--3 itoMMMMMMMMWH mmmmmmmxmtimw 6 iAILY OAPTCAJi JOURNAL, 8AI.KM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEUKUAKY 10, 1009 M r I SPEND YOUR HOLIDAY VACATION AT PASO ROBLES If comploto rest and most perfect conditions imnginablo for naturo euro aro what you need, spend your holidays at Paso Ilobles Hot Springs, . California. A wook or two, and OTon a few days there wlll'nccomp llsh moro in tho way of restored onorgy than a much longer period and moro oxponslvo troatment clso whore, because good old Mother Na turo is nursa and physician. Paso nobles Is taking tho samo rank In America nnd enjoying the samo famo for wonderful cures that Carlsbad and Dadon Dadon do in Europe Tho hotol Is a tnarvol of comfort and luxury, and tho bath liouso built by tho city, frco to all, is said to bo ono of tho boat In tho world. It Is a stubborn allmoat and a hopolcss condition of physical breakdown that tho mlnoral wntors and hot mud baths of Paso Hoblcs will not hoal In a short timo. Call on agent at Salem for do scrlptho booklota oi Paso Robles, nd he will also toll you all about rates. Win. Mc MUIUtAY, 12-2 4-tf 0. P. A. S. P. Co. C. It. Klugor, tho Jowelor, 10C0 Virginia Avo Indianapolis, Ind., writes: 'I wns so weak from kidney troublo that I could hardly walk a hundred feet. Four bottles of Foloy'u Kidney Itomcdy elenrod my complex ion, curod my backacho nnd tho Irreg ularities dlcappearod, and I can now attend to business ovory day, and roc ommond Foloy's Kldnoy Romody to all suffororo, as It cured mo nftor tho doctors and other romedlos had ial!od." J. C. Perry. THE WANT ADS ARE FOR HALE For Hiih- Sovon-room liouso, nil mo lorn convenience, ono-linlf blork Innd. For further pnrtlcu larn call o . mo mornings at my rcsl'Jonco, end of car lino, south. Airs. Geo, II. Jones Phono 1181. 10-27-tf. For Sale A 7-room houso on Union otroot, modern, $2350. Nina-room houso corner Contor nnd 14 tli, modorn nnd up-to-dnto plumbing and electric light, $3500. Hous.i, bnrn nnd two lots on 20th street, nil for 11000. Houso and 4 lots, 10th nnd Ilolvtio, $1700. 208-ac.io farm, 3 Mi mllos oast of Snlom, $50 por ncro. John Knight, Murphy block. WANTED WumUmI Will do nxoavatlng, garden plowing, nnd nil kinds of team work. W. lfi. nunii, 1720 Uu t , phono 1528 12-21-tf FOK HUNT Houho fcr Unit Oloso to Enst sohool. Hnqulro nt 008 Marloc streot. 12-28-tf For Rent Fumlshod housokeopln room, 415 Court streot. Phon? 644, A. J. Anderson. 2-S-3t LODGES Carpenter Union No. I OUR Local Union No. 1005 of Carpontorf nna Joiners of America mat over Rnt urdny ovonlng nt 7' 30 p. in. In Honrst hall. 420 State Stroot A. W. Dniinls. Ilw. Sue ForttHli'i-if uf America Court Slier wnnd, Forlorn. Np. 10. MMti Saturday night In Holuinu hull, Stato btreot. Gen. F. Patterson, C. K.; J. C. Perry, (Inutielnl vMrutary Central LMlgi N. IN, K. of P. Gnitln hull In llolmnn block, cor ner Stato nnd Liberty streets. TuoHilny of onch wotjk at 7:30 p. in. Oscar Johmon. C. C ; K. II Anderson. K. of It. nnd 8 Motlotii VMMlnicn of AhutIiii Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 5246. Meet ovory Thursday uvonlng at 8 o'clock In llolmnn hall. W. V. Ulll, V. O.; P. A. Turner, olork Wwxlnu'n of World Meot ovory Frl day night at 7:30. In llolmnn hall. A. L. Harvey. C. O ; L. II. notch or, Clerk. Jan. 10, '09. Hydo llroB. lifevtrlo Co. lijlectrlo suppllos nnd lUt-claa wlrlnc at reasonable priced. Call at our offlco for ostimatei. Phono 45) 143 K. Liberty itreot, 1-lS-tf WciiKr V Cticrrlnjjton pianos and organs sold on easy tortus; tele phono 1187; 347 Commercial Btroot. Salem. Oroson tf HALKM WATKU COMPANY OFFIOK C1TV UAldi For water service apply at oiUco Dills payable monthly lu advance HUTTKHNirr 11UKA1). It u worth mor than an oth i rm yt the prlw 1 no hlf he ' a vour (rrocers. fi.uvUIVIA UAKKHV, l'vtii A imiK) Proui. $100 Itcward, JJlOtf". Tho readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that thcro Is at leant ono dreaded disease that science has been able to euro in all its stages.aad that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curt Is tho only posltiva euro known to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh bo lng a constitutional disease, requlroi a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken Internally, act ing directly upon tho blood mucoaii surfaces of tho system, thereby de stroying tho foundation of tho dis ease, and giving the paUont strength by building up tho constitution and assisting naturo in doing its work. Tho prorlpctors haw so much faith In Its curatlvo powors that they offer Ono Hundred Dollars for any cans that it falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address P. J. Cheney & Co., Tola do, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Tako Hall's Family Pills for Con stlpatlon, o Girls nro partial to automobllos because thoy. havo sparkers. Foloy's Orino Laxatlvo cures con stipation and liver troublo and makes tho bowels healthy and rogular. Orlno Is suporlor to pills and tablets as it does not grlpo or nauseate Why take anything olso? o Perhnps women would scold less if their husbnnda refused to stand for it. Hoarse coughs ana stuffy colds that mny dovolop into pneumonia ovor night nro quickly cured by Foloy'o Honoy and Tar, and it noothos Indamod membranes, heals tho lungs and expels tho cold from tho system J, C. Perry. MIRCISfiLANKOUH ' Conn etc Work Oot my prices on sldewulk, curbs, upoMc tanks nnd cement work of any kind All work gunrantood first clam. M. Wnrd, 3378 Maplo Avo., Highland Phono COO. Mny 24-09 Get a Home Housed nnd lots cheap, on Installment 5, 10, 20, 40, 80 and loVacro tracta, cholco homos cheap; dairy ranch with cows on It for snlo or trado for city prop orty; horsos and cows for salo. I want $5000 for flvo years at C per cont, first mortgage I, O. O. 1'. lodgo nnd trustees oocurlty, Intor est sotnt-nnruunl. Other good loann for Btuallor nmounts. Boo II. It. Ityan. 1-20- Aery and Food Htnbl'n Old PoJt odlco Stnblos, nt 254 Forry stroot. betweon Commorclul and Front stroets. Toluphonu 188. Somo jI tho llnoBt liveries In tho city cun bo found hore. Vstnrolt &. Jean sun ti LViiicnt Work Concroto walks, sop tlo tnnks, cemont floors and foutt dutlons. Gsilmatos furnished and all work guaranteed. J, P. Votch, 328 Mnrlon stroot. Phono 008, 0-10-tf VoroI I.uhiIht ninl I'Hii'l C. Lum ber, BhlngloH, building matorial, woixl nnd conl. Low prices and prompt dollvorlos. Ono block onV of S. P. pnssongor depot. Phona 108. ' 7-2-tf. Hullo .V WoniliM'oth Flna wlnos ll(juor nnd olgtirB. Wo handle th relehrntod Ksllag and Castle whlikltts. Cool nud rofroshlnR ber coiutnntly on draught. Soutn Commorclul stroot 0-3-lyr. (Iniftliig Top gniftlng fruit and walnut troB. Work guarantied prices rensonnblo. For particulars phono 875 or wrlto MeOnrty & MoDonough. 1108 llrondwny St.. Salem 1-2 1-1 m DIIAYMKN CuuuiiIiih llrtM.' Trnnsfer Company All kinds of transfer work donn Furntturo and pianos boxed ready for shlp.uont. Prompt sorvlce U our motto. Stand and offlco at 263 8outh Commercial street Phona 110. Residence Phono CAPITAL 11AKK11V 439 Court Streot, D. J. Swltror. prop. Uread, Cakpa, Plea and all kinds of Pastries. Cookies, etc. Watch for our wagon. Phono 954. Special orders delivered on short notice. 11-19-tf. PI.UM11K11S Tlioo. M. Ilnrr Plumbing, hot water and steam heatlnp and tinning, 104 Commercial streot Phone Main 198. 9-1-1r i M. J. Potxcl Plumbing, steam 'and ks ruling. Huccestor to Knox 4 Murphy, 226 Commercial it reel Tho South Salem Moat Market, op posite l)ano'a store, has reopen ul. Fresh aad ourd meat. Qenoiel dt)lvry Glv It f trial. 1-30-tt OOOOOOOOOOOO SMILES. OOOOOOOOOOOO Tho California contention' in the Jap business seems to bo that tho state ha a right to regulato Us own schools, and tho administration claims that treaty rights given Japi must toko precedence over state law3. As the emperor of China sees fit to establish schools in California, and undoubtedly has tho right to say who shall attend them, it looks very much llko California might have as mucn right to say who should attend tho schools It maintains. Charles D. Hanford, accompanied by his wife, will be hero Februnry 1C to give Shakespeare's great pas toral comedy, 'The Wlnter'o Tale." On this occasion Mr. Hanford will ac. In tho dual characters of a king and a rogue. But why separate tho two? Billy Sunday Is not choosln his langungo or preaching his sermon nlong tho lines followed by the Nnjs- nrono. In fact It Is Just possible tint If tho Savior had boon Jn tho Port land White Temple last night the scoufgo would havo been applied to others than tho money changers. "Ask nnd yo shnll recolve." Wash ington asked for a position for on? of her citizens In Toft's cabinet, and got It, Oregon asked for nothing, and also got It. It cost $27,500,000 for tho fleet irt go around tho world, but then Unci? Sam has 129,000,000 coming to him from Rockefeller, so ho will have a million and n half loft when he gets It. Governor Chamberlain rocom mendad three nofmnl schools, whnt 4 r Are you going to buy farm or city proper ty? Note these: Houso nnd lot on Asylum uvouuu, city wntor, bnth, etc., $1400. Reed 8-room liouso, largo lot lu Huglowaod, $1000. LnrKo houso nud lot 132x100, close in, $0000. flood Iiouho nud bnrn, lot 90x2 18, on Stato ntrct, $2300. Six acres, S-room houso, 3 acres orchard, good barn. $1750. Klovnn nud one-hnlf acres clou in. good buildings, well Improvcxl $3000. SOMI-: SNAPS IX FAUM PUOP- HltTV. Forty neruH, 3 mllos Salem; n fine place, wol Improvud, $7000. Three hundred nnd twimty-olRht acres; 200 iiuioh In oultlviitlon. $30 por aero. Throo hundred and sixty ncruH ad joining nbovo, $25 por uuro. Wo havo n largo list of farms of ul hIzoh and prlcos nud It will pay you to Investigate beforo buying. Olmsted Land Co. !J7Jl Stnte HtUTt Salem, Oiv. FOR SALE $soo Houiw nnd lurgu lot np. Oool houso for ront. $1050 Fle acre in bearing fru't - cheap, llurnaln In modern dwelling. Reed fruit tracts, any size. Flno bnrgaln In farm property. $400 unoh for lots on 17th stroot. Mutual lire Insurance. For city or country property It wl'l pay you to call at our qfflco und Investigate our list- Wo can suit you to n T." H. A. Johnson & Co. Ml'Hl'IIV 1LK. HALKM, OKK. a. v. mason nox co. 347 Vlltler St, South Salem, manu facturer of all kinds of boxes, crate and fruit dryer accessories. Phon i Salem Fence Works Hoadqunrtora for Wovon Wlro Fonolng, Hop Wlro, Barb Wire, Poultry Netting. Shingles, Mal thotd Hoofing, P & II Ready Roofing All At I.ovtt lrlcos, CIIAS. 1). MULLIGAN J.n Court St Phone iai Washington has, and half as many as1 California has. Of course, George' don't know anything, and 'the ooll tlclan knows it nil. I ! An exchange says "wheat s wheat," while as a matter of fnct wheat Is $1.11 a bushel. Tho best way to celebrate Admis sion Day is to do something to ad mit Oregon to the ranko of progres sive states. The Hatteborg dog tax- bUl had a clause allowing the untaxed dog to be killed, and It had the opposite ef fect. It killed the bill. When McMnhon and Tom Kay g?t behind a bill, it has to go. Independence will celebrate getting' on the mnp with a big boostor ban quet next Monday night. Leslie Scott didn't need to writo such a bitter article In order to have' an excuse to get off the water wagon. ' i This legislature would bo thor oughly clean and respectable If l would pay a llttlo moro heed to Rev. ' Sollck and quit their Iniquitous prn' tlccs when they go to Portlnnd. Plain Jerry Rusk put his tusk right through all tho little graft bills to extend the terms of constables and county officers, i I Oh, yoi, kill off he Southern Orfl gon nnd Eastern Orogon normpl I schools. This Btnte don't need any normal school?. Only ten per cnt of Its school touchers need anything nbovo an olghth grndo certlflcato. Glyo us moro hospitals for t'n ' fcvblo-mindod. READ BY EVERYBODY ( FOK UKXT. Hon e, $8, $10, $13, $15, $20. Houhch mill Vnrniit LoIh. moki on insiniinicncs, close in. Snap. $1000 Well built 7-room houso, brick foundation, collnr, good well of water, pump, pantry, cIobMb, 3 lots, deep soil, very best of garden Ian J, about 15 bearing fruit trco9, best vnrloty, grnpos nnd berries,-an Idoal homo, for $1000, Ea3t Sa lem. 82500 Snap. Modorn houso, woll bnflt, 7-room pantry, cloiiots, flno largo barn, ovor nn ncro of ground, vory bjot of soil, nil kinds of bearing frutt trooi, borrloo. Tills Is a birgain and would bo cheap at $3500; tf sold In n fow dnys will tako $2500. Torms glvon, Tmctn, As I lutond to lonvo will sell my 54 ncro tract at a sacrlflco, Ann so1', nbout ono-fourth planted to har ries, bonrlng rhoubnrb, somo smalt fruit troos, 4-room houto, lnrgo barn, Just outnldo of tho city limits Property Is well worth $2000. FnrniK. 52 acres of tho very host of land about 5 acros under tho plow, nnl 10 acres moro can oaslly bo put to cultivation, house, bnrn, chicken house, old orchnrd, woll and spring wntpr on plnco, the balanco In pat turo nnd timber. Thoro Is enoug.i tlmbor on plnco if cut nnd !"' ketod to pay for place, only I mlloft from city limits, on the innln rond. Prie only $3700. Owrtr Kolng nwoy, and will saorlfl?e 'f taken soon. Will Hxchangon. Snap for Snap. Wo have o'ty property for oeHHtrv property, nlso ooiiuty for olty. Wlt lamett vnlloy farms for Portland property. 11KCIITFL V MIXTOX, 431 State St. Salem. Or. O. C. T. Co. Steamers Oregnnn nnd Pomona leave for Portland Monday, Wodnes dav and Frldn) si 10 a. m. Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 6 a.m. Fare 50 conts. Leave for Corvnllls, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday about 7 p. m. M. I KAI.mVIN, Agt. HIf ll !! iMHHHf Hlffl I44hHr" il FOR ;; $3500 Good 8-room house jj Court St, $2500 Good comar lot, 150x150. This is the most ; sightly in Salem. ; $?000 10-acre bearing orchard at Liberty. J List with us. J MEYER & BELL LAND CO. rm lw isy'iiyi T r iH H tK iiiBB 5Hio Kind Yor Havo Always In uso for over 80 years, fr"- ty?c&ii OLvPi All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd "Just-ns-good" nro hut Experiments that trlllo with nnd endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Hxporhnont. What is CASTORIA Castorla is gorlc, ti'; contains jic suImUuico. it harmless substitute for Castor Oil, l'nro i .:u Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It ,.ior Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic III ago is its guarantee It destroys Worms , vprlshness. It cures Diarrhoea nnd "Wind and alluyn Colli'. It IT Moves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation n . II. usslmllatos tho Food, rcirulatcs tho i'td TUtutr Srihuuli u 'Jewels, glvLng healthy nnd natural sleep. H no Child' gswuike Be tho -7c The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years, tmi cintauh eoHP.NT, t wu.r.t tTurrr, ne o eir. FOK SALK. 5-room hwiso nnd 2 lots, near streot car line, $750. G-room houso nnd 2 lots, largo wood liouso, lots or fruit, $700. Two good lots, unimproved, $500. Reed 5-room houso nnd 1 lot, 50? 150. Prlco $950. Reed 5-room house nnd lot 50x150 Prlco $1200. Reed 8-room house, 4 nlco lots, each 50x100, all kinds of fruit nnd or nnmontnl trees, barn, electric lights, and ovorythlng handy. So 252 ncrcs, 9 miles northwest of Sa eom, lu Polk county, good 0-room house, Inrgo barn, built last sum mor. costing $1500, 1-t brtarlnrf Hngllflh walnut trees, 3-ncro apple orchnrd, 5-ncro pruno- orchad, plen ty of other fruit, 275 Bnrtlstt ponr troos all boarlng, 90 nores In tlmbor nnd pasture, spring wnt.'r piped to house nnd bnrn. Living wntor In every flold, Feqclna; !.'r. Prlco $05 por aero. . SCHUITK KAItTLITPT. 490 Stato street. White House Restauraot For a Regular 25c Dinner at 20c They ran'i bo wM McGilchrist & Son Proprietors. SAM CASTO FAMOUS HOUSE TKA1NEK. Is now located at Canby Oregon, the best winter quarters In the Nortn west for training and developing young horses. Sam has room for a fow nnro prospects, either for the road or fack and would llko 'o communicate with anybody wishing their horse trained. Mr, Casto Is conceded to bo tho best colt man in the West and bis success ou tho Sa eom track boars oat this statement Terms reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. Addrtsc SAM CASTO. Canby, Oregon. SALE and corner lot 80x120 on J Bought, and which ho3 been hns fcorno tho signature of nnd nns ucciiniauounucr nis per gonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no ono to deceive you in this. n'a Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. CASTORIA always Signature of HKAL KSTATK IIAKGAIXS 200 ncroH, good houso, 2 barns, 100 acres In cultivation, flno land, woll foncod, on good road, woll water ed. Plenty of fruit, bul. tlmbor nnd pnsturo; only $00 por ncro. C ncrcs, good liouso, bnrn, fruit, flno wntor, on good rond, a good homo. A snap; $1900. VK IIAVK fiOJIB FIXE ACKEAC.K CHEAP. 53 acres; houso( fruit, 40 in culti vation, 1ml. good timber; only $50 por ncro. Vacant lots In nil parts of tho city. Wo havo somo snaps In good houses from $800 up In nil parts of Salem. If you want anything, or wnnt to buy, sco A. T. SMITH & CO. Itoom 1), over United States National I'nnfc. Also houses to ront. liotHbn fOtlfltrooV, $375and$325. 'mono lots will fdvnnco In prlco soon. If you want to got in on this chonp prlco act quick, 'wo lots, 18th and Trade, 3 lots. 12th and Forry. One lot on 12th nenr Chemeketa, $S00. Reed fnrm for snlo. House, 0 rooms, and lot, 1 0th St., t $S00. E. IjUPTOX, 1073 Stnto stroot 2-1-lmo CJront Chinese Doctor L. M. H V M Hbi, iiiudleiti'i which will cure au Ki.own dUrasit. He niuKeu a HP'H'Ut ty of. uud guarantees to curo Catarrh ihn,u. Lung, Throat, ttheumatlsm, l in'' v. SU)imuh. Liver. Kidney Trpiifrs; g'en any b'sckt nod or n '1-mi soirne s, broken llmlu; Smallpox; Epidemic; all kind of noils, Lost Manhood, Female Weak ness, Hernia Troubles and Paraly-la Consultation free. Care of Ylck So Tong Co., Chinese drugs and beibs. 153 High St., upstairs. Salem. Or 4-m-h iimminiiniHtiii !! Graber Bros. I PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING Will give prompt attentlpn I to all orders, guarantee our work to give satisfaction and T to bo up to the sanitary stand- T ard. I WE WILL nE PLEASED t TO GIVE ESTIMATES ON CONTRACTS ii We are agents for the Ala- ', ', ; ; mo. Victor and Ideal Gasoline Engines. Shop on Liberty street, back I ', of lUrr's Jewelry Store. ! 1 ll3lf H-t4--i-f4IHIHi4l4l-C mumnuHHii tUIH ' " - - - - MMM,MMMM,,MMM,,MMtM,MMMMMMaMMM