WWWWWWWWWWJWBMBLL- - x - t .MMwjwrwiiiiiw hi "-l ' ' ' "c: RAILROAD TIME TABLE) Tiroo Card No. 64, Southern rciflc Co., Effective Sunday, Asg. 10, 1008. Toward Portland, Passcngct. No. 16. 5:13 a. m. Oregon Ex press. No. 18 8:40 a. m. Cottage Grovt passenger. No. 12. 2:46 p. m. Roseburg pas eengor. No. 14 9:13 p. m., Portland ox press. Toward Portland, Freight. No. 222. 5:0 p. m. Portland fast freight. No. 226. 10.40-11:28 a. m. way freight. Toward San Frnnclsco, Passenger No. 11. 11:03 a. m. Rosobura passengor. No. 17. 6:45 p. m. Cottage. Grove passengor. No. 15 9:56 p. in. California ex- press. No. 13 3:31 a. m. San Francis co exproEB. Toward Ban Francisco, Freight. No. 221. 2:43 a. m. Portland fait freight. No. 225. 11:28 a. m. way froight, OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY Tlmo Card Effcctlvo Nov. 15, l!)0S. Fer: Leave Portland and Intermediate, Local 0:40 a.m. Portland-IIlllsboro and In termediate, Local 8:55 a.m Portland and lntormodlato, Local 11:15 a.ir Portland and Intormedtntd, Local 1:40 p.m. Portland-Tualatin and Hills boro, Llmltod 3:05 p.m. Portland-IIlllsboro and In termediate, Local 4:00 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, Local 0:20 p.m. Portland and lntormodlate, Local 8:40 p.m. Frem: Vrlvee Portland and lntormodlato, Local 8:25 a.m. Portland-IIlllsboro and ln tormodlato, Local .... i0: 00 n.m. Portland, Illllsboro and Tualatin, Llmltod .... 10:50 a in. Porfiand and lntormodlato, Locnl 1:00 p.m Portlnnu-Hlllsboro and ln tormodlato, Local 4-00 p.m Portland and Intermediate, Local 5:45 p.m Portland and Intermediate, Local " P-" Portland and lntormodlato, Local i040 p.m. o Kennedy's Laxatlvo Cough Syrup not only allays Inflammation and ir ritation of throat and lungs, but It drives out tho cold from tho system by a free yet gontlo action of tho bowels. Sold by all druggists. CASTOR I A For Infant and Children. ' The Kind You Hava Always Bought Signnturo of C&t&fficUC&M Now is the Time to visit California When summer ha passed In thoso north orn states, tho sun U only mild under th bright blue skies oi Southern California. This Is ono of nature's happy" provisions eternal summor for thoso who cannot en dure a moro severe climate. California has been callod the "Mecca of the winter tourist " Its hotels and stop ping places are as varied as those of all well regulated cities Visitors can always find suitable accom modation., congenial companions and var ied, pleasing recrea tions, SOUTHERN PACIflC CO. Will be glad to Bupply some very attractive literature, describing In detail the many delights of winter in California. Tho rate from Salem to Los Angeles and return Is f 56. Limit six months, allowing ' stopovers In either dlrec ! tlon. Similar excursion rates , are In effect to all California points. For full Information, sleeping car reservations and tickets, call ou, telegraph or write agents, Salem, or VM. M'Ml'RUAY, fien. Paw. Agt. Portland. Oregon. DAIJA- CAPITAL The Story of a Medicine. ltonamo'Golden Medical Discovery1 was tuggestru by ono of Its most Import ant and valuable Ingredients Golden Seal root Nearly lorry years ago, Dr. Pierce dlv covered that ho could, by tho uso of pure, trlplo-reiined glycerine, aided by a cei tain degree of constantly maintained heat and with tho aid of nppanuus and appliances dr-.lgned for that purposo, ex tract from our most vnluablo nntlvo me dicinal roots their curativo propcrtiu? much better than by tho uso of alcohol, so generally employed. So tho now world famed "Golden Medical Discovery," foi tho cure of weak stomach. Indigestion.' or dyspcpMa. torpid liver, or biliousness and kindred derangements was first made, as It ever slnfto has bVn, without a partlcls of alcohol In Its maWc-up. A gIaiicoVcivfhCj(uH "st ' I3 Increm ents prlntcu oil rvvcrv bottle-wrapper, will show th tt It Is tnarto from the moot valuable me.'.iclnal rooisMound growing In our American forcstSJ All tiicfo In- Kiniiuiiii miim:itcuiiii tmi MpiiitM'i i-ii; best rrmodlrs fnr tho rtlpnse fnr wlilMi ATIttld book o( theso endorsement liis been compiled by Dr. R. V. Plerco. oi Buffalo, N. Y., and will bo mailed free to any ono asking same by pojtul card, oi letter addressed to tho Doctor as-above. From thtsso endorsemenU, copied from standnrd medical books of all tho dllTci ent schools of practice. It will bo foun that tho Ingredients composing tho "Gol:. en Medical Discovery " aro advised no only for tho euro of the above mentioned diseases, but nlo for the euro of all ca tarrhal, bronchial and throat affection, iccompatuod with catarrhal discharge hoarseness, sore throat, lingering, of uang-on-couuhs. and all those wastlni Afloctlona which,, If not promptly nii'i properly treated aro llablo to tcrmlnn'e In consumntlon. Take Dr. Plerco's Dis covery In tlmo and pcreovoro In Its uo until you kIvo It n fnlr trial and It Is not likely to disappoint. Too much must not be expected of It It will not perforin miracles. It will not cure consumption In Its ndvnncd stages. No medicine will It trill euro the u flections that lead up to wnsumpUon, if taken in tlm. Tho girl who marries her ldonl gonornlly lives to realize that sho dld'nt. As far as diplomacy goes Japan ap pears to be perfectly nblo to tonch tho Cnllforulnns n good ninny things. Tho Crime of Idleness. Idloncss moans troublo for anyone It Is tho snmo with a lazy llvor. It caiiHOs constipation, hcadncho, Jaun dco, sallow complexion, pimples and blotchos, loss of nppotlto, nausoa, but Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills soon ban ish llvor troubles and build up yout health, 25c nt J. C. Perry's. P?S7ZK W3 S. COMMERCIAL Sr IIUIE WING SANG CO. Now All Goods Sale At i Cost Price I Wo mako up all kinds of undor- woar, wrnppors, Kimonos anu Waists. Silks, Dross Goods, Ladles' and Gonts' Furnishing Goods, Shoos, Blankets, Matting, bilk Handker chiefs, etc. 326 N. Commercial St., Salem, Oro. r I Gold Dust Flour , tut by THE SYDNEY POW EF COMPANY, Sidney, Oro. I go. . Made for family use. I I ; 1 Ask your grocer for It. Hrna . j n nd shorts always on hand. ; P. B. WALLACE, Agt. FP Fire Proof Fool Proof In considering making your own light, or cooking, why not consider the F. P. Gas Machine and Slub bers Light. Will Bell and install this machine and guarantee lb to give 100 per cent more light for the same money than electricity or city gas. Let me figure with you, estimates furnished. Call at my shop and see the lights and stoves In operation. I also carry PYRO DENATURED ALCOHOL utilities. . Safe economi cal, odorless. A. L FRASER Phono UKl 238 State St. CHICHESTER S PILLS W--. . THE tMAUONll IIXUMj. A Tv -r.Al w , 1. . ' -irtkcttvi 5OLDB"!lftL(;0ISI-UVrtfHRE ll Spy m M Isf', v wZr ACK& Hl,K.'. l ,- ... 4 Ilr..iA 1 III. .a - I -IJ .r....!cV.V? I I - I e 1 !.. V . L i. ..ifc.r l jr -,ar jlnnbL A lf IfM IrtjwTKMS !A)liM Hit INK -,l.. tl JOURNAL, SAL KM, 0RBG9N, THURSDAY, FEI1RUARV 11, 1809. CAMPBELL 6ETS A CRUMB OF CONSOLATION SENATE KILLED HIS EIGHT HOUR LAW BUT HE PUTS ANOTHER BILL THROUGH THE HOUSE The House by a great stretch of courtesy nctually passed the so-called labor bill. It allows a man 30 min utes to eat (nothing said nbout drlnka) In eight hours, and thon ho can go to work again for another eight hours. Hard to catch foxy Jim Campbell napping. Ho passed tho G. A. R. bill after it had failed. Ho rovlved his eight-hour bill after It was killed In tho sennto. Then It was los't in the houso, and Jim mnde nnothor fight to rovlvo It, and won. Conycrs snld this hill would 'hut down every sawmill In his county. Richardson said It would throw many thousand men out of work. Camp- bell snld all this bill required was that If they got 30 minutco oft overy six hours to cat. Drooko wnntol to know what kind of an eight-hour law this was If It did not give inon an olght-hour day. Bcdllllon said thero wnB a Joker nbroad. Campbell said this bill was aimed to rcllovo Intoler able conditions at Oregon City, to OOOOOOOOOOOO 0 SMILES. ( OOOOOOOOOO O From criticisms of our legislators, Indulge din by some of our oxchnnges It would fiooin that most of tho coni munltlofl oxpoctud their roprusoutii tlvo to bo n Hunry Clay, Daniel Wob Htor, Aloxander llamlltoii, General JuckHon and Tuddy Itoosovolt, nil done up In nn original packnge, with the immo blown in tho bottlu. Great ovouts uro gutting thulr nn nlvormirlos bunchod this year. Lin coln's contonulal Fob. 11, Oregon's hitlf contury and St. Valentino's Day on tho 11 th. Wnshingtou's birthday on the 22nd mid tho Journal's homo editor's On tho 18th. When King Kdward und Kaiser Wllholm kissud, it may bo It hud much tho mime result as billiard balls doing tho mimo thing prevent ed making n shot. Tim Panama onniil may ho making oxcollont progress, hut the work Is not going nhond half ns fast hh tho oAtlmatofl of the amount needed to complete It. Tho original oHtlmato for building tho Panama onuul was 150, millions of dollars; now It In placed nt 500 millions, and there arq novonil years for tho estlmnt.oH t.i grow In. Still, It Is a necuBsnry work regardless of tho COHt. Billy Sunday condomns al thou trus nnd then goes on tho road doing a vaudovlllu ntuiU in the ohurehos. Tho liuigungo ho used In tho pulpit would. If usod on tho street. Ho callod profanity or vulgarity and Billy would he Hi-rofltod. Naggus You mean, I prormui, bofore you send them to the noxt pub lUher, Do Wltfa Cr.iLollzd WHoh Har 3'lvo, tkti Crlglnal, U ffood for any t'.Mng when n salvo Is uocded, and Is ciraclallv good for pllaa. Sold by all ra-uggbts. o A confidence man naturally has no confidence In any one but himself. Kodol for Dyspepsia and Indlgej tlon does tho ordinary work of the stomach, so that by taking a llttlo Kodol evory now and then you. can not possibly have Indigestion or any form of stomach trouble. Sold uy all druggist. Ever notice how narrow minded most people are who argue with you. o Or eat Clilneae Doctor L. M. R U M Ha raedlclno wblr.b will curr an known disease. He makes a apwcU ty of, nud guarantees to cure Cntarrr Asthma, Lung, Throat, Kheumatlsm Debility. Stomach, Liver, Kidney Troubles; also any blackened oi -wpl'n snrene'B. broken limb Smallpox; Rpldemic: all kinds ol nulls. IxBt Manhood, Female Weak new. Hernu Troubles and Paralysis Consultation free. Care of Ylck Sc Tong Co.. Chinese drugs and herbs 153 High St., upstairs, Salem, Or. givo men who woro chained to a machluo 30 minutca over six hours to rest or oat. Would this houso o fiBo to givo tho rost to n human ho ing that would not rofuso to a horso or an ox? Brady plead for a man to not eat his moalB by bltos botweon Jumps and Jumps botwoon bites. Car- tor could not soo but what section two constituted an olght-hour day. Dean showed that unless n 30-mlinito rst was glvon an olght-hour iday was mado a logal day. Dut with a 30 mlnuto Intormtsslon ho could he worked 26 hours. Farroll said this bill was aimed at tho paper mills at Orogon City, and undor this bill tho mills would hnvo to employ 50 per cent moro labor, and would pay 50 por cont less wagos. On roll rail nyoB 41, noos 17. Absont 2. Thoro was applauso In tho gallorlos, which tho spoakcr suppressed. "Tho cause was not worthy of tho domonctra tlon," said Campbell. It Is an olght hour law that is not nn olght-hour law at nil. Piietiinonla I1Iowh Ia Grlppo Pneumonia ofton follows In grlpn Ixut novor follows tho uso of Foloya Honoy and Tar, for la. grlpo cough? nnd deep soatcd colds. Rofuao any hut tho gonulno In tho yoltew pack ages. J. C. Perry. Bonis Yes, I alwnya rowrlto my poems before I send thorn to a pub llshor. Worn Out. That's tho wny you fool about tho lungs whon you havo n hacking cough It Is foollshnoss to let It go on and trust to luck to got ovor It, whon Bal lard's Ilorohound Syrup will stop tho cough and heal tho lungs. Prlco 25c, 50c and $1.00 por bottlo Wfl I I (Mil lllllllllllil !; Graber Bros. I PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING Wltl givo prompt attention to nil orders, gunranteo our ') work to givo satisfaction nnd f to bo up to tho snnltary stand- 4 . . ard. 'I WE WILL UK PLKASKD TO QIVK KSTIMATKH ON OOXTRACT8 .. t Wo pro agents for tho Ala- ; mo, Victor nnd ldonl Gnsollue Buglnos. ! .' Shop on Llborty streot. Iinoli T 1 ' of Ilarr's Jewelry Storo. tiiiiuiniim iwiiuhi fn.K IDIH .1 .N II " ? C. W, YANNKE ('up ..of Of THE FASHION STABLES Cabs and Llvory, all Rigs Modern Rubber Tire. MFALS 15c Call and try them. Meals 15c Board per week $3.76, all? fur' Dished rooms very reasonable. AT THE Salem Restaurant 8SB COURT STREW!1. sifAt1nnirIinflArr1FRCHFEJIItE miUIMlUUUM PILLS. lluf,Cut. Iuii iHlciruwaMwruiriM. UYIIIRDMK TO fll. SO.' Bui, BfMli sub. i'IM"l. Vllr JlhaMUlllktauilbl m ... ... al.j . k m ...... Am.i.t 1 . . J N TCOMCOICALCO . o T4, UHUITII, r. t aJi1Rm!3HHBHB vd in Salem bv Dr. S. C Sfcr THE STOCK BOOKS For tho North Santlam Mining company, aro sUll epea M? le vostors. A limited nmouut of stock Is now for sale, nt tho JUOW PRICE of 5c por share. SAVAGE & HERREN FISCAL AGENTS. 12fl S. COftlMEUCIAL ST. ft !! i frttniBif iiaiaf iBiiimiiif Wire Fencing Paint j! Tor SALEM HARDWARE CO. !j ! I 1 20 Commercial St. Phone 1 72 ! ! 1 1 . lf I9tt!!98g!ame!iiit;;;;igiiai iiitit i 19 1 m i numwtit ioiiii mi a iob PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY i ;. When you spray your trees, Dependable brand Lime " anrl Qn nliiif Onlii4tnn n nf lU Unnl I.. I I It j; uiu uumiiui uuiunuiii uno ii "iioioi io nittuo 115111 iioio ;; uau um uo( ui pnuiiu mun ;; pure solution or $100,00 hor sale by the TILSON A CO. d. a. Wilms & co. LH 1K)LI) I1ROS. '4lf f Big Discount ; On all shoes to make room for Serine stock, Call and ii ;; see mv lino bofore buvlnc elsowhoro, " ;; 345 Stato Street, Salem. Ore, I JACOB VOGT, rheMoe j 'iaiIBIiaiBIlBIBIBlBlBlBBBf f IBf fl 1 I i -frHMI THAT PARTY! You'ro going lo nltond or that bnll of cofiirso, then you wnnt your porsonnl appoaranco to bo porfoct. Your appoaranco will Indood ! far from porfoct If wearing some un luundorcd llnon sond us your shirt? and you will bo boyond tho criticism of tho most oxnctlng. A superb ecjulpment, combined with oxcollont operator nud tho host soups, starohos, etc.. guaranteo you oxcollont work. Salem Laundry Co. Telephone 'M, 1. '10-1 (1(1 H. Mhertty Hi j READY TAILORED FOR WELL DRESSED MEN, strf. si fnflM ZlVIATJ w 1 C Portland's Popular Fire-Proof Hotel THE OREGON Our Rathskeller Grill finest dining service In city, with Hawaiian orchestra from 6 to 12 p, m, Most perfectly furnished, Moderate Priced, Modern Hostlery in the metropolis of the Northwest. ANNEX IS NOW OPEN Our capacity has beon doubled and our free bus will hereafter meet trains No, 6, and train No, 12, limited, Oregon Electric that arrive in Portland at 10:55 a. m. ana 4:55 p, m, M. C DICKINSON, Manager THE OREGON 3 Builders' Hardware I and Oil ui hid uoat uiuiius muuo any uy uiuuuii owu vjumpuiiy! -iOi vvo guaiuruee a siricuy forfeit, following dealers: FliKTCIIKR & BYRO. n. r. chase. BtaHHBIiBIlIBIIB mg THE BBST ROAST TMK FAMILY UVKIt HAD Can bo oblnlnod from our prime tender nnd JiCcy hoof, mutton or pork. All our monts nro eolocted from tho choicest, and propared for tho tablo to suit tho domands of the fastidious. Our prices aro lowor for quality than you can And at any placo In Balum,. K. C. CR09A, CLOTHES RlCET range uMJtyn r 0 TO 40