mm DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALKM, ORBGttf, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1W. S Spasms St. Vitus' Dance Many persons who suf fered untold agonies from epilepsy, fits, spasms, and St. Vitus' Dance are to day well. The strength ening influence of Dr. Miles' Nervine upon the shattered nerves having restored them to perfect health. "I endured npony thnt worda cn not express from St. Vitus' dance, which followed a very sevens apelt of rheumatism. I doctored with a phy elcluni but tho morn I took of his med Iclno tho worso I trot. My mother's de votion saved me. After biio had become nlmost heart-broken , ns well n phys ically cxhnusted from constant care, toy tho ndvlco of a nelplibor she procur ed a botllo of Dr. Miles' Ne rvlno. From tho first dose to the last a .continual clinnKo for tho better was notlcable. nd when I had, taken eleven bottles I woe well, and In robust henlth." , ISIiWARD D. KI3AM. rfortb Manchester, Indiana. 'Our little boy Harry, had Kpasras for three years, and althouRh ire doc tored with many physicians, he con tinued to erow worso until hr hod ten pnnm In ono week. About that tltn our attention was called to Dr. Miles' Nervine, Wo bejran jrfvlnr It to him. Ills Improvement seemed slow, but when ho had flnlshi-d tho fourth bot--tle the Biiasmit had disappeared, and barn not ocen seen now for years. We shall, always recommend Dr. MlleV Nervine." MltS. IIHLLB M. TINDALT,. ilnatlngB, Neb. Or. Miles' Nervine Is told by your druoqltt, who will nuarantte that the first bottle will benefit. If It falls, he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, fed Kennedy's Laxatlvo Cough Syrup not only allays Inflammation and Ir ritation of throat and lungs, but It driven out tho cold from tho system by a frco yot gontlo action of tho bowols. Sold by nil druggists. CHICHESTER S PILLS Wyrr TIIK IMAHO.NI IIIIANIK a MM(I! I.KAMi I'll l.. f..;u.v y-u t r wiiMlt.t.fair-t Alirtltlai It HUIE WING SANG CO. Now Ali Goods Sale At Cost Price Wo mako up all kinds of undor wonr, Wrappors, KI moons and Waists. Silks, Dross Goods, Ladles and GonUi' Furnishing Goods, Shoos, Blnnkota, Matting, bilk Hnndkor chlofs, otc. 326 N. Commercial St., Salem, Oro. Gold Dust Flout i U.U'" by TIIK 8YDXIC7 POW ' KF COMPANY, Sidney, Ore- j tio. . Mndo for family line, j Ask your grocer for It. IJrnn , ' nntl fthortH nhvnys on bund. I P. B. WALLACE, Agt. , r l'f..r.. 4 Main 14' N Hlxb tn C, W. YANNKE rfip'4toi Of THE FASHION STABLES CnbH and Llvory, all Rig" Modorn Rubber Tiro FP Fire Proof Fool Proof In consldorlng making your own light, or cooking, why not consider tho P. P. Gns Machine and Stub bers Light. Will soil and install this machine and guarantee It to give 100 por cont moro light for tho same money thnn electricity or city gas. Let mo figure with you, estimates furnished. Call at my Bhop and see tho lights and stoves In operation. J also carry PVIIO DK.VATURED AI.OOHOIj tillties., Safo economi cal, cxiorloMN. A. i. FRASER 1'llOBf 1S XSH State St, 4 it ftVv M. hp.(rr' Nlonmn J Tlrnriil. I'lll. In ltr.l n.l (JoM ntuutiSS?) lo i, t il I with Mu ii Iwn. v laLannulhrr. Ilnr r onr V llr.irat.1. .V r,lll. llVw-Wii k A4 $ O. C. T. Co. St oa mora Oregona nnd Pomona I'ave for Portland Monday, Wednes day and FrldRj at 10 a. in. Tues lay, Thursday and Saturday at 6 a.ra J-'aro 50 canU. Leave fur Corvallls, Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday about 7 p. m M. P. BALDWIN, AU THE MARKETS SAN FRANCISCO flLUUCETS. San Franclcco, Cal., Fob. 6. Wheat, No. 1 California club, por contal, $ 1.72 H 1.75; California white milling, $1.7501.80: northorn bluestom, $1.80 1.85; oft grades of wheat, $1.55(3)1.60: Rods, $1,67 51.70. Darloy Feed barloy, $1.42 1:45; common to fair, $1.351.40; browing nt San Francisco nomlnnl at $1.451.55: Chovaller, $1.50(3)1.60 according to quality. Eggs Por dozon. California fresh. Including caBes, extras, 43c; firsts, 41 &c; seconds, 39c; thirds, 38c; pul lots, selected, 39c. Butter Per pound, California fresh, extras, 34 c; firsts, 32 c; seconds, 29c; storngo, California ex tras, 31c; ladles, extras, 23L,c. Now cheese por pound, "Califor nia flats, fancy, 13 Vc; firstB, 12 c; soconds, 11 c; California Young Amorlcn, fancy, lG&c; firsts, 16c; EaBtorn Now York Cheddars, fancy, 15c; Oregon flats, fancy, lie; do. Young America, lCc; Oregon flats, fancy, 14c; do. Young America, 15c. PotntocB Per contnl, Itlvor whites $1.55(31.60; Lompoc Durbanks, $2; do. Sallnns, $1.75(3)1,85; swcot po tatoes, por crate, $1.7531.85; do por sack, $1.5031.60. Onions Per sack, Oregon, $2.35; California, $2. Orangos Por box, Navols standard $1.25(Q)2.25; fancy, $2(3)2.20; Tnng orinos, half oranges, boxes, 50c $1.50; Mandarines, por box, $1(3) $101.25. PORTLAND ALUIKKT. Wheat Track Prices. Club 02c Dlucstom $1.05 Turkey Rod 95n Red Russian 90c Vnlloy 95c Flour. Patonts $5.25 Straights $4.20 Exports $3.90 Valloy $5.00 Graham, 1 Vi sack $4.40 Wheat, wholo $4.05 Ryo $5.60 Hnrlcy. Food $26.50 Rolled $20.00029.50 Drowlng $27.50 Ontw. No. 1 whlto $33.00 Gray $32.00 liny. Wlllnmotto vnl. fancy tlmothy$16,00 Wlllnmotto val ordinary. .. .$13.00 Mixed $18.00 Eastern Orogon, fancy $20.00 Alfalfa $15.00 Clovor $13.50 MUlsttiffs. Bran $26.50 Middlings $33.00 Shorts, country .' $31.00 Shorts, city $30.00 Chop $22.00 Cheese. F. C. Twins 15&0K5C F. C. Trlplots 15 16c Young Amorlca 17c Cream brick 18020c Swiss, block 18 020c LImburgor 18 02Oo Dressed Meats. Hogs, fancy 7 08c Hogs, ordinary 6 07c Picnic 10a HOgs, largo 6c Voal, extra 9 0 10c Vonl, ordinary , , 7 8c Voal, hoavy Gc Mutton, fanoy . ..-. 607c Cottago roll lie Broakfast 15021 Vjc When Women Suffer Headache back pains, dizziness, languor; or feel listless, dull and fagged, special caro Bhould bo taken to maintain tho general health, and to assist Nature through the time of unusual demand. As a woman's remedy, BEEGHAM S PILLS have held first place for nearly sixty years. They bring new life to the system und eupplynccc8 sary aid when it is most needed. Beecham's PilU impart nerve force, act gently on tho bowels, regulate tho bile, Improvo the blood, create appetite and promote digestion. Their tonic properties relievo weakness and quickly Renew Health and Spirits Sold Ercryvbare. la boi 10c and 28c Rogular short cioars, smoked. . .13c j Ditto, unsmokod 12c Clear backs, unsmokod 12c r Clear backs, smoked 13c Shoulders ' lie Poultry. Chickens, mixed 12 13c lions, fancy 13014c Roosters, old 10c Broilers nnd fryers 16017c Dressed poultry, 1 cont pound high er. Ducks 15 016c Goeso, llvo 10 011c Turkoys 1718o Dressed 20 023c Eggs. Extras 40042c Eastern 30035c Potatoes. Buying prices, per cwt. .8Oc0$1.25 Sweets, por cwt $2.25 Fresh Fruits. Oranges $2 03 Tangerines, box $1.75 Lomons $3.00 05.00 Grnpcs, crato $6 07 Pears, box 75c $1.00 Cranberries, bnrrol ...$14.00015.00 Bananas, pound 55 Onions, por cwt $1.25 1.50 Garlic 12 15c o Stomach Cases and Torpid Livers Glvo Wny lleforo tho Peculiar Puri fying Power of Stuart's Char coal Lozenge. A Trial Pnckngo Sent Free. Tho foul gosos of tho stomnch unl tho torpid action of ho llvor aro easy Ulftt on(J ovon, of tho wcjk Bh() vlctlma for clmrcoa to ovorcomo. W0Ill to 0 ,. nm, ou tho Qlhm This great natural clcanor and ..!,.,, mmQ tQ , m florhont will most certainly bo rol-l .. .. lahed by a syotoin nflllcted with gas ooiis or sluggish tondeuclca. Charcoal has long boon known us a groat nbsorbont of gns. A panful of charcoal will positively purify a room filled with foul odors and de cny. Ito absorbing ratio Is ono hun dred Union grontor than Jts own vol ume. Tho midguts gave charcoal for pinny human ills Buccoaofully. Tho North American Indlnns used It for Rimko blto, poison from cntlng wild horbs nnd cured what they called "stomach bail mcdlclno" with It. Willow charcoal seems to bo the host product for human mm, and no doubt tho peculiar curatlvo property of tho rlllow Is ropresontcd In a chemical quality In Its charcoal. Stunrt's Charcoal Lozenges aro puro willow nnd awect lionoy blontlo.I by tremendous power nnd compros- Blon Into a very pnlatablo lozongo. Two or throo lozonges oaten aftor monls will prevent tlo procoss of di gestion from producing noxious gnuoit Thoy will vivify a lazy llvor and nld ovory organ which Is most llkoly to bo ovorcome through Its contact with lnipuritlos. Thoy olonnso tho stomach nnd In tostlnos, bring purity nnd awootno-) out of formontrttlon nnd docny, and nld digestion by nllaylng gas. Th'iy will n'd you nnd your stomnch. This bonoflolnl offootn aro mndo ovlJont after each moal when ywi uso chnr coal as Stuart propnroa It. To allny gas at night thoy arc oxcollont, nnl ono rlios In tho morning without thnt torrlblo nnuioatlng bnd breath which destroys appotlto and rondors ji.o mlsorable. All druggists soli Stuart'B Charcoal I)zonKOH, prlco twenty-flvo conta, jr gond tie your nnmo nnd addross and wo will sond you a trial paokngo hy mall froe. Addross P. A. Stuart Ci , 200 Stuart Dldg., Marshall, Mloh. rQ Itotrtll Market. Flour, por Bnok Jl.25 KiiHtorn Orogon 1-B0 Ilrnn, por sack 9Cc Shorts, por sack Jl.35fTl.50 Wheat, per bu $1.05 Oats, par bushol 50 ff 65 Cheat, por ton $15. 00fij1fi. 00 Clovor, por ton $15.00 Local Wholesale Market. Wheat, por bushel 90c Oats, per bushol 45c Flour, nard wheat $5.00 Flour, valloy , $4.26 Mill feed, shorts $32 Mill feed, bran , $30 Hops, 1908 crop , , 5 0 7c Hops, 1907 crop ...2 034c Chlttlm bark 35c Wool, coarso I3c Wool, medium '. '.15c Mohair 20c Hay, cheat $13.00 Hay, clover $12.00 Potatoos, bushol 4045c Apples, bushol 50c C' $ 1-00 Onions. pr.cwt . .' 85 690c Prune, per pound IV fl1 4 e Cranberries. Howe's variety, bbl .' $18.00 Uuttor and Hggs, Eggs 36c Butter, oroninory 37c Butter-fat 3 7 r Cheoso, twins 15c A Bold Stop. """ To overcome tho woll-grounded ab4 reasonable objections of the moro Intel ligent to tho uso of poerot, medicinal com pounds, Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N v., Bomo time ago, decided to make a bold departure from tho usual courso pursued by the iuacrs of put-up medicines for do mestic use, and so has published broad east nnd oror to tho wholo world, a full and cumpfetu list ot all tho Ingredients entering Inrahc composition of his widely tolobraicd fccdlcfiec Thus ho has takon his numcnK.s rritrons and patients Into his fulIxunAircnce. Thus too ho has n movedhlvlucdlclnos from among secret nostrnvr of doubtful merits, and made thomfcfJcMcdfcs of Known ComvoMloH. ,Kv .this hold-step Hr, Vl-vcn has aliny Uliit nTformiilfiy rinM( siidi nirclli-n llnVl? '" ""r"fnV""1 1'9 "iihjret them a rntr IS tnouixj-. Not Olllv ihyc thi ti:innAP nf nrnrr KMIt of Ur. l'lcrcos OolUcn Jledletl Dlscororx. th famous mcaicino tor wink stomach. rplc llTororbllloUsnos nnd all catarrhal disease! wherojer located, haTn limited uixin It, fn wain fctifflUA. a full and coouiloto Lst of al! Ibo Insrcdlontt composing It. but a small book lias been compiled from numerous standard medical works, of nil th different kuoois oi prti-iico, coutaliilne voir nuuicr- acuoois oi prti-ucc. cuuiaitiiui; v ous extract from tho writings or leaiunt practitioners ot modlclno, endorsing n tht tirongw jmrnioie wnw, earn and orerr Inero dlcnv .contained. In Dr. ririco'a medicines Ono of tlieso liitlo books will bo mailed frr to any ono sending- nddtc.ison tVMI )stal I canl rt by Jotter, to Dr. R. V. I'lorco, HulTalo. N. V and, requesting tho same, From this llttl book It will bo loarncd that Dr. l'lerco's med icines contain no alcohol, narcotics, minora! scents or other polEonout or Injurious acrnti and that thor aro mndo from native, nicdlcl nil roois oi ffToai Tauiet also that some ot the most valuable tnirrcdlciits contained Id Dr. l'lerco's rirorlto Proscription for weak, nonroils. OTer-wotked. "ruii'duwn. nurrmu and debilitated women, wera employed, loni years airo. by tho Indians for similar ailment anocuntr tnetr ennaws. in fact, ono of the most valuable medicinal plants entering- Into the composition of Dr. l'lorco's Favorlto Pre acrlptlon wan known to tho Indians ax "8auaw-Weod." Our knowledge of tho usoi 8f not a few of our mott Taluablo natlre. mc Iclnal plants wni sained from tho Indians as mauo up iy Improved and exact prw. crxara, luo-iaTunie rrescriptioi efficient rntnodi fur ronlktlnir m" us most latins- all 1 the worn atily functions, enrrectinc displacements, ai prolapsus, anifversion ana retorvemlon. overcomlnr painful periods, toning- up th eervos and briaginr atwut a perfect state at oalth. Sold by all dealers In aadlciaas. A finillllnr Rnlmn i-lrl wlinn nulroit ,.,.,.. ,, unnnf hnn ., i two hor tlmo wns protty woll occu plod. Did any politicians ovor tread tho straight and narrow path. Kodol for DyspopBln and Indiges tion (loos tho ordinary work of tho stomnch, bo thnt by taking n llttlo Kodol ovory now nnd thon you can not possibly hnvo Indigestion or any form of stomnch trouble Sold by nil druggists. Judge Tuft cannot play golf ou tho trip to Panama, but ho can Indulge In cnblnet mnklng. o Tho Crime of Idleness. Idloness means troublo for nnyono, It Is tho Bamo with a lazy llvor. It cauBOs constipation, hoadacho, Jaun- dco, sallow comploxlon, pimples nnd blotchoo, loss of appotito, nausea, but Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills soon ban ish llvor troubles and build up your health. 25c at J, O, Perry's, CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bwgfit Slgimturo of OcoXT&U a The Seaet t a m Bcautlfal Fc w lies la keeping tk ikin pm tecttdMnelilucleuucd. Jtut nathhif U sot eaougb tku only Itm th dUott iw&M more pod to & krktlos of durt ftd f wmi to Bud lei ttucki of iub and wcthcr. AhttmMnr, ap ply RobrtIae and zprienco its delightful rafieihmenL You wllladmlra tkt llne-lcu toftncM it ImparU to face, neck and arm. It not only itimulatu a radiant glow, but prot ecu the ikin from becom. mi; coane. I'reventi bum. ing, tan and freckles. Am ttmtU tnJTXr BERTI wvi ARE YOU SICK? Do You Wish to Get Cured?- After you hT trlod the other doctors, coma and see tho old reliable "hlneso doctor. Hr gunrnntcoi to auro aftor ovorythlug else has failed. Dr. Kum has lived ovor 20 years In Salem, nnd has cured a groat many of Stlem'a wall-known mon and wo men, and hi.B scores of testimonials from thankful pntlonU whom ho ha oured in tho past, II j guaranteed to euro whero th' knlfo seem the lat resort. Hi treats nil chronic and nervous disease, catarrh, aitbma lung and throat trouble, -tomach. liver, kidney and heart trouble, rheti matiam, gall stones, tape worma, '.ov vitality, genernl deblllt.-'. rupture and all kinds of female complaints. Ex amlnatlon and consultation free. '.; you caunot call write for symptom blank to tho Dr. Kum Ilnw Wo D.u Co., 167 South High atropt. flaluru OregOB. jv .M m nv Wvl vfiEBQ ":jj . m -. rw-i -ri rr . fiLutuDviii! H. I THE STOCK BOOKS For tho North SanUam Mtaing company, are still epea Mr In vestors. A llmltod amount of stock 1b now for Bale, lit tho LOW PRICK of So por shnro. SAVAGE & HERREN FISCAL I Wire Fencing Paint Por SALEM HARDWARE GO. !! 1 20 Commercial St. Ki8i9iil8flH-ejieteBllflltllHH lil m) !MH flf MM PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY When you spray your troos. Dependable brand Lime ! J and .Sulphur Solution, one of the bost brands made any ! W DUi 10 UUU ti III IU O Call on us, or phone Malr fJUlU OUIUUUII Ul vpiUUiUU lUIIUIli For sale by the following dealers! TILSON & CO. FLI5TCHKR & I1YIU). D. A. AV1UTIC & CO. n. R. CHASR. LK HOLD nitOS. 844M4Mr4Miiiliaejil)ifJIlllll(ilije4a lf lili Big Discount e On all shoos to make room for Serine stock, Call and ! ! seo mv line botoro buvlnc olsowhore, 345 State Street. Salem. Ore. ' I JACOB VOGT, Thhoe ji ! elf lf lBIB !! THAT PARTY You're tjolnb' to nttond or thnt ball of courBO, thon you wnnt your porsonnl npponronco to bo porfoot. Your npponrnnco will Indood b- far from porfoct If woarliiR wmo un laundorod ltnon sond us your shirts nnd you will bo beyond tho criticism of tho most oxnctlng. A superb equipment, combined with oxcollont oporntor and tho bost soups, starchos, etc., Kunrnntoo you cxcollont work. Salem Laundry Co. Telephone 'M. 111(1-1(1(1 H. Libert ty Hi mm Portland's Popular Fire-Proof Hotel THE OREGON Our Rathskeller Grill finest dining service in city, with Hawaiian orchestra from 6 to 12 p, m, Most perfectly furnished, Moderate Priced, Modern Hostlery in the metropolis of the Northwest. ANNEX IS NOW OPEN Our capacity has beon doubled and our free bus will hereafter meet trains No. 6, and train No. 12, limited, Oregon Electric that arri.o in Portland at 10:55 a. m. and 4:55 p. m. M. C DICKINSON, Manager THE OREGON i m AGENTS. 15 S. COMMERCIAL BT. Builders' Hardware 1 and Oil Phone 1 72 ; ; ff If 6Ifllfr UV UUUU OIUIZ UUIIIUilllV. 26. Wo guarantee a strictly j )f ttllll)llejltl. ! !!! 19 lit I IIIIH TIIK MOW ROAHT THK FA.MILY KVKR HAD Can bo obtained from our prlmo tondor and Juicy hoof, mutton or pork. All our moats aro soloctod from tho choicest, mid prepared for tho table to suit tho domnnds of the fastidious, Our prices aro lowor for quality than you can find at nur place in Salem. K. C. O It O 8 8, ATTRAOTIONH IN I'ORCIIKS aro furnished comploto by us. Wo muko ovory pleco In dotttll, from rallrf to roof. Plain nnd ornnmautal col. umiiH, I)hhw and capitals. All mndo of thoroughly woll fHtasouod hard or soft wood, nnd tuiido so uniformity as to bo always nllko In Krado. Hut thotich tho (lualltloa nro IiIkIi, tho prices nro low. A. M. HANHKN, I'hone, Mulu ai4. e3r v v ii i i - r t th TTriiffiTrwttMmyMgMpMIWIWi " JpI hiMMNi