jggi j . r,iT ' ' J'.1,',:;:-.. ji!i!i!HB 8 ilLV CAPILMIi JOl'ItXAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATUItDAY, FEMtUAUY 13, 100f. fraHfgiaiiMii3Mavwfmigii cf D DRAMATIC EVENTS OF THE WEEK SOCIAL AN ittiiiaHH4cwaw-re - SOCIETY - Tho usual quietness and lull In Boclnl activity that precedes the Lou- ton season, has boon noticed the past week, and no largo or formal func tions will ho glvon in tho dnys p-c-coding Ash Wodnosdny, tho 24th Tho past wcok intorost hn contoroJ around tho contonnnry celebrations of Lincoln!) birthday, ovary political, religious and social organization hon oring lilfl motnory In somo manner Sorno ontortnlnlng will be dono next wcok, tnoitly of nn Informal nature intorost contor principally among tho young folk around tho Vnlotitlno dancing party, to ha glvon by Miss Sherman In tho nrmory Mnml.iy night. Htmlciili Hero. Although no fortnnl entertaining lins boon dono for tho students from tho Unlvoralty of Oregon, their pro--onco horo tho past wcok linn bright ened many homos. Among thoti aro Itox Turner, who entortnlns Harold Hunt nt tho homo or his pnrenls Mr. and Mrs. F, A, Turner; mIhs .Tonnlo Fry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, D. J, Fry; llnlpli Moorcs, boh of M nnd Mrs. A. N. Moore; Miss Adolo Goff, Arthur Van Diiboii and Donn Hnyo, b(lng ontortnlnod by Mr. nnd Mrs. Clifford Drown; Miss Poggy McNnlr, Rtiost of Mlim Rlono Pawk; Mls Francis Nelson, gueat of Mr. and Mrs. Ohauncoy Bishop; Harold and Or tnpnd nonn, sons of Judgo and Mrs. nS. Boon; Clornld ISnsthnm, who opont a tiny with his brothor, Prof. Kaiitham; Harvoy Hlator, son of Jildgo nnd rMs. W. T Slator; Hobort Hond ricks, gnost of frlondH and rol ntlveHj Carl aabrlolson, sou of Mr. nnd Mrs. T). 0. anhrlolsou; Mlas Madollno Walker, with hor mothor, Mrs. C. M. Walker. Moii'h Meeting. Tho rogular monthly mooting of tho Mon'n Club of tho Ilnptlst church was hold last Tuesday ovonlng, In tho church parlors. Tho club Is mado up of mumhors of the church, and business nnd professional men, who discuss practical nulijuctn nt n suppor which tho Indies of tho ohurcji serve nt 0:30 o'clock. 1 kmMmSMsl wmm U V-W 1 FBBajBB45iHesirll.V.5 .A1 CVI' M& Mr JWOBmmmc sSt'i&mmmmMm & 4nfc MammWMmSmmmMKK HHI wo.Vv ?jm9R -1 'jttHnnB. r Jmm k iHr vaRmmmmmKS?SSNB&&i PiHiH Va5i ' IN THE BISHOP'S CARRIAGE linkrr Stock Company nt ISuiignlow Tlu'ittro In Portland to Pro sent Great Pluy. !! Mm''!' Kiofimli, l.emllug Ijnly Willi CIuuIcm It. HanfOKl. C'Iiihh Pnily. . ,shldi lovers of tho Ijuglsh bard, nnd The boys of tho senior class of Usm j Ikco of the eminent nctor will not high vchool entertained (he glrk of their class at the home of Kdgnr Martin, on Cottage street. Thy en joyed tho time with nn Informal so cial time. Ilnnfoiil In Snlciii. Tho npponrnuco of Chnrlei II. linn ford In the prndutt'nu of Bhnkoa- ponrv'n "Tho Wlutur Tale," .vhlon lull to attend. This Is tho olchtli ShukFspcnronti play which Mr. Ilon-! f.'id hat appeared In In Salem, his llr t appearance being In 1002, and i plonslug announcement Is that MIh.i Mario Drofuah Is taking the loading Indy's pnrt th's yoar. linker stock company will present one of tho most fnsclnatlng nnd In tel eating plns over wrltlon for nil week commouclng Sunday mntlneo, Fobrunry 1 1, tomorrow. "In tho nishop's Carrlngo" mndo u hit from tho first time tho public found it. Originally it was n Bhort mnguziuo article, but was found so Interesting and popular that the story was extended and made into a play. In Its dramatized form the story be came even moro popular nnd tho fame of the piece as nn entertain ment oxtended from one ond of tho " r'-eiil to tho other. The central ' ir e: h M-n Older a profession al plckpockot, known professionally as ' Nan tho N'lpper." She Is about in bs arrested when she dodges into the bishop's carriage, and he, think ing she Is insano, takes her homo. She Is discovered as a criminal by n Inwicr nnd rides away in nn auto mobile after pal, Tom Dorgnn, has been discovered. The socond net sIioas the homo of the lawyer where Nan and Tom como to rob It. At the i hist mlnuto, Nan turns In tho polico alarm call herself nd when the of ficers arrlvo, they arrest Tom and 'send him to prison. -Tho lawyer un ' dertnkes to reform Nnn, and sue i ceeds. She goes Into vaudeville nnd becomes n favorite. Just as tho lnw- yor Is about to marry Nan, Tom es capes from prison and comes to her - """., wh?ro he threatens her If Bhc ' does not return to him, Tom Is n'gHln caught by uio police nnd cart ' od to Jail. The last act shows tho I interior of the police station, whore tiil the chuinclors are assembled. "In tho Hlshop's CTrrlr?"'" Is it groat at traction and cspack'lly for u stock house. o THE WIIIT?nS TALE. A record of Shakespearean suc cumaa such us no othor actor living can cIhIiii renders Charles II. Hauford a figure of Interest to the present gemiriillon, apart from tho onjoy- ! munt of his urt. Mr. Hanford has Tin uverniu uumbur of denths ,,. i, ..,.,, ,, mti. . mi...Im1 nnuiiw. comet to tlu (irnnd o.iora Iioiimo next j brouich rnllwiiy iw.ftints In Holland tlou of one of the classic mustor- ruosJny. Pebi'inry 10, Is an venl .s one n or. pieces, never hesitating at tho cost MInm Adnin'rt Itecllnl, Miss Adnms, nsslstant lustnictor of tho Collogo of Oratory of Wil lamette Unlvoralty plonsod a lnr.i?c numhor of friends In a rooltal In tlm chnpol of Wlllnmotto Unlvoralty Inst night. Mint Adams nppuarod In din lect numbers, select pooniH and h-1( -tlons from well-known' elnwilcs One of hor most plonslug numbers was i comedy, In which sho linpeiMoiiitid nl xohnraoters In an Inimitable maii utx character In nn Inimitable man Holuimway, Marguerite Mors nud Paul Auduraon, voonllst',. Cliist Paily, Tho third nnd fovth year nonildiny hoys of tho Unlvoralty 'ontorlnlnad tliQ girls of both olntsus In Wohitmi.tn hull Wednesday night. An Informal time wait enjoyed and rafroahmnnls borved. t lllrlliitiy Pnily. Mln OlndyH Hnrtholumow. of Yow Park, avo a dollghtful party 'o 12 of hor little friends on Satmdax February 1U. MltHi (lladys wan ruinoniliered wiiti many beautiful pnuentn. TIih youux ladlw enjoyed the afteninnn with rlous Kniuw nnd litlotu from tho Harmony, after whloh luncheon ,u nerved, and eaoh of tho gmmu re ceived little huartahnped bon hou boxes u u souvenir of tho dto They then depnrted wlnhlng Mtss Gladys many moro happy birthday MUs Nina McNnry'g girls' clntH of tho Buuday school of tho ttuptltt church entertained all tho clnssns of tho school Inst night In tho church parlors, A program of readings and nonga waa gUen In commemoration of . Lincoln's soutonary, and wac fol- IowihI by a soolal time. A foAturo waa tho singing of tho men's chows of IB voices,, which hai boon formed but two week, and which mado Us first publlo nppearanco nt the dcr vices last Sunday. Valentino Party, Tho l.ndlea of tho Muccabooa en tertained tho Sir Knlghta nnd friends In ilolmun hall Wednesday ovonlng Tho entertainment wua lu the nature ofj'n Valentino party. Hod hearts nnd Cupids figured In th edewra tlonu. An Interesting program of muKkml and lltomry munbora was given and lofroahniQuts sorvod nftei wards A lurge autnur h present when the test suggests sumptuous i nnd spectacular effect. Tho play se lected for exploitation this season Is "The inter's Tale." Presentations of the play have noen hnmpered In many cases by tho fact that the brief bat most effectively comic part of Autolycus requires the services of nn actor wuoso oxperlenco nnd capabil ity should not bo loss than those of tho star hlmsolf. Mr. Hanford solves this difficulty by playing both Au tolycus and Leontos, nn arrangement which tho fact that the characters I nro strongly contrasted ns well ns aepniatod by the arrangement of scenes mnkos highly advantageous. Tho role of Hcrmlono will be ns- suined by Miss Mario Drofnnh whose follcity in tho Interpretation of char- actors of this kind has won n host of ndmlrers. Hor nusenco from tho stage last season owing to illness has mado her recent apponrances tho oc casions of tho utmost enthusiasm. ' Mr. Hanford comes to the Grand I opera liouso on Tuesday, February ' 10, on which occasion ho will present Ai'tlmr Ciiniilngliniii, in "Kerry Govr, "Tho Winter's Tnlo." beats on snlo1 fJ,al"1 'a',u l,0,IHP' l,,'"ry . at box office Tuesday, Fobrunry 10, 0 a. in. ! IHE - mm Grand Opera House ,TNO. F. COHDItAY, Mgr. Tin.' i.' I'm iv rjfv I This evening at tho Grand opera house Arthur Cunningham, who In tho past fow seasons has won un tttlftltlh KAitntri 11iM tm lilt l(lat of tho bnrltono roles with tho best, SATURDAY FEBRUARY One Night Only 13 organizations In the country, will demonstrate thoroughly that ho Is also nn nctor of no mean ability nnd has been solectcd by Joseph Murphy, tho veteran actor, as his successor in his famous Irish play "Tho Kerry Gow." It will bo In this popular piny, that Mr. Cunningham will he seen In this city. Mr. Cunningham Is nbly supported by a large com pany and complete scenic production. Kodol In n combination of nil the natural d'gcstlvo Julcon found lu .i ordinary healthy rtomnch, nnd will digest your food In n nntural way. Ploasant to tnko. Sold by all drug-gists. Campbell & Cavniiagh Picvu-iit I THK IIHSII ACTOH-SIXOICK J ARTHUR 1 CUNNINGHAM In Joseph Murphy's Fnuiotm Play THK KKItltV COW Complete Production i:rellcut Cast Hear Mr. Cunningham Sin;: "Helleve .Me If All Theme Knileniliig . .Young CbniiiH." "The Ii'lslimnn'.s Toast," "Xoin Acooshla." Prices S.c lo SI Seat sale at bov olllre Sntiirdny O n. in. iw "" ' ' " "' - -v. taa aaJB J J I mmmmmZmW' LaYiaiaiiHlTf .ailililililililiaiilililililla taiiiW 1 a W. JfVl.-s H MmhVMtdimW t 1 ""l lllBHifla&aKb,n ililH! KBf' aBHt HHIlil & BaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMlaH HiiiiiiiK mmm -lmmltemmmmH& -l .mmmCSmi ijBP Ph Hr W ljfJt.CW The PtRaoNNiL c& thr Charges B.Hanford Company Bungalow Theatre Umpire Thentro Co. (Inc.) I.esseo. Geo. L. Dukor, Gen. Manager. Portland's Fashionable Popular Price PJiiyhouso. Home of the In compnrnblo linker Stock Company. "Wonk commeiu'lUK Sunday Matinee, tomorrow. Fobrunry H, 1009, Channlng Pollock's dniniHtlzatlou of the widely read noel In the Bishop's Carriage Hy Miriam Mlchalson. As played by Jesslo Ilusley. On of the host stock plays ovor written Now more popular than over. Kvory scono a gem. Production under stage direction of Dannld Ilowlos. Keiilng Prices 25, :w, 30c; Matinee, 13, i!."W Mntlneo Saturday. Noxt weak. "Tho CoUbjco Widow" First tlmo In Stock All mall orders, or by wire receive prompt and careful attention HD5OT3E$ai2212I2iIESG3M MO-HS-KS-fA-fft-MH--Hi-Ml-HI-IHMI $ Grand Opera House I Tuesday February 16 i Engagement of tho Eminent Actor MR. CHARLES B. HANFORD nccompanledby MISS MARIE DROFNAH In a spectacular production of The Winters Tale The presentation of this great comedy will mako the eighth sue- J et-sslve Shakesperean play presented by Mr. Hanford in Salem: 11)02 The Taming of tho Shrew. 100:t Much Ado About Nothing. IDOI IUclmnl 111. 11)03 Othello 100U Tho Morvhaiu of Vonlco. 10117 lulliis t'aosar. 1008 Anlony and Cleopatra. 10t)0 Tho Wlntor'i. Talo. Prlct'N $ 1 .30, $ 1 .IK), 7,5c, 50c Seat a!o at box otllco Tuoxlay 0 a. nt Htl-4 l4HHt-M-M:H-Kitiaf 8fli vimeMgijammmtiMMM