DAILY 0AT1TAL JOURNAL, SAUai. OREGON, , THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 190. s SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Time Card Xo. 51 Kffectlvo Sunday, August 1(1, 11)00. Toward Portland- Passenger. No. 1(1 K :13 n. m.. Oregon Hxtircss No. 18 S :4ll n. m.. .Cottage Oriivo runs. No, l'J i! :45 p. m., .ltosrlmrg l'lissi'iiRpr No. 14 H:i;t p. tn 1'ortlniul i:xirvss Toward Portland Freight. No. 222 fi p. m l'ortlnml Knst Trelglit No. 22(110:4011:28 n. in.... Way Krclglit Toward Han FranciscoPassenger. No. 11 11:0.1 n. in. . . . Hoielmre Passenger No. 17 0:45 p. in.. .Cottage Grove Pass. No. 15 11:5(1 p. in I'nllfornln. Express No. 13 '.'l::il n. m. ..Hon Francisco Kxp. Toward San Francisco Freight. No. 221 2:1.1 n. tn.. . l'ortlnml Fast Vrt No. 22511 :28 u. in Way Freight OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY Time Card Infective Xov. IB, 1008. Leaves Fer: I'ortluml iind Intermediate, loial. 0.40 n.m, l'ortlnnillllllslxiro nml Intermediate, local 8 :fi5 n.m. Portland nnd Intcrincdlnte, local. 11 :15 n.m. Portland nnd Intermediate, local. 1 :40 p.m. Portland-Tualatin nnd lllllslioro, lim ited 3 -.05 p.m. Portland Iilllsboro nnd Intermediate, local 4 :O0 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 0:20 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, 'ocal. 8:40 p.m. Arrives Frem: Portland and Intermediate, local. 8:25 n.m. Portlnnd-IIlllBUoro nnd Intermediate, locul 10 :00 a.m. Fortliind-milnboro-Tiialntln, lim ited 10:50 n.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 1 :()0 p.m. Portland-Ulllstioro nnd Intermediate, local :l)0 p.m. Portland nnd Intermediate, local. 5:45 p.m. Portland nnd Intermediate, local. H :2() p.m. Portland nnd Intermediate, local. 10:40 p.m. MfALS 15c Call and try thom. Meal lGc Board per week $2 76, aim fur nished rooms very reasonable. AT TlIK Salem Restaurant n;o couut street. ROUTINE WORK IN THE LEGISLATURE Third Heading of Hills. S. 1). 29, judiciary committed s ihstituto, prohibits games In cigar ! sfpres hy minors. Passed. I I S. H. 13C,i Marlon delegation, flx ! hip snlar' sheriff and doputlo?. ' Passed. . i S. IJ. pC, relating to propor caro of I mlHc and cream, and creating as sistant dairy nnd fowl Inspectors. ! Foiled to pass, 2C ayes. i S. D. 151, Miller of Linn and Ma Irlon, conservation commission, ctr- i FRENCH FEMALE PILLS. A 8ir, Owritf Rut tot Rumxsno Miff-nvinow. I MOWN TO FAIL. Sr.l Svtl Bffrtjl K.tlt; i or Montr Ktraniita rwni prrptia trill mriI tbrra n trial. 14 h t-kld for hfor. lrio.1. Bunt ttnt. irtor4ruitil44M kt Ibtttl t.ol jonr onler. to lb UNITIDMtDICALCO.,oT4,LN0Artn. . A Host Valuablo Agent, i Tho glycerine employed tn Dr. Pierce's ' medicines groatly enhances th'o medicinal properties which It extracts from native medicinal roots and hoi 'i In solution much bettor than alcohol would. It alto possesses medicinal properties of Its own, , being a valuablo demulcent, nutrltlvo, antiseptic nnd antiformrnt. It adds greatly to tl.. i fflcicy of the Mack Cherry bark, MooUrma, Golden Soul root, Stone root and Queen's root, contained In "Golden Metiloul Discovery "In subduing chronic, or i :i;:crlng coughs, bronchial, throat and Imijj uhYrttons, for all of which those agents aro nvommondod by stand ard medical authorities. In all cases uliora thoro Is a wastlna away of flesh, low of nw ,t . wph v eak itomstfh, as In tho early stages of con tumiftlpn. thcro can bo no doubt that gly cerlnoacts as a valuable nutrltlvo and olds Mio Utildon boai root, siono roou iod in Saem bv Dr. S. C St' r'es ?1000. Passed. S. D. 109, for fish hatchery on the K ! ,' u f ,1 airVTbart lS Columbia. Pnsscd. promotliig fllgcstlon ond building up the S. D. 55, Mullt. relating .to cstray.,' yXFr'u a I'aUiiV condition by which owner may claim within, of tho whAic system. Of courso. U must ', ..,,. tnu n.,i not bo oliocud tow urk miracles. Hwill jtwo montliB. Laid on tabic. notCuroTinsumptloneTcept n tscar Icr I a. u. no, y, acnouoiti, to nmonu codo, relating to ditching, dykeB and t THE STOCK BOOKS For tho North Santlnm Mining company, aro still pea ft In vestors. A limited amount of stock is now for sulo, nt tho LOW PRICK of Cc por shnro. SAVAGE & HERREN FISCAL AGENTS. 125 S; COMMERCIAL ST. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammKmummt OA3r,-,OIlIA B.tri tho ?,j 'noil Ham Alwan BMP White House Restaurant For a Regular 25c Dinner at 20c They can't bo bent McGilchrist & Son Proprietor.!. f'hnn 44 Main 14 1 N Mifb at C. W. YANNKE proprietor of THE FASHION STABLES Cahn and Livery, all nigs Modorn Kubber Tire. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I H H44 1 Graber Bros. II PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING i O. C. T. Co. Stcamors Orogona and I'oraona leave for Portland Monday, Wednes day and Friday at 10 n. m. Tues day, Thursdny and Snturday at 6 a.m. Faro 50 conta. Lonvo for Corvallls, Tuosday, Thursday and Saturday about 7 p. m. M. P. BALDWIN, Agt. Salem Fence Works Hoadquartors for Wovon Wlro Fencing, Hop Wlro, Darb Wlro, Poultry Netting, Shtngloa, Mal thold Roofing, P & B Ready Rooting. All At Lowest Prices. CHAS. D. MULLIGAN 830 Court St Pliono IS. Will glvo prompt nttqntlou to all ordora, guuranteo our work to givo satisfaction and t to bo up to tho sanitary Rtond. ara. WE WILL BB PLKAHKD TO GIVE K6TIMATK8 ON COVTUACTB .. Wo nro ngonts for- tho Ala- ; mo, Victor and "Ideal Qasollno ; ; Engines. Shop on Liberty stroot, back of Barr'a Jewelry Store. 4-H41 1 1 II a 1 1 1 1 Ml 8 I III 1 1 1 1 flUlE WING SANG CO. Now is the Time to visit California When summer ha passed In theso north ern states, tho sun Is only mild undor th bright blue skies of Southern California. This is one of nature'r happy provisions eternal summor tor tboso who cannot en dure a more severe climate, California has been called the "Mecca of tho winter tourist " Its hotels and stop ping places are as varied as those of all well regulated cities Visitors can always And suitable accommodation-, congenial companions and var ied, pleasing recrea tion. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. All Goods at 30 per cent Lower Sale Wo tunko up all hinds Ladles' Un derwear. WraniMsra. KIiiioimih and jWiilHtH. Wo keep al kinds of Drifts Good and Silk, Gent's nnd Ladles' Furnishing Goods, China Ware, Mat tlngM, HIiooh, TrunkH, Blankets, Com fortH, Etc. X2U N. Coiuuierclal Ht. (First store N. E. Sldo, Salem, Or.) Will bo glad to supply soma very attractive literature, describing In detail the many delights of winter In California, Tho rate from Salem to Los Angeles and return Is 55. Limit six months, allowing stopovers In either direc tion. Similar excursion rates are In effect to all California points.- For full Information, sleeping car reservations and tickets, call on, telegraph or write agents, Salem, or VM. M'MUKUAY, Get. Pa. Ag. Portland, Oregon. Gold Dust Flour M.trt- by THE SYDNEY TOW EB COMPANY, Sidney, Oro go. . Made for family use. Ask our grocer for It. Bran and shorts always on hand. P. B. WALLACE, Agt. Fire Proof FP Fool Proof dams. Pnsscd. S. B, 140, to shorton hours ot la bor for women In tolcphone nnd tolo grniih oulccs to 10 hours por day, nnd not over CO hours por weok. Passed. S. B. 119, salary circuit court 8tu district raised to $4000. Pnsscd. S. B. 37, Colo, requiring a physi cian's certificate hoforo marriage Pnsscd. House Resolutions. That nowspapors furnished lcgls- laturo ho charged for' at regular sub scription rntcs, That socrotary of state furnish to tho stato printer copies ot logla'a- tlvo proceedings of all blllo onactld by tho legislature or tho people H, J. R. No. 20, Carter, for state to purchaso Condon collection of goo logical Bpoclmons. That slato pay Coo. II. Hlnos fr eyponso connected with colobrntlon of tho 50th annlvercary of admission of Oregon. That cnpltol building commission no $20,000 of gonoral fiund for 1m ptovoments on cnpltol. That charges of corruption against A. B. Manloy bo Investigated by com mlttco of thrco. Thnt stnto printer print 2100 copies proceedlngB of Admission Day. Referred to resolutions commlttct. Sonnto Afternoon. The sonato wbb called to order at 2 p. m. Much tlmo wnn taken to road a largo number of commlttoo roports. Tho ilrBt and Bccond' rending ot bill nleo took considerable tlmo. Third Reading of Bills. II. 11. 207, McArthur, rolatlng to regents of university of Oregon. Paused. II. B. 344, Mnrlnor, to provido for political conventions to BUggest nom inees. Fnlled to pass by a voto of 12 to 17. II. B. 325, Smith, to nmond pri mary law. Passed. II. B. 312, Brattaln, providing for appointment of doputy prosecuting ntttornoy for second district. Pasaod. II, B. 288, commlttoo on educa tion, rolatlng to uses of school houses. Roforred. II. II. 290, Rusk, to fix salary of Biporlntondont of Wnllowa county. Ro-roforrod. II. B. 2C5, Clommons, to provido fui printing of session laws. Passed. Adjourned nt 4:30. WATT SHIPP REMERBERS S. H. S. FOOTBALL TEAM At tho regular meeting ot tho high school Htmlont body Inst Mon day afternoon tho members of last season's football team woro very pleasantly surprised by the prosoa trtlon of sterling sllvor watch fobs. The fobs woro tho gift of Watt Shlpp, who has nlwaya boon a frlom! ot tho high Holiool boys, nnd who tcok this way of showing his Intoren In tho athlotlc honors that tho nigh dcIioqI has boon winning of lato. The fobs nro tho rogular ribbon stylo with n ininlnturo football pendant, nnd a amall round silver and onume. stages. Jtwill ciir verv severe. ott nat". hriFtrFtlMll' fi;Hgh!;.,l'i'.'.llsIlUl andTnTyTiyHltrSiblcauuitl dToulcsiyo :lini.dvIllLiioarsoh',!W. In acute couulfi It isiiot bo clieciRor ITTIs In thollngerlna hang-on coughs, or thnso of long standing, even when ce ompantcd by MeedltiR from lungs, that it has performed IU mosl mnrvelous ct'res. - Prof. Flnlfy r.lHngwootl, M. D., of Ben nett Mod. r-llogo, Chlcatjo, says of gly ccrlnn: " In dyrepWltscrTM u exrellrnt jmrpose. nolulnir a flxtsl uuantlty ot tho pcroxlilp ot brdrotrvu In oluilon. It It one ot lliu best nunutactu'edproiluctsof tl)ore'(ont iltnoln Its kutlon utxm onfiHjblwl. dlsuttlcrtHl stota chi,Mi)H:lollr It tlicro t nliiiraitm, or . tirrhal attrltl4 (eatr.rrlial Intltmmatlon ot .tornado. It Is a mot elllolcnt preparation. Olycerlno .till relieve many ease of pyrrU Qieartbura) and oxccsaivo vaatrlo UtuumtUl acidity." "OolUen Medical DIseoTcrr" enrlohes anJ purine tbo blinxl curlnir liljtclio. tilmplca. eruption, acrotulou awelllor and old aoret. "send'to Y)t. IX. V. Pierce, ot Buffalo. N. Y.. for tree booUlcl tctlltitr nil atout tlio ualiyt medicinal nwts composing; this wonderrol uodtcine. Tlioro ' no alcohol la IU M-WHH !! I !! f flf iliilil64ti4Wt SPRAY YOUR TREES WITH DEPENDABLE BRAND LIME AND SULPHUR SOLUTION You get the best spray on the market. Made by Salem people and guaranteed by Salem people. Guarantee and test tacked on every barrel. Manufactured by the GIDEON ST0LZ COMPANY, Salem, Oregon. For sale by the following dealers: TILSON & CO. FliETCIIKIt BYIUV 1). A. WHITI-: & HONB. II. P. C1IAS18. L13 BOIil) BROS. 4-f4-(M-)te4-f-HHf lfTIgHsHf Ils1ll ,1 Twa n Glorioua Victory. Thoro's .rojolclng In Fodora, Tenn A man's llfo has boon savod, and now Dr. King's Now Dlacovory Is tho talk ot tho town for curing C. V. Poppor of deadly lung hemorrhages. I ;; could not work or got about," ho writes, 'and tho doctors did mo no . . good, but, after using Dr. Klng' J Now Dluco7ory throo weeks, I fool llko a now man, and can do good work ngaln." For weak, soro or dls oancd lungt, Coughs and Colds, Hom- orrhacos, Hay Fovor, LaOrlppo, Asthma or any Bronchial affoction stands unrivaled. Prlco GOo and Trlnl bottl.i freo. Sold and guar&n 9 toed by J. C. Perry. ' '7y'tfht5v. Nothing Better on the Market GOODS BEARING THIS MARK ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED . .. WHEN SOLD BY THE Salem Hardware Company . 120Com'ISL Phone 172 X 4-t at gjgii taiit-gi-'iH iMlT!tfrfrM-iig iaiiimiiiiiiL Children's bhoes A new line of Children's Shoes at lowest prices, ton and lace, in all colors. Repairing neatly done. But- 51 JACOB VOGT, 1AK Qloto Qtrnnl. Hh VU VJllllU Uliuwu lTHHHlHill ''''" The Shoe X Man Salomi Oro, If tho Chicago man who toro up his monoy isn't sunt tq tho Insane asylum, tho Judgo who turns him freo ought to havo his thinkory nx-amlnod. fHAT PARTTT Seared With n Hot Iron. Or scnldod by overturned kottlo cut with a knife bruised by slam med door Injured by gun or in any othor way thn thing noodod at once Is Ducklon's Arnica Salvo to subduo tho Inflammation nnd kill tho pain. It Is earth's supremo hoalor, lnfal llblo for Dolls, Ulcors, Fovor, Soros Bczoma and PIIcb. 2Co nt J. C, Por-ry'B. o You're going to nttond or that hall of com rso, then you want your porsonul apioarauco to bo porfoct, Your appoaranco will Indocd b- far from porfoct If wearing wmo un Unurnvnr Itint Vnw Vnrlr mnn whn married a mind reader may not havo!,ttUt,orod "non-ioiicl "our " In considering making your own light, or cooking, why not consider tho F. P. Oas Maohliio and Slub bers Light. Will sell and install this machine and guarantee It to glvo 100 por cont moro light for tho same monoy than oleotrlclty or city gas. I.et mo figure with you, estlmatos furnished. Call at my shop and see tho lights and Btnvus In operation. I also oarry PVRO DKXATl'HKI) ALCOHOL utilities.. Hf ecoiioml cal, mlorleis. A. L FRASER ' S" pin of noat design. Last yoar'4 football team won the championship, nnd wore fully deserving of tho tro phies. Roth tho fooball hoys and the school wlh to thank "Walt" for hla gonoroslty nnd Interest. TIioho recelvlnj; tlic fobs woro tho plnyors who won tho official football "8" the last seaion. They aro John Par sons, Herbert Savage, Holllngsworth, Pelllnger (eapt.), Richardson. Clif ford Farmer. Clifford Smith. Hrcol Kay, Darrlck. Eyre, Goo. Kreb, Laurence Hofor and Homer Hunt. - o DaWltfg Kidney and Dladdor PIM PH!- ire t'te test pills mode for buckaeho. wettk back, urinary dls- furiilshcd hor with very much read ing matter. o Savo Money by Dujrlug Dr. Cham- lcrlain' Ooagh Remedy, You will pay just as much for it hottlo ot Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy bb for any ot tho other cough medlclnos, but you savo monoy In buying It. The saving Is In what yon got, not what you pay. Tbo suro-to-curo-you quality Is in every bottle ot this remedy, and you get good re sults whon you tako It. Noglectod olds often dovolop sorlous conditions and whon you buy a cough medicine you want to bo suro that you aro gut ting ono thnt will euro your cold, Chamberlain's Cough Romedy always ouroa. Prlco 25 and 50 conts a bot tle For salo by Dr. Stono's Dru; Store. and you will bo boyond the criticism of tho most oxnctlcg, A superb cqulpmont, combined with oxrollont operators and tho boat soaps, starches, etc., guarantco you oxcollont work. Salem Laundry Co. Telephone 'M. liMI-HKI H. Llhcrtty HI Com!,,? TIIK B1I0T ROAM tVOt FAMILY KVKIl HAD ) Can bo obtalnod from our prima toudor and Juicy hoof, mutton or pork. All our moatB aro soloctod from tho choicest, and proparod for the Utblo to suit tho demands of the fastidious, Our prices aro lower for quality than you can Had at any place In Halum. K. C. CROSS, l ,.(!tl4, etc Sold by all druggist .. Phone i: 1W8 State St.- CHICHESTER S PILLS WtfI-v . THU U1AMOMI lIUAMi. A W) 3 Vw m 1 klHrku-Ur lHamQJ Ira4V till, la 11, J J 0U .' AV toict. WW U 1 !u kiU. v rMikuauUsl.SjiU.AUTikrluLU sm ity mmsn vmmn CASTOR I A Por Infants &nd OklUrtB. The KM Yon Hm Always lht Bigaaturo of C&eSy7&4cJ&t( Tho roformor who Is so sotultlvo thnt he cannot hoar to bo called a fool has no business In politics. Ilaby Handa. Will get Into mlschlof often it means a burn or cut or scald. Apply Ballard's Snow Liniment Just as soon as tho aceldont happeut, and the pain will bo relloved, while the wound will heal quickly and nicely. A sure own for sprains, rheumatism and ail pnln. Price 25c, 50 and 11.00 a bottle Sold by all dealers. i ' O"" According to tho Loh Angoies T.niOH, "the ozar of Russia sleeps nt night In a brilliantly lighted room " Well, that's all right. The man may at timet) want to know what la bltt.v, him. Dt Witt'. Cntoliz W'loh Hnzj 1 3-ho, tkti orlglnul, U gogd for any thing when a wtlve is nefdad. aal u . ai eelallv goad for piles. Sold by nit I '.niRglris. r READY TAILORED CLOTHES FOR WELL DRESSED MEN. A.iAJfflW -(raWr V JIisKjw WJ'r PRICE RANGE &ZQ TO $40 i Portland's Popular Fire-Proof Hotel THE OREGON I Our Rathskollor Grill finest dining service in city, with Hawaiian orchestra from 6 to 12 p, m, Most perfectly furnished, Moderate Priced, Modern Hostlery in the metropolis of the Northwest. ANNEX IS NOW OPEN Oor capacity has been doubled and our free bus will hf-reafter meet trains No, 6, and train No, 12i llmitoc1, Oregon Electric that arrio in Portland at 10i05 a, in. and 4:55 p, m. M. C DICKINSON, Manager THE OREGON CI j portud. otygog- ij'fdii ir m&GtsTs wRmat "r ".,-up0..wf- .mi m,- n i w ii ilinlHHf ir"'.fr,,w"1 """""WMl