Jjmmnwwrawp - 1 DAILY OAPITAL JOURNAL, BALKSJ, OfTOGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1900. """" iM--fc- Your Has the greatest purchasing extra specials, but the regular marking of the goods of this store is such that you will always find the GREATEST VALUES HERE B LADIES' SUITS AT HALF These suits are of the latest styles, best materials and latest tailoring,. All of our stock of Ladies' Suits At Half None reserved Also. Ladies' Coats and Gapes included in this sale MEN'SJROUSERS $6,00 values $4.50 5.00 values 3.75 4,00 values 3.00 3,oO values 2.65 2,75 values 2.05 2,25 values 1.69 1,75 values 1.32 CHILDREN'S ALL STOCKTON Teachers' Examinations. Notice Is horoby glvon that tho County Suporlntondont of Marlon County will hold tho regular exam ination of applicants for stato and county papors at tho First Mothodht church, Salem, Oregon, a follesw: For Stnto Papers. Commencing Wednesday, Fobnuai-y 10. 1909, at 9 o'clock a. m., and con tinuing until Saturday, Fobruury 13, at 4 p. m. Wednesday Penmanship, History Spoiling, Physcal Geography Heading, Psychology. Thursday Written Arlthraotlc, Theory of Teaching, Grammar, Book keeping, Physics, Civil Government. Friday Physiology, Geography Composition, Algebra. Englah Lltor aturo, School Law. Saturday notany, Piano Geomo try, Clensrn'. History. V'or ;cmnty Papers. Comment. 'n.; Wednesday, Febru ary 10, 1909, at 9 o'clock a. ra and continuing until Friday, February 12. at 4 p. m. Wednesday Penmanship, Hlstor Orthogrnphy, Reading Physical Geog raphy. Thursday Written Arithmetic, Theory of Teaching, Grammar, Phys iology. Friday Geography, School Law, , Civil Government, English Litera ture. WALTER M. SMITH, County School Suporlntondont. l-30-9t For tho four years following the th of March next Gcorcla will al- T ways have a friend at court. Foloy's llonqy and Tar clears the air passages, stops the Irrltaton in h throat, sooths tho Inflamed mem branos, and the most obstinate cough disappears. Sore and Inflamed lungs are healed and strengthened, and thu cold Is epelled from tho system. Re fute any but the genuine In the yel low package. J. C. Perry. HOLUSTCft'S nocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bsij Medlrfat fet Baiy Pople. Baajt 0Un Hetlth tad RMd Vigor. , :rt ' r CiKstlriatlnn. Indirection, Uro J,,'1 $ rrui.We. llmj)!. Ecm, Iwpon "wt. IU.i Im-jih Sluestah ltowrU. lf(ftdci ''M lUcfcacbu ltknoekrUiuntaiiiTiiinUb ."' '"n. M onr a ox lira .iae mada by t i lljvtes I-..OCOMPAXT, Mmli.n Wi. j WIDEN Nl'GGETS F03 SALLOW PEOPLE Dollar power here. Not only on our Ladies' Petticoats Wonderfully low priced Values up to $4,50 75c $3,50 Heatherbloom skirts $1.50 75c black petticoats.. 50c Black petticoats at half Great reductions on por tieres and stand covers $15,00 values $11.00 4,75 values. 3.50 7,50 values 5.00 BOY'SJROUSERSl ci ,ou values $i.iz 1,25 values 94 1,15 values 86 ,90 values 67 ,75 values 56 0 values 45 ,50 values 37 WOOL HOSE 19c STOP DARNING! and buy HACINE KKET for your WORN OUT HOSE. Cotton, 3 pair for 25c; wool, 15c por pair. GOLDEN ItUMC IIAKAAH, Mrs. B. T. Swart, prop. New lorntlon, 271 Com'l St. 9100 Howard, 9100. Tho renders of this pnper will be ploasod to learn that thoro Is at least ono droaded dleoaso that science has boon able to cure In nil Its stagcs.aal thnt .'n Ontnrrh. Ilall'n fintnrrh Ourt Is tho only posltlvo euro known to tho modlcal fraternity. Catarrh bo ing a constitutional dlseaso, require! ' n constitutional troatmont. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken Internally, act ing directly upon tho blood mucouj surfaces of tho Byatom, thoreby de stroying tho foundation of tho dU easo, and giving tho patient stronth by building up tho constitution and assisting nature in doing Its work Tho prorlpotors havo so much faith In Its curatlvo powers that thoy offer Ono Hundred Dollars for any casa that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. Cheney & Co., Tolo do, O. Sold by all druggtats, 75c. Tako Hnll's Fnmlly Pills for Cop stlpatlon, Tho Balkan sltuHtlon is Europe's Hunquo's ghost. Worn Out. That's the way you feol about the lungs whon you havo a hacking cough It la foollshnoea to let It go on nnd trut to luck to got over It, whon Bal lard's Horohound Syrup will stop the cough and heal tho lungs. Prlco 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle "What are we running, a leglsla turo or a clrousT" asked a momber.j "A circus, and you are tho clown," answered McArthur. i o Arrested. A cough that has been hanging on for over two months by taking Bal lard's Horehound Syrup. If you bavti a cough don't wait stop It at oncV with this wonderful remedy. Spleu-j did for coughs, colds on cheat, influ-, enza, bronchitis and pulmonary troubles. Price 25c, 50c and fl.OQ j Sold by all dealers. Doing nothing and at the same time wishing to be wealthy is the worst kind of idleness. -i v, ry t tn see. I JX. MOVE KANSAS TOWNS TO ESCAPE PAYING I fulled l'rcw I.cnacd Wire. Hutchinson, Kus., Fob. 6. Escap ing payment of $35,000 bonds and $1000 lntorest, Ulyssoss, capital of Grant county, Is todny located a milo and a halt outstdo of lta own sjlty limits. Only n frame courthouse nnd n school building mark the spot where 20 years ngo stood a prosper ous village of 1200 Inhabitants. The bonds, which were Issued 20 years ngo to build waterworks nnd make other municipal govornmonU, are held by an Eastern national bank. When the bank commoncod legal proceedings Inst October, to collect the bo'ndB, which nmounted. to moro HOTEL OREGON BUS MEETS ELECTRIC TRAINS Mnnngor Dickinson writes Tho Cfp ltnl Journal thnt a special freo bii3 has been put on to meet tho Or&on electric trains that nrrlvo In Port land nt 10:55 a. m. nnd 4:55 p. m. These are trains Nos. 0 nnd 12 tho limited. Tltoso who have not tried the Oregon slnco Its now annox has bcon opened should do so. Tho rooms nnd the furnishings In tho an nex are tho most perfect that monoy can equip, nnd for real comfort Micro la nothing like It In Portland. It Is nbsolutely Impossible for this build ing to burn, ns wnB shown In a rocont trial, nnd the convenience of a freo bus from tho electric trains will cer tainly be appreciated by tho public. BORROWED A BABY TO GET ALIMONY United l'rns I.eaatd Wire. Rolllnghnm, Wash , Fob. 0. That In her nnxloty to secure alimony Mr. Cora Welch borrowed a baby from an orphtfnago nnd brought It Into court as her own, Is tho Interesting ovl donco that enmo out In tho dlviice proceedings started by hor. Afctr the matron of tho orphannro testified Jthat tho infant hold by Mr. Welch was the samo ono sho had ndoptcd from tho Inotltutlon tho court donicd the plaintiff a divorce hut gnvo ono to tho husband. Whon Mm. 'Welch filed suit oho secured $-100 suit monoy, Informing the court thnt sho was about to bocomo n uir kJBlPLA Ml ArW 1 a S?l5 than the entire assessed valuation of tho town property, the people of Ulysses decided to move. Tho enso was postponed until the Mnrch term of court nnd tho townsmen busied themselves In removing their houses, Btores nnd offices oxttsldo tho corpor ate limits. Today tho tnsk was com pleted and news of the strange movo riven to tho world. No railroads run through Qrunt county nnd tho nenrest telegraph station Is 24 miles from Ulysses. It was nn easy matter to maintain tho secrecy necessary to provont nn 'In junction being Issued which would stop tho wholesale movers. mother. It lo said that sho thun wont to tho orphanago at George town nnd returned with a baby. o UNCLE SAM LAUNCHES GREAT BATTLESHIP United l'rew Leased Wire Newport Nows, Vn., Fob. G. The Unttod States battleship Delaware tho grontost nnd heaviest vessol ovor to take a plungo'into nny wntor of tho world, was launched horo todny. Thousands of porsons from nil par's of tho country, Including many from tho llttlo stato whooo nnmo tho vesao! bonrs, attended tho launching. Miss Anno Cahlll becamo tho spon sor of tho Dolnwnro whon tho Bmnshod a bottlo of raro old DMv waro chnmpagno against tho port bow of th craft as It slid slowly down tho ways. Tho vossol gained momentum aa It passed tho encoring crowds and took lis plumo In tho waters of tho Jnmea rlvor with out n mlshnp. Among those who wltnoBscd the launching wero Govornor Jnmos Par,. nowlll, of Delaware and his otaff o( ofllccrB. Iinmedlatoly following tho launch ing, the Invited guests woro drlvoa to tho Warwick Hotel, whero the woro entertained nt luncheon by ,tho shlpynrd officials. Govornor Swan- son, of Virginia and Govornor Ponne will and others woro present. JL1 o Whntovor Us morlta, govornmont by commission enn scarcely be called solf-govornmont. Our housecloaning of carpets; Reductions. Each season we close out the carpets of that season, oxcopt thoso pat terns which are to be carried another year. That keeps our carpet stock new and fresh, That brings hero twice a year some of the greatest bargains imaginable, Tho spring clearance sale is now on, Many full rolls, as well as part rolls are included, The carpets are nono of them moro than a season old, They are all tho product of tho best mills in America, Thoy are all greatly reduced, Short lengths at very short prices, No, 716 Palisade Tapestry, tan ground, rose cluster rjesigm reg ,90c yard, Spoo, 59c 3606 Sanford Tapestry, tan ground, all-over floral dosignj-reg, 90cyard, Spec,.....67c 5609 Sanford Tapestry, tan ground, red and green Oriental design; reg, $1,10 yd, Sp, 74c 01877 Sanford Tapestry, tan ground, conventional red and bro'n design; rg $1.10, Sp74c 01845 Sanford Tap,, tan ground, cluster roso design reg, $1, yd, Spec, J9c 5442 Hartfoid Tap,, red ground, tan and green Oriental design ; reg $1,10 yd, Spec 80c 5586 Hartford Tap,, lightt tan ground, small rose cluster designj.reg, $1,1 0 yd, Spec. 80o .110 1-2 Hartford Tap,, dark tap ground, green and red all-over sun spray design; eg, $1, 10yd, Spec 80c 61 3-4 Hartford Tap,, tan ground, large rose duster design; reg, $1,10 yd, Spec... 80c' 01859 Sanford Tapestry, red arjci green ground, Oriental design ;reg, $1 yd,, Spec. .76c 4482 Glenfield Tap,, red ground, green and tan spray design; reg, 70c yd, Spec. 43c 756D Axminster, two tone green ground floral design; reg, $1,10 yd, Spec, ...85c 2099 Axminster green ground large rose cluster design; reg, $1,25 yd, Spec :...,, 95c 759 Axminster light tan ground .rose spray design; reg, $1,25 yd, Spec 95c jBiNiildxM'l.ll I.I LI mm-' STOPS FALLING HAIR Aycr' Hair Vigor Is composed of sulphur, glycerin, qulnln, sodium chlorld, capsi cum, sage, alcohol, water, and perfume. Not a single injurious ingredient In this list. Ask your doctor If this Is not so. Follow his advice. A hair food, a hair tonic, a hair dressing. Promptly checks falling hair. Completely destroys all dandruff. DOES NOT COLOR THE HAIR M T n ATy Oovpaht. TjqwMI, Mm Dallas collogo Is debating tho one hoard plan of control for tho higher otate educational Institutions. After n llttlo they will all wnko vup to tho fact thnt Hon. A. C. Llbby's hill means something. Geo. C. Brownoll will bo tho upon cr at tho Grand opora houso on Lin coln's birthday, nnd tho nudlonco will .it lenst hear an, orator. Ask Yourself the Question. Why not uso Chamborlatn's Llul mout whon you havo rhoumntlsmT Wo feel sure that tho result will bo prompt and satisfactory. It has cured others, why not you? Try It It costs but a trlflo. Prlco 25 cents; largo slro, 50 conts. For solo by Dr. Stono's Drug Storo. Pills tvro tho Hst pills mado for backache, woak back, urinary dls- cdors, cto. Sold by nil druggists. -o WAHhlngton's Plague Snota Llo In tho low marshy bottoms of tho Potomac, tho brooding ground of malaria gorms. Thcso gonna cautM chills, fevor nnd nguo, bllousnosa, Jnundlco, lassltudo, weakness and gonoral dob II I ty, and bring Buffering or death to thousands yearly. But Electric Dlttors novor fall to dostroy them and euro malaria troublo. "Thoy aro tho host all-round tonic and euro for malaria I ovor lusod," writes R. M. Jnmos, of Louollon, B. C. They euro Stomach, Llvor, Kidney nnd Dlood Troubleo, nnd will provonc Typhoid. Try thorn, 50c. Guaran teed by J. C. Perry. Are you going to raise any Chickens this year? If you uro, wo havo somo good lucubators for nalo cheap. AIbo two or throo good socond-hnnd sowing mnchlncs; two drop-hond, ono nutomutlc lift. Always In tho market for second hand goods. O. L McPEEK 1 07 South Commercial Street A flood of bills Isn't wntor on tho leglslntlvo wheel. Baby Hands. Will got Into mischief often It means a burn or cut or scald. Apply Dnllnrd's Snow Liniment just ns soon as tho accident happens, and tho pain will bo relieved, whllo tho wound will heal quickly nnd nicely. A surf, curt for sprains, rheumatism and all pains. Prlco 25c, 50 and $1.00 a bottlo Sold by nil dealers. "A lady cannot toll an untruth," says tho nttornoy-gonoral of Tonno seo. Let him ask somo othor lady nbout her In strict confidence. Save Moaoy by Iluylng Dr. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. You will pay just as much for a bottlo of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy nB for any of tho othor cough medicines, but you Bavo money la buying It. Tho saving Is In what yoa got, not what you pay. Tho aure-to-curo-you qunllty la In ovory bottle of thlo romody, and you got good re sults whon you tnko It. Neglected oldB ofton dovolop aorlous conditions nnd whon you buy a cough modicine you want to bo euro that you aro get ting ono that will euro your cold. Chamborlatn's Cough Romody nlways euros. Prlco 25 nnd 50 conta a bot tlo. For ehiIo by Dr. Stono'a Drug Storo. OASTOIIIA. fc Bu'lJI i fi- S .