-jimm--t-jSJ3t. o o o a BAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MORDAY, FEHIlVAKY 8, 1000. EDITORIAL PAGE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL teb I th for Bill ma.' tint tlirll Of hot Klaf' J, TOttf hla boll hofi 1 oapl bio i mltl U beo cop olet n Stat) tor iioi lata' thol 1 Fori m" uli Pi ho ,n nn b a.J 13 id in J Wiwi Pi w a s t n FIVE BILLS THAT SHOULD BE PUT THROUGH AT THIS SESSION Of THE LEGISLA- KfXBffiS'0""" "' 0,,g' "l""ine TORE IN THE CAUSE Of PROGRESS AND TO BUILD A GREATER OREGON. a nnniiinii.i.i...i...... . -,..-... -.... ....-. ....,- . . .,.... .,.. ... ... .UUUUUJ.U . ...... w.w..,.WIVavI imiilii vi wvmwi ii iiiiiiiv 'viiisiigigiiiiiiiiurviiw iiwi 5 SOME OF THE BILLS THAT REPRESENT THE PROGRAM FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A GREATER OREGON. THE BEAN BILL THAT CREATES A GENERAL PORT COMMISSION ACT. (Has passed the House,) , THE JONES BILL FOR FREE LOCKS AND CANAL AT OREGON CITY. (Has passed the House,) THE BILL APPROPRIATING $100,000 FOR THE CRATER LAKE ROAD. (Has passed neither house,) THE BILL TO BUILD STATE-AIDED RAILROADS. (Introduced by Speaker McArthur,) THE CONSITUTIONAL AMENDMENT FOR SAME PURPOSE. ' (To be submitted to vote of the people,) . . imaiil,itl,iiai,aiaiaiiaiaiiaiaii CAMPAIGN FOR BETTER TRANSPORTATION IN OREGON. FACILITIES Whon the Oregon and Idaho Development Congress was organized at Marshfield, August 25-26, 1908, that congress of commercial bodies asked tho governor to appoint a com mission to draft a General Port Commission act, Governor Chamberlain, who was himself familiar with the conditions o( the Wostorn Oregon harbors and favored the moasuro, appointed a commission of five men WHO DREW UP THE BILL INTROUCED BY MR. BEAN. That bill providos that communities having an unimproved harbor may croato a Port District and tax the same by the Initiative and Referendum, and issuo bonds if needed to im provo thojr waterways, By this moans all the harbors on the wost coast of this stato can bo enabled to holp themselves and benefit their SS2w(i9ffl!l,u.n,ttes by drodfiing their insldo channels AND IM PROVE THEIR TRANSPORTATION CONDITIONS. UJR!ULTHE PROGRAM TO DO THE SAME THING TO HELP LAND TRANSPORTATION. 0 The Orogon and Idaho Development Congross that mot in Salem January 29-30, ronowed its demands previously made in conventions of tlio commercial bodies at Marshfield, Roseburg and Vale, Malheur county, for the samo policy to be pursuod to socuro railroad construction, ,JLTH,?,?,lR,RULTS CAN 6E -SECURED FOR WATER WAYS ,WHY NOT FOR LANDWAYS? That Dovolopmont congross adopted resolutions in favor of an amondmont to the Constitution and a general enabl ing act under which Stato-aidod railroads might bo made a possibility, A committoo was appointed of somo of the ablost lawyers in the stato to draft an amondmont to tho constitution, and ail act Of tlO OC S ntlira Iliulnr wlilnli n nnmmkclnn nf TUP BLEST MEN AND THE BIGGEST FINANCIERS IN THE STATE are to work out tho dotails and have all tho plans ready by tho tlmo tho amondmont to the constitution has boon voted on by tho pooplo, Following is a stalomont of tho gieat'and urgont nocossity for putting those moasuros through tho legislature at once, written by a mombor of tho commission that drafted the bill and tho amondmont, and which lias appoarod in tho Port land Journal! Thorn Is no question half so important to tlio prosont and future of this stato as that of railroads, Irrigation, forests, nolds, powors, mills, factories all wait upon transportation, For tho stato to nay that It will construct wagon roads and county roads, drodgo rivors, opon waterways and yot refuse to construct tho most important link in this chain railroads is noithoi consistent not wise. Wo soo the tiemondous giowth of our sistei state of Washington. Why? Because of its railroads, Back of.Ta cpina and Soattlo lios eastern Washington, with its large cities and abundant population lapidly gi owing; while east- Money iMi't tmi-)ilitiiKi lut tlio umii who timkcft tlio kivIuk of a little inonojr out of small wkc rh much a txnlrock nmttor n tlio luiyliit; of fiKMl and clothhiK uho map out lll.H IMCpt'lldltUIVtf NIUl btt)H with liU ump to tho finish, I a innii to Ik rvckoiUHl wltli in ovrrjr other way. To aavo Implicit a detfrco of ilf roMtrAlut, of power to hold a do terminal lino of conduct In plu of obstacle, which liuUds clmroc tor a welt a n lwtitk account. Wo will help you iavo, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Capital National Bank By Our Formula Wd produce In Neod'a Sarsaparllla medicine that haa an unap- groaohed record ef cures of crofula, eoienift, eruptions, catarrh, rheumatism, aneinlo, nervousness, that tired feelinR. low of appetite, etc. The combination aim proportions of the more than twenty different remedial genta contained In Hood's Sareaparilla are known only to ourselves, ao there can bo no substitute, This medicine inakea healthy and strong the "Little S6idlersM In your u.ow, inoeo corpuscles that fight tho diseaso germs constantly attacking you. If auybody Iibb n patn. lay a bag 1 1 hot salt over the place. It Is fine to remove tho ache. . zsmr. T JJ f,y tvreio VAf.P 4ti & (.OMUtRCUl Sf ern yregon ,a larger territory and fully equal to eastern Washington in natural ooDortunltles. Rrs tnHnv nn nrmn Hpc :ert the region most neclected of rnllrnaris (f nnw nnrt nf the United States, This brings us with all the force of the instinct of self-preservation to the questien: Must a great empire wait the plea surethe whim, if you please of a single individual, a sman .group or non-resident capitalists? There is no plan, nonem the world .which is not of better economic and com mercial logic than to continue to occupy this helpless and humiliating position, There is still another suggestion, Mr, Harriman has mil ions of Oregon-made money to fight his rivals and to develop the state of Washington, Can there be any plan which eco nomica ly and commercially is worse than for this state to sit helpless as a wooden idol while from its toil and soil and proaucis inoute money is paid to prevent other roads from coming into the state for its relief ? Such an antagonism of ntorest between this state and the private corporations con trolled by Mr, Hanman suggests a radical economic con- IIIUl, A word as to the merits of the plan now before the legisla tureiVThe prejudice against state-aided railroads was a prop orono upon old-time facts, Grafters and manipulators DrOCUred from State le&islntlirAR nr ritv nnnnnllc Inrffo Knnneac or bond guarantees as pure gift, Nothing was ever re ceived bV State Or citV n mtnm. Tho nmnnQPrl nmonrlmon 1- T. ... J . ''.; ', - ,-.wrwu UIIIWMUIIIUH. coniempiaies siaie construction for the state's own benefit, easing, if wise, to private corporations for a rental never to be loss than interest and all fixed charges, and a sinking Hum io euie any incieoeuiness, and tlie state to control the reasonable ratos and sor.vico, If aid is granted to a private corporation, the state is to bo in full control until that aid is ropaid, principal and interest, and if the state itself takes over he road .which it may do at its option, the aid granted shall bo deductod from the purchase price, No state constructed i utui bimii ever oe soici, Under these guarantees and in our riper experience, it is difficult to see how the private grafting railroad can get a foothold, and it must bo remomberod that the state always has the power. to condemn and take over any railroad, It is folly for us, confronted with a feudal tyranny which holds tllS fmnt Snvnmicn Stntn nc uccnl. umiimnr thn aniA nlancm of a tow men, to be frightened at that evil which caused the oMricuve clauses or our stato constitution, but which evil, uomg now seen ana understood, is porfoctly in our own con trol, The Orogonian in an editorial suggests that Mr. Harriman will wolcomo this proposed plan, because after the road is bill It he will tflkft it nvor nl loss thnn nnct. nnd mnntuuhik ha will freeze it out. The answer to the first of those obojetions is wai tne state cannot sen. Mr. Harriman cannot take the road over at any price, save as a leased poporty under strict conditions of loaso, one of which conditions is a rental at least sufficient to pay all interest and to create a sinking fund to liquidate all debt. The answer to the othoi objection is the interstate com meice act regulates all interchange of traffic and if the state of Oiegon cannot in its own interest regulate the traffic with in its own borders it ought to suffer, There is not a road pro posed but will abundantly pay from local traffic. Look at the Columbia Southern, Think of the timber alone Oregon has to haul. Look at the profits Oregon pays every year to Mr. Harriman from roads wholly within its territory. If Mr. Har riman should attempt tosqueeze the state of Oregon, we are afraid ho would occupy the position of the bull which contested right of way with the locomotive. Oregon has the samo credit to build on that Mr .Harriman's bonds ultimately iuoi uii, vie, uiu pcupiu win inu lusouices oi me otate ot ur ogon, If Mr. Hariman does truly look with favor on this plan, The Journal Is glad for then there.will not only be no opposition open or secret from railroad influence, but that powerful in-nuenco- will for the first time be working hand in hand with long neglected Oregon people. Oournal is reliably informed that the best business men of the state are willing, If wanted, to act in this matter for the stale without pay. All the state is back of this movement both the business men and the faimeis. and it behoows eve'v ma.' a-ni e.eiy vwm m ei n l stato n thpk li - ' HOFER IS ONLY FIT TO BE KILLED OFF, ANYWAY. The Eugene Register is probably performing a valuabi uuuilb ooivioc in aooiouiig, iu i m ui . .w.M.. i At least, it imagines it is doing that, but WE DO NOT LIKJ 115 MblMUU Uf uuiimu inHi iniorx. We want to be buried decently and with a plain substantia rr. ...J I .. ! A-i,i mrr nnJ o K, .-!.-, 1 1 ,-wl .. "i. COlTllli noi wrapptJU up ill a uiuy lag aim jyiii,Meu VH sKunK-water, r , , Hear the wail of the little organ of the busted political m chine ot Lane ceunty: Editor Hofcr of tho Salem Journal, who fought tho Inst University ni rorlntlon tooth nnd nail, Is urging a b appropriation for the ngr culturnl cologo. Ho Is nlso urging through his paper, formation of N'o mlth county. Mr. Hofcr nsplros to bo governor of Oregon. Dajl Euget ItoBistor. Three-quarters of the people of the Willamette Valley vol no-ninst vnnr nnnrnnrmtinn. nni hfinnnsfl thfiv'wfirfi nnnncprl the University, BUT BECAUSE OF THE WAY THE BILL WA UKAWIM. Is it a firimfi in ursfe a bie: annronriation for tho Ao-rlnnl nrnl HnllRfTfi nftfir vnn Imvfi pni what vnn wani? The Capital Journal has supported every proposition for new county that HAS EVER BEEN. BROUGHT BEFORE TH rturLt ut- uHtuuiv. We believe it would be a good thing if there were ten ne counties created, sometime some sir mn nte ects cann finmnrfilifiiifl. the men who make a living squirting extract of skunk cabbage over persons they do not happen to like CANT MAKI AIMTbUUT UUVbKNUH. So if we had an asoiration in that Himotinn it wnnlrl h iii iii i . i . i . i neitner neipeci nor nun oy tnat class, o BILLS FOR PROMOTING SAFETY OF LIFE. ... - i Two bills still in thfi drvdnnk shnnlrl hfi nut tlimnnli luith! out fail one to have all doors of public buildings open out ward and nave tire escape attachments, AND THE HUGHES SAFETY APPLIANCE BILL. The latter bill provides that gas jets shall have automatic cut-offs, so that people who stay in hotels that burn gas shall not De in danger ot oeing round dead IN BED THE NEXi MORNING. Marion COUntV Deoole will mmfimhfir tho rasa nf turn snlon -l!J l.l ! it ' r I r r Mr . w-iw w. uiu Uwin am lacnes in tne prime or lire who suffered asphyxiation at a roruano notei witmn two years because of defective gas burners. Whatever Cas bumfir is lisnri it shnnlrl hnun enfotv nnnlinn J ces ; and the public have a right to this protection IN HOTELS HIVIU TUDLIU DUILUINUlb. Mr, Hudies as Charman nf tlm nnhlln IVni1Wln0c rnmrnittoA should see that these two bills go through, o MR. CAMPBELL, LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION. Representative Campbell has honestly earned the title ot being the eader of tho nnnnsltinn in tho Hmio 4? n,?? mt!d(La consistent record of fighting the pettv grafts IN ALL THEIR VARIED AND INSIDIOUS FORMS. He has held down the lid on the clerkships until the House has made a record of hiring half as many as the Senate, i ;l?dH!?.?U').e. opposition leader is not always pleasant, but MR. CAMPBELL'S SHOULDERS ARE BROAD. He lias Probab V no nnll'tinal nmhltlnn tn enrun hut nrn- poses to see to it that there is a little opposition anyhow, OV UUK Ul I Of T lfi T rfilVfirc tnr ha nnvt lun uiaac tmm mt i unrtinrviMiM Uh mt COMMITTE ON RESOLUTIONS. I he House has been weak and feeble in presenting any or-: fvo mm, uut ii iictj) uuu no recognized leader tor rerorms, pdSStiSI'UKSJ der' watc the growth of the opposltlc FROM THIS TIME TO THE GAND FINISH. it is in the expiring throes of a legislature that the aranri iusii is made by the graft brigade, SMALLPOX CASE IN A PORTLAND HOTEL (United Press Loosed Wire.) Portland. Or.. Fob. S The searo tant followed t&e dlscovory of small-! pox among guests of the National j llotol here lt night had dUnpatedj whon the health oftloors oarly todav' roturnod to the hostelry to reloase the lodgers who were held prlsonrrs Inst night. Tho first Intimation of tho pres ence of tho droaded dlioaso was glv ou whon Everett Crocker, a guest, was examined by Dr. H. G. Parker, assistant to the city hoalth ofneor! Tho hotel waa quickly fumigated and more than a score of gueata were vaccinated. Kodol Is a combination of all V natural dlcrostlvo lulisos fourd in i ordinary hoalthy stomach, nnd wlj digest your food In n natural waj Ploasant to take. Sold by nil druj gists. All married mon are good invent ors of excuses. A Simple Trick. It's an easy matter to keep your Joints and niusolea supple not mat tor what your age be or how you haw suffered with rheumatism. Huh vm,r. ' self night and mornlne with n. lrdi Snow Liniment. Cures rheu uin . rtnc. cramps , ' ; n t!.e back, t Of. neck or limbs, ani : 'v. . !. clits and pans Sold h nl' deaiors y "i H I I II I I ) 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I Mi How Journal Readers Can Save Money X Read carefully, evory day the Advertising Columns ! ; In the a Capital Journal ; ; Some day you will be likely " to And a bargain advertised ! ; ; that you want A prompt re- ' ) ply may save you money :: Watch It Carefully IHHIH l-H- HHII i l-H- " At-.aaiK-i-