Harry H, do 4.00 Taylor, F. M., do 1.00 Taylor, W. A., viewer 32.0 Wnde-Pearco & Co., wire, etc 1.80 Wattior Vollle, lumbor .... 11.20 White, F. H labor 1.10 Current Expense. Allen, H. D , stamps 10.00 Dcckwlth, J. T., do ..'.... 1.00 Ilushey, W. M., do 1.00 Hnrr Co., John G., caro of clock K 00 Conger Printing Co., letter bonds 2.00 Commercial Book Store, pons etc 3.40 Drnger, D. C stamps .... 10.00 Elliott, N. D., postals, otc ..80.00; Horrlek, 11. U., Jr. stamps.. 2.50 KlUuiiu Stationery Co., .rib bons, otc . . . 11.26 N W. Long Dlst. Tel Co., Tol. service . . 1.30 Low, W. S., livery hlro 2.50 Moore, J. O.. stampH 1.50 McNnry, J. H., do 3.00 Pntton DroB., stationery, etc 70 70 Pacific T. & T. Co., T. and T. service, rental 2 1.55 Smith, W. M exprcssnge ... 1.30 Statesman Publishing Co., ad vertising 37.00 Tho Western Union Tolog. Co.. Tel. service 2.(55 ' Court limine. Ilernnrdl & Dunsford, plumb ing, etc 4.30 Frnser, A. L., repairing .... .75 Horticultural Firo Hollof As- uoclatlon, Insurance .."... 13.50 Kenrns & Troutmou, sawing nnd hnullng wood 10.60 Moore. J. G., cash ndvaucod. . 7.50 Portland H. L.- & P. Co., lights 75.00 Stolner & Dcrger, obIi poll, oto 1.R0 Stunrt, Albert, rep. alarm boll .75 Tlllson & Co.. salt 1.20 Wnde-Ponrce & Co.. ouspldorH etc G.60 Danderine & flaw AVAh ASrx A& AvAaT'-'" AvAaKvv kAVAW' "- - AAKxv AAAAAAflABEv Am AVAVAVAVA AVAVAvAaAAs i JAr AVAVAVAVAl ASAaB . Bi A1ASA ASAASAVAc W AAASAASf MM ' " LLL, mVAVA ' ' AAVAkl IBVJJbbbbBBVB BbBBBBBHb, BraTaPaTaw aBYaBYaBYaBWfT$ im ' bssssKi i'Ibtbw "vAAfn Grows Hair and wo can PROVE IT! The Great DANDERINE Never Fails to Produce the Desired Results. IT enliven and invigorates I lie hair 1 glands and tissues of (he scslp. resulting In a continuous and Increasing growth of the hair. Lttttrt of prslis arc eoalloualljr coming la (rum ncsrlr ail parts ut tho countrr tUllog Ibat Dcderloe bu renawo) the growio of lialr la ce tbl vera cODildered atw lutcljr boptUit A Udr (rum Hrooklm wrlln "Afttr horl ttltl mr tialritupped (alllDi, mi 1 cow biro a lotelr fatnl of tiair. Terr teiTf aod o er una and a quirltr jrardt loot " 2.00 2.001 D.0 2.06 3.00 3.00 2.00 2 00 2.00 Circuit Couit. Illtchlc. G. S., witness Hornbucklu, Robert, do Curtis. Mrs. Addle, do Smith, h: 13.. do Welch, G. a., do H.. do P.. do .do A., do C. H.. do . W. ., do Wm do . Morso. W. Mlnto, II. Esch. Win Foland. J. Hoberthon Johnson Tweody. DaBderiae atimulates the scalp, make it healthy and Ltepa it to. It U the greatest scalp invigorator known. It u a wholesome medicine (or both lbs hair and scalp. EVCB a small bottle ef it will put more genuine Me 1b your hair than a gallon of any other hair tonic ever matte. It shows result from the very start. Now oa sale at e cry dm( and toilet stora in th lindj 3 use 2Se, 80s snJf 1.00 Cut This, Out FrgajTosoo bovqalcklr ' landrineaeu,ws i wllltesdalsrcesaoiplsfrt 1 ljrrtaramllloss70Bwlko cads ibU (rt ton poo to the , IsstlUs Bus'trlsi C. Csksft, ' with tbelrntxa sod JUrM sad iOc Ib tllrtr or iiibh wprpam Whlto. Ji W.. do Coj-uelluu. Mrs. Thos., do. . , llAuoor, Lioyd, do Maplothorpo, J. A., do Gibson, D. W., do . . . Unyball. ICmmu. do . , Morse. W. D.. do . . . . Eseh. Wm.. do Wostcott. W. II.. do . u)ch. Hay. do Sckavec, Eva, do . . . . S kavee, John, do 19 00 Fonton, Ii.. do . . 33.20 Hornbucklu, Robert, do Hayball. A)., Smith, do Westcott, Harry, do . do . do , . do 5.G0 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 1.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 .20 4.20 1.20 4.20 4.20 2.20 4.20 4.20 1.20 4.20 1.20 4.20 4.20 Westcott. Nettie. Wo-tcott. Yette, Van Allen, C. F., Mlnto. H. P.. do Shaul, L. D do . Westcott, Idella, do Guild, Frank E do . Darnes, E. T., do Bwarts, Sim, do Hockwell, O. E., do Mincer, Sam, do . . . Gibson, D. W., do . Welch, C. 8., do . . . Curtis, Frank, do . Alien, Dertba L, do 14.40 Adams, Maggie, do 2,20 Hottlemler, Claud C. do . . 2.20 Culver. W. J., do 2.20 Hayball. Emma, do 2.20 Justice' Court State v. Altlne. V ebster, D.. justice of the peace f 3.20 i.&mllton, Ira, constable .. 1.65 7.00 11.60 4,20 4.20 4.20 2.20 2.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 Wobstor, D., justice of the peaco $ 11.30 Hamilton, Ira, constablo .... 6.90 Holmes, W. II., wltnoss . . 1.70 Sholton, ttoscoc, do 1.70 Lachmund, Louis, do 1.70 McMahnn, L. H., do 1.70 Hamilton, Ira, do 1.70 State vs. Colgan. Hayes, T. F., justice of tho peace S 5.60 Miller, Will, constablo .... 0.16 26o disallowed Huffman, C. W., witness . . 1.70 Ditnoy, L. M., do 1,70 Stnto vs. Hunt. Hayes, T. F justlco of tho peaco $ 3 60 MUlor, Will, constablo .... 7.26 25o disallowed Stnto vs. Martin. Spencer, Goo. A., justlco of tho penco ...J 8.20 11,50 disallowed Goodman, W. P., constablo. . 31.05 17.65 disallowed Snoed, James, witness .... 1.60 Elgin, Chas. F., services making jury list Ing jury list Earl, II. L., drawing jury .list Knight, M. O., assisting draw- Ocborn, J, H., do Moores, W. A., drawing jury list Mulkey, Wm. P., making jury list Sims, G. C, assisting making jury list Dorlngor, do Phillips, W. II., assisting mnklng jury list Toor. Ami, Louis, grocorlcs $ 5.00 linker & Lawronco, do .... 5.00 Dudlong, M. A., wood deliv ered 6.50 Olymor, G. W., rop. from poor Farm 254.40 Englobnrt, A, A., grocorlcs, otc 5.00 Farrlngton, F. P., do .... 5.00 Gllbort, It. D., do .-. 5.00 Mack, Orphn, caro of poor.. 30.00 Meyors, Inc., II. W. & M. L clothing, etc 11.70 Momtt, A. T work at poor farm 49.50 Pacific Tol & T. Co., rontal. . 1.50 llyan, R. R., houso rent . . 27.00 $7.00 disallowed Smith, F. E., professional sor vlccs 40.00 Sykox Horace, house rent, otc 0.00 Uarr, Theo. M., installing hot water, etc 39.00 Mlnto, H. P., bonrd of . . 06 97 Snlom Steam Laundry, laun dry 16 00 Sheriff 'h Olllco. Mlnto, H. P., crlmtnnl subpoo- na $ 1.50 Sholton, R., night watch coun ty Jail 12.00 Smith, Henry, nerving circuit court subpoonns School Supt. Account. Smith, John W. L., sorvlccs 8th grado examination . . Dotson, U. S do Hounoy, Clydo L., do Martin, W. II., do ItceortWs Account. Hcrrlck, D. II., Jr., putting maps, etc , In vols 60 50 Surveyors Aroo'unt. Flshor, A. J., roc. road rec ords 1.20 Coroner'H Account, dough, A. M., Investigation, etc $ 5 40 Clough, A. M., do 10.SC nolllngor, G. G., Juror .... l.Oo. Thompson, Fred, II., do ... . 1.00 Durtlott, J. C, do 1.00 Russol, J, I., do 100 Smith, Walter C, do 1.00 Windom, A. L., do 1.00 nongor, John, witness .... 1.70 Floming, It. n.. do 1.7J Shaw, Dr. John D do .... 1.70 Oakman, Ilort, do 1.70 Quartler. Wm., do 1.70 Smith, Roy, do 1.70 Rtttor, Guy, do 1.70 Wilson, W. K., do 1.7 Adams, E. G do 1.70 Taft, Walter II., do 1 70 Hyrd. W. H., Dr., medical au topsy 10 10 Truant Ofllcer Account. Hamilton, Ira, stamps, etc . .$ 16 00 Htnto Fair Account. Yokohama Tea Co., vases, etc 2.30 Ferry Account. Gearln, Minnie C, xp. oper ating ferry $114.22 AdvertUlitK Account. I Salem Hoard of Trade, dues.f 60.00 Co. Court mik! CoriiiulhKionerN Acct. Goulot.W. II., attending court! 11.60 fleckwlth, J. T.. attending court 13.20 Poor. lialliet. 8.. care of $ 6.00 Aldrlch, L. P., tax rebate. . . 2.02 o I'neiinionla Follows lav Grippe. JaSy9Vass1T5iaSriBBaBir III flDft i?aiBW I ! BBu Jt H likiiiiiW I '1' W 3 lirBBBBf MANTES IN THE LATEST DESIGNS Hnvo excellent reprcsentnUon In our stock. There's nothing lack ing here for inside finishing, stnlr-cjtslng, newel posts nnd all tho other necessaries ami lux uries to evolve the houso beau tiful from the imre structure. We liespvnk your lumber onlers. A. M. HANSEN Phono lilt. Cor. Mill ami Church St When You Arc Dry WHY NOT BUY H s A pure and wholesome berorg that is sold la all the elti of Western Oregon and Northern California. Made of the Choicest Ma! La mill op Grown in Morion County MsMle of Filtered Wets- sad strictly In (teeordaaoe with thi Pure Food Law Salem Beer is the best mild beverage .ftVrpd. the public Mado by scientific processes nnd guaranteed pure and whole- some. No adulteration. No drugs or chomlcals and under the most'' pcrcct sanitary conditions Addross all orders to 4 Salem Brewery Association 3 db 9.0u 9 00 9.00 9.00 Rigid Rules No class of business requires more careful attention) or insists upon more rigid rules than that of banking, It has always been our earnest ondoavor to conform to these requirements. Safety first, Liberality next. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK SALEM, OREGON totiUMHHnHMHHL H E. ECKERLEN Wholesale Family Liquor Store 144 Commercial St Free Delivery Phone 103 MIUltlllHHIllWnUIIlwaHH6H Pneumonia often follows la gripe but never follows the use of Foley's Honoy and Tar, for la gripe cough and deep seated colds. Refuse any but the trcnulne In the vellow nar!:.' A BARGAIN FOR SAL1S Modern im proved home. N ejw houses building in im mediate vicinity. An opportunity for right party or an invest ment Address,1 Capi tal Journal. Mtililtliiiaiininnn- mtatai !! t INCUBATORS 50, 150 and 200 Egg Incubators, good as new, used but little, for sale cheap. Also new and second-hand goods. O. L. McPEEK 170 S. Commercial, St. Salem, Oregon a ' Z mi m ages. J. C. Perry. j rortUB, OrrffOM, "iirski iy U66isrs vwrnuit ZL is gaag--