Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 12, 1909, FIRST EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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If comploto rest and most porfect
conditions Itnnginablo for naturo
euro nro what you need, spond your
holidays at Vn.no Hoblcs Hot SprlngB,
California. A week or two, and
orcn ti fow days thoro will accomp
lish moro In tho way of restored
anorgy than a much longor porlod
and more oxpeusho troatmont olce
whorc, because good old Mother Na
turo Is nurso and physician.
Paso Itoblcs Is taking tho sumo
rank In America and enjoying the
samo fit in o for wondorfitl cures that
Carlsbad and Uaden Undou do In
Europe. Tho hotol Is a mnrvel of
comfort and luxury, and tho bath
houRO bull by tho city, frco to all,
Is said to bo ono of tho bent In tho
world. It In n stubborn ailment and
a hopolocs condition of physical
breakdown that tho mineral wntors
and hot mud baths of Paso Itoblcs
wlllMiot heal hi a short tlmo.
Call on ngont at Salem for do
scrlptlvo booklots oj. Paso Itoblcs,
And he will also tell you all about
12-24-tf 0. P. A. 8. P. Co.
0. It. Klugor, tho Jowolor, lOfiO
Virginia Avo Indianapolis, Ind.,
writes: 'I was bo weak from kldnny
trouble that I could hardly walk .1
hundred feet, Four bottlos of Foley's
Kidney Remedy cloarod my complex
Ion, cured my backocho and tho Irreg
ularities dlcappoarod, and I can now
attend to business ovory day, and roc
ommond Foloy's Kldnoy Rotnody to
all sufforors, as It cured mo nftor th
doctors and other remedied had
fallod." J. C. Perry.
For Huh- Bovon-room house, all
mo lorn convouloncoH, one-half
block Innd. For furthor pnrtiou
lan call o mo mornings nt my
rosldenco, end uf car lino, touth.
Mrs. Ooo. H. Jones Phono 1181.
For Halo Houso nnd ft lots on 14th
street, (1-roont houso with barn
und ono lot on 18th Htroot. Houjo
barn and two lots on 20th Htroot,
all l'or 11000. Houao nnd 4 lots,
10th and Holvtio, $1700. 208-amo
farm, 3 mlloa oast of Salem, $50
por ncro. John Knight, Murphy
l'or Hulc 30 Hhoatn mid 7 brood
HnwH,.1 roglHtored Poluiid-ChliiRH;
2 full-hloodod hours. AddriMM A.
F. llwirdHley. lit. 8, Salem.
For Sale good gentle hnifw, weight
between 1100 and 1100; a good
bargain. Phone 158. or call at 308
N. 21th St.. Salem 2-10-lw
l'or Halo A ntNirly now liiouhutor.
I'liKiuIro Mllshu W. AdaiiiH. Siilom.
Or se-u-at
For Knic -Five ueres. new (1-rnoni
houso, a-yonr-nld nrohard, n'l
kinds of vines and smalt fruit, hti't
ncro of lino timber. Hnqnilro nt Sa
eom Helghti) store, Jefferson rond.
lletilnh Wood. S-ll-lw
Wiuitnl Will du HKORvatlav, Hnl-U
plowing. Hint nil kinds of twuit
work. W. U. Uilllli, 1780 Mo at.
phono 1528. 12-21-tf
WiuiUmI Muslo eoliolnrt. Inquire .t
263 North 13th alrwt. Flaro.ic
Smith. 2-10-1W
Wnul Sow I n k by tho day. althor
at homo or will go out. Mrs. l.u
gondovl, room 1. 8oott Hotol, North
Commercial utreut. 2-ll-:tt
CarjM'iitor Union No. 100,1 Local
Uulon No. 1065 of Carpenter ana
Joiner of America meet over Sat
urday evening at 7:30 p. m. In
Hearst hall. 430 State Street
A. W. Dennis, Hoc. Sue.
ForvHtrni of Amorlcn Court Shor
wood, Fop'ators, No. 19. Moots
Saturday night In Holman ball,
Stato btreot, Oeo. F. Patterson, Q.
H.; J. O. Perry, financial secretary
Onlrnl IHlgo N. !H, K. of 1.
Caitlo hall In Holman block, cor
ner Stato and Liberty streets,
Tuesday of each week at 7j30 p.
m. Oscar Johnson, C. C; U. I)
Andorson. K. of It. and 8.
1 i ' " ' " ' '" '
.Modem WoortmMi of Aiueriett Ore
gon Cedar Camp Nn. 6340. Meets
every Thursday eveulng nt 8
o'clock In Holman hall. W. W.
Hill, V. C. F. A. Turner, clerk.
Woodmen of World Meet every Fri
day night at 7:30, In Holman ball.
A. h. Harvey. C. C : h, II. Flotch
er, GJork, Jan. 10. '09.
9100 Reward, 9100.
Tho readers of this paper will bo
pleased to loam that thoro Is at least
ono dreaded dlsoaso that sclonco haB
boon ablo to euro In all its Btagcs,and
that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curd
Is tho only posltivo euro known to
tho medical fraternity. Catarrh be
ing a constitutional disease, requiroi
a constitutional treatmont. Hall's
Catarrh Curo Is takon Internally, act
ing directly upon tho blood mucotm
surfaces of tho system, thoreby do-
Btroying tho foundation of tho dls
caso, and giving tho patient strength
by building up tho constltuMon and
assisting naturo in doing Its work.
Tho proripctors liavu bo much faith
In Its curatlvb powors that they offer
Ono Hundred Dollars for any caso
that It falls to cure. Send for list of
Addross F. J. Ohonoy & Co., Tolo
do, O.
Sold by all druggists, 7t'c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for Cop
Hush money talks in a whlspor.
A talking machlno Is nil right If It
docs not talk machlno politics.
Foley's Orlno Laxativo euros con
stipation and liver troublo and makes
tho bowels healthy and rogulur.
Orlno Is Buporlor to pills and tablets
as It does not grlpo or nauscato. Why
tako anything olso?
Somo pooplo's charity Is confined to
tho distribution of lomons.
Honrso coughs nnd stuffy colds
that may dovolop Into pnoumonla
ovor night nro quickly cured by
Foloy'o Honoy and Tar, and It soothes
Inflamod membranes, honls tho lung
nnd expels tho cold from tho system
J. C. Perry.
Courri'io Work Got my prices on
Ilow;i ;lc, curbs, ttpetlc tnnks and
cement work of any kind. All
work guaranteed llrst clnsv M.
Ward, 237S Muplo Ave., Highland
Phono 009. Mny 24-01)
(let a Home Houbos mid lots clioap
on Installment 5, 10, 20, 40, 80
nnd 100-ncro tracts, cholco home?
cheap; dairy ranch with cows on
It for snlo or trndo for city prop
orty; horsoH nnd cows for snlo. I
want 15000 for flvo years at G por
cont, first mortgage I. O. O. 1'.
lodgo nnd trustocs oocurlty, Intur
ost soml-nnnMal. Othor good lonns
for smnllor amounts. Soo H. It.
Itynn, 1-20-
I.Ucry unci Feed Hlnbl-N Old PoJt
ofllco Htnblos, nt 25 I Forry streot.
botwoeu Commercial and Front
struots. Taluphoifu 188. Somo t
tho lluoHt liveries In flio city win
be found hero. Vmtneott & Joun-
on a
Ctuiu'iit Work Conorote walks, sop
tie tnuks, comont (loom and foun
dations. Galtmntos ftirulBhod and
all work guaranteed. J. P. Vetch,
328 Mnrloti stroot. Phono G08. I
0-10-tf !
Vogot I.uihIkt mid Fuel C'o. Hun
hor, shlnglos, building mntorlal,
wood nnd conl. Low prices and
prompt deltvorles. Ono blook onV
of 8. P. pasHongor dopot. Phone
108. 7-2-tf.
Itutlo .V Weiidorotli Flno wlnos
llqitora und olgnra. We handle
the eolebrntod Kelleg and Castle
whUkles. Cool nnd rofroahlHg bor
constantly on di aught. Soutu
Commorolnl troet 9-3-lyr.
Grafting ;Top grafting fruit and
walnut trees. Work guaranteed
price reasonable. For particulars
phono 875 or wrlto McCarty &
MoDonnugh. 1108 Ilrondway St.,
Salem 1-3 1-1 m
dimming Hro.' TraimftT Company
All kinds of transfer work dona
Furulturo nnd pianos boxed ready
for snlpmont.
Prompt sorvlco U
our motto.
353 South
Phone 210.
Staud and office at
Commerlal streot
Residence Phone
439 Court Streot, D. J. Swltror,
prop. 11 rend, Cakea, Plea and all
kinds of Pastries, Cookies, etc Watch
for our wagon. Phone 954. Special
ordera delivered on short notice.
Theo. M, liarr Plumbing, hot watd
and steam heatlnp and tinning.
104 Commercial streot. Phonr
Main 192. 9-1-lyr
M. J. Pettel Plumbing, steam ami
gas fitting. Succesior to Knox
Murphy, 320 Commornlal street
Tho South Salem Moat Market, op.
poalto Uauo's storo, has roopenl.
Fresh aud cured moat. Genera!
delivery Glvo It r trial.
Sorgoant-nt-arms D. 0." Eby of tho
Houso goes to WUsonvIllo Friday
night whero ho Is tho Lincoln Day or
ator for tho Grand Army post. Ho
Is ono of tho voternns who has seen
real sorvlco and sorved on tho staff
of tho adjutant-general under Shor
In tho third houso Chief of Clerks
Holman was honored with tho ofllco
of chief executive. He read a mes
sage that was tingling with Bart-ami
nnd rnpld-flro wit, that brought
down the houso tlmo and again. The
mossago was referred to tho commll-
teo on Irrigation. At varlotiH times
In tho evening Holmnu added to tho
hilarity by making Bpeochos that Il
luminated n third houiio that was no
toriously weak In orntory. Hulmin
hns presided over tho destinies
of tho third houso for mny years
nnd ho Improves with ago.
Sad NecivH, Indeed
Mrs. M. Drooks Jinn rccolved ! o
sad nows of tho death of hor sister,
Mrs. Dolly Davis, of Philadelphia,
Pa. Mrs. Davis came to her death
by tho explosion of n lamp, sotting
flro to her clothing. Sho leave? a
husband and baby.
Ask Yourself the Question.
Why not uso Chnmborlain's Llul
mont whon you havo rhoumatlsm?
Wo feel Buro that tho result will bo
prompt and satisfactory. It has
cured others, why not you? Try it
It costs but a trlflo. Prico 25 conts;
lnrgo bIzo, GO conts. For salo by Dr.
Stono's Drug Storo.
Are you going to buy
farm or city proper
ty? Noto these:
IlotiHo and lot on Asylum nvouuo,
city water, bath, etc., $1100.
Good 8-ronm Iiouho, lnrgo lot In
Ktiglowood, $1000.
Lnrgo houso and lot 132x1 OR,
uIoho In, $G000.
Good Iiouho nnd barn, lot 00x248,
on Statu strut, 2300.
Six acres, 8-room houso, 3 acres
orchard, good burn, $1750.
rciovou nnd ono-hulf ucroe close in,
good buildings, woll Improved
HUTV. Forty neruH, 3 mlle Sulom, u flno
plaoo, wel Improvod, $7000.
Threo hundred and twunty-ulght
auruH; 200 noro In oultlvntlnn,
1 30 por noro.
Throe hundred nnd sixty aoros ad
joining nbovu, $25 per noro.
Wo havo u lnrge list of farms of
al hIzuh and prices nnd tt will
pay you to tuvoHtlgnto boforo
Olmsted Land Co.
!I7:t State Stroot Salem, Oro.
Now U our chance to own your own
home nnd atop paying rant.
11060 Five-room houso. barn. 2
large lots, plenty of fruit; $lo!w havo o'ty proporty for countrv
down, balance $10 a month.
KAlt.MS Spooltil bargains in country
$800 Six-room houso, largo lot;
oasy tortus.
Sevornl housos for ront.
Modern up-to-date dwollng; ohein.
$200 Uultdlng lots, $5 dowu and $5
a mouth.
You are invited to call and lnvosu-
gato our bargain list.
H. A. Johnson & Co.
Hytlo HrOB. -Klectrle Co Electric
suppllos and flrst-clasa wiring at
reasonable prices. Call at our
ofllco for estimates. Phono 451
143 N. Liberty streot. l-12-tf
a. v. mason nox a.
347 Miller St, South Salem, tnanu
facturer of all kinds of boxod, orato'
ana iruu aryor aceossortes. fnono
It Is worth moro than any otar
'read yet the prtc ! no hlfhfi
for saU at your irrocera'.
Tho Railroad Commission received
an answer today from tho Oregon
Electric Railway Company, In answer
to tho communication sent the com
pany by tho commission rolntiva o
headlights on tho cars running be
tween this city and Portlnnd. Tho
Rnllroad Commission made Inquiry
n fow days ago as to why tho com
pany did not provide somo means to
prevent tho headlight from going out
whon tho trolley loft the wlro, and
In reply tho railway people stated
that It would require a monster dry
battery system to keep theso targe
headlights going at tntorvals whon
tho trolloy left the wlro, nnd no
such system was used, to their knowl
edge, on any other electric line In tho
United Stntes. Tho letter said tho'
cars wero supposed to como to an Im
mediate standstill when tho trolley
Jumped tho wire, and tho motormaii
who failed to comply with this regu-'
lar rule of tho compnny was not ml-'
Ing In accordance with Instructions.1
However, tho company claims that
tho trolloy can bo replaced within 20 '
seconds, which hnroly gives u car
tlmo to como to a standstill. Lan
terns nro provided to bo used by the'
trainmen on theso occasions, also. In
conclusion tho lottor stated tho cirn
pany was Installing nn Improved phun
togrnph, which has a roller contact'
with tho wire, and If this now dovlco
does Its work an opected, thoro will
bo no moro Jumping of trolloys I
Ilorus Yes, I always rowrlto my
pooniB boforo I send them to n pub
lisher, j
Nnggus You moan, I prelum;, '
before you send them to tho next pub '
Hoiho, 8, 10, $13, $15, $20.
' Houses nnd Vacant LotH.
Sold on Instnllmonts, closo In.
$1G00 Woll built 7-room houo,
brick foundation, collar, good woU'Two K0d ot8 unimproved, $500.
of wntor, pump, pantry, closes, 3 a0tl C-rooni houso and 1 lot, 50x
lots, doop soil, vory host of garden 1G0 Prico $050..
Ian J, about 15 bearing fruit troo9,(Good 5-room houso nnd lot GOxlSO
bos't varloty, grapos and borrlos, nn Prico $1200.
Ideal homo, for $1000. Ea3t Sa-
92.100 Snnp.
Modern Iiouho, well built, 7-roomi
pnntry, clooots, flno largo barn,
ovor an ncro of ground, vory bj3t
of soil, nil kinds of bearing fruit
troos, borrioo. This Is a birgain
and would bo ehonp nt $3500; if
sold in n fow days will tako $2500.
Terms given.
As I Intond to lonvo will soil my 5 V,
aero trnct at a sacrifice line soM,
about nno-fnurth plnntod to bar
rios, bearing rhoubnrb, somo small
fruit troos, 4-room homo, larco
barn, Jiut outB'do of tho city llmlti
Property Is woll worth $1100.
52 aoros of tho vory host of land
about G aoros undor tho plow, m1
10 acroB moroenn easily bo put to
cultivation, houso, bnrn, chicken
houso, old orohard, woll and spring
wator on placo, the halanco In p6
turo and tlmbor, Thoro Is onougii
tlmbor on plnco It out and ma
ketod to pay for place only t
mllofl from city limits, on the main
roifd. Pr'ce only $3700. Owrur
going awny, and will aacrlflco f
taken soon.
Will KvcluuiRoa.
Snap for Snaps.
property, nlso county for city. Wlt
lnmett valley farini for Portland
431 Stato St. Salem. Or.
House for Itent Close to
eohool. Knqulre at 968 Mnrl'ic
street. l2-2S-tf
Wenger rtwrriiiKi..ii-. pianos and
organs sold on eay ?orms; tola -
phone 11S7: 34? Commercial
Street. Salem. Oregon
For water service apply at office
Hills payable monthly In advance
Hit)if f !! fli
$3500 Good 8-room house and corner lot 80x120 on
Court St,
; $2500 Good comer lot, 150x150, This is the most
;; sightly in Salem,
!! $2000 10-acre bearing orchard at Liberty,
List with us,
etf flbh tBu ' -k, jf B "BBB H lv w
Tho Kiud Yoi Havo Always
in. uso for- over 30 years,
X V-C t'sSwli Allow
m .4r -i4
All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd" Just-os-good" nro but
Experiments that triilo with nnd endanger tho health of
Infants and Children-Exncricnco ngainst Experiment.
hat ss CASTOR I A
Cnstoriu :i lianuloss suhstltuto for Castor Oil, l'aro
gorlo, Ihv; and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contain; niv ' OpJiun, Morphino nor other Xarcotlo
subitaiu v i : h ivro 1 its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and r.Ha.ni ."jvprishncss. It cures Dlnrrhoca and Wind
Coll-. H Af'.U'vcfl Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nu ("itttifruev. tt assimilates tho Pood, regulates tho
8lii,:n rr ir , .'.imvols, giving healthy und natural sleep.
5tt-e UMlJ";u a Pnimcca Tho Mother's Priend.
aeftWMB GASTORIA always
B tho
The Kind You to Always Bought
Hn Use For Over 30 Years.
5-room honiso nnd 2 lots, near stroot
enr lino, $750'.
0-room houso nnd 2 lots, lnrgo wood
houso, lots of fruit, $700.
Good 8-room houso, 4 nlco lots, ench
50x100, all kinds of fruit nnd or
nnmontnl trees, barn, electric
lights, nnd ovorythlng handy. S-o
!52 ncros, 9 miles northwest of Sa
lem, In Polk county, good G-room
houso, largo barn, built last sum
inor, costing $1500, 14 boarln
Gngllah walnut treos, 3-ncro appto
orchard, 5-acro pruno orchad, plen
ty of other fruit, 275 Dnrtlstt
pear troos all bearing, 90 ncros la
timber nnd pasture, spring wnUr
piped 'to houso and barn. Living,
wntor In ovary Hold. Fencing fu'r.
Prico $05 por noro.
190 Stato strcot.
J'iH on l9t' stroot. $375 and $325.
'inoso lots .will pdvanco In price
soon. If you want to got in on
this choup price act quick,
'wo lots, 18th and Trndo.
3 lotH, 12th and Ferry.
Ono lot on 12th nonr Chomokotn,
Good farm for sal. .
Houso, G rooms, and Int. Kth st.,
107-3 State streot
-1-1 mo
Is uow located at Canby Oregon,
the best wlutor quarters In the Nortn
woet for training nnd developing
young horses. Sam has room for a
fow moro prospects, either for Ute
road or t'ack and would like o
communicate with anybody wishing
,ho,r ho tralnod. Mr Cast0 ,3
.'" " , . , " r,,v
conceded to bo tho best colt man In
tho Wot and his success on tho Sa
lem track bears nut this statement.
Terms reasonable and satisfaction
guaranteed. Addrsc
SAM OASTO, Canby, Oregon.
!!! I IOl it 1 84-f4'
Bought, nnd -which hns been
has torno tho oigimturo of
nna lias uccmimuounuur ju iur-j?1'Zjz-
Ronal snncrvlslon slnco its infancy.
tio ono to deceive you in this.
Signaturo of
200 acros, good Iioubo, 2 barns, 100
noros In cultivation, flno land, woll
foncod, o"n good rond, well water
ed. Plonty of fruit, bnl. timber
and pnsturo; only $G0 per ncro.
G ncros, good Iioubo, barn, fruit, flno
water, on good rond, a good homo.
A snap; $1900.
53 ncrcs; houso, fruit, 40 In culti
vation, bal. good tlmbor; only $50
por aero.
Vacant lots In nil parts of tlio city.
Wo havo somo snaps In good
houses from $800 up In nil parts
of Salem. If you want anything,
or wnnt to buy, boo
ltoom 1), over United States National
Also housos to ront.
1113 SUIU3 AXI) 1U3A1) TH13SR.
1GG aoroj, nonrly nil In cultivation,
5 noros In tlmbor, 15 In commorclal
orohnrd, good 11-room house nnd
out buildings, plenty of spring
wntor, and tho host buy In Oregon.
$60 per aero. Good terms If want
ad. SO acres of flno Innd, 5 miles ouf
from Salem, good houso and out
uu'ldlugs, 55 aoros cleared, hal
anco 'n pasture. If takon nt onot,
(took, Implomonta nnd ovorythlng
will go with it. This Is n bargain,
$75 ppr aero; torms If wanted
A Snap,
240 neros of rich nnd practically 'evol
land, all In cultivation, and :ood
for walnuts or anything that will
grow In Orogon. Wllf sell, If tak
en at once, for $G0 por aore. En
quire of
Hew Is This for n Gllt-Kdgo Snap?
The only ono on the market of Us
kind nnd nn oxcaptlonnl small
pr'ce asked for It
An entirely now, neat and cojy
houso of four largo rooms, fint
and back porch, nlco largo wln
dows Lot 60x100 feet, hous3 In
size 24x2G feet. Tho lot Is a flno
levl and high one. This proper y
Is for salo or trnde for a No. t
span of good young horses. Trale
price la $800. For a cash sile
price for said abovo described
property Is $700. Owner Is soil
ing bocauso he Is going Eas. In
the near future. Call at ono nnd
take advantage of this raro offei
On cash terms, seller will glyi buy
er tlmo on somo If tho occasion
should require It. Property U
threo blocks from car line.
Salem, Oregon.
Phone Main 149. 478 Stato "t.
O. C X, Co.
Steamers Oregona and Pomona
leave for Portland Monday, Wednes
day and Friday at 10 a. m. Tues
day, Thursday aud Saturday at 6 a ux.
I Far SO cents.
I Leave for Corvallls, Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday a bom 7 pm.
t m. p. n.w.mvix. .-t.