Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 08, 1909, FIRST EDITION, Page 7, Image 7

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Elected Ofllccrs
At a meeting in the Salem Boarl
of Trade rooms Saturday, the Ma
rlon County Horticultural Socle'y
elected the following officers for the
ensuing year: President, J. 0
Kurtz; first vice-president, John
Pemborton; second vice-president,
Enos Presnal; secretary and troasur
er, E. C Armstrong.
Want It n Legal Holiday
The Woman's Relief Corps held a
a meeting Saturday afternoon, and a
resolution was passed to request the
governor to proclaim a legal holi
day on February 12 In honor of the
100th anniversary of Abraham Lin
coln's birth. The members of tlio
legislature will bo invited to attend
the exercises to bo hold in the a. .
It. hall Friday afternoon.
Sent to Asjliim
William Mclntyro has boon com
mitted to the lnsano asylum, the
cause being due to excessive drink
ing. Mclntyre was arrested and found
guilty of stealing an overcoat from
tho senate chamber laBt Thursday.
Ho Is 43 years of ago, and has been
n resident of Oregon for about seven
For Weak
Inflammation of the bind i
dor, urinary troubles and 1
backache use J
DoWitt's Kidney
and Bladder Pills
A Week's
Trial For 25c
tt. O. DaWXTT St CO.. Cbicmmo, 111.
Floors and Walls
Are with you and around you every day in the year and exert a far greater influence in
life than is Usually attributed to them,
One of the leading features of our business is making floors and walls attractive and
One of the most successful floor coverings is linoleum, the gain in the use of which
duiing the past decade is perhaps greater than that of any other fabric used for sim
ilar purposes, We are showing very complete lines both in printed and inlaid,
i ,
There are carpets which have a fixed value and never disappoint their owners and there
a? carpets that have nothing to recommend them but their little, price. Carpets are
mt different from other woven fabrics, some are good and others anythtng else but good
We are exclusive agents for the entire line of Park Mills and no one familiar with them
will question their excellence and superiority,
The use of Wall Papers is
Our showing for less than
suitable for any room,
i ne permanent colored paoers are meeting wmi gieai iavoi.
The House Furnishing Co.,
i HMbu... .... ... .HHiaBaMBllMaHIHHHBHiMHMHHHBB
m hh I
HttMMMiiMtMIlLL.--- . - - , , jariEBKT7 - rrlll rrTI- niiummir-aM
Spanish War Veterans
An organization of Spanish Wnr
Veterans was perfected temporarily
Saturday evening at a meeting heH
In tho armory, and Charles McKlnley
nnd Arthur Glrod were elected pre'
dent nnd secretary. Next Saturday
evening another meeting will be hoU
to comploto tho organization.
More Basketball
Tho Willamette University basket
ball team was beaten by a small mar
gin Saturday night by tho McMlnn
vllle team. The game was one roiinl
of excitement from start to finish
and at the end of the first half Mc
Mlnnvllle was 23 and Willamette 20.
Tho final outcome of the contest was
still 23 to 20.
Wandered Fw and Long
Robert Garrlsh, who was comit-
tod to the asylum from Ynmhlll conn
ty several months ago, and who es
caped from the Institution last No
vember, was' brought back to th
asylum Saturday from Roseburg, hav
ing been caught near that city In a
hnlf-stnrved and ragged condition
Tho poor fellow could not be 'raced
at the time of his escape, and It '
probnblc that he has wondered many
hundreds of miles In nil kinds of In
clement weather. Ho Is 40 years of
Two Alcohol Lamps
Two hoboes wore found lying In
tho nllry bohlnd the Snlom brewery
Saturday overcome by drinking al
cohol, nnd wore taken to tho city
Jnll by Chief of Police Gibson and
CUy Detective Murphy. The two
men were seen nonr the Southern
Pacific hop warohouso Saturday
morn'ng drinking somothlng, which
later proved to bo alcohol. Thy
wore In n vory sorlous condition when
taken to Jail from the strong drliw
and lying In tho wntflr nnd mud j
A flciirrous Stork
Tho stork delivered In fine condi
tion a 12-pound baby at tho faml'y
homo In Portland of Mr. nnd Mrs. W.
II. Chattcn Sundny mornlg, Febru
ary 7, 1909. Tho grandfather, Hon.
Gorgo Collins, of this city, wns so de
lighted that when he told tho report
er tho news he ndded on rcvenil
ounc h and forgot to tell wholher It
i nkb&C Ns&JSTx
almost universal from hut to mansion.
25g per bolt is stronger thin ever i
. . , , ,
v.;as a boy or a girl. Salem frionda
will join in congratulations and good
School llonrd Meeting
The school board will hold a stfo
clal meeting tonight, and tho now firo
protection system will probably re
ceive some consideration. Severat
other Important matters will bo dis
cussed during the meeting.
Falls City Dents Snlem
Tho Auditorium roller rink basket
ball team made a trip, to Falls City
Friday, and received another trounc
ing at the hands of the men from the
lumber city. The Salem team was
hopolossly beaten from the stnrt, and
at the end of the first half the score
stood 23 to 4 in favor of Falls City
This Is the second tlmo tho Falls
City lads have defeated Salem, which
will probably be the last, as tho local
boys are intending to make some ma
torlal changes In thoir ltnoup. Had
Salem been a few pounds hoavlor, tha
Falls City bunch would not have had
such a plum, but owing to thoir men
being of light weight tho men from
up the river were too much for them
A Suggestion on Eczema.
It ! suggested thnt eczema suffer
or: ask the Capital Drug Co. of this
city what reports It Is getting from
Po patients who hnvo used tho oil of
wlnterrotn liquid compound, D. D.
i. Pupnrpllou.
Thp hot nlr of tho landlord Is a
poor substitute for that of tho furn
sce man.
Many sufferers from nnBal catarrh
sny they got splendid results by us.
Ing nn ntomlzor. For their bonoflt
wo propnro Ely's Liquid Cream
Bnlm. Except that It Is liquid it Is
in nil roBpccts llko tho healing, help
ful, paln-allaylng Cream Balm that
tho public has boon familiar with for
years. No cocalno nor other danger
ous drugs In it. Tho soothing spray
is a romedy that rollevcs nt onco. All
druggists, 75c, including spraying
tube, or mailed by Ely Bros., 5G War
ren street, Now York.
When n doctor's residence Is bur
glarized he finds it a bitter pill to
San Francisco, Cal., Fob. 8.
Wheat, No. 1 California club, por
contnl, $1.72 M 1.75; California
white milling, $1.7501.80; northern
bluestcm, $1.80(5)1.85; off grades of
wheat, $1.55 1. CO; Rods, $1.67 &
Darloy Feed barloy, $1.42 &
1:45; common to fair, $1.35(0)1.40;
browing nt San Francisco nominal at
$1.45(pl.55; Chbvnllor, $1.50(5)1.60
according to quality.
Eggs Per dozen, California fresh.
Including cases, extras, 43c; firsts,
11 c; seconds, 39c; thirds, 3Sc; pul
lets, selected, 39c.
Butter Por pound, California
fresh, extras, 34Msc; firsts, 32 c;
seconds, 29c; storage, California ex
tras, 31c; ladles, extras, 231.C.
Now cheese por pound, Califor
nia flats, fancy, 13 c; firsts, 12M.c;
seconds, llc; California Young
America, fancy, lOHsc; firsts, lflc;
Eastern Now York Cheddars, fancy,
16c; Oregon flats, fancy, lie; do.
Young America, lCc; Oregon flats,
fancy, 14c; do. Young Amerlcn, IBc.
Potatoes Por cental, River whites
$1.551.G0; Lompoc Uurbnnks, $2;
do. Salinas, $1.75 1,85; sweet po
tatoes, por crate, $1.75(91.85; do
por sack, $1.50Q1.G0.
Onions Por sack, Oregon, $2.35;
California, $2.
Oranges Por box, Navels standard
$1.25 dT 2.25; fancy, $2 2.20; Tang
erines, half oranges, boxes, 50c
$1.50; Maudarlnos, por box, $1
Wheat Trnck Prices.
Club U2o
Ulucstcm $1.05
Turkey Red 95n
Rod Ruuslnn . . 90o
Valley 95o
Patents $5.25
Straights $4.20
Exports $3.90
Valloy $5.00
Graham, 1 oack $4.40
Wheat, wholo $4.0G
Ryo $5.50
Food $26.50
Rollod $29.00 29.50
Browing $27.50
No. 1 white $33.00
Gray $32.00
Willamette val. fancy tlmothy$16.00
Wlllamotto val ordinary. .. .$13.00
Mixed $18.00
EaBtorn Orogon, fancy $20.00
Alfalfn $15.00
Clover $13.50
Bran $20.GO
Middlings $33.00
Shorts, country $31.00
Shorts, city $30.00
Chop $22.00
F. C. Twins 15V410c
F. C. Triplets 15tt16c
Young Amorlcii 17c
Cream brick 1820o
Swiss, block 18 20c
Llmburgor . 1820o
Dreh.sed MeatH.
Hogs, fancy 7 8c
Hogs, ordinary 6 7c
i Picnic 10c
Hogs, largo 5c
Vonl, extra 9 10c
Vonl, ordinary 7 8c
Vonl, heavy 6o
Mutton, fancy 6 7c
Cottugo roll He
Uroakfast 1521ftc
Regular short clears, smoked... 13c
Ditto, unsmokod 12c
Cloar backs, unsmoked .12c
Clear backs, smoked 13c
Shuuldors lie
Chickens, mixed 12 M 13c
Hons, fancy 13 14c
Roosters, old 10c
Drollors and fryers 1617c
Drossod poultry, 1 cent pound high
er. Ducks '....15016c
Oeese. livo , 10 lie
Turkeys , 1718c
Dressed ...... .2023c
Fancy 35 37c
Choice 30c
Store... 1820c
Extras 4042c
Eastern 3035o
Buying prices, per cwt. .80c $1.25
Sweets, per cwt .$2.25
Fresh FruIU.
Oranges $2 3
Tangerines, bor $1.75
Lemons $3.005.00
Grapes, crate $6 07
Pears, box 75c $1 00
Cranberries, barrel . .$14.0015.00
Bananas, pound 5 5
Onions, per cwt $126 1.50
Garlic 1216c
Retail Market.
Flour, por sack $1.25
Eastern Orogon $1.50
Bran, por sack 95c
Shorts, por sack $1.351.G0
Wheat, per bu $1.05
Oats, por bushel 50 lip 55
Cheat, per ton $15.00 10.00
Clover, por ton .$15.00
Local Wholesale Market.
Wheat, por bushel 90c
Oats, por bushol t5c
Flour, hard wheat $5.00
Flour, valley .'. . $4.25
Mill feed, shorts $32
Mill feed, bran $30
Hops, 1908 crop 5 7c
Hops, 1907 crop 23&c
Ohltttm bark 35c
Wool, coarso 13o
Wool, medium 15c
Mohair 20c
Hay, cheat $13.00
Hay, clovor $12.00
Potatoes, bushol 40 46c
Apples, bushol 50o $1.00
Onions, por cwt 85 90c
Prunes, por pound H44c
Cranberries, Howe's variety, bbl
Butter niul Egg.
Eggs ,..35c
Butter, creamory 37o
Butter-fat 87c
Chocso, twins 15c
Tho man who enn refrain from re
penting tho cuto things his bnby says
has wonderful solt-coutrol.
Ely's Cream Balm
ll quIcVljr abiorbed.
Oltei Relief t Once.
ItclcRUHca, soothes,
heals nnd protects
tho diseased mom.
brnno reuniting from
Catarrh nnd drives
nwny a Cold lu tho
Head cmiOKiy. "o-UAV Fl-UHi
atorcn tho KonMcn of I1H I T la V !
Tuito nnd Smoll. Full sire 50 cU., at Drug
gluts or by mall. Iu liquid form, 75 crnts.
Elv Brothers, 50 Wnrrou Btroet. Now York.
When You Arc Dry
A pure and wholesome bororaga that Is sold in all tuo cltl
of Western Oregon and Northorn California.
Made of the Choicest Malt and llop
Grown in Mtarion County
Mndo of Filtered Water and strictly In accordance with the
Puro Food Law Salem Boor Is tho boat mild bovcrago offered tho
Mndo by sclarTUflo processes nnd guaranteed puro and whole
some. No adultorutlon. No drugs or chomlcals and under tho moit
poront sanitary conditions Address nil ordors to
Salem Brewery Association
Hfcflli8lllilllH-VHHr-frtWHf UM
FOR SALE Modern im
proved home. N ew
houses building in im
mediate vicinity. An
opportunity for right
party or an invest
ment. Address,! Capi
tal Journal.
now to iieni or jiuy a movuik iiciuru auiuuu.
How to Make Dig Money at Entortalnmontfl nnd Amusomonts.
How to Obtain Positions Which Pay $35 per Week.
How to Becomo a Finished Operator.
Wo Qtvo Instructions That Are Simple and Interesting.
Wu Have tho Newest Mothod of Teaching by Mall.
We Send You, on Ilocelpt of $1 00, Complete Instructions.
We Teach Operators How to Pass All Examinations.
We HeDrosont the Leading Film Exchaiigo.
HemlttUncuii to Independent Theatrical Exchange, 100, 101, lOil
V JliirKO uuiiuuig, nejmie, imn.
Ifiif i !! f if
Most Salem People Hnvo a Weak
Part and Too Often Ita
the llnck.
Evoryono has a weak spot.
To often Its a bad back.
Twtngco follow every sudden twist
Dm II aching keeps up, dny nnd
Tolls you tho kldnoys need help
For backache Is really kldnoy
ncho, A kidney cure Is what you need.
Donn'n Kidney Pills euro sick kid
noya. Curo backnoho and urinary ills.
Salem people recommend tho rom
edy. H. E. Gilliam, proprietor llvory
and feed stable, 332 Water ntroot,
Salem, Oregon., says: "Yearn of al
most constant driving and n fall I
had sovoral yenrs ago affected my
kidneys, nnd I suffered from bnck-
acho and lameness, so badly nt tlmns
that I could hardly straighten. Sharp
pains caught mo when I aroBe after
sitting, nnd nono of tho remedies t
trlod did mo nny good. A short time
ago 1 was Induced to got Donn'a Kid
ney Pills at Dr. Stone's drug store,
and I soon obtntned great relief. I
know of neighbors who have takno
Donn'a Kidney Pills, nnd they all
spenk of them ns the best medicine
they hnvo ever used."
For sale by all dealers. Prlco 50
cents. Fostor-Mllhurn Co., Buffalo
Now York, solo agents for tho United
Romombor tho nnmo Donn'a
and tnko no other.
Tho Crime of IdlcneM.
Idleness means troublo for anyone,
It Is tho snmo with n lazy llvor. It
causos constipation, hcadncho, Jaun
dco, sallow comploxlon, pimples and
blotchos, Iobs of nppotito, nausea, but
Dr. Ktng'o Now Life Pills soon ban
ish llvor troubles nnd build up yout
hoalth. 25o at J. O. Porry'B.
if ittMff imi