tlmmm XtX OAPJl'AL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1009 EWTORIAL PAGE -- DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL FIVE BILLS THAT SHOULD BE PUT THROUGH AT THIS SESSION OF THE LEGISLA TURE IN THE CAUSE OF PROGRESS ANDjTO BUILD A GREATER OREGON. ' The people who would love to see Oregon great want to see "Passed both houses" writ ten under each of the following bills, THE BEAN BILL THAT CREATES A GENERAL PORT COMMISSION ACT. (Has passed both houses.) THE JONES BILL FOR FREE LOCKS AND CANAL AT 9REGON CITY. (Has passed both Houses,) THE BILL APPROPRIATING $100,000 FOR THE CR'ATER LAKE ROAD. (Has passed the House,) THE BILL TO BUILD STATE-AIDED RAILROADS. (Introduced by Speaker McArthur.) THE COtfSITUTIONAL AMENDMENT FOR SAME PlfRPO'SE. (Has passed the House,) 1hmhm f it iijain iiiinnminniiMmniiitiiiiiiiifiiiiiiit laiwfiw THE CAPITAL JOURNAL k. IIOFKR, E!. and ITnp, lndepoudtnt Newpapor Itornu-tl to American 1'rliidplo. unci Ilia i'roxroM null iJorolupumont of All Oregon. rubllilKxl Kvory KyuiiImk Kxoopt Hundar, frlom, Oro. HUR8CRIPTI0N KATES. (IiiTMtlablr III Ailratiuu.) Dalljr, by r'rior, per year W.00 1'ur tnontli Dallr, by mall, por ycr 4.U) I'or month Wookljr, by mall, por year. . 00 Hlr mouth,.. COu , IWo , Wo k iiO HARRIMAN AND THE LEGISLATURE. Harrlman tolls you through tho Oregonian he will build through Central Oregon immediately, FOOLISH. FOOLISH. VAIN LEGISLATOR! How easily you are hood-winked, How many times has tho Oregonian made theso announce ments that Harrlman will build railroads through Central Ore gon? That nowspapor monopoly gets a special fast train out of Portland early in tho morning TO TELL YOU WHAT HARRI MAN WILL DO FOR YOU. Upon its sayings tho Sonato will kill tho McArthur bills to put the big stick in tho hands of tho pooplo, THE SENATE IS READY TO QUIT TOO QUICKLY . Orogon is to do nothing to holp horsolf, It is, hands off, doar pooplo of Orogon, Oregon is to sit down, inane, helpless, TAKING WHAT IS OFFERED AND GETTING NOTHING. Of couiso the Sonato will kill tho McArthur amendment to onablo tho pooplo to holp thomsolvos, WHAT BUSINESS HAVE THE PEOPLE TO HELP THEM SELVES? All thoy mo ontltlod to is somo chonp nowspapor promises of railroad building. REAL RAILROAD BUILDING IS NOT FOR OREGON. It Is enough to Imvo a paper railroad onco In a whilo, 1 THE MARKETS HAN FRANCISCO MA H KIN'S. Hun FruuotscJO. Fob. 17 Wheat No. 1 California club, pur ountnl, $1.75ffl.77tt: Cnllfornln white mill lug, 1 1. 7 G fi 1.80; Nor.thorn bluoatem. ll.Ki V4'1.06; off grndoa whuHt. l.0fl1.70; rotlK. ft.70ri.TaK. llarloy Fooil burloy, $1.4 OCT 1.48 Ml com mo it to fair. 1.361 1.40; browing, at Sun FniuuUuo. numliml ut. ft. 46V 1. CO; ohevnllor. ll.KOCPl.GO, according to iiualUy. MONEY la olthor Idle or ludustrlous. Idle money U carried In tho poekot book or ia kept about tho house. Not only dooa It not onru any thing but It Is soon gone. Indus trlous money la ihnt which la onrn lug n fair roturn. It ndda to It solf couBtantly. A savings account la a good example, and yot tho wholo dopoult la available when wanted. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Capital National Bank Kkkh I'or dozun. California froah. Including ciiHOH, ox trim, 2 Do; firsts. S8c; huvoiuIh. S7o; third. 20 Ho; piiliuta, select, 'i 7 V o. lluttor Tor pound. Calif ornlH TruHli, axtniH, SGo; firsts. 38o; seo onds, 30y(u; storage CtillfornlH x lrt. aaWto" Indian, warns. SUVio. t'w Cliwwo I'or pound, Califor nia flute, fancy. 14 Vie; first. 1214c; atraoiida. 11 14; OwllforntM Young Amotion, fancy, iftfeo; finite, He: Hablurii Now York chttddnrs. fancy, 17o; Oregon flats, fancy, llftc; do Youug Amotion, fancy, lGHo; Cali fornia storage, fancy, flats, lie; Ore gon flata, fanoy. HVio; do Young Amerlou. Itio. Potatoes I'or cental, rlvor whltoa. $ 1.65 tf 1. GO; Lompoo llurbanka. S; do Salinas, $1.75w &; do Orogon, l.G6fr l.SB; sweet potatoes, par orato. 11.60; do por souk, 1125. Onlona Por tiaok. Orogon, 2 26 Qrungoa Navola, standard. 11.26 412.26 puV box; fanoy, 2C2.60: rangorluoa. half orungo boxoa. lw 1.50; MoudarliU'H. por box, 75ctjl. PORTLAND MAItKKT. Wheat Truck Prices. Olub 92c Illuestem , 11.06 Turkey Rod 95n Hod Russian 90c . niiey , .,... 9 dc Flour, j Patents 5.25 Straights f 4.20 Exports , 3.90 Vulltyr 15.00 Qrahnm. 1U snek ...4.40 Wheat, wholo 4.65 Ryo 15.50 Unrloy. Feed 250 Hay. Wlllamotto val. fancy timothy 1G. 00 Wlllamotto val ordinary. .. .13.00 Mixed 18.00 Eafitorn Orogon, fancy 20.00 Alfalfa 16.00 Clovor 13.60 MIllHtltffH. Dran 2G.C0 Middlings ,..33.00 'OWT1 Hnort8 country ji.uu i Shortfl, city 30.00 unop , ".uu CIlCCMJ. F. C. Twins lEOlCc F. 0. Trlplotfl 15HlGc Young Amorlca 17c Croam brick 18 020c Swiss, block 1820c Llmburgqr 18 20c DrcftNcd llcatn. Hogs, fancy 7 08c Hogs, ordinary G 7c Picnic 10c Hogs, largo 5c Voal, oxtra 910o Voal, ordinary 7 8c Voal, heavy Go Mutton, fancy flfl7c Cottago roll lie Drenkfast 16 021 c Rogular short cloars, Bmokod...l3c Ditto, unsmokod 12c Clear backs, unsmokod 12c Cloar backs, Biuokod 13c Shouldors lie Poultr)'. Chickens, mixed 12 & 13c liana, fanoy 13 40 Ho Roosters, old 10c llrollors nnd fryers lGQ17o Dressed poultry, 1 cent pound high er. Ducks 15 01Gc GeoBO, llvo 10 lie Turkeys 17 018c Droasod 20023c Hotter. Fancy 35 037c Choice 30o Storo 18020c Kgg. Extras 40042c Bnaturu . .' 30035c Potatoes. Iluylug prices, per cwt. . 8Oc0125 SweotB, por cwt , 2.25 Frosh Fruits. Ontugoa 2 03 Tungarlnos, box 1.75 Lomona 3.0005.00 Grnpos, orato G07 Pors, box 75o0l.OO Crunborrles, barrel ..14.00015.00 HananuH. pound C 0 5 Mi Onlona, por cwt 1.25 01.60 llctnll Market. Flour, por saak 1.25 Kastorn Orogon 1.50 llrnn, por sack 95c Shorts, por sack 11.35 ff 1.50 Wheat, por bu 1.05 Rolled 29.00029.50 Drowlng 27.50 Oats. No. 1 whlto 33.00 Gray 32.00 Oats, per bushol 50(??)55 Choat, por ton 16.00 010.00 Local Wholesale Market. Whoat, por bushol 90c Onts, por bushol .'..45c Flour, nnrd whoat 5.00 Flour, vnlloy 4.25 Mill food, shorts '. .... 32 Mill reed, bran ., 30 Hops, 1008 crop 6 0 7c Hops, 1007 crop 2 03c Chtttlm bark 3 05c Wool, coarse 13c Wool, medium 15c Mohair 20c Hay, choat 13.00 Hay, clover 12.00 Potatoes, bushel 40045c Apples, bushol 5Oc0l.OO Onions, per cwt ....86 090c Prunes, por pound 14 0 4 Mc Crnnborrles, Howe's variety, bbl 13.00 All Physicians Must prescribe some- of tho In gredients that are contatnod In Hood's Sarsaparllla-for all trou bios of the bloodj stomach, kid noyrand liver. Thoy includo earsaparilla, fitlllingia, yellow dock, gentian, wild cherry bark, mandrake, dandelion, juniper berries, pipsisscwa, etc. The combination and proportions aro oar own formula and giro power to euro beyond tho reach of any other prescrip tion or substitute. That's whv It la wiao to get Hood's and only Hood's. I'nyH Somo Tuxv George Marshall, the man who pays the taxes for tho WeyorhauBer Land Co., tins been in the city for tbe past few days looking over tho as sessments of the land owned by the Wcyerhauser Company In Marion ccunty, and yesterday Mr. Marshall drew a draft In favor of II, P, Min- to for tho sum of 2705,40, cover ing the amount of taxes for 190S .Mr. Marshall began his tax-paying excursion nt tho south end of the stuto and Is working systomntlctlly toward tho north, taking in ovary county in which thero is property owned by his company, o Ask Yourself the QucnUoii. Why not uso Chamberlain's Lini ment when you havo rhoumatlsm? Wo fcol euro that tho result will bo prompt and satisfactory. It haB cured others, why not you? Try It It costs brut a trifle. Prlco 25 cents; lnrgo size, 50 cents. For sale by Dr. Stono's Drug Storo. WORK THAT TELLS. Plenty of It Has Been Done Right Hero in Salem. Cures that lost are cures that tell. To thoroughly know tho vlrbues of a mcdlclno you must Investigate tho cures and seo If thoy provo perma nent. Doan'a Kldnoy Pills stand this test, and plenty of proof exists rlgbt hero in Salem. People who testified years ago to relief from backache, kldnoy and urinary disorders, now dcclaro that relief was pormanont and tho cura perfect. How can any Salora sufferer longer doubt tho evl donco? Mro. B.,Bchrclbor, 660 High streot Salem, Orogon, sayBt "Tho good re ports I heard concerning Dean's Kid ney Pills Induced mo to procuro n supply at Dr. Stone's drug storo. I had been suffering from backache, which not only troubled mo througa tho day, but broko my rest at night. I began to fool tho beneficial effects of Doan'a Kidney Pills after I had taken a few doses.' I soon received n comploto cure, nnd thoro has been no sign of tho backache or any other symptom of kldnoy complaint since. I am only too pleased to let others know of such a valuablo and effec tive remedy as Doan's Kidney Pills. ' For salo by all dealers. Prlco TO cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, Now York, sole ngents for tho United StnteB. Remember tho name Doan nnd tnko no othor. tMH44--rliyijr HOW TO OPKRATK A MOVING PICTURE ALCIIINE AT HOME. How to Rent or Duy a Moving PIcturo Machine. How to Mnko Dig Monoy nt Enfortnlnmonts nnd Amusements. How to Obtain Positions Which Pay 35 por Wook. How to Dccomo a Finished Oporator. Wo Olvo Instructions That Aro Slmplo nnd Interesting. Wo Havo tho Newest Mothod of Teaching by Mall. Wo Sond You, on Receipt of 1.00, Comploto Instructions. Wo Teach Operators How to Pass All Examinations. We Reprcsont tho Leading Film Exchange Remittances to Independent Theatrical Exchange, -IOO, -101, 403 W Ilurko Uulldliig, Seattle, Wiwli. WARDEN SCHOOL OF OPERATORS Z HtflOHHH lHllC HHHIHH HH lfHHOHHfi i i I y 1 Fl f ll im-3 ' ; ; fyAi iS i i if i hhbmbm ll vTslHIBHH it I I '' I The irom. tight cm protects I It against impurities and deterl- oration never sold in bulk. ) Bw H Your crocor will grind It I hotter if ground at homo not I j too flno. I I : PHIbHbMMbbbbbMbMP i l4lPI)llltltllltiai4lVH4l4-W-r4t4C4-rOII A BARGAIN FOR SALE Modern im proved home. N e'w houses building in im mediate vicinity. An opportunity for right party or an invest ment. Address,' Capi tal Journal. lllmt8f!lat4-C-H HH-4H 4H-Hiif inttni iinminiimnian f iiiii For Weak Kidneys Inflammation of the blad 4f, urintuy troubles and acVache use DWitt's Kidney and Bladder PUla A Week's Trial For 25c IC C. DWITT & CO., CUUmq, tu. SOLD RV ALI DEALERS. BUNGALOW THEATRE Portland. Or, Phonos. Main 117, a; 4224 Kinplre Thoatro Co., (Inc.)!--I.068o . Geo. L. Unker, Gonoral , . . Manngor. VH'k Coiiuuoiirtiig Sunday Mutiiuv, J Fobruary 11, 1001). lhaunlug Pollock's drHiuattzatlon of tho widely road novol. In the Bishop's Carriage $ Hy Miriam Mlchclson. Au played by Josslo Dusloy. One of tho best stock plays over written. 6 Kvenlng Prhi- 115, :W, SOc Matinees tn, 2."5c. Matlneo Saturday. Next wook, "Tho Collogo Widow " First tlmo In stock. All mull orders, or by wire, recolvo prompt and careful nttonttou ii Greatest Combination Offer I ttamfiiMKtimt4M; LlMK-Sl'IJMIUR SOIjUTIOX Niagara, the tried and proved 32 teat Prices on appli cation. Special No. 2, guaran teed 30 tost, at 6.60 per 0 gallon barrel, full measure at Salem. Made only by Oregon Spray Gas Co.. Portland, Or nood Rlvor Spray Mfg Co. Hood Rlvor, Or. On Sale at Salem by H. P. Chase, succes sor to Chaso & Skalfe. Goldai Rule Hazarr. Mrs. D. T. Swart, proprietor. I NINE NEWSPAPERS A WEEK FOR FORTY CENTS A MONTH The World- Dally Capital Journal and the Thrlce-a-Week New York -the grontost Newspaper of Its Typo. It always tells tho news as It Is, promptly and fully. Road In every English speak ing country. t has Invariably been tho groat effort of the Thrlce-a-Week World edition of tho New York World to publish tho nows Im partially In order that It may bo an nccurato reporter of what has happened. It tells tho truth, Irrespective of party, and for that roaon It has achieved a position with tho public unique among pa purs of its class. If you want tho uews as it really Is, subscribe to the Thrice-a-Week edition of tho New York World, which comes to you every other day except Sunday, and is thus practically a dally at the price of a weekly. THE THR1CE-A-WEEIC WORLD'S regular subscription price Is only 1.00 per year, and this pays for 166 papers. We offer this unequalled uowspaper and i Daily Capital Journal three months $1.20 Daily Capital Journal six months ' $2.35 The abovo offer Is only good for Strictly Cash in Advance. Send check, draft or postal note or pay at office of Capital Journal. No agent's commission allowod on theso terms. Send remittance to E HOFER, publisher Dally Capital Journal, Salem. Oregon. HIIIIIHIHHH1 iUrtNIIHHHHHmiUHtHHaHKIIM