1 HWwww i'm,mmttmmimmiHi DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORKOOX. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1Q. MfALS 15c Call and try them. Meals 15c. Board por week $2.76, also fur nished rooms very reasonable. AT THE Salem Restaurant !WD COURT STREET. 139 fi French female! .PILLS. i xn. Curirf RnJif fcr 8minui Vikwiim, Hiwaatfwar,i,ri3a.-Kys5 i. II M ir . Will Urn lrtu,t U eU ft win nam. BuiplwFm. HfHtonHmiwn 1,7, turn fO'l J f4rt u Ite UMlTI0ieiaLCO..OKT4.UwftTl.f. I 5oW n Salem bv Dr. S. C SJ- photi- 4 4 Unln 147 N Hltcb 3i C. W. YANNKE PrnprMw of THE FASHION STABLES Cabs aDd Llvory, all Riga Modern Rubbor Tiro. Will I HI IIIIH1IIII Ht- I Oraber Bros. PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING Will give prompt attention to all ordors, guarantee our work to give satisfaction and to be up to the sanitary stand ard. VK WILL fJE PLEASF.lt TO OIVE ESTIMATES ON GOV TRACTS Wo are agents for the Ala mo, Victor and Ideal Gasoline Engines. Shop on Liberty street, back of Barr's Jewelry Storo. II II 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 I III 1 1 1 1 M It I I I HI! WING SANG CO. All Goods at 39 per cent Lower Sale we tiiakt up all kinds LadliV I'll ilernrar, uroiiHr, Klmoiwis and Waist. " keep ul kinds of Irss kkx1 and Silks, GontV mid Ladli'V FurnMiliig Cioods, China U'nrc, .Mat tings Shot's, Trunks, Blankets Com fort, Ktc. iKU V. Commercial St. Fir? store N E. Side. Salem. Or.) Gold Dust Flour Ma( o r THE 8YDXEY POW EF COMPACT, Sidney, Onw Ro. , Made for amity nir- Ask yoar grocer or It. Ilrao and shorts always on hand. P. B. WALLACE, Agt. FP Fire Proof Fool Proof l'' nsiderlng making yor own h"6h' ,r cooking, why not consider fc F p oas Machine and Stab b. L.ght ttl' sell and install this machine! d girantee H to give li per tent mre light for the same money than :ect riclty or city gas. Let aae figure with (on MtlnilM tnrwlahud Ci. w --- w .. - , shoe aad see the lights nd s'uTes la operation. i:o carry I'lllO I)BVATLItED ALCOHOL ntilitle !. edorle.-. Safe econom l- A. L. FRASER Phone, las 2M flute St. CHICHESTER S PiLLS THINGS WISE AND OTHERWISE IN THE LEGISLATIVE HAILS BILLS, RESOLUTIONS AND DOINGS IN GENERAL BV THE SOLONS Houso Thursday Afternoon. S. B. 91, Kelllher, relating to Jurisdiction Justice courts, rocons.d ered and passed. S. D. 38, Kay, substitute recon sidered on motion of Llbby. Cor rlgan stated bill was to cut off aoout half of present expense of convej Ing prisoners. Pasjcd. S. D. 130, Kelilher, to allow no person under 18 to run an elevator. Passed. S. D. 74, Chase, appropriates 21, 000 for propagation of salmon. Passed. H. D. 167, McCue, substitute tor hop growero' bill to amend local op tion law, Indefinitely postponed. House, ETcnlng Scwlon. H. B. 274, Farrell, State Board of Charities. Killed. COAT WILL BUILD FOUR SUBMARINES (United Props Leased Wire.) Seattle. Wash.. Feb. 12. Two of the eight submarine torpedo boats which will be constructed for 'he United State navy will be built at the yards of the Moran Company in Seattle. After having had the mut ter under ronaldc-n'ton for son time the navy department ha reach! this decision. The other two to be con structed on the Pacific coat wilt he asslgnod to the t'nlon Iron Works at Srn Francisco. It is undorstooi that the Electric Boat Company, which secured the contract, desired to have the Moran Company build nl four of the sub marines, but San Frnnolsco exerted st.ong Influence for a division of the contract. Work on the boats nt the local j-frta will bogln as boon as detailed plitiiH are received. PLACES LUMBER ON THE FREE LIST ffBliwl Prww I-m1 Wlre.1 Washington. D. C. Feb. IS. Not withstanding the efforts of a strong lumbermen's Jobbyl. the House ways and means eommltiee has, It is posi tively staled today, placed lumber on the free list and It Is believed that 'the conclusion reached will not be j changed In ay circumstances before I the bll is reported to the house. The ways and means committee eoaelad Ml Its hearing on the new lumber I tariff yesterday. .TO.. 1.Mma la maJa WW rkA lMHkkAT I I1W CHHrf,W wwww w w .-..w. men that the eommltiee made It de cision as a result of presentations whloh do not aecaratety reflect con ditions In the trade. The commit tee. It la claimed, acted on the as sumption, that lnmber Is now con trols! by a trt and no kwm' nd protection. -- TIms Crime of Idleness. Idleness means treeble far anyone It is the same with a lazy liver. It eanses constipation, headache, Jaan dee. -allow es4exien. pimples and blotches loss of anaetite. nsjsea, bat Dr. King's New Life Pills seen ban ish liver treaties aad bslld sp yoci health. 2U at J. C. Perry- Salem Fence Works Jleadq Barters for Woven Wire Fencing. Hop Wire. Barb Wire. Poultry Netting, Shingles. Mal thold Roofing. P U B Ready Roofing. AH At Lowest Prices. CIUS. D. lUUIfiAN 230 Court St Phone 121 White House Restaurant For a Regular 25c Dinner at 20c They can't he beat McGifchrist & Son Proprietors. H. B. 247, Bean, relating to title to property. Killed. Xcw Bills. II. B. 345, ways and mean, to pro vide for removal of school of d( mutes. H. B. 346, ways and means, pit vlding state expenses. H. B. 347, Jones of Polk, to irv pcal act for Willamette Valley and Coast railway. H. B. 348, Bonebrake, appropriat ing money for State Agricultural College. II. B. 349, Bonebrake. fixing salary of Benton county. H. B. 350, Bryant, authorizing county fair. Resolution limiting debate to five minutes. Adopted. ONE WEAK SPOT. Most Salem People Havo a Wcnk Pnrt mid Too Often It the Rack. Everyone has a weak spot. To often Its a bad back. Twinges follow every sudden twist Dull aching keep up, day ana night. Tells you the kidneys need help For backache Is 'really kidney ache. A kidney cure Is what you need. Doan'o Kidney Pills cure sick kid neys. Cure backache and urinary Ills. Salem people recommend the rem edy. E. E. Gilliam, proprietor llvory and feed stable, 332 Water street. Salem, Oregon., says: "Tears of nl most constant driving and a fall I had several years ago affected ray kidneys, and I suffered from back- ache and lameness, so badly at tiiakt that I could hardly straighten. Sharp pains caught me when I arose aftorl sitting, and none of the remedies f tried did me any good. A short time ago I was Induced to get Doan's Kid ney Pills at Dr. Stone's drag store. and I soon obtained great relief. 1 1 know of neighbors who have UkcJ Doan's Kidney Pills, and they all speak of them as the best medicine they have ever used." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Fo ter-Mllbnrn Co., Buffalo New York, sole agents for the United 8tates. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. o Ltbby wanted the primary law mended to permit Clatsop county Re BNhllcaM to vote for their own can didates. Ineumonia Follows La Grippe. Pneumonia often follows la gripe bit never follows the use of Foley's Hewer a Tar, for la gripe cough aad dee seated colds. Refuse any bat the geamlac In the yelfow p-Mk J. C. Perry, o An Eaglmh. Jndge axpreesed an horror t other day when a ns taM he had "garagd his aato ear. It was a no wtctb to has honor, aad he dMn't like It Worn Out. That's the way yoa feel about the laags when yen have a baoklag cough It at foolishness to let It go on and i T wt to be sure that yoa are get trnft to leek to get over It. when Bal-'tlag one that will care yoar cold., lard's Horeoovad Syrup will stop the J Chamberlain's Ceagh Remedy alwas eovgfc aad heal the Jangs. I cores. Price 3S aad 50 eeau a bot Prtee Jio. Jc and ll.Ge per bottle .' F 7 Dr. Stone's Dru' ,, , Store. Tao Sootaern Paolflc Oomoany hast j boacht m San Franolseo a lot oai '' sh ImiMftng a w whlca k wtl eceet a MMA raV rad hMtaL I o ItruggNt Iof-d on Y'jnrma. I Ecsosaa mffevers saovU a Te Kaasdrs Laxative Coegh SyrnPj Cartel Drag Co. what kind of. e-,08' T aOaars iaflammaOoa aad r- pons arc s !g received from the'na- r,UUwi u J langs. bat It; 'nu Ho have b tratlg thedrlT4 aut tne l(1 trBm tB system i skla with o., of wintergreea Itqold lT i fe 7 geaUe aetfaa ef the, compounded in D. D D. Presort?- ttone. i DO&TORS MISTAKES Are said of tn to be buried six feet under ground. Bnl many limn women call on their family phjsi lans, suffering, as they imagine, one Irom dyspepsia, another from hosrt disease, another from liver or kid ney disease, another from nervous pros tration, anot'aorwlth pain hero and there, and in t' tnv they present alike to themselvunni' ihclr easy-going or over busy doctor, i-parate diseases, for which he, assuming lim to bo such prrscribcj hU pills and rations. Jn reality, they ar all onlyimji i.ma caused by tome utcrlno disease, Th'fnKlpan,Tnorant of th cuute of suffering. Rv-ps up Trtsjreatraeni juitcring. Rv-ps up rrtireairaeni rgc bills are nhtde. JhroSeTir.i gets no btteJrJnraf(JKth reatmenl. but trubably worJri until large i patient get wrong treatment. proper mrdjein Hk Dr. Plf rcr.'s Vavnri'g , Prrriiitic". Urrrlcil f. thf rnme rt,M h.iw- t;iiiiTrT7"rjm'M i'n' dl8', thcry i b oiapciiuig air those uiiiTcsiing ymp toras, and Instituting comfort instead cl DfOIC irolongcd miKry it nas been well said. , thafa disease known Is ht'f cured. Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription Is a scientific medflnc, carefully devised by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's dellcalo system. It Is made of -nt.lve American medicine! roots and Is perfectly hsrmles In it effects In mi M.iUUfbfii .r ihf. targ tyHfm. ts i As a powerful Invltcoratlng tonic "Fa- rorlU Preecrlptlon' Imparts strength U the whole system and to the organs dU tlnctly femli.uio In particular, lor over worked, "wrn-out." run-down," debili tated teachers, milliner, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-girls, housckrcpr, nurslngtnotners, and feaWo women grn rally, Dr. Perce's FaTorlto Prescription U the sreaust earthly boon, being un equal ed as aa appetizing cordial and re itoratlvn tonic As a soothing and strengthening nerv ine "Fayorl'c Prescription " Is unenualcd and. is Invahiablo in allaying and sub duing aervous excitability, Irritability, nervous exbt-ustlon, nervous prostration, nsuralgla, hj uteris, spasm. 8L Vllus'i dance, and other distressing, nervoci symptoms commonly attendant upct, functional and organic dMease of lb uterus. It induces refreshing sleep ar relievos men'.il anxiety and despondency Dr. Pierce's Pleasant PeJleta fnvlgoraU the tomcb, liver and bowels. One V three a dote. Em; to lakt as ceady. Tvaa n Glorious Victory. Thero'g rojolclng in Fedora, Tona A man's !Ife has been saved, and now Dr. KInc's New Discovery Is the talk of the towu for ouring n. v. Poppor of deadly lung hemorrhages. T could not work or get about," bo wrltos, "and tho doctors did mo no good, but, after using Dr. King's New DlrcoTory three we-oks, I feel liko & new man, and can do good work again." For weak, aoro or Jl oaacd lung i, Coughs and Colds, Hom orrhagei, Ifay Fever, LaQrlppe, Asthma or any Bronchial affection it stands unrivaled. Price 50c and f 1. Trial bottlj free. Sold and guaran teed by J. C. Perry. French dairymen have disco veied that the nso of wine drega as a food; for cows improves the quality of the mine and Increases the ontnnt at jeast 20 per cent. Seared With a Hot Irtia. Or scalded by overturned kettle cut with a knife bruised by slam med door Injured by gan or in any other way the thing needed at once la Bucklen's Arnica Salve to subdue i the Inflammation and kill the pain. It is earth's supreme .healer, Infal lible for Bolls. UUors. Fever, Bores Bozema and Piles. 25c at 3. C. Per ry's. o The poorer a man is the lea likely he Is to be called a grafter. o Kodol in a ecMMaaUen ef all the natural digestive Juice foaad la i ordinary healthy stomank, and will digest yotsr feed In a natural way. Pleasaat Xm take. Sold by alt drug gists. Bvor notice now gracefalty ta av erage woman doeea't eat. Save Money by Baying Dr. Cba&v berUln's Cough Remedy. Yea wlH say ust as msoh for a bottle of Chamberlain's Coach Rem- edy as for aay ef the other coogb wit-LlWiei, bot yaa save money in bavisr it. The saTiar l in what on gee not what yea par The sare-to-onre-yea quality Is la every bottle of this remedy, aad yea get good re sults wfeea y-ee take it. Neglected elds often develop serious conditions aad wkea yi bay a soagh medicine andog la Xew York City Is St PawPs ehaoei, the eoraerstoae ef which was laid fa 1761. n . bowels. Sold by all druggists, .. CASTOR I A For Infants and CUUxts. Tie KM Ym Km Afways SMfW THE STOCK BOOKS For tho North Santlnm Mining company, aro still epea ler In ventors. A limited amount of stock is now for sale, at tho LOW PRICK of Gc per share. SAVAGE & HERREN FISCAL AGENTS. J 2ft H. OOMMEItCIAL 8T. 1 Wire Fencing Paint j! of SALEM HARDWARE CO. i !! 120 Commercial St' Phoms'172 ; ffffffimffitoftitwtMi9tftMm aKltttf8C)fc1lltc(ttftctCjtss$itstajfiai PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY When you spray your trees, Dependable brand Lime and Sulphur Solutlon( one of tho best brands made any where, is made right here by Gideon Stolz Company Call on us, or phone Malr 26. We guarantee a strictly pure solution or $100,00 forfeit, For sale by the following dealers; TILfiON CO. I). A. MIIITK & CO. LE BOLD BROS. lltlltlC)ttIcCH-cllltllai Miimmtttm9t9lmiiim Big Discount ;; On all shoes to make room '.1 coo rrny lino riofrkro hitvfncr OWW III, IIIIU UVIUIU ""' 345 State Street. I JACOB VOGT, ""faZT I fHAT PARTY You're going to attend or that hall- of course, then yen want your personal anoearanceto he perfect Yoar aaoearance will Indeed h- far frem perfect, If wearing some ua laandered Mnen sesd us year shirts and yeu wilt be beyond the crltlefam of the niott exacting. A ftprb einipment. combined with excellent operate and tho beet soaps, starches, etc. guarantee you excellent work. Salem Laundry Co.f Telephone 23. l.'WUmi H. LJbvrtty HI i READY TAILORED CLOTHES FOR WELL DRESSED MEN. - ffrtmrr -. af air sT A J wr" Portland's Popular Fire-Proof Hotel THE OREGON Our Rathskeller Grill finest dining service in city, with Hawaiian orchestra from 6 to 12 p. m. Most perfectly furnished, Moderate Priced, Modern Hostlery in the metropolis of the Northwest. ANNEX IS NOW OPEN Our capacity has been doubled and our free bus wiM hereafter meet trains No. 6, and train No. 12, Hmited,, Oregon Electric that am e m Portland at 10:55 a. m. and 4:55 p. m. M. C DICKINSON, Manajer THE OREGON Builders' Hardware I and Oil i FLETCTIEn A BYRD. II. IL CHASE. for SDrinc stock, Call and j nlcftUhp.rfi. W,WW,,.,r,w, Salem, Ure, The Shoe Z Man HHleHHHICffHIllcleW thx nsarr rcajtt rex FAMILY EVER nAD Can be obtained from onr prime tender aad Juicy beef, mutton or pork. All our meats are selected from the choicest, and prepared for the table to suit the demands of the fastidious. Oar prices arc lower for quality than you can And at say, place la Belwa, . E. C. C It O S , price: range SLaasismsseBBaaaaBMaM . waen St t t AW r W I "' .. uryiss ' $20 TO 40 h 7 ' K Mtf out . - !V ears tho & s Afc-juort c Bj 'Airy? i; V at ri..:i.'l " ? ftV.MtClAl 5f 17 w l ma j V. Wy "70jr ! tir ftt i