HE3flNlni " :''y',lp,,'y',''t:' ' ;tlV' -"' v .--;m,mcin v.Dcmnit a nv: 1 71 nnn j. - i .i j-t"VH r., - -. ,. ,. - . '" "-- - .- ... r ..( . .. i , ,J SuTjrri. it V H MllllMWMBiTBMWBSMEKMHlMIM- -i mi, i . " ---------MBMISSi, .. , .. ..'I '. .- il.nn, II I ill MiMil - - miif liiin fi.ni ' II" i " nn lit 'H laito ii lllMMl MMMMMMHHIMiaIWMniam FIRST EDITION 3 P. yyiBcsii'!?'' ' ' ji"1 " i , A jft r - i Wl i Mil in nr MffrwliftfiftiiBSfiSttfflBBMWiBfii " TQ6tC jtilB " "! Svw SECOND EDITION 4 P. M. auraal VOL. XIX. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALKM, OREGON, MOXD.YY, FKUUl'ARY 15, 11)01). NO. 08. MARION COUN TY IN FACTIONAL WARFARE ACCUSES LUMBER TRUST OP SELLING SAWDUST FOR BRAN I LEGISLATURE IN WASHINGTON GETS DOWIHO BUSINESS OBJECTS TO TREATING AND SAYS MILL MEN ARE GIVING THE STOCK GROWERS TWO MUCH SAWDUST FOR BRAN United JrtM r.caicJ Wire. Olympla, Wnah., Fob. 1G. Tho Iioubo nnd sonnto woro both Blow In getting down to business today, Tho house did not begin work until 1:30 p. in. nnd tho sonnto was 30 minutcn Inter to start, among tho Interesting bills Introduced today was one In tho honso for tho protoctlon of llvo stock. Llvo stock Is now being placod under the protoctlon of puro food legislation. It Is claimed that since tho slump In tho lumber market tho mill ownors have boon making pretty fair profit furnishing snwdust to thn manufacturers of Block foods, end thn a considerable proportion of tin stock food now being sold in the stnto Is llbornlly adultorntcd with fir and cednr sawdust. Tho bill will (Continued on pago 8.) 10,000 YARDS OF 1909 NEWEST DRESS GOODS Now on sale. They comprise the latest novelties of Euro pean and American made goods, directoire satin effects, Louisine silk and wool effects and self stripes in beautiful rich colorings. Buy here and get the same new goods that are now shown in New York and Chicago. Price, yard, 49c, 65c, 75c, 98c and up. 10,000 Yards of the Latest 1909 Dress Ginghams Now On Sale They comprise every shade, class and kind you may ask for. Also pin checks, stripes and plaids. Yard 7 1 -2c, 8 1-3c, 9c, 10c and up. All goods sold as advertised. You cannot beat our prices. PLUNGE TO DEATH DOWN MOUNTAIN SIDE (United Press Leased Wlro.) Los Angeles, Cal., Feb. 15. John FreltaB, 17 years of ago, Is dead and Joseph Schultz, aged 19 years, 's badly hurt todny, following a wild plunge down tho snow-covorcd Bldos of Mount Wilson yesterday. me youtn, nccompnnicu oy liny mond Lcnnon, left this city Saturday night to climb tho mountain. Early yestorday, while thoy wero near tho summit, Froltns sllppod upon a plcco of Ice, nnd his body hurtled through tho air, bounding from point to point on the hillside, and finally lodged In the crngs 600 feet bolow. Schultz attempted to crawl down tho mountain sldo nnd Bcauro tho body of his comrade. Ho nlso "dip ped and fell a distance of 300 fcol, his life being saved by a clump of bushes Into which ho dropped. Lounon rushed to tho Mount Wh son hotel nnd summoned aid. Res cuers lowored members of their j.cu ty over tho cliffs nnd rescued Schultz, then, after uevoral unsuccessful at tempts recovered the body of Frel taB. WATCHED HIMSELF KILL HIMSELF BIG TIMBER DEAL ABOUT COMPLETED Alteration Sale Prices On Ladies' Coats, Suits, Shirt Waists, Underskirts, Millinery Etc. Ladies' $12.50 and $15 Suits, silk-lined and made of $1.25 Panama, now only $3.95 $18 and $20 all-wool suits made of the latest material, long coats silk lined and. sheath skirts. The newest garments shown. Now selling for only $9.90 Ladies' $1 black mercerized sateen petticoats, plaited and ruffled, only 49c 5000 yards of pretty Persian Challies, while they last only 4o Ladies' $2.00 Lingerie and Linen Shirts, 1909 newest goods, handsomely tucked, plaited and trimmed with lace, only 98c mttk Law ' Oil Jit 1 (iilli Jit tin Mil n ' ( ra vAVujK (United Press Leased Wlro.) Tncomn, Wnsh., Fob. 15. Karl Eggert, an ugod Gorman from Os kosh, WIh:, stopped to a mirror 'n his room, at tho Grnud Hotol, last night, nnd, placing a 38-cullbro re volver to his right templo, fired nod fell dead. Tho bullet passed througi Report's head, crashed through a heavy gloss window, and barely missed striking M. E. PotorRon tho hotel proprietor, who stood In the hallway. t Long brooding ovor tho donth of his wlfo, nnd tho recont suicide of h sou In San Francisco Is bolloved by the police and county coronor to liuvo been tho motive thnt led tfg- gert to tako his llfo. A book on his person shnwod that ho was a moinber of Oskosh Modorn Woodmen of Amorloa, Plnory Camn No. 37ff. It Is said that ho hud valu able property holdings In Oshkosh Ilo was aliout 55 yoars old. (United PrcB8 Lonscd Wlro.) Portland, Ore., Fob. 15. Negotia tions nro about to bo closed for one of tho largest timber deals over mado in tho Pacific northwest, tho purchnso price being approximately $ 1,000, 000. Tho sale pending Includes tho en tiro holdings on tho Columbia riv er of tho Honson Logging Company, ono of tho biggest concerns of Its kind in tho world. Besides Bomu 10,000 acres of tlm bor In Columbia county, tho deal In cludes n Bystom of logging railroads, logging camps nnd equipment to u value of man:' thousands of dollars In tho vicinity of Clatsknnlo nnd tho large log rafts In courso of construc tion ut that place for transportation to San Dlogo next Bilmmer. Tho camp In tho Bonson holdings is ono of tho largest on tho const, uovornl hundred mon being employed foiling timber nnd preparing tho logs for tho water the your round. CHAMBERLAIN SIGNS HIS CREDENTIALS Washington, Fob. 15. Sonntor Iiourno todny presented to tho sen ate tho credentials of Sountor-olcct Chamberlain, governor of Oregon. Tho document was tho shortest on record. It was u novel ono nlso from tho fact that tho credentials 'of Sonntor Chumbornllu wero signed by Governor Chamberlain himself. BILL TO RAISE . MARION COUNTY ASSESSOR SALARY BEING FORCED THROUGH BY COUNTY CHAIRMAN JONES IN INTEREST OF HIS BROTHER ON WITH NEW LOVE NOT OFF WITH OLD Tncomn, Wash.. Fob. 15. It Is persistently repnrtod bore In woll In formed circles today (hat Miss Mar garet Illlngton, tho actress nnd Uiq wife of Danlol Fronman, tho theat rical manager, will marry Kdward J. Howos, a loonl millionaire, if she Is to Bocure from nor husbnnd a dlvorco as rumored. Howes, who is u prominout club man and member of tho Chamber of Commerce, ownB lnrgo proporty in terests. Ho came hero from Oakland, Cal.. n few years ago. It Is observed, Mr Bowes' friends point out, that ho has 'been qulto attentive to Miss () ( () () () () () O O () o () ( ) ( o () ( ( () ) () () ( o ( () o () () () () () O () o o o Tnft'N Cabinet Selection. Seeii'tnry of Stiile Plilliin (ler (J. Km, Pennsylvania. HwiHnry of TreuMiry George M. Reynolds Illinois, or so n u other IIIIiioIh mini. Secretary of War Xo m lection. Attorney General George W. Wlckeihliain, Xev York. Pom muster G n e in I I'rnuk II. Hitchcock, Milfoil eluiheltN. Secretary of the Xnvy (leorgo von L. M')er, Miinmi elniM-tts. SiHtii'lnry of the- liiterloi Itlcliniil A. Ualllngcr, WiinIi Ingloii. Secretary of Agiliiulliire .funieH WIIhoii, Ioiui. Secretary of (Vimineice mill l4ilor Cliiirk'M Xngel, MIk hourl. () () () ( O O ( ( ( O o o o o o () o () ( () () o ( o ( () () () ( o () o () () () o o () o Tho bill to rnlso tho Incomo of tho assessor's ofllco in Marlon county 000 has resulted In n fierce conflict In county politics. It pays tho chlnt doputloR J900 nnd G00, respective ly, and pays tho nssOBSor $1200 sal ary at prcsont and 2300 for flold deputies. Tho total bill carrloj $4400, and It Is not tho amount asltod or tho IncrcuHO of $000 desired by tho iiBoisor for dcputlos that caus()j tho morry war In county politics, but it grows out of tho little doputyshlp at JofforBou, foj.sevornl yours held by F. E. Wall, who has glvon protty gonornl' satisfaction. For notno roa son.auMSr Fred Ftloe unpointed Precinct Committeeman J T .lottos, n brother of County Chalrmnn .Imios. Tho hnng rn'Ueil n , row. A largo dolotratlou of the biggest taxpayers In tho precinct ami tho biggest business mon demanded of the delegation In tho legislature that would hold up tho assessor's snlnry Incronso, nnd It was dono until Saturday. Tho hill was thon forcod out of tho delegation by Sonntor Smith, who took up tho battlo of his protege, County Chair man Jones, In tho monntlmo, to pacify lioth utdos, Hlco In said to havo' offered Precinct Commlttoomaii Jonos the $75 to lot go. But tho -Jones, who roprosont tho postofllco crowd, that has mm tho politics of, that oily for many yours, would n6t havo It tha't way. Thoy want tho powor to assess tho othor follows for a whllo, and nro now using tho wholo powor of tho political machine to forco the jblll through. It Is bolloved tho other salary bills will go through without objection. County Superintendent Smlth'B bill carries $300 only for of fice help whon ho Is out visiting schools, Sheriff Mlnto's bill only re adjusts tho doputy allownnco already glvon to his oftlco. MISSIONARY CAMPAIGN BEGINS TOMORROW Illlngton coma. whenever sho visited Tn- OIL COMPANY DIGS UP $50,000 WE 7r iTrJS&h AMAIN HOJWa Jefferson City. Mo:, Fob. 15. Tho Waters-Pierco Oil Company today paid to tho state by certified cheok delivered to tho olork of tho supreme court $50,000 and filed papers agree ing to accept ovory provision" of the "ouBter" decree Issued December 2 last. KING EDWARD HAS FAINTING SPELL Berlin. Fob. 15 Dosplto stronuniiH official attempts ut secrecy, It was learned today through reliable chan nels that King lid ward foil In a faint while conversing with the Princess of Pless at the British ombassy last week. It Is stated that tho king re mulnod unconscious for some time. AUSTRIA WILL FIGHT SERVIA S Good Actor, Poor Manager, (United I'ress Leased Wire.) t New York. Feb, 15. Raymojid Hitchcock, the actor, today filed a petition of luvoluntary bankruptcy in the United States district court. His liabilities were stated at $28, 249, all unsecured. Berlin, Fob. 15. A declaration of wur by Austria upon 'jBervIn early In April is predicted by the Dally Tage blutt todny. Tho Tageblatt declares that It possesses official Information that unless Rervla ceases a campaign of Insult and provocation Austria 'Mil take notion. It Is rumored that Austria sought last Saturday to obtain "tho consont of tho European powors to a tem poral) occupation of Sorvia. It Is believed thatAustrla's fnllurw to ob tain their consont rosulted from tho opposition of -Russia to tho scheme. The nagging or Servla has In creased to the point of Austria's ir ritation since the annexation of Bos nia und Herzegovina On Tuesday, tho ICth of this month, n Joint missionary campaign will ho la session In this city. It is to bo termed tho "Togethor" move ment, und will bo held in tho First Congregational church. Tho local commltteo Is as follews: Ilov. P. E. IJauor, chairman; Rot, P. 8. Knight, Mr. John M. Dayno; iu. vltntlons, Mrs. Alice II, Dodd; prosa, Mrs. Thomas Burrows; supper, Mrs. D, W. Matthows; entortnlnmont, Mrr Dan J. Fry. Tho churches tn tho Si I em group, nre: Salem First, Salem Central, Corvallls, Howolls, Butte vlllo nnd Hubbard. Tho following program has alio boon arranged: Morning Session 10 O'Clock, A dolegntod conforonco upon tho Apportionment Plan and Missionary Methods in the local church, by pas tors and church workors with visit ing speakers. Public missionary mooting Rav. Sidney Strong, prodding. 2:00 Dovotlonat exorcises. 2:15 Address by Rev. W. C. Voi zlu, C. H M. 8., superintendent of Washington und Idaho. 2f80 Address: by Rov, H. L. Hoyt A. M. A., flold worker, 245Addros by Rov. J. G. Bur gess, A. M. A., Crow ugoncy, Mon tana. , 3&0 Address by Dr. H, ;i, At kinson, A. B. C. F. M. Missionary in Turkey. 'y 3 : 5 Address by Rov. IffolplriMa Tenoy. ' 3:3,0 Address by Rev. v Bldnoy Strong, pastor Queen Anno Congre gational ohuroh, Seattle. 3:45 Prayer service. 4:00 Address by Rov. L. A. Dyott, pastor First Congregfttlon.il church, Seattlo. Hvtnln Hciuiion TtJJO. Rev L. II, DyottS.D.' D presdljrf. Addresses by Rev. G. W. Hlnman Chlnaj Rev. Sldnoy Strong, Riv. II. L Hoyt and Rev. L. R, Dyott. O r The,total numbor of Balling veesels In tho world Is double that of steam-em. GREAT STORM HITS EASTERN STATES Chlcngb, Fob. 1G. Tho wont storm of the worst year in tho last deende has paralyzed tho Mlddlo West, according to roports coming In todny from tho great plains. Suf fering and dlsustor Is widespread and n blizzard, which shows no signs of breaking away, has tho country In Its grip. Railroad transportation Is tied up; train Hchqdtilos havo boon swung awry; tologruph nnd telephones havo boon rondo rod useless In many seo tlohs und the result of demoraliza tion of nil communications Is tho Isolation of many communities, Tho wltid died down during thn night In this olty, but Chicago 's still hi the grip of 1ho blizzard. Groat damngu has been wrought throughout the city. Ono person died from the cold, und suffering In the poorer parts of the oUy Is Intense Scoros of porsonB hnvo suffered in Jurlos resulting from weak conditions and trafllc Is prnctlcally ut a stand-Ml. in MONTANA IN LINE AGAINST JAP INVASION Holoha, Mont., Fob. 1G There soiims' to ho no feollng of doubt hero that tho Morton nntl-Jnpaiicso me morial will b'o fuvorably reported by the commltteo on labor of tho houee, und that It will pass that 'branch of tlw Montana legislature. Members of the commltteo think the bill will be amondod so as to ask thut the Chinese exclusion act bo ex tended to Include, other' Mongolians, It Js probable that tho bill to segre gate Mongolian children will pass thn legislature, CONGRESS LETS KNOX GET IN Washington, D. 0., FobVlG, Af ter n special rule providing for "a re coinldorutjon of 'ho vqte, the bill pa abllng Senator Knox, to tako his plica as secretary of's'tato'ln tho cabinet of President Tuft, passed this liftemojU by a Yoto of 147 ayes to 129 noes. '.J .1 & V r I m r 0 ir )2 h