MULY CAPITAL J8UIINAL, BALKM, ORBGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 0, 1009. O O O teb I New Spring Goods are arriving dally, Early shoppers can secure the cream boforo the best assortments become exhausted. PLAIN TALK FROM THE SHOE SECTION Wo hnvo not mado tlio mistake of over-buying, olthor In qunntlty or qunllt)' thoreby necessitating u oloarnncc sale nt tho opening of spring. Evory day brings ub now stylos of clonu, up-to-thc-mlnuto hIiooh for Men, Womon and OhIIdron. No raising of prloas. No juggling of sizes A nutlsfled customer our best ndvertlnomont. Three, Three, Naught, Naught, Naught 2 Threes and 3 Naughts Thirty-three Thousand-33,000 Mitv If imv u'uv vnn tvAtit, tn. hut trn Inwt iirliiil 2t:l.(UIII vntrlu nt Gingham), Percales mid Wash floods, (lie long delayed line of benuti- fill patterns nml colorings nn now on display, the quality of this showing cannot Iki equaled by nny house on the roast.. U." yearn of roiitlnitoiis buying enable iin to select goods that ulll glw sntlsfnc lies, fceod goods, standard merchandise Is our bobby and If jou tiHike your selections hero you are best sorwd. xbwls, tanaivs 5 ooooooooooo CITY NEWS ooooooooooo WcoUicr Forecast Itnln tonight and Sunday, brink to high southerly wind. Cloning Out Hole uu cnruois, uiuuiukb nuu uncut,- unit, at J. A. I'attorsoiiV, 285 North Commercial strcut. If You Waul Your ntonoy'H worth of orookury dishes, glassware and nil kinds of kitohun utensils, no to J. A. Patter son, 28G North G'ommurolnl strjiH. Salvation At my Rummage Hale Is still on Ht tholr hall on North CoiiiiuoioIhI. When In Portland Visit Hall's restaurant, 330 Wash Inttton street. o-o-d W. T. Hlgdou, Undertaker Always progressive, up-to-date : Full equipment, largest stock. 10-21-ood-tf. 1mer liiMirnmo Hates, By Imvlng us do your wnrk. 13. W. Plerco, Capltnl Wlettrle Supply Quui. pnny. Phono t!3B. U-lS-flod-lf For Stow Wood- And comI. chII IDS. COMIMH) Voet Lumber AWheio to lliwo That Suit Cleaned- Hhva )qh tried Ut mw prvonlHg parlors? Nxt dour is JftHrual cf flu. Uotort MstfarlaiM. forlMor Nm IIoums Alwityn tor salt). Company Vugtrt Uimbor You Will WhuI Bomothlng good for tho Sunday dinner. J. M. Uawronoo will fumlah you the best of every thing In the grocery Hue. Phono Sit. 'OohI HouHO-keoiH' Don't buy ground coffee," says Mrs. Hrown "It losea Its strength U not near as good as Folger'a Golden Gate whole roust, ground Just be fore using Auditorium Rink Bulletin. Skating ,two sosslons nfter t noon and evonlng, StoudonmoyoiJs Orchestra, Slkatos, 25o, Udios, ad mission froo, Philomath Creamer) butler for table AhU your grocer. the good Teacheis' liixiltnii' County School Su purintoiuluiit Hmlth Is In Woodburu today attend ing the timebtUH' Institute bulng bold In that city This Is tho tliltil series of Institutes liuld In tho county, ami nt this meeting the mutter or an nth lot lu union wll bo reported on b the oxmiutlvo committee which was np pointed for that purposo nt the Tinn er Institute. I'lead (htllly to Lntcotiy Win. Molntyro and J. Dumps! wore arraigned boforo Justluo of the Peace Wolwtor this morning on the 'charge of lurouuy. and after ploudlug guilty wore flnmi $SR a ploeo. Thoy J-2-2t wie thou taken batik to the uounty JmII where tho) wll servo Tint t son teiiue, IihvIuk no funds with whluh to Hy the fine. Supervisor Will Remain I Upon tho opinion of District At- toruey John McNury. thu changing of roud supervUur In tho Scotts M'ils dlstrl()t will not tHkw place. Some uoutiovoi-tt)' nrotio In this district be tween purtbM who woro of tho opin ion Kmukllu Whltlouk would be m moro Nit poriHin to fill tho ollloo IkHH th out HiHilutd by thw court. J. T Smith Th rtwnlt wsh tlit tnst tr whs brought bfnrj thw cuuHty coinHibMloutHv fur tmtUuuiMnt, Hiid sftr sailing In th district nttorndy, It wrh found thai no cbsHge unit be timds In tlita ul)le unlMtt a uglot of duly or dbxbdhMie eH b shown. rimrged With Stealing Saw W H. Tlbbllta .eltargtxl with br ewMy fnim a ilw wiling, was bound oer to thu grand Jul) tndn by the pollutt eourl. Tlbbltts aus arrested )w(ordu) b oHWra Gibson and Murphy on the ohargo of stealing a saw from tho Rowland house, belong ing to A. J. Andurson. Tlbbltts is 55 yonrs of ago and as fur u scan be lourned, has no relatives In this vi cinity Y, M. O. A. Keceptlon A reception was given In the Y. M. C A. reception rooms last nlihi, under the auspices of tho social com lultteo of the organisation Tho fol lowing program was given Gymna sium stunts by members of tho Y. M. O. A.; vlolla solo by Mist Viola Ver- oler. accompanied by Miss Vera Kltchon; whlitllug solo, by Miss tlertha Gbirk, accompanied by MUs Vvra Kitcha; wlcomo. by Socretary George A. Frbes; "Katxenjammer Klda" in a tin sword duel, Q. Price and K. Huldou; grand march, led bv Mis Mast and Chester Cox. Inform al games were enjoyed, and refrwh ments of coffee and sandwiches served Tho gymnasium was decor ated with flags and evergreens. AMERICAN FLEET United Press Leased Wire Gibraltar, Fob. 0. With the can non of a dozen foreign warships in the harbor booming a farewell saltito and tho cutis of tno Igpregnnblo British fortress In tho rock Joining In a thttndorous cnorus, the Anion can battleship fleet sailed on tho last log of the greatest fleet crulso In history, and began the most spectac ular portion of their Journey around tho world. Tho fighting ships weighed anchor at 0 o'clock In tho morning, ana, with tho customary precision, steamed from tho harbor in slnglo column for mation, squadron by squadron, with an equally lntorvonlng space between each ship. When tho shoros of Gibraltar ha"o boon pnsscd tho single formation will bo brokon and tho vessols started homeward with pennants fluttering, and will ontor a norvo racking raca EAST SALEM PUSH CLUB GETS BUSY Tho East Salem I'ubIi Club held Us fourth mooting Friday, February 5. The following standing committor woro nppolntcd by tho board of dlroc torn. Commltteo on streets Motvtrx. Loughgy, A. A. Loo, Mr. Hnwloy. Sowers T. D. Jonos, C. T. Royal, R II. Goodln. Uettormont -H. N. Goodo, Jo.eph Schlndlor, Gcorgo Labroc. i'ubllclty II. N. Goodo, H. Tosto. Tho committees will find It nn ox rollout scheme for oach to moot soon and formulate a plnn for Immediate action. Tho question of sewerage Is ono of tho perplexing matters for Salem to elitrhlnte That wo can hnvo a com plete sower system throughout tho city Is olonr to all who hnvo cousld oied tho question; thnt tho proior. tlon of health domnnds It Is equally obvious. Tho above paragraph Is n synr ,. sis of tho opinion of tho club, and, wo may add, tho powor of tho lottor wl'l be omployrd lu such hygenle nt-l prnvomonts. The following streots woro cou-'ft-l ored. tho only local business por formsd by the club: Sldownlks nt corner of 19th fo Tnirnor, from Turner to Oak Mo, the walks on North 2-ith street Thero woro many prosont who wo" In n deop qunndnry nt to tho method of proceeding with thoso Improvo ltionls. Somo cltlzons hnvo been rn. peatodly boforo tho council with n sidewalk potltlon, drnwn by tho Mty attorney, but snld potltlon has. It seems, bsoH nbjeotod to on grounds not explainable. Something that nffeots us nil Is the olty dollvory of mnll. Our present earner lias onougli work for two men It was tho consensus of opinion that If this woro put before tho proper oS llelnls rellof would he granted Imme diately. Tho noxt mooting wilt be held In the Cnngregntlonul church, corner r.f tilth and Ferry streots. February 20. u Foley's Orlno Laxativo cures con stipation and llvor troublo and makes the bowels healthy and regular. Orlno Ih superior to pills nnd tablets as it does not gripo or nnusoato. Why take anything olso? ; o Not Seriously Hurt Martin Hlood. who so mtriowl es oHItetl death in the street our a col-1 dent yestortln) afternoon, is not v-v rlously injured, nnd his physicians arc of the opinion ho will bo com plete!) recovered within a short time. Do Wliti OtLollxod Witch IUxj 3'1p. tho btlglnnl, Is good for any thing whon a salvo is needed, and is especially good for piles. Sold by nil dtugglcta. o Must Keep tho Peace Clyde Phillips, a brothor of the young man who received tho severe chastlslug from tho Scotts MltU school teacher. Clarke, and Dave Jon- nlng, also of Scotts Mills, were brought before Justice of tho Peaco Webster today and made to glvo bonds' to keep tho peaco. Clarke brought the complaint against Jen nings and Philips on the grounds that the)' wore the principals In the threatening of violence In the mat ter. Kodol ( a ectablant'on of all the natural digestive J u leas fouad In ' ordinary healthy stomach, and will digest your food In a natural way. Pleasant to take. Sold by all drug ttete- RACING FOR HOME for tho Atlantic shores of the United states. It will bo oach ship for itsolf In nn effort to establish a now speed record In tho navy. Tho engines huvo been thorughly overhauled, th bunkors crammed with coal, and tho "block gangs" koyed up to a high pitch of enthusiasm for tho finish. Tho fleot will rondozvous In Hamp ton Roads, where it will be rovl wed by Prosldent Roosevolt, who will crown his presidential sorvlco with a floating pageant. Tho vessols will then dlsporso to tho various navy yards on tho Atlantic const, and will undergo whntover repairs may bo necessary. Reports on tliolr condition will bo forwarded to tho navy department, but from tho various rdports sont tho department from time to time, thero Is little likelihood that any of tho ships will need serious overhaul ing. FIFTH WARD HAS IMPROVEMENT CLUB Pursuant to n provlous call, nbout 7fi resldonto of tho fifth wards mot at the Young store and organized Mio Fifth Ward Development Lenguo, by elect'ng H. C. Flotchei presldont.nnd E. C. M'nton secretary. A rommltteo of three was appoint ed to draft a constitution nnd ) laws, Mr, Geo. Jacobs, J. W. Young and W. W. Hill wero appointed. On motion tho council wns To que ted to havo the lonmlnljig sldo walk on Hrndwny constructed. A ntimbor of othor subjects wro Jls cussed. and ndjotirnod t meet Tuns- day. Fobrunry 1G. Tho Wrong Horso KIIImI A disastrous runaway ocuurrod this afteiuoon whon a team bclons 'ng to John Moyor, of Polk county, boenmr frightened nt tho switch on glne on Church and Trndo streets, and tore down tho street colliding with n tolograph polo on tho corner of State and Church streots wltn such force ns to kill ono of tho animals. The other horso, tho main causo cf tho iiinnwuy, receiver no Injury at nil. Timely News our ees an troubling you, strained feeling, headaches, iiiWtl noss, etc. N'tnv Is the time to at tend to them. If mi haw us fit you with a ah- of glares not only will ou wcuit glasses thnt will check the advaiulng of the defect but tend to reined)' same. Drop In and haw an examina tion. Barr's JEWELERS PIANO TUNING LVTr.Ll.US I,. WOODS. Tuning, polishing ropalrtng Ph'oGOS Try Prof, Rickard's Electro Radiator Greatest cure on earth foi La Grippe, Paralysis, Rheuma tism and Blood Trouble, Facial Massage and Scalp Treatments, HacmcBt of Willamette Hotel. 'lflflf 181llll I ! Six Nicely Furnished Rooms, J Day or week. 144 N, Front j Street. 1-11-in ;; Mrs, Aliens, t f lttMHWHy-- J (l9l9lt9IVIO(4r!9( SC ;; Home Boarding. Meals at all hours, rooms rea- sonablo. Strictly home cook ! ! lug. 357 N. Commercial st ! ! l-tl-ltn lifiiiiiaif iti ffegay Tho only Baking Powder ik l . d&T WkkJmr made from Royal Grape Srg, Jmrm Cream of TrUr wk Saking Powdeigf n k -vHEiassiBo OOOOOOOOOOO PERSONAL MENTION OOOOOOOOOOO Mrs. T. Thompson went to Woo.l burn last night, whoro sho will re main for a fow days as tho guest of frlonds. Miss Doryl Long nnd Miss Veda El liott, stenographers at tho IcgUla turo, aro spending Sundny with their paronts in Orogon City. Mrs. Frank P. Fnrrlngton returned from Corvallls Inst night, whoro -ho ban boon visiting frlonds. Mrs. A. W. GiCBy has returned lo hor homo in Portland It. N. Nason, of Nason & Co., of Portland, left for that city last night, after being horo on buslnoss. Miss Orn Morgan, a student of Wilinmotto, is spending Sundny arlth hor paronts In Brooks. Miss Ellon S. Rnuch, of Portland, linn been spending several days wltn hor sister, Mrs. J. D. Pnrrott. Mrs. S. V. Ramp, of Brooks', linj boon hero on business. Mrs. G. G. Giggor, of Brooks, hns boon visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Lh Chnppollo, leaving for Brooks yJi torday. MrB. J. F. Steigor Is visiting friends In Hubbnrd. Mrs. S. h. Orton, of Portland, has been spending n few dnys with nor son, Representative and Mrs. A. U Orton Mr nnd Mrs. W. Rapp and son, Nelson, roturncd last night to their home In Philadelphia, after avoiding some of tho cold Eastern wonthor by spending a fow months In Salem A N Parsons, of Omaha, Nob., a prominent member of Wclls-Fargy a. Co lh the guest of H, S. Gilo whllo in the city J 0 Goodale went to Portlu'td this morning. Mr nnd Mrs. E. E. Churchill wont to Hubbnrd this morning to visit Mrs Churchill's mother, Mrs. L, McKlnnoy, over Sunday. Lloyd Nowlands, of Pnlo Alto, Cl , 'u visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Savage and family n few dayB boforo going to Eugene, whore he will enter tho U. of O Saturday's Specials mti mm u nwn E. 0. MOLL'S COUNTRY MEATS Loin. Sprnv Ribs, .Sausage, Hani-, Uaeon, Ijutl, Shouldei-s. BONELESS SARDINES Per nm 'Mv. Tlise an the famous "Rout Club" ami are the best specbtl eer offetvil in this Rue. ORANGES Our s,eclal, per dozen Jilo. VEGETABLES lettuce. Celery, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Sweets, Iysley, Mustard Greens, Parsnips and Carrots, PICKLED TRIPE A now shipment Just received. MINCE MEAT Home more of that fine boine-made. CANNED AND BOTTLED GOODS The best In the city. Right Goods at Right Prices DELIVERY SERVICE We haw Just added another utigon in order to give the qulcke-4 and N'st sen Ire lu the city. Moir Grocery Company 456 Suie Ph0(,e 182 Mrs. J. C. Pitman, of Corvallls, h tho guest of hor dnughtor, Mrs A. Hewitt. Mrs. O, C. Locko, proprietor of le mllllnnry department In Stockton', store, loft Friday ovenlng for 8an Francisco in company with hor hoal milliner, Miss N. Lucln, to attend the wholcsalo millinery openings which begin In that city Monday, February 8. They will be away about two weeks. .shipping Potatoes P. A. Wood Bros., of 8ilvorton, Or , rionlein In potatoes tire now loading the Hi hi cur lu this olt) of th, 26 car shipment for San Francisco, Wood Bros., hnvo dlsixisod of 26 cars of "murphies" nlready to dif ferent buyers In California, nnd this lust shipment will probably he fol lowed lator in tho season with sev oral othor lots. The potato market In Marlon county Ih up and coming now, nnd spuds aro soling at a good round price, o A Simple Trick. It's nn easy matter to koop your Joints nnd muscles supple not mat ter what your ago bo or how you ban suffered with rheumatlBtn. Rub your solf night nnd morning with Ba. lard's Snow Liniment. Cures rheu-mutl.-m, ftncHK, cramps, Click .n tho bnrk, r ae, neck or limbs, anil v Roves nil aches nnd pnlns. Sold by nil dealers. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Company Frank Meredith, Resident Agent Offlco with Wm. Brown & Co., No 29, Commercial street. MONEY TO LOAN TIIOS. K. POItl) Ovor Lndd & Bush's Bank, Salem, Oi o o o o o o"o"o o" b" ob NEW TODAY ooooooooooo Lost S'gnct lint, pin with Initials "E. V. P.," ongVnved on ond. Flnd drr pleaco reburn to this offlco. 2-3-3t 4 UUmV&kmMl!wti, ?.. -w it,