,,23. .L . 'ff y 1 aismmmmmmsi -kJ , ., - - II BMSI Mi ! aBli ill wWMpwiiiNil,,l iaaMifta 'i m iMunri' T"BiririwrTnTrn-irr"'TffHMM--0--iii r"T""r' " J " 2 "TAILY OAPJIVLL JDUIlNAli, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1000. EDITORIAL PAGE - DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL FIVE BILLS THAT SHOULD BE PUT THROUGH AT THIS SESSION OF THE LEGISLA TURE IN THE CAUSE OF PROGRESS AND TO BUILD A GREATER OREGON. OLD OREGON FLIES WITH HER OWN WINGS inimitiitiittituitititititif it i? ittTfriT'fH ifififiiifmfiftfiifififififfofriyi mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmKmmm The people who would love to see Oregon great want to see "Passed both houses" writ ten under each of the following bills, 4 A THE BEAN BILL THAT CREATES A GENERAL PORT COMMISSION ACT. (Has passed both houses.) THE JONES BILL FOR FREE LOCKS AND CANAL AT OREGON CITY. (Has passed both Houses.) THE BILL APPROPRIATING $100,000 FOR THE CRATER LAKE ROAD. (Has passed the House,) THE BILL TO BUILD STATE-AIDED RAILROADS. (Introduced by Speaker McArthur.) THE CONSITUTIONAL AMENDMENT FOR SAME PURPOSE. (To bo submitted to vote of the people,) fc&WWWff4MllHlllllm THE CAPITAL JOURNAL K IIOFKR, Ed. and Prop. Imlcpotnlont NotT'pipvr Dorotcd to AtncrlcHit Principle itmU .--v wit nuiun nuit uevuiuuniuub ui All uri'KUU. rnbllnhcyl Krery II ron lug liicopt Huuilny, Eftlom, Ore 8UR8URIPTION RATES. (Inrarlablr In Atlrauco.) l)nUjt bjr r trior, jxir year W.00 l'er month Wo l)lly, by mult, ,or year, . 4.00 l'cr mouth Wo Vwsklf, by inll, por jrc'ir- '.00 Six inouthi tOo SJv lumojjftABEL THE BATTLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF OREGON. Old undeveloped Oregon was begun to be done away with by holding tho Lewis and Clark Exposition. Tho corporations and Portland got the benefit of that NINE-TENTHS OF IT. Tho timo has come to do something for the promotion of tho rost of tho state, , Tho ombargo on the Willamette river for forty yaars HAS TO BE REMOVED. Tho blockade of tho Columbia river at The Dallas has to bo brokon through, Tho natural wonders and ilie assets of scenic beauty which onrich California, Montana and Colorado HAS TO BE MADE AVAILABLE. Tho campaign cry ("Develop all Oregon," must be made tho slogan of progross all along the lino, The constitutional amendment and the citizens' commission bill to mako stato-aidod lailioads possible have got to be put thoru&h this legislature IF THE HARRIMAN PARALYSIS ON CENTRAL OREGON IS TO BE SHAKEN OFF. Those aro some of the big tilings that this legislature has still unfinished on its hands, Tho howl to stop ovorythlng in tho interest of purse-blind economy is THE CRY OF -THE ENEMY OF PROGRESS. Thoro lu oconomy that Is fatal to the best interests of the stnto and should not prevail, THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE INDIVIDUAL through edu cation AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE COMMON WEALTH by making its resomces available aro tho linos of progross for all intolligont men to pursue, THE MARKETS BAN FRANCISCO MARKKTH. Situ Frnnelsco. Cnl.. Fob. 15. "Wheat, No. 1 California olub, por Oantul, ?17a i T 1.7C; California white milling. !1.7Grjl.S0; northern bluostom, Jl.80Cfl.S5; oft grades of MONEY l.i ... .,,111. i 'ir "T1 ,i. Is olthor Idlo or Industrious. Idlo mouoy U carried In tho pookot book or U kept about tho houso. Not only dnoa It not oarn any thing tnt It la boon gona. Indus trious mouoy Ih that whloh la earn lug h fair rutnm. It adds to It aolf constantly. A saving auoount Ih a good uxnmplo. nnd yot tho whole deposit U available whuu wanted. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Capital National Bank whwU. I1.S54T1.00; Hods, J1-C7M, 0170. llurloy Food barley, $1.43 Va 0 1:46; ouinmon to fair, $1.3&Q1.-I0; browing at San Frunalsoo nomlual tit fl.-tlffl.SI; Chovallur, $1.6001.60 aooordlng to quality. ' Kgg -I'or dozen, California fresh. Including oases, extras, SSHo; firsts, SQVfco; socouds, 80o; thirds, 36c, pul Iota, svleot, 35c. Butter -I'or pound, California frwsh. oxtruH, 37c; flrstB, 33o; sec onds, 2Sc; storage, California extra. 31c; ladles, extras, 23a. Now choose por pound, Califor nia ftuta, fnuoy. 14c; flrata. 124c; California Young Amurlua, fanoy. 10ic; flrata. 16o; Kaatorn Now York Cbuddura, fanoy, 17o; OroKon flats, fanoy. 14o; do. Younn Ainorloa. fanoy 16o; California storago, fanoy flats, 13C. OroKon flata. fauoy, 14c; do. You ik Auiorloa. 16o. rotatoea I'or coutal, Ulvor whites fl.GStfl.GO; lA)mjK)c Uurbauka, 3; do. Salinas, Jl. 7501.85; do Oroson, $1.65fl.$5; Bwoot potatoos, por orato. $1.75; do. por sack, $1.00. Onlona I'or sack, Orogon, $3.36; California, $3. OrauKoa I'or box, NutoIb ataudard $1.26 2. SJ; fanoy, $32.60; Tan Kurluos, half orange boxos. $1.2 1.60; Mandarlnos. por box, 75c0 $1.35. ltmTia.NI MAHKKT. Whfrtt Tntck l'rleos. Club 93c Dlucstom $1.05 Turkey Red 9Gn Hod Russian 90c Vnlloy 95c Flour. Patonts $5.25. Straights $4.20 j Exports $3.00 Vnlloy 15.00 Graham, 1 4 sack $4.40 Whont, wholo $4.05 Ryo $5.50 IJarlcy. , Food $26.50 Rolled $29.0029.50 Drowlng $27.60 Onto. No. 1 whlto $33.00 Cray $32.00 ' Ilnjr. Wlllamotto val. fancy tlmothy$16.00 Wlllametto val ordinary. .. .$13.00 Mixed ' $18.00 Eastern Oregon, fancy $20.00 Alfalfa $15.00 Clorer $13.50 Mlllstuff. Braa $26.60 UMdHBgs $33.00 StHKU. WMRtry $31.00 Sfcortt. Uy $30.00 Chop $22.00 Glic36C P. C. TwfM 15tt01Gc F. C. Trtfttots 16Vt10o Yoax AMiwiw ... 17a CrMio brlek l$20o SwIm, bkHik l$02Oo Llmburgw 18020c Dio.vsud MvntN. Iloga, fanoy 7V4 0Sc Hogs, ordinary C07c I'lonlo '. 10c Hogs, lnrgtj 6c VohI, axlra 9010c Vwil, ordinary 708c Vonl, hoavy Cc Mutton, fancy C07c Cottngo roll lie Uronkfnst 15 021 He Regular short oloars, smoked . . .13c Ditto, unsinokod ..,,.... 12c Clonr bnokn, unsmokcU 12c Cloar baoks, amoked ....13c Shoulder! lie l'oultry. Ohtokens. mlxod 1 2 H 1 3c Uan, fanoy 13 014c ltootera, old 10c II rollers and fry or a 16017c Drwwtnl iwultry, 1 ont pound high or. Duoka 16016c aK, llvo 10011c Turkoya ... 17018c Drrtwad ......... 3O023o lluttvr. Fanoy , 35037c Oholoo ....... 30c Store ...18020c Kgfi Extras 4O042o Eastern 30035c l'otatoea. lluylng prices, por owt. .SOc0$1.25 SwootB, por cwt $3.25 Frrah Trults. Ornugos '.$3 03 Tnngarluos, box $1.75 Louions $3.0005.00 Qrapes, orato ...$6 07 Pears, box 76c0$l.OO Crauborrlos, barrel ..$14.00016.00 Uananas, pound 505H Onions, per cwt $1.3501.50 Retail Market. Flour, por sack $1.35 Eastern Oregon $1.50 llran, per snok . 95c Shorta, per sack $1.36 1.50 Whoat, por bu $1.05 Oats, per bushel 50 fit 55 Cheat, por ton $15.00 01COO Clover, per ton $15 00 Local WliolcKrtlo Market. Whoat, per bushel 90c Oats, por bushol 45c Flour, nard wheat $5.00 Flour, vnlloy $4.25 Mill food, shorts $32 Mill food, bran $30 Hops, 1908 crop 5 07c Hops, 1907 crop 2 03 He Chlttlm bark 3 0 Cc Wool, coarso 13c Wool, modium 15c Mohair 20c Hay, cheat $13.00 Hay, elovor $12.00 Potatoes, bushel 40045c Apples, bushol 5Oc0$l.OO Onions, por cwt 85090c Prunes, por pound 1 Vi 0 4c Crnnborrlcs, Howe's vnrloty, bbl $13.00 Iluttcr nnd Kkn. Eggs 35c Duttor, creamery 37c Duttor-fat 87c Cheeso, twins 15c o I'nouiuonla Follows 1a Grippe. Pneufnonla often follows In grlpo Unit novor follows tho uso of Foley's Honoy and Tnr, for In grlpo coughs and doop soatod colds. Rofuso any but tho gouulne In tho yellow pack ngea. J, C. Perry. Has one-sixth the standing timber of tho United States, or more than any other s'tnto. Government esti mate, three hundred billion fcot. A vast undovolopcd area now available to tho home-maker and Investor will go on tho market In 190D. This will bo the most lus cious melon cut In Uncle Sam's do main during tho present year. Has arablo land enough for twenty million people. Present population 700,000. Does more than any other state to advance Irrigation, being tho larg est contributor to tho United States reclamation fund. Is natural dairying stnto. Annual product $17,000,000, an Increase from $5,000,000 flvo years ago. Western portion hns pasture every month In tho year. Ranks second in wool clip nmoug tho states. HARRIMAN GOES TO TEXAS TO REST Disease Germs Cannot harm honlthy human bodlos. Wo cannot havo honfthy bodlos unloss wo havo puro blood, tho kind of blood that Hood's Sarsaparilla mnkos. Tills great medicine lias an un equalled, unappronched record for puri fying nnd enriching tho blood. It cures scroftiln, eczema, eruptions, catarrh, rheumatism, anemia, nervous ness, that tired feeling, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, general debility, nnd builds up tlio wholo system. (lot It tfxUr In tho uaM llqalit form or In chocolftUd Ublot form call! Sartt laU. Oregon apples, penrB and cherries find their way to tho tables of sov ereigns and multi-millionaires of ev ery civilized lands they nro tho best. Returns of from $300 to $1000 per aero on fruit lands are not ex ceptional. Poultry produces $5,000,000 an nually. Local market demands threo times that nmount at higher prices. Has water powers (being rapidly dovoloped) sufficient to run nil tho machinery In tho United States. Livestock in stnto estimated at $75,000,000. Packing .pinna now building InBuro a trebled market. Hns two prosperous mining sec tions, located In tho eastern and southoru portions of tho stntp gold, silver, Iron, copper nnd oil nmong tho p oducts. Hns diversity of climates nnd soils su.tod !o oory product of the tem po' mm zone not dependent upon 1 r.t nights. Celebrated AVetltllnp Anlnversnrj- Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Pomeroy nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul Stogo entertained n largo numbor of friends nt tho homo of tho formor, 447 North Lib orty stroet, Snturdny night. Mr. aud Mrs. Pomeroy celebrated their 20tn wedding anniversary, nnd Mr nnl Mrs. Stogo woro colcbrating their fourth. Do tho wlvos of tho night riders Bit up nnd wnlt for thorn? lallliallltlWIltlllH0444t-r4f-l-Hlil IUmIImI lrM I.MMttri Wire. I nirinlNRlinm. Ala., Fob. 16. K, IT. Hnrrlmnn, who, with his party, Is 13 day on hl wny to San Antonio, Tox whtre ho may remain two months to rogntn his hoalth, Is roportod to l moro III than tho gonornl public knows anything nbout. Just boforo his train loft hore yes terday the "wizard" of Wall street? brushod to ono sldo n numbor of Now York newspaper that woro of-! ferod to him. Later It was oxplnlnod that ho was too 111 to read. D-isldus; Mr. Hnrrlmnn doolnred that ho was on hie wny to Texas for rost, and did not wnnt to hoar from Wall street. A BARGAIN FOR SALE Modern im proved home. New houses building (in im mediate vicinity. An opportunity for right party or an invest ment.. Address,' Capi tal Journal. HMH-f !! WWW DftWIU'a Kidnwy and Dladdor Pl'M I'tlU r.rt tuo toat pills mado for baokaohe, weak bnok, urinary dls c.Cora. etc. Sold by all druggists. Thoro is ono advantago in looking for tho north polo. In tho faoo of tho gravest danger ono onn always koop cool. FhElLE OLD LADY Has Strength Restored By Vinol Mrs. Michael Bloom ot Lewlstown, Pa., who Is SO years of age, says: "For a long time I have been so feeblo that I have had to bo wheeled around la an Invalid's chair. I had no strength and took cold at the slightest provoca. ' tlon, which Invariably settled on my lungs, and a cough would result My I con learned of the cod liver prep- j aratlon called Vlnol, and procured a ' bottle for me. It built up my strength I rapidly, and after taking threo bottles I am able to do most of my work, and I can walk a quarter of a mile easily. Kverj" aged or weak person who re quires strength Bhould try Vlnol. I am delighted with what It has done for me." As a body builder and strength crea tor for old pople, delicate children, weak, run-down persons, and after sickness. Vlnol Is unexcelled. If It falls to give satisfaction we will re turn your money. 0. W. PUTNAM CO. HHlS)lH)lH)f 1 Unless It's a Good ! Store It Will Not Pay to Advertise It! UNLESS you know a person unless that person comes into your life in some way you are not greatly concerned about whether he is good or bad, desirable or objectionable, It's so with a store, The people who never visit It care nothing about it one way or the other, It doosn't exist for them, But when they are per suaded to patronize it when they come to turn the spot-light of their attention on it when it comes to have a part in their lives, as some stores must have in all lives thop it's different; then it DOES matter whether it strives to win confidence; it does matter whether or not its price concessions are genuine, dependable, If It meets all tests,that a good store must stand when it Is advertised when it thus invites the critical attention of people then advertising 'makes" 'the store, If it fails in most of the vital things if it proves, under the light of publicity, not to be much of a store, THEN ADVERTISING WILL NOT PAY for it will emphasize shortcom ings as well as merits, Vor these Mine rvusous It U generally assumed .that the .store which does not advertise is seek ing to avoid close Inspection and comparison, aud that tho btorv which does is courting them. T; I a)lHHrf ! tH)la)Hiiiaiillfl