- " i-i.Miuil A UV. 17 . 1IM .. .. fcJHSj QHtf ninwipraiHift' DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OltKGON, TUESDAY, VKUIIUAUY f, 1009. ALL GOODS ARE SOLD mmgtfiaJmfm0mmmmmmmmmii)t m iiMmmmmmsmsmsmSSBiUSS AS ADVERTISED ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS TO COME TO OUR STORE AND ASK FOR THE GOODS YOU SEE ADVERTISED; MENTION WHATEVER ARTICLE IT IS AND WE WILL HAND IT OUT TO YOU JUST AS IT IS DESCRIBED AND AT THE PRICE MENTIONED. We know the only advertising that pays is honest advertising, that is what made the Chicago Store grow so fast. In nearly all cases you will find every article we advertise to be better and greater values than we describe in this paper. The carpenters arc working on our new Annex. It will take them a long time to complete this work, as we have to put Up a complete new building at the rear end and then tear out the wall between. We don't want our goods destroyed with sand and mortar. Read the following price list and see the prices we are giving, the greatest bargains that were ever offered in Salem. Unapproachable Bargains Offered During our Alteration Sale there is no use in you trying to beat our prices, as we are now selling our goods at less than the manufacturers' first cost. Our stock is very large on the side of the store that has to be torn out and we would sooner dispose of those goods at a loss than see. them covered with sand, mortar and dust. Our store is crowded every day in the week; what is the reason? Shrewd buyers apperciate what we are doing and the values we are giving to everybody. Ask for the goods advertised. 10,000 Yards of 1909 Newest Dress Goods Now on Sale. 85c self-striped Pongee Silk, 1909 newest styles, special price for this sale, now only, yard 48c 65c Pongee.Silk now selling at a bargain, now only,, yd 35c 85c Messaline Silk, 1909 newest goods; this silk is beau tiful, with a high satin finish, special for this sale, yd 49c 46-in Fillet Waisting Net, 75c quality, new goods for 1909, special price, yard, only 39c Thread Lace, 4 inches wide, now only, yard 4c $2,00 Chiffon all wool Broadcloth, 56 Inches wide, in all colors and black, a great bargain for, yard 98c Ladies' Umbrellas, worth up to $1,50, now on special sale for only 49c, 75c and 98c 75c Black Wool Taffeta Dress Goods, 40 inches wide, a great bargain for only, yard - 45c 10.000 Yards of 1909 Newest Dress Goods Now on Sale. 5.000 yards of Plain and Fancy Ginghams in every color and style, checks, stripes, etc, 1909 newest production, 12 1-2c and 15c qualities, now on sale, for, yard 7 l-2c, 8 1-3o and 10c 12 1-2c India Linens, now a yard, only 7 1-2c 7 1-2c Best Quality of Dainty Porsian Challios, in a grand assortment of colors, now only, yard 4c 8 1-3c Good Heavy Outing Flannels, In dark and light shades, now only, yard 4'l-2o Sheets, Pillow Casos and White Bod Spreads now selling at loss than mill prices,- "' 10,000 Yards of 1909 Newest Dress Goods' Nowon Sale". 1Dn Mrrf!nri7Pfl Rmss filrwlmms. 1QOQ nownet rrnnrlc. In nrnltv nnlfnrnc. nrwu nnlu. wtirH 7 1 -9n m 50c Satin Finished Tablo Damask, with protty floral doslgns, extra wide, special prico, now only, yard 29o Salem's Greatest Bargain Giver The Chicago Store will sell thousands of yards of all kinds of goods this week at prices that will have everybody talking about the Chicago Store.. We arc not looking for profits now, it is a matter of disposing of the goods, we don't want to have the trouble of storing them away and hauling them around from one place to another. It is easier to move the money, and into money we will turn them if prices does it. No mercy will be shown to prices, cost cuts no figure during this sale. See how we sell them now 8 1-3c White Towels with colored borders, special sale price now only, each 4c 8 1-3c Heavy Crash Toweling, with a double twill, will wear like iron, now only, yard 4 1-2c Muslins and Sheetings al less than mill prices, We can aive you the values, 75c Turkish Tapestry, 56 inches wide, in pretty Persian styles and designs, now only, yard 35c Ladies' H, S, Linen Lawn 5c Handkerchiefs, now only.. 2c Great Bargains in Corset Covers, 10c, 15c and 35c, Hand somely trimmed with valuable laces and ribbons, Children's Muslin Drawers, extra fine quality, French seams and nicely tucked ,now only, price 10c 10,000 Yards of 1909 Newest Dress Goods Now on Sale. Great Bargains in Leather Bags, Belts and Kid Gloves, We are giving the values to the people, Best Sewing Silk, per spool, now only 3c Best Nickel Safety Pins, now only, per dozen .2c Children's Best 10c Hose Supporters, now on sale at tho small sum of, a pair 5o Best Hooks and Eyes, now only, per dozen.' 2c 15c Dross Shields, best quality, now only, pair 9c 10,000 Yards of 1909 Newest Dress Goods Now on Sale. Ladies 35c Wool Fleeced Underwear, now only 1 9c Ladies' 45c Silk Finished Lisle Hose, now only, pair... 25c Our Great Alteration Sale Is attracting people from far and near, and all go away satisfied an dsend their friends. That has always been the foundation of the Chicago Store satisfaction once a cus tomer always one. The people like to come back and trade at our store because they see our method of doing business is up to date, and that we always have the nevest and best goods to show them, and at prices so low that no competition can beat.. All goods sold as advertised. Now is your time for bargains. Watch the Chicago Store grow. 2 All-Silk Ribbon, 4 inches wide, in all colors and black, 5c a-eat bargain, for only, yard n-ants of Dross Goods and Silks less than half price. V' s and Boys' Canvas Gloves, now only, pair 5c V- s Pants, Overalls and Clothing at great bargains. Ver s 65c black heavy Sateen Working Shirts now only 39o S ei Blankets, Comforts and Lace Curtains at half price. $7.50 All-Silk Underskirts, handsomely ruffled and plaited, you cannot buy the silk for the money, special sale prices $3.45 All our Ladies' Coats setting for half price and lets; now for bargains Ladies' $1.00 Black Mercerized Sataon Petticoats, now only 48c Ladles' $1 2.00 and $1 5.00 Suits now feoing for $3.95 Ladies' $18.00 and $20.00 newest 1909 style Suits, made of the latest wool suitings, long coats, silk lined sheath skirt, all colors and black, now only : $9.50 10,000 Yards of 1909 Newest Dress Goods Now on Sale. Girls! .$5.00 Long Coats going now for only $1.95 Girls' Wool Dresses, now only half price. Now Spring Millinery now on sale. Wa are showing the newest In Hals, Flowers and Feathers, Ladies' Dress Skirts now on sale 95c, $2.50, $3.90 and so on CHICAGO STORE Salem, Oregon We Errralov 32 Salespeople and Keep Them All the Time Busy Waiting On Customers t ' ;; 1 1 7 JT rime l or fctod for tha f for r L IIIIIIIIMMMIIMM1 MM,MMM.MMME3M!MaMBMMM It I TmmmmmaMllgmgSaaalmMaMllmm