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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1909)
Mk BAHiY CAP11AL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1001 EDITORIAL PAGE - DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL tmamummmmmmKm''' Sonic Local Dates. Third house Wednesday night. Grand Army honors Lincoln Fo day evening at First M. E. church GermanAmerlcan Society program at Grand opera house Friday evea ing. Friday evening, at Armory, ban quet In honor of Lincoln centennht. Legislature invited. Monday, February 15, Oregon a a mission Day, observed at hall of rv resentatives at 3 p. m. :0 A little girl hates to be kissed by a man almost as much as a big girl doesn't. FIVE BILLS THAT SHOULD BE PUT THROUGHAT THIS SESSION ,0F THE LEGISLA JURE IN THE CAUSE OF PROGRESS AND TO BUILD A GREATER OREGON. Why Does It Cure Not bocauso It Is Sarsaparllla, but because It Is a modlclno of peculiar merit, composed of moro than twenty different remedial agents effecting phonomonal cures of troubles of tho blood, stomach, liver and bowels. Thus Hood'a Sareaparilla cures scrof ula, eczema, anemia, catarrh, nervous ness, that tired feeling, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, and builds up the Bystcm. Ott it todtr la th uul liquid form or la cboeolaWd Ublct form ealltd BinuUb. it itiiwi4H'ffriiiiiiitiiiiiiMfiniiiiiAiniiii m)i tt i4 i J 1 1 i f The people who would love to see Oregon great want to see "Passed both houses" writ ten under each of the following bills. THE BEAN BILL THAT CREATES A GENERAL PORT COMMISSION ACT. (Has passed both houses,) THE JONES BILL FOR FREE LOCKS AND CANAL AT OREGON CITY. (Has passed tho House,) THE BILL APPROPRIATING $100,000 FOR THE CRATER LAKE ROAD. (Has passed neither house,) THE BILL TO BUILD STATE-AIDED RAILROADS. (Introduced by Speaker McArthur.) THE CONSITUTJOWAL AMENDMENT FOR SAME PURPOSE. (To be submitted to vote of the people,) W4f4MltlttilliaitIlllllWMllllllltlt81llllt(aililll-i THE CAPITAL JOURNAL K. IIOPKlt, Ed. and Prop. irnltfiwlarnt Newipuptr UiioUi Ut AmerlMa I'rlfielple. and , i the I'rijttf tad DarcJobement ttt All Orecoii. ' V rutlliir) Brerr Krtmlii tiievpt HnaUj, EJtn, Ore HUHKCMITIO.V ItATEf). (InrtriaUr In Alrr&e.) ImJIj, hj rtriiw, rr year ..t4.0t) Per monthSOa (Mllr. bj mall, r jttr. ............ i.U) I'er month 15c Wklr, hj mllrer rtr..... ',CH Six rnonUu ...10c 'XlZ2jGrTUT "nrhiMEabID- 2--- A G00DR0AD BILL. Reynolds of Marion has introduced a really good road bill. Romarkable as this may seem, Mr, Reynolds is A MEM BER OF THE LEGISLATURE. His bill requires county courts to give each Free Rural Mail carrior $50 to repair tho roads ho travels over daily, It would make him to that extent A DAILY ROAD INSPEC TOR AND REPAIRER. Thoso carriors go each day over 25 miles of public road, Thoy cani with a little work here and there, by having a few dollars to spend for timely ropairs SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS DAMAGE. This is a littl bill but it has a groat deal of sense in it, A fow hours work when needed will do more good than ex pensive contracts later on. IT IS NEGLECT OF LITTLE REPAIRS .WHEN .NEEDED THAT RUINS ROADS AND CAUSES GREAT LOSS AND EX PENSE. Daily inspection, calling attontion of road supervisors to noodod lopalrs, reporting condtions to county courts, Froo Rural Mail Caniers can oxpond this $50 more intelli gently THAN ANY OTHER CLASS OF OFFICIALS. They know tho needs of good roads and bad roads if any one clow. REPRESENT YOUR PEOPLE. (I'm in tli I'wiiillvUiu Dully tout Qregooiau.! If Eflstotn Orogon legislators do not stand totothor in de fense of the normal school at Weston thoy wlllnot be doinn their duty by their people. Eastern Orogon Is a growing empire. Already It Is fast becoming something moie than a stock raisin?, wheat grow ing country. Irrigation ditches and new transportation lines are taking the breath of life into places that have lain dorm ant in the past. The plains aie dally becoming mote close ly peopled, Tills progress is something the legislature should conside . It should be encoui aged, Tho one edurifo'iril hM;utin -this section of the state has should be left here. It should not be stolen for the benefit of anothe rportion of the state for a city that is already abundantly blessed. Especially is this true since it has been plainly shown that the three present normal schools meet the needs of the state better than would one institution at Portland. With con ditions as they are there is no sound reason for concentrat ing the three normal schools into one institution. It would be simply a move to benefit Portland at the expense of the rest of the state. To do this the state would have to vacate its present normal school property and spend an immense sum in building a new school. If the legislature acts with consideration for the needs of the entire state and with view to the future it will leave the present normal schools exactly where there they are, It will vote down the one school bill by such a majority that the knockers will never appear again, While the fight is on Umatilla county looks to her legisla tors to represent the interests of this county and of Eastern Oregon, They were chosen for that purpose, THE SOUTH COMMERCIAL STREET BRIDGE. SUIU'IIISE GItASGE PASSES RESOLUTIONS Turner, Or., Jan. 28, 190. Editor Jeurnal: At a meeting of Surprise Orange P. of H., tho following resolution was spiritedly discussed and adopted by a rising vete: To the Honorable Members of tho Legislature now In session at 8a lem, Oregen: Whereas, There Is a measure be fore the legislature having for its purpose the repealing of tho initia tive and refer'edum, therefore be It Resolved, That Surprise Orange, P. of H., condemns the move. Be It further resolved that we ap preciate "Statement No. 1" men who redeomed their pledge to the peop'o In electlg Hon. Go. E. Chnmborlnin to the United States senate. Fraternally t.ibmltted, I. L. HILLEARY, Secretary of Surprise Orange, Contentment is said to be better than riches, but it Is only a matter of hearsay with most people. Coffee DOG TRAVELS lilC DISTANCE. Wonderful IVnt of Foxhound Includ ed Hit Swimming of Two Rivers. The Real Secret Of monoy-making is in the saving ot it; and the suc cessful mode of saving is found in the savings bank. Let us help you save. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Capital National Bank Next to Sunshine Euro air ami deep breathing', tho oat median for all run-down con ditions of tha stomach, norvos and blood, ia that unfailing renovater, restorative and tonic Farmers are sending tl.e Capital Journal plans for con structing a concrete bridge on South Commercial street. It seems even the farmers have advanced beyond THE IDEA OF PUTTING IN WOOD AND PILE BRIDGES. But Salem will be thankful if it gets even a wooden bridge on its principal business street, We are the capital of the state and the pround inland city of the state, OR WE THINK WE ARE. But for three yeais wc have allowed a dilapidated looking structure to stand on ou principal thoroughfare. That wretched wreck ha.s caused unfavorable comment and HAS DRIVEN MANY PEOPLE AWAY FROM OUR CITY. The gentlemen who have been jockeying with that bridge for a year past are still opposed to any decent bridge at that place. Without consulting the citizens, the business interests, or ovon the progressive members of the city council they have preparod A PLAN FOR A WOODN BRIDGE 48 FEET WIDE, with ten foot walks on each side of that. Taking out eight feet for the street car track, that would leave a 20-foot passage way on each side of the swiftly mov ing stieetcars. , x It would not be wide enough for a fractious horse to turn around, and as for passing a load of hay, IT WOULD BE OUT OF THE QUESTION. n u g But a few persons who imagine they pay all the taxes in the city want to .build just as small a bridge as possible. If the business men of thir city and those who are woik ing hard to upbuild this city are to receive any encourage ment whatever NO SUCH BRIDGE SHOULD EVER BE CON STRUCTED. The manipulators for mossbackism have foiled the people loim enough and men who really want to see Salem go foi waid should give thorn a hint that this city should not be made the laughing stock of the farmers. Lexington, Ky.. dispatch of Feb. 3, Says: Information was received horo today from Judge A. Floyd Huff at Hot Springs, Ark., thnt his famous foxhound Seminole, which participat ed In the annual meet of the Na tional Fox Hunters' association nt Crab Orchard, Ky., In Novembor, and which was lost In ono of the field trials, had reached homo almost starved and with hor feet bleeding nnd so soro thnt she could hardly put them on the ground. Tho trip from Crab Orchard to Hot Springs would lead thuvd'og about GGO miles and sho would have been eom pellold to swim both tho Mlaslmhpl nnd Arkansas rlvors. The hound had boon shipped 1 Judge Huff to Massachusetts to take part In a hunt nnd was shipped from then to Kentucky nnd hnd not co orod tho distance betwoon Kentucky and Hot Springs even by express Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup Relieves Colds by working them out of the system through a copious and healthy action of the bowels. Relieves coughs by cleansing the mucous membranes of the throat, chest and bronchial tubes. "As pleasant to the fast as Maplo Sugar" Children Like It For BACKACHE-WEAK KIOKEYS Trj OsWllt'i Kldnei ind Bliddir Pi'li Suro and Sits .SOU) HV I.T UK I. Kits Quality cleanperfect Your grocer will grind It bettor If ground at home not too flno. 4 DR. STONE'S Drug Store Tho only cash drug store lu Oro gon, owos no oue, and no ono nwei It; carries largo stock; Its shelves, counters and show casoa are loaded with drugs, medlclno9, notions, toilet nrtlclos, wlnos and liquors ot all kinds for medicinal purposes. Di Stone Is a regular graduate In mod iolus, and has had many jenrs rf ex peilence in the practice Consulta tions are free. Proscriptions arft free, and only regular prices for medicine Dr. Stone can bo taund at Ida drug store, Salem, Or., frrm 7 In the morning until 9 at ulgb' WHITF W A 1 T C A IMF I MUSLIN UNDERW'R LIFE SAVING APPLIANCES. JZeedamll 3U Efcrywlm. lu bant 10c am 2S. Try Prof. Rickard's Electro Radiator Greatest cuio on earth for In Grlppo, Paialysls, Rheuma- tism and Blood Troublo, f Facial Massage and Scalp ' To somo persons human life is not a very serious thing, They read of accidental deaths reported in the press WITH i OUT A THRILL OF HORROR. ! When science shall have assumed her regal sway this I class of news will be more scarce , ...... It is the law of progress and the supreme sway ot intellect that ACCIDENTAL DEATHS SHALL FINALLY BE DONE AWAY WITH. ... . ,. Legislation for safety appliances is not only protective to the citizen but educational. It is the purpose of legislation to not only extend human life, BUT TO TEACH THE CITIZEN HOW TO SAVE HIS 'OWN LIFE. The bills' in this legislate to require all doors of public . buildings to open outward, and for automatic safety gas jets aie in this line of legislation. , .ir4 ,,.. THEY WILL HARM NO ONE BUT WILL TEND TO MAKE LIFE MORE SECURE FOR ALL. New white waists only 50ceach Fine white waists only : $1.25 each Muslin drawers, trimmed, only ...i 25c each Corset Covers, verypretty ones, only 25c each Muslin Gowns, only 50c each Muslin Skirts, special good values, only 60c each All fine Muslin Underwear at low prices, Ladies' fancy collars and cuffs, values to 75c, now 35c Ladies' fancy collars and cuffs ,values to 50c, now 19c Rostein & Greenbaum 240-246 Commeicial Street Treatments. llUMMiiout of W'llluniotU' Hotol.