DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1900 .s,y TODAY ONLY 25c Children's and Misses' Hosiery 2 pairs 25c. Today our large hose section offers a good 25c grade of Lisle thread hosiery in one color, black only. The sizes are from 6 to 9, in two different weights, a heavy and fine ribbed hose. They're for today only and now is the time to buy as many pairs as the children need. 2 pairs for On sale at 8:30 No telephone orders received No limit buy as many as you want to Quarterly Style Book, including a 1 5c pattern for 20c 00000000000 0 CITY NEWS OOOOOOOOOOO Won 11 it" r Forecast Occasional rnln tonight mill Thin--duyj cooler tonight. I'ntroul.o Home ImluMry And try it Ia Cnrona or Don Ton cigar. Got Ahead of tho IttiHli And placo your ordum for alno wood now. I'hutio at onco to tho flpauldlng Logging Company, 2-lfl-3t Oct Ahead of th0 Ituali And place your ordora for V.nb wood now. Phono at onco to tho Spnuldlug Logging Company. 10-3t Fine Muplo mid AnIi Wood For nnlo,.ohonp, for Imiuudlutn de livery, Apply Krolm IIioh., IIiihIi Ilroymun building. Telephone Main 121. 2-lG-tf AH Ootfevs Aro (loot! Hut fiomo cofft)o nro bottor than wthors. Our an-cent coffoo, froah rousted, stool nut, with tho ohaff re moved, In bottor than tho ordinary 35 mid 40c coffoo, sold elsewhere. Yokohnmn Ton Co. Phono 07. ' 2-10-21 TImwh Aii Dii)h Whon you can't save a cent, but you can buvo innnuy and tlmo by trad lug ut Fnrrlngton's. A comploto tnblo and nui'l'ly house aiiulur ono roof mid mimagemunt. Want Two Home A anmpliilnt iiHklng for a dlvoreo. on (ho ground of dosertlon wuh Mod in tho olroult court this morning by W, W. Chirk against Ilininn O. Olnrk through hor Mtornoy. John llnyne. A lltMivy Rainfall During tho puat t hours the rnln fall hore, as shown Uy the lotwl wwllior bureau nt the 0. C. T. OoSi wharf, wm 100. un of the Iiki list rainfalls far the mine parlud till winter. Tin Willamette river niked two anil ouo-bulf feet litat night, hut U ruining up vury alowlj now. MiioruhooM .Mooting Tonight J. W. Sherwood, tttnto oununnnder of Hut Mncouhtto, ta lu tho oily ami will attend tho lotml meeting tonight of Wlllnmotto Tout N'o. U. Thuro s III no doubt bo u big turnout to hour Mr. Sherwood, na he la not only tho hottd of tho order lu tho Htnto but an oloiiuuut upoukot anil a wholo wmled gout Ionian whom all tho mom born ahoiild moot riaenn INCUBATORS 50, 150 and 200 Eqq I icubators, good as new, used but little, for sale cheap. Also new and second-hand goods, O. L. McPEEK 170 S. Commercial, St. Salem, Oregon 25 XV.d-X.AJU jmZ2KmM m,XiCCMm&lMEBE3MF Reduced I MiicrnhooM Attention IIiiHlnoHH of Importancu tonight. Statu Commandor J. W. Sherwood will bo present. All muniborH of Wil lamette Tent No. 0 and visiting Hlr KulghtH nro requested to bo present. A. 1C Hurkoatelu, Coin. Suliie Knit Hottloil CoiiHtublo Ira J lam tl ton has xold tho hogM under llio hauimur which weru the chuho of tho many lnwHiiltK brought In court by M. ChrlHtoiiHon and 1). Morgan, and the final uottlo- intuit Is now completed. The snlo brought f.lfi.fiO. Hpoclnl to Albany A Hpecial (rain of throo coachoH will loi'vo tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock from the Intersection of Trade and Commercial Htrootx for Albany, 'carrying Elka to attuuii tho ilodlcn tlou of tho now KIIh homo lu Al bany. Killed by Fulling Tree Coroner dough today received a tolephono messago from Huona VlHta, Haying that II. II. Hall, a man hoiiio 00 yoarn of ago, wuh klllud this morn ing by a falling tree. With a com rade, ho wax falling timber, and whun homo of the trouo fall that thoy cut, It Htriuik another true and Ita coiiiho lining 'lofluoted, It Htruok Hall, enmhiiig htm to death. Morn Signs of Spring County Clerk Allen wuh delighted today whon Mark Purr 22, iiindo known h'.a tloalru for a marriage per mit, Nina ChtldH, 17, being the other prlnolpul In tho mattor. Win. T. (lollor, 34. of Mill City, and Rosa A. MyuiH, 21, iiIho of Mill City, woro given marriage permit. Foil Down .Shaft. Uitlif.l Priwa l.wued Wire. Ian Frniiotsro. Fob. 17. Earl Williamson, an olllco boy omployod by the Paollle I.lthographlo Company, wan killed today lu th Oabrlol Moy rllwld building, at 311 llattorv atret. Ills body wna found at the Lottoiu of an elovator haft. and It ! Hot kuowu whether he fell In or Yns struek be the'olevator. Ills pa loaut are out of town. He hue n brother working for tho SohmlJl Mthocraphtus & Printing Co. Now wntoh Campbell Bit on tho lid Of tho olorkrthlp grntta to tho and of tho sosrtton. DniggUtH 1oUh1 on l'Unwnvi, Ucjwnm aufforora ahould ask Tho Carltal Dru Co. what kind of o porta aro b.l rocolvod from tho pa- 1 Vnt vho have hfton treating tho 1 il.ln with i oil wlntorgroon liquid n i nitundod In D D D. Proaorlp- Urns MORE NEWNESS The ready-to-wear section has on display a shipment of Ladies' and Misses' Jump er Suits. The very latest ideas are ele gantly expressed in ihese new models. Some of the things you will note at a glance are the perfect and graceful styles to our lines. These jumper suits are dif ferent from the ordinary kinds and can be best appreciated for between season wear. SHOE SECTION has on display many complete lines for spring As they're opened people seeing them exclaim "What Beauties! we won't have to send to Portland or East for die real thing." The lines are complete, from Children's to Ladies' and Men's. Don't pay for "jobbing" shoes when for the same price and less you can get clean, new, direct from the factory shoes. Remember we're backing the department with experience and ability, no experi ments, no mistakes in styles, prices or fits Boys' Overcoats and Raincoats NEARLY HAD A FIGHT BEFORE THEY FOUGHT Sun Francisco, Fob. 17. Tommy flurns and Jack Johnson camo closo to a clash bfforo tholr big light nt Sydnoy, An .tralla, last Dccombcw accardlng to Information received todny in a letter written by Sam Fllzpatrick, Jobn'eon mnnngor, to n local acquaintance. Fltzpatrlck said In part: "Burns, MclntOBh, Johnson and inynolf mot nt tho Challls TIoubc Sydney, thro dnys boforo tho fight fot tho purpose of picking n rcforec, and tho mooting broko up without any progress being mndo. Sovoral namos ,woro mentioned, but thoj named by Johnson did not suit Burns mid vlco verba. Without nny warn ing IhiriiH reached ovor for a lago li-kBtand to lot go at Johnson. Mc Intosh grabbotl hl hand, and thou Tommy picked up a chair und told Johnson ho would kill him boforo ho got out of tho room. Aftor Mc intosh got the chair away from him, Ilurnu put hlu hnnd In his hip pock et, nnd said again thnt he would kill Jihnion. All this tlmo Tommy was pouring out t lino of nbuso on Jack that would not look "good lu print. JrhiiHon kept hU bond, and all ho w.ld In reply was, 'Tommy, you'ro a gentleman.' Ab Tommy continued In a murderous mood, Johnson's oyoa anupped and he Bald, 'Don't hold him, Mc, lot us soe what he will do,' Hut Molncoih waB thinking of tho not ing event nnd heavy advance snlo of tlckots, and would not let go. Final ly Mclntooh opened tho door nud got Ihirns out Into tho hallway and thv.ii Into his automobile. During the rumpus Hums told Johnson that tho crowd would mob him, whothor hu won or lost, and In roply to that Arthur snld ho would Just aa boou die In Australia aa anywhoro else." . o To Start Paving Again I Within aboMl 10 daya from now tho rook orttKhor aouth of tho city will be atarted and the atroot car com uuny'a rock oara will begin hnullns eruahed rook to the Inturseotloua of Slate street and the atroota to be IHiviMl on the north. Mnny of the quarry men arc of ho opinion tho .South Commeicinl atroet brldgo will i not atnnd up undor tho heavy atra'.n J of four carloads of rock. They claim tlmt eruahed rock tnkou from the quarry weigh 700 pounds to tho . cubic yurd and that tho oars hold at 1 yimK which would make tho tota! , weight of thi contontB of one car 111,200 pounds, nnd tho weight of tho dump car la also to bo considered. Tho uwual amount hauled at what la called a Ion I would weigh 04,800 pound, nnd the oxtra hoavy weight jf th car would neciWltato somo tUlug very aubtantlal to hold It up. Tho ftrt load will probably bo start ed down tho South Comniarulul atrvet Ulll and over tho brldgo alone, to experiment aa to whether It would bo nf. to hook the b'g work car oa. T"B TRIPLEX nAa Four HagH In Ono. Simple, strong, stylish, serviceable. Flrat U'b n pur. A twist of tho wrist and It'a tv handbag nud luutdc portfolio combined. Unroll a bit fur thor and you havo a .small- utchol. For aalo by Elsto L. Ooadhiio, agent. Phono 768. 3,.16rlmo wMKST7Lb UNSEXED, SHE ASSERTS HER 'SEX United Preis loused Wire. New York, Feb. 17. "No darning of stockings or marketing for vege tables for mo," declared Mrs. Leslie Carter today,, apropos of Miss Mar garet Illlngton, giving up tho stag and her theatrical husband because tho wants domesticity. "Tho elrl who nivos un a brilliant opportunity to venture into the un ctrta'n realm of home is taking a big rl&k," was the tltlan-tresscd actresJ next revolutionary declaration. I "Do men appreciate tho lovo of a little home flaying domottlc inouie, as they do that of a brilliant, brainy professional woman? No, they lo not. Mbn want change; they wnnt something now. Tho laughter and Mnltts and the glamor are their henrta' doslroa. Thoy don't want to lp confined to the ondloss monotony of n home, with Just ono woman In It "Thoy love the sparkle of eyes, tin gleam of wlno, tho fascination of th variety that comes and goes, goes and comes, constantly. Times have c'mnged. My grandfather and g-nndmother lived together G8 years and died within six weoks. Dut it Is different now Men don't wnnt the tedium of fcir twin a re walls. "Children arc a nuisance. Dally routine Is a bore." Mrs. Cnrtoi wanted it understood, however, thnt this was In no way n cilttclsm of Miss Illlngton's views. THE CHASTE JOSEPH NOW EATS HUSKS (United Press Lonscd Wlro.) Chicago, Fob. 17. Aftor an ub Hur.cc of four years during which he abjurod his political party to enst bin lot with socialism, Joseph Mcdlll Pat terson, grandson of Joseph Mcdlll, founder of the Ch'cago Tribune, to day resumed ,hls duties as sccrotary of tho compurv publUhlng tho pnper. Four yoars ago Patterson loft tho Trlbuno nnl edited n Socialist paper. Ho also served at a commit s'onor of public works under Mnyor Dunne, whom ho mipported during Dtinno'fl mnyorallty campaign. o The Man Who Eats Well And Knjoya Food Live Mfc Aa Ho Should and Got the Most From It. Tho man who eats Is the man who works, and tho man who works 's tho mnn who wins. Tlroloss workers dopond upon a storehouse of vim nnd vigor. India Is noted for U fnstors and its dreamers, Kuropo and America for their eaters and tholr workors. In Amorlcn wo have been doing nothing but work tho pnst quartor of n contury. That la why our old men say, "In my days no ono had dys pepsia." Of courio, all men In those dnyB ato and worked, now thoy work nnd oat. If eating lnterfora with business, men give up oatlng, This Ih good logic for tho dollar-getter, hut io.r wUdom of a man who loa'ly wants to live. Abuse of anytbliix God-glvon 't mlta In puulahmont, and man li a p'gmy whon It oomog to cheuMig h's system. It you tnke from the yetem that which is Intendod should remain, or put Into It that whloh ' 'ntonded should be kept out, you nre oheatng youraolf, and oonor or letrr pay Mio penalty. Stuart's Dyapc;Mla Tablets aro con centrated vegetable and fruit ea tenere whloh give the system every fluid, stimulant and Ingredient nc eaenry to gn'n the fullo t strength from ovorythlug whloh goos Into tho atomnoh. or to keep from tho system everything which should not lay nnJ doony In 1L If you will cat faBt and Impropai ly, If you will drink and eat Irrogu larly aud to oxcos. then give to Na Uiro as do so enough of tho s soncot she demands to noutrnllzo tho bad offecta of your habits. After a meal tako a Stuart Dy popsla Tablet, and tho menl won't hurt you or your stomach. At a midnight dinner take a Stu art tablet and you w'll sleop woll and got up without a bronth which Is tilled with tho decay of tho midnight meal. Fortify your stomach llko you do OHr bxislne-s. Fortuuos when 'o-it aui bo regained, but the atomnoh out raged, stays with .you to the finish, and you know it Is there. If you want to know what theie tablet will do. buy a package from any druggist, pr'o SO cents, or send ua your nanio and address and we w'll lend you a trial package free by mall. Address F. A. Stuart Co., 150 Stuart Uldg., Marshall. Mich. FIRST -GASU IN AMERICA OF "LESE MAJESTE" United Tress Leased Wire. Washington, Feb. 17. The grand Jury of the District of Columbia this afternoon returned Indictments against the owners and responsible editors of thi New York World arJ the Indlanapoll News, charging clmlnal libel on account of articles I alleging that there was Improper - dfcaling in tne purcnase oi mo i-uum One Indictment, with five count., I dlrocted against the New York Uorld. naming .logoph, Kulltzer, tho owner and edltor-ln-chlof: Caleb Van Hamra, th emanaglng editor, and Itobort H. Lyman.' Another indictments with seven ccunta, was returned aga'lnst tho In dianapolis News, naming Delnvan' Smith, the odllor-ln-chlof, and Chas. JR. Williams. The articles complained of referred to President Roosovolt, former Sec rotary of State Root; Charles P. Taft; William Nelson Cromwell and Dontglas Roblncon, brother-in-law of the President. The storle were published during the campaign last fall, and after tho olcctlon they drew from Roosevelt a vory vigorous reply In which he de nounced the statements as utterly un true, and It wnu nt his direction thnt the grand Juty wn Bordered to tnke up the case. Tho case unquestion ably will bo fought at every turn, nnd It probably will become an his toric nctlon. o To Adviincu Athletics. Tho teachers of Marlon county have formed nn association for tho advancement of athletics In tho pub lic schools, and the following notice Is for the purpose of oganlzlng base bull teams. All public schools, out side of Salem, aro ollglble to mom borshlp, nnd may organlzo us fol lews: Any district, or nny numbor of districts, by uniting, may Join the ni,tocla(Ton by paying tho membership fee of ono dollar, which will bo usod to covor oxponsoii. All schools north of Salem addross communications to W C. Gnuntt. of Hubbard, All soutU of Salem address W. II. Martin, of Joffcrsnn. Further Information will bo given If dcjlred by addressing the undersigned ba&obnll committee W. H. MARTIN, W. C. OAUNTT. 3-17-3t "UXCIiK SAM" AND "UXCLK DIAZ' llJnltru" Vrf l.mtn Wire Now Orleans, Ln., Fob. 17. Fol lowing tho withdrawal of tho minis ters of Guntomnlu nnd Salvador from 1,'ondurns ind Nicaragua, it wjs learned to lay from an nuthorltatlve sovrce thnt the United Stntoa gov ernment has warned the Central Amorlcan republics that any overt art would lmmodlatoly cnll down armod Intervention from thla country and Moxlco. May Adjourn Knrllor. Tho Bonato this afternoon rccon sldorod tho voto taken tho other day to adjourn tho legislature Saturday at 3 p. m. noth houses may adjourn nt an onrllor date. -o- GOVKKNOH SKXDS IN SPECIAI MKSSAGK Governor Chumborlnln sent a spa o al mosage to tho loglslaturo this afternoon, calling upon thorn to put through tho amondmont to tho con stitution, providing for stnte-aldej railroads. Th oamendmout hns al ready passed the homo, but has been hung up In the sonata. The mosuaso I-, generally locked upon ns striking a hard blow at Harrlman, and om phaslzlng the state's determination to build her own railroads. IIIIIIHHIIIIHIIIIIIIIII How Journal Readers Can Save Money T. Rend carofulh dttry dn tho I Advertising Columns In tho t Capital Journal I t H ; ' Some day you will be likely T ; ; to find a bargain advertised T that you want A prompt ro- J ply may save you money. T i Watch It Carefully J I 1 1 M II 1 1 it H 1 1 1 1 I I U H t OOOOOOOOOOO PERSONAL MENTION ooooooooooo L. M. Freoman and family, of Fu gene, are In the city, S. R. Seeley, of Clackamas county has gone to Corvallls after a short stay here. A. E. Johnson, who has been here en business has returned to his homo In Portland. Miss M. D. Evans has disposed of her mllllnory store to the Misses Mc Xel, of Portland. Dr. and Mra II. C. Epley wont to Portland this morning, where thej will remain until Friday, the guests of frienda. J. A. Chase of Alberta, Canada It visiting friends horo. Mrs. C. D. Gabrlelson . and Mrs. Chauncey Dlahop went to Huogei this morning, whoro thoy will bo en tertained by friends nt the U, of O Mrs. D. McGregor, of Albany, has returned to her home after .making a visit to hor dnughtor, Mrs. Ar thur S. Benson. Mrs. J. P. Glovor of Tumor wis here shopping today,. Mrs. A. Hickman of Turner has been visiting Mrs. L. Hickman. Mrs. Julia Lomko nnd Mlas Min nie Schwartz left for Newport today, where they will tako an outing. They are visiting friends hero from Dakota. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Jenkins wore pnts sengers to Newport todny. Thoy are recent arrivals from Minnesota ,und nre looking ovor tho country. Mrs. hi. A. Edwnrds of Seattle and Mrs. E. E. Moorohouse of Wnlln Walla, Wash., aro visiting friends and relatives hero and in Albany. McElroy's orchostrn roturnod from Alabny this morning where thoy played for tho ball given by tho Elks in their now templo last night. Among tho Salem peouplo were Miss Jennie Uooth, Mrs. Dan Tnrploy, Miss Josto Morohoad, MIssok Laurn Pugh and Ruth Hofmos. Frank W. Powers loft for Portland today, to which placo ho will move hi family eomctlmo this weok, to mnko his homo on East Ankonoy stieet. Mr. Powers hns resided here for the past 17 years, during which tlmo he hns been promlnontly con nected with tho Oregon and other nursery compnnies. Ho has gono In to the real cstaOtVbuslnoss. and has p.i olllco with AhQ Jncob-Stotn Co. MIbi M.1;D.Kvnnn leaves tomorrow for Portland whore she will bo !n chnrgo of the millinery department of SIlvorfleld'H. Don't joii think It'a alxmt time you had your eyes attended to? Stop those nem nicking Iiondaclio, that mistiness, those paliiN, etc. Obey nature's warning and let us chock tho development of that defect tilth n pair of glasses fitted by us. Accurate work guaranteed. Barr's JEWELERS PIANO TUNING lA'TKLLUS h. WOODS. 1'unlug, polishing, repairing. Ph'eSOi Norwich Union Fire Insurance Company Frank Meredith, Ilosldent Agent Oflice with Win. Drown & Co., No 29, Commercial street. MONEY TO LOAN THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Hush's Dank, Salem, Oi OOOOOOOOOOOO 0 NEW TODAY OOOOOOOOOOO For Sale Five fresn cows, also some baled hay. 1196 S. 12th straej. Phono 1171. 2-l.3t For Sale Furniture, ruga and qur talns: 1 to 4 p. m. 445 S. Capital. Winona Honham-Larklna. 2-1 3t For Snl Dry wood, bjg fir. seeHJl growth, sawed or 4-foot. Phone 1419. Call 790 State street. M. P Dennh. 2-173t I'or Sale A new bungalow, 4 largo rooms, on 17th and Belevue. In quire at 536 South 17th. 2-17-3t N3l iliw nitii'a i-' U. . ' . A'At ..