K .' "J O ' I1 xTTnv...wcnmTAnV'1'7 100 $ FIRST EDITION 3 ?s M. SECOND EDITION 4 P. M. I Muraal 3T -. . ''":' r. VOL. XLX. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OKEGOV, WEDNESDAY, FEIHIUAUY 17, 1000 NO. 40. SIX THOUSAND KILLED IN EARTHQUAKE THE CRATER LAKE ROAD BILL IS HELD UP IN THE SENATE THE GOVERNOR SENDS IN SEVERAL PERTINENT VETOES CRATER LAKE ROAD IS HELD UP AND SOME SUGGESTIONS ARE OFFERED Governor Chamborlaln sent two vetoes to tho sonato this morning. Ono was against a bill extending nor tl'.om and mlleago to sheriffs for con veying porsons committed to all state Institution!) on same torms ns they now receive for taking prisoners to the stato ponltcntlary. Tho other was aaahiBt a bill to protect salt water crabs in Lincoln county, for tho rea son that It allows CO to bo takon each day, regardless of bIzo, by ono por tion, but prohibits tho shipment of the crabB out of tho county. Two Moro Vetoes. Govomor Chamborlaln returned scnato bill 38, extending the same mileage and per dlom that shoriffs now rccolvo for convoying prisoners to tho penitentiary to all comm't- mentB to other stato Institutions, with his veto. Also sonato bill 9-1, tn protect salt wator crabs In Lin coln county. S. D 71, fixing salary recorder of V'ashlngton county. Passed ovor veto. S. D. G8, for sterilization of crim inals. Passed. S. D. 123, salary troasurcr of Har ney county. Passed. S. D. 34, Ollvor, on regulating ro f I !! !! OHltli fllHHlfllHHHH ! 150,000 Yards! II OF WASH GOODS ! NOW ON SALE jj Our Spring showing of wash goods is the greatest as sortment of staple and fancy wash materials that was ever opened up in Salem. They comprise all kinds of dress ginghams, staple and fancy calicoes, wash waist ings, white goods of all the rest. The prices run from 4c a yard and up. We are here with the goods. ii Newest Spring Dress Goods f Now on exhibition 10,000 yards of the latest novelties in dress goods now on sale. All you have to do is to come to our store and look through this mammoth stock we will leave the rest to you. The ladies of high class taste say they are the most beautiful goods shown in this part of the world. Price yard, 25c, 35c, 49c, 75c, 98c and up to $2.50 a yard. porter Supremo court Creates dep uty PttSB4d. Iloltllm; l'p Crater Ignite. Smith and Nottingham, on tho son ato ways and means committee, are scld to be holding up the Crntor Lake road bill to force tho houso to accept tho Smith of Marlon bill cre ating one normnl school for Portlnn.i and abolishing tho thrco present schools. An effort will be mado thin afternoon to tnko tho bill out of the hands of tho committee, ns It has votes enough to put It through tho sonato. It passed the house about four to one. COFFEY FOUND GUILTY . OF ACCEPTING BRIBE (United Press Leased Wire.) San Francisco, Fob. 17. Ex-Su-porvlHOr W. M. Coffey today was found guilty of ncccptlng n brlbo of M00O from tho United Railroads for his voto in favor of an ovorhcad trol ley franchise Tho Jury was out halt nn hour, nnd Locarno unnntmous ns to Coffey's guilt on tho third ballot. Coffoy, who was formorly a hack drlvor, was elected miporvlBory un der Mayor Schultz. Ho was on tho Infamous boodllng board, and was gt anted Immunity by tho graft prose cution In return for testimony which may connect the officials of tho United, Railroads with offorlng bribes. Coffoy was placed on tho stand in tho trial of Tlroy L. Ford, chlof coun sel for tho United Railroads, but re fused to become "a good dog," and, gave hucIi unsatisfactory testimony i that lio was forthwith indicted. i Tho boodl'ng supervisor has boon nn trial scarcely moro than two! weeks, In strong contrast with tho trial of Patrick Calhoun, president 01 tho United Unllroads, who b charged with offorlng n similar brlbo to one of Coffcy'B fellow supervisors. Calhoun has boon on trial near six weeks, and only nlno tomporary Jur ors to try hint aro now in tho Jury box. Coffee was rlod boforo Judge Dfiinuc, who continued tho caso to rebrunry 27 for sontenco. Tho poh alt for tho crlmo Is a seutonco of from ono to 14 years in states prison. WOMAN SCREAMED ONCE FOR GOOD Juneau, Alaska, Feb. 17. A. wo man's shrill scream for help In at tracting tho attention of tho crow aboard tho steamer Northwestern, was tho mount of saving n party of six who woro drifting hclplossly at sen In a disabled Bchoonor near Llt unya liny. Tho Northwestorn arrived from Valdoz last night, bringing tho sur vivors, who woro plckod up after having boon at tho mercy of tho ele ments for nearly a wcok. Tho par tv, consisting of Chnrlos Ilyron, Dan iel Wagnor, John Flnloy, Louis Jor dan, C. Luknn nnd Mrs. Lukan, had hron on a prospecting trip and had started for Valdoz in tho schoonor Nggct, when thoy woro cnught In n storm. Tho bont soon bocamo dis abled and drifted helplessly. Whan picked up the occupants woro ex hausted nnd halt starvod. In ancondlng tho rope ladder tho Hteamor, Louis Jordnn lost hii Ik Id, and, falling Into the rough sen wnB drowned. SIXTY VILLAGES DESTROYED II WESTERN PERSIA EARTHQUAKE OCCURRED JAN 23. NEWS OF DISASTER ONLY REACHED THE PERSIAN CAPITAL TODAY (United l'ross Loasod Wiro.) Tohoran, PorBln, Fob. 17. Sixty villages woro dostroyod nnd GO 000 persons lost their lives In an oarth quako In tho provtneo of LurUtan, In Western Prussia, according to mos sages rocelvod hero today. Tho tem blor occurred on January 23, but, owing to dolnys by tho provisional authorities, news of tho quako did not reach tho capital until today. According to tho rocords of tho lo cal sulsmogrnph vlolont earthquake shocks wero rocordod on Jnnuary 2$, nnd roports wero rocelvod from oth er observatorlcH of oarth wavos, but the- lniutlou of tho disturbance could r.ot lit dctet mined. Tho government has Issuod ordort to tho various dopartmonta roquoot Ing further Information ub to tho no cosslty of food, clothing and medical supplies, Seismic InstrumontH showed that tho tromblor wns moro vlolont than that occurring In Slchy and Calabria In southorn Italy. At least 12,000 cnttlo woro killed. Refugees tiro still flocking to Hurl Jurd, according to luto dlspntchos. Tho quako covered un ouormous area which was sparsely populated, but It In roported that tho greatest loss of llfo was along tho Bhoro of tho Persian guff, tvhoro noarly ovory vtllago In tho province wait ongulfod. HOUSE PROVES TRUCULENT TO HARRIMAN INDEFINITELY POSTPONED M'ARTHUR BILL FOR COMMISSION TO PROBE THE MONOPOLY THAT PREVENTS DEVELO PMENT OF OREGON MANLEV ROASTED BY IKE BINGHAW Charging that A. II. Manly, an ox representative. wiialioldlng up senate bill No. Gfl. requiring heavy bonds from title guarantee companies, Sen ator ninghnm throntonod to pill Hid lobbyist out of tho houso. Assistant Doorkoopflr Hlngor got betwoon tlto nion as thoy rushed together and pre vented either doing tho other nnyl physical Injury. An Immense- crowd gathered around tho two men. Hlng ham denounced Manly nnd declared If ho was pot removed from tho houso lid would roiiluvu him. Tho Honntd bill foforfoil to upplloB to suroty com panies having 1100,000 capital stock nnd requires n jffiO.OOO bond. SAETEY APPLIANCE BILL PASSES i t x I I Salem's Silk Zlousei Is here with the goods, the newest and latest shown anywhere in America. Foulards, Fancy Pongees, Lou saines, Poplins, Duchess Satins, etc., in all the latest shades. Price yard, 25c, 35c, 49c, 65c, 75c and up. Suits and Spring Millinery Now on sale at prices that will please you. The house o' roprosentat'vet last night summarily killed, without de bute, tho McArthur bill for u com mission, to serve without pay, and piobo luto tho ronsono why Central . Oregon languishes under the wither ing grasp of Harrlman dog-Iii-tln-' ii.anger policies. I Tho bill was a companion to tio McArthur amendment to tho const! ttitlon that paeed the houso, but is smothered In tho sonato, whero It Is nevor to be even roportod. Dally the Orogonlan ln full of cartoons and leading article promising Immedi ate construction of linos through Central Oregon Tho legislature easily buncoed Sfflrfa Si VR ioitiiiiinitHiitiBiimmi8iinfS ABSTRACT BILL WAS SCALPED BY CAMPBEL Hughe got hlH bill for uutomntlo Bhutoff gun Jets In hotels and public building ruuoiiHldorod this morning. Carter mad u hard fight for the bill, as did Iiraudou. It wa a bill to pre serve life and lit the Interest of lui mauity. Millar or Jackson said It waa a bill to protect property from doHtniotlou and wive Uvea Jatw mado a fleroa personal attaok on Itughos nnd tho Uamphull automatla bns Jet Inven tion. Hughe roaentad the attack and udvanuud toward Jaeger, who toudured due apology. Jones of Lin coln and I'ntton defended Hughos as an honorable man wnu had been un JiiHtly iiKsalled on the floor of tho house. ISaton aald he ..uhl vote for tho hill but believed It ought to bo kill ed. I.olibrfat hail been at him and hu promised to voto for It as n per sonal mti(r. After he gave his promlae he was shown u list of per sons Interested In tho Campbell auto matla and said tho bill ought (o bo killed. Ortou said nobody had lob. Dlod with n I m and as Mr. Hughes' charnoter was attacked ho hellovod the bill should bo pastiod, and It wns. Campbell punctured Brooke's bill to regulate abstraat companies. It showod that big oorporatioaa would be on velvet under this bill, while in dividuals woro on the rocks. It would reake abstracts cost many tlmea what they cost now. lie objected to going Into committee of tho whole to patch up DImtck pointed out another fea ture that was fatal. Between tl.o two, Drooke'g bill looked as If the dogs had been chewing It. If thoy had to put up a surety bond'lt would tie up property needlessly. "Every body Is human. It Is human nature te charge moro whenever yow oan. If you want an abstract, go to a re aponslblo man and get it, and you take no ohanooa." Ilean gave tho bill a shaking, throw It up In tho air, caught It when It oamo down, and wiped up the earth with tho naughty monopolistic measure. (The ro portor misunderstood Beau as he really made an argument for tho bill). Patton gave the bill I la death blow, and moved the previous qnw tlon. On roll call It' had only 22 friends, and Campbell bad another tcalp to bis belt. SO HPHCIAI. COINS FOJl YUKON' HHOW r United I'ri (.raied Wire. Seattle. Wafch., Fob, 17-Hpeolal ocliis commemorating tho Alaska- Yukon-Puoltlc exposition will not bo coined by tho United Statea mlnU acoordlng to a lottor reoeJvQd today by George 13 Hoob, wcretary of tho Commercial Club of this city, from Senator Pile, of Washington. The lett-r waB In roply to a re. quoat sent by tho club to tho treas ury department, asking that 600,000 nqvenlr half dollars bo struck off. MiV nqviuiHiy uiiujiyiuruu uiu piun, atfftlng that tho slniriUjUy oud uni formity of oui coins nuT bo guard tcl wjth tho greatest care, Tho Co I imbian half dollars aro said to hnvo boon tho causu of much annoyanco to treuBiiry department officials. Senator I'llo statoa that tho post-luaster-geuorai has Informed him that an exhibit for tho exposition Is now undor preparation, which will bo a eomplote stamped onvolopo fac te ry, the design mod to bo comniom o utlvo of the exposition. o Anothor rnxllgal Hum IU'tumwl Jo X. liryi'ti, tho well-known and puimlar printer and all-round good f!iow la back from u pilgrimage to the Nevada .doserL Jo roporte things as a llttlo dull lu that section. of trio country, and fVjtfad to get .back to the land of4 rain and rosos. Jo Is tho last or th,o Salem bunch t6 re turn from tho gold country. IS I UltUH. sj y ftu&&tsTS nrnwcjc