j ill CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION HAS M.H ORDERED SUBMITTED TO A VOTE OF THE PEOPLE AT THE NEXT REGULAR ELECTION IN NOVEMBER. The question of submitting to tfao peoplo a bill to provide a constitu tional contention was threshed out In tho house. Mr. Ducbaaan ar gucd that tho old documont was tery Inconsistent, and needed repair In many ways. Speaker McArthur made a vigorous npeech for tho bill. Ho did sot admit for a moment that tho log Inlatlro blacksmith at Oregon City was to bo the sole authority for tlnk erlng with the constitution. Orton mado a strong speech against tho bill Ho admitted that tho constitution needed frequent changes, but said a lot of politicians wanted to framo up a lot ot very bad propositions. The present system enabled the 'people to get what they wanted, and get It the way they wanted It, and when Un wanted It. MoKlnney mado a strong plea for an upto-dnte constitution. IId said emphatically the peoplo are tho power In this stato. and those who aro not prepared to .admit that will havo their scalps taken from tKorn. Tho same people who mado our present constitution and all Its nmondmontH would make the ne constitution. Medio showod that the prmont constitution provldud that if n new constitution was to be adopted, this vory bill Itself must bo nubmlttod to tho peoplo "tho doar peoplo of tho state that Mr. Orton was so anxious about " Mr. Calk Inn thought the bill gooj and It was necessary to havo consti tutional convention at least onco In fifty years In most well-ordered com monwealths Tho people, as a who tihould bo represented In tho rovhlor. THIS LITTLE JAP IS NOT A WELCHER t UmUwI I'ism UtHsri Wire I llurkoley, Gal.. Feb. ft. Preslda.it WhcMiIar. of tho University of Cali fornia, Is In receipt of a letter today from M. ICaseko. a Japanese stM tlenl, who Is alleged to have Iimh at tacked by llorkeley HtHdenta on Ike onmpus last week. Knnsko pleads that no tintlr be taken or tbe Inci dent In n lottor that shows his grown of Hngl'sh oquul to lbs famous llnb I in lira Togo's. Tho lottor readB: "Hoarlng of your lielug Ih some THE OLD TURFMAN WINS IN RACE WITH DEATH (PhIimI I'rMa ltinl Vlr) Iog Angelwi. Cnl.. Fob. B. Bally lug today from the relnpwt or yester day, which It wa feurftd would end lls Ufa. II. J. (l,uoky) Baldwin, thj MMil old turf maa, declared that h wohU be out or bad within a f w days, aad tee what he eok4 do to ward pHjtahlMK a few hole la Um HHti-raetaa hill pawned by the legis lature y terday "I aw aot Ik the least dlacom a 11." declared Baldwin today. 'Mad If they havo loft ui tho smallest loophole, the new law will never go Into effeet "Marie ray words, thare will be roving agala at Hnnt Anita befor wo glvo up this tight. "I havo spout millions of dollars brt'iidlng fine Horsoa to bo nun on thu Santa Anita trnjjk. which Is ono of tho rtHost In the-world. This kaa boon tho pride of my llfo. tho orowa Ing auhluvumaut of my career, and now a coterie of men who don't un derstand tho conditions, and have no money Invested, aro clamoring f.r tho extinction of tho greatest op.ut under tho un. It Is an outrage." Hairy HaaAs. Will get Into mischief often It means a burn or cut or scald. Apply Ballard's 8now Liniment Just as soon as tho accident happous, and tho pain will bo relieved, whllo tho wound will heal quickly and uleoly. A surf ouu for spraliH, rheumatism and all pnlti. Price. 26c. CO nud ft 00 n bottl Bold by all dealers. of the organic law of the state, and not Just a few select persons or somo committees. Mr. Dlmlck showed that the con stitution to bo prepared would 09 submitted at a special election, and the delegates were to be chosen at a special election. Why hold two special elections? Why bare sixty men alt for forty days at $5 a day each? Why go to all this expense, when tho amendments needed could be mado for so much less? Mr. Honebrake said this bill was ouly to bring tho whole matter bo foro the people, and If they did hot want tho expenso of a now constitu tion they could vote It down lit van opposed to tho motion to amend, so as to vote on it at the regular election. It was wrong to mix up the consideration of a consti tution with election of political f flcon, and offor a ohanco to trade It ofT on minor mattors. Mr. Buchan an closed the dobalo Ho bellevod ti tho pooplo'a rule. "Tho peoplo do rule, gentlomon, but lot us havo no gag-rule " (Applauso). If there woro any bad features In tho uow constitution tho people could reject thorn. Ho was willing to trust the constitution to tho peoplo. Ho was willing to trust tho people, and be llevod if tho peoplo adopted this bill thoy would bo making a groat tnp of progress. Thoso voting no were Abbott, Bar rett, Brandon, Bryant, Couch, Dlm lck, Hnttobcrg, Jones of Douglas, Jones of Clackamas, Llbby, McDon ald, Miller, Munkors, Orton, Patton Phllpot, Husk, 17; ayes 40. ;zalful investigation on the ani jers. I wish to write ' you that mj profound thanks arc due to joii But I hop you will quickly give up such insoles attempt, baoauso I am stir that your student ar Hot In char-? of. Wishing to add that I want not to tfxagfocat such small trouble, aor i to lead It Into soma International I qutMitlon, and especially deslrlag that 1 Ike Californium are not so senaUlve I about Jnpanoso problems. ! "Yours vory truly, "M ICAKHICO." THE MARKETS HA.N I'ltA.N CISCO MAIUCKT8. Shh KraiR'leo, Cal.. fob. ft Wheat. No. 1 California lub. iter oetilal. $17IWfil.7a; California white milling. fl.TSl.SQ; northern biMemeiH. $1.S09J1.SI; oft grades of wheat. il.llOldo; Itetli. $1.6TVi Barley- Food barter. $1.48 W l:4ft. oniiiHtuH to fair. $!. 1.40. brewing at Sh Pmaobwo hom1nI at $l.tl1.5ft; Cherallor. $1.5091.00 aoewrdlng to quality. tfiggo Por doien, California fresh, larl'.idlu iiSAa. extras. iSr. flrau, 41 't- sH-oaUs. ISc. thtnle. 4e. pl Ivu MtlM'twd. Sir ItMlitM" Per pound, California froHh, ox Iras. 34su; ftrsUu 3Ivo. seouHda, t'Jc: slorago, California ox- trk lie. ladlott. extrau, tZILv Jjv ohetMi por pound. "Cullfor Hlu riata. fHHcy. Ue, firsts. 12 He. seconds. UHo; California Young America, fancy. lt!fcu: flruts. l5c; Hastwrn New York Cheddars, funoy, lie, Oregon riuts. ruuoy, 14c: do. Young Amorloa, 10c, Oregon flats, fauoy. l4o; do. Young Aiuertoa. 15c Potatoea-Por cuutnl. Hlvor whites $1.65fl.C0; Iimiioc Burbunks. $2; do. SiUinus. $l.75ej l.b5; sueot k tatooj). per onito. $l.75sjlS5; do por sack, $1.50!. CO. Ouluns Por saok, Oroggiu $2.35: California, $3. Orauga Por box. Navels standard $1 l 2.2ft. fancy. 2f2.20. Tang erluefc. halt oraHgea. Ihmim. 8ctJ $1 (0. Mandarines. ur box $lr lU'MS DAILY CAPITAIi SOUXXAIj, MUM, O1W0QS. PORTLA?iD MARKET. Wheat Track Prices. Club 9 Bluestem $1-05 Turkey Red 95r Rod Russian 90c Valley 95c Flour. Patents $5.25 Straights ,... .. $4.9 Exports .. ,13.90 Valley $5.e Graham, 1 VS, sack Wheat, wliole Rye $5.SD Barley. Feed $26.51 Rolled $29.0029.50 Brewing $27.50 Oats. No. 1 white .... $33.09 j Jdray $32.99 Hay- Willamette vat. Jancy timothy $16.09 Wlllametto val ordinary. .. .$13. Ot Mixed $18.00 Eastern Oregon, fancy. .... .$20.00 Alfalfn $15.00 Clover $13.50 Millstuffs. Bran $26.50 Middlings $33.00 Shorts, country $31.00 Shorts, city $30.00 Chop $22.00 ChccH. P. C. Twins 15 HQ 16c F. C. Triplets 16 $4 0 16c Young America 17c Cream brick Swiss, block 18200 Llmburgor 1802Oo DrcKMMl Meat. Hogs, fancy 7tf8e Hogs, ordinary t . 6 fp 7o Hogs, Inrge Sc Voal, oxtra t. . . . . . .910c Voal, ordinary 78c Voal, heavy " 6c Mutton, fancy 6 C 7c Cottage roll lie Picnic I0e Brookfast 15(210 Itogular short dears, smoked... 13c Ditto, unsmoked 12c Clear backs, unsmoked 12c Cloar backs, smoked 13c Shoulders lie Poultry. Chickens, mixed 12 $4 13c Hens, fancy 13(14c Roosters, old 10c Broilers and fryers 16 17c Dressed poultry, 1 cent pound high er. DtickH 15(pi6c Gcoso, llvo . .- 10(Tjllc Turkoys 17fl18c DroKsod -...20 23c lliittvr. I'anoy 8C37c Choice , 30o Store lSf20c IgK, Kxtraa '. 4ltf42c ICaatern 303ic PotOtOON. IluylMg prloea. per ewu ,S0o$1.2S Sweet, per owt $2.25 Proj.li Fruit?. Orangee $2 6 3 Tangerinoa. 1kx $1.75 I.omons $3.00495.00 Grape, orate $C7!thB WIUI' ,lom9, but "0flcU t,n,e wu' Poars, box 7Jo$1.00 Cranberries, barrel . .$14. 00r 16.00 IMoiunaa. pound ft B 4 Onions, per owt $1.2101(0 Garlic 12C16c Itotall Market. Flour, per saak $1.28 ItaHteru Oregon $1.(0 Bran, per saok 9fto ShorU. per saok $J.Jftfl.&o Wheat, per Uh . $1.06 OaU. per beshol (Otflft Cheat, per ton ....'..$ 1 ft. 00 9 1 6.00 Clover, per ton $ 1 5 00 Iahm WIiuIusiIo .Markot. Wheat, per Ueehel vOt Oau. per hiiehoi lis Flour, nard wheat $ft.00 Flour, valle)' , $4.26 Mill feed, shorts $33 Mill feed, brwu $30 Hope. l'JOS orop . . '. STo Hope. 1907 eroH 23 fee Chlltlm bark .,.3fSc Wool, CKHirse 1 So Wool, mudlum 16c Mohair 20c Hay, cheat $13.00 Hay, clover . . .' $12 00 Potatoes, bushul 404745c Apples, bushel .50cff $100 Onions, per owt S5 90c Prunes, por pound 1 & & 4 ft c Cruuborrlea, Howo'a variety, bbl $13,00 Butter and Kgg. Eggs . . ." 35c Butter, creamery 37c Buttor-fat , 7c Choose, twins 15c Worn Out, That's tho way you feel about tho lungs wheu you have a hacking cough It It foolishness to Ut It go oa and trust to luck to get over It, when Bal lard's Horohound Syrup will stop tho cough and heal the lungs Price 35c. 50c and 11 00 per botl FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 5, 1009. .SENATE FOR LOCKS !AMENDS JONES BILL FOR THL STATE TO AID INSUR ING FEDERAL OWNERSHIP. I The seente ways aad means corn- salttoe last sight decided to report La asaeedBseat t tbe Joaea free locks aad eaaal hill This will extend the tlH for payasoet by th state of l- tfcare of the cost of purchasing or coastruetiag new locks and canal for four years, instead of two years, as provided In the Jones bill, as It panned the house. JAPAN WILL CLEAN HER TREATY SLATE It'altnl ITm Iatml Wire.) Toklo, Feb 8. Several Japanese newspapers today, believed Indicative of governmental aad official feollng. 1820c.are reJoklng at tbe prospect that next year will wltae the termina tion of all commercial treaties be tween Japan and other nntloss. They declare that the empire will welcome the time when the present pacts arc abrogated, and the natloa be en abled to negotiate treaties that shall not be hampered by any unequal en gagements. It Is Intimated that the anti-alltn land owning lnws of Japan will be abolished to pave the way for bet ter accord with the United Sta:es. Quoting a government ofuc'al, n local paper seys: "Altogether." sold a member of the government today. "Japan' poli cy Is one of wnlttng, but. novertha Ies, It Is constructive, Inspired by need of developing Its resources for definite progroos Troaty revision on tho basis of stricter reciprocity in conjunction with the consolidation of peace Is llkoly to mark tho now Rtrugglo for International develop ment In tho Far Eat HOLY ROLLER'S WIFE TAKEN TO HOSPITAL (United Preaa Leased Wire.) Ilelllngham, Wash.. Feb. 5. Pby slalans attending Mrs John Willis, who was taken from her husband who Is mid to be a Holly Holler, af ter he denied her medical atteaj ante, declared today that this action probably saved her life. Mrs. Willis wbb desperately (II when the attention of the Ilelllng ham Associated Charities and the hoalth department was called to her condition. Physicians tried to tnto" tnuiHT kh ITTM( mini r MICHAELS-STERN FINE CLOTHING HICHtCl. ITCHN 4 CO. rl 1! taHmmftr til 11 SALEM WOOLEN MILL STORE AND CANAL BILL TO EXTEND TIME The senate ways and means com mittee were a unit for extension or this bill, and It will pass the senate without opposition. Tho senate amendment provides that tho money already raised for this purpose shall be available for other purposes, but authorizes Immediate action by the state, when congress passes the bill. lie, who Is six feet In height, told them thoy were not wanted. Ho would not accept any medicine for bis wife, and would not admit a nurse. Flnnlly the health depart ment appealed to the police, and last night an ambulance loaded with po lice stopped In front of the homo, brushed Willis to one sldo when ho attempted to Interfere, and carried Mrx Willis to the hospital. LIBERTY BELIMAY COME TO THE COURT (United PreM Leased Wire. Philadelphia. Feb. 5. Tho finance committee of the city council today Is considering tho project of Bond ing the famous Liberty Bell to thu Pacific coast n Philadelphia's ex hibit in tho coming Alnsknn-Yukon Pacific opposition at Seattle There In every prospect that the boll will make the Journoy, ns tho mayor for warded tho request to tho city com, ell with his favorable recommenda tion. The fact that the mnttor hns boon roforred to tho flnanco commlttco la tnkon to Indicate that tho question of the cost of transportation Is the only one thnt stands In tho wny of the council's approval. Tho boll will have to bo carofully guarded during the trip, and It Is probable that many side trips on tho Journoy to tho coast will bo taken, In order to allow va rious cities nn opportunity to view the relic. - Tbe bell will be sent to San Fran Cisco and also the Portland Rosn Festival. If (ho present plans aro carried out. De Wit's KMay and Bladder PIII- .re t'i tcet pills made for backache. weak back, urinary dls ..rfci. otr. gii by ell druggist . o Brownsville l getting to be a per ennial pest "TTT i rw An Extra Special Offer of Smart Winter Suits and Overcoats Going On Here Now Thitlt a spacial snie of great importance to eveiy " i and young man who is not well supplied with clothe v this wagon's wear. We a-'e giving you the adyanta- f 20 0.', M our Suits, Overcoats, Hats and Shirts, This . -dudw nil of our Men's, Young Men's, and Boys' Cloti ng. This is an opportunity you should not fail fo grasp JAP WANTS TO BE MADE A CITIZEN (United Press Leased Wire Norfolk, Va., Feb. 5. -The federal government la confronted with a now phafio of tho Japanese quostloa today, as the result of Namayo Des so, a stoward and native of the king, dom of tho Mikado, having filed suit to compel tho United States to admit him to citizenship. Bcsso baaes his Bult upon a sp. clal act of congress permitting aliens to bo come citizens after fire ycarB' aervico In the United StaW navy. Tho government Is resisting und-" tho general law which limits cltlien ship to frco, white aliens, and na tives of Africa and those of African descent. The case Is set for a ho&--Ing In tho United 8tates court Feb ruary 10. Assistant District Attorney RnW ' H. Talloy has chargo of tho govern ' ment sldo of tho coso. Ask Yourself the Question, Why not uso Chamberlain's Lla' mont when you havo rhoumatlsm? Wo fool suro thnt tho result will be prompt and satisfactory, it ha cured others, why not you? Try It It costs but a trlflo. Price 25 conU; largo bIzo, 50 conts. For sale by Di S to no's Drug Storo. Tho Fender Saved Him Had it not been for the tlmelj i oration of the fender on tin Yew Park car by Motornmn Hair Watson this afternoon, Martin Blrnd a S lorn losldont, would liuu lun kilua or nt lonst sorlouuly Injured by l. Ing run down by tho car Blood in thu attompt to cross the street ;i the Intersection of State and Llberts fnllod to notice the enr coming from tho onst, and wnlkod dlrecth In froir of it. Motormun Watson thowij groat presence of mind and t (Helen. In bringing tho enr to a Mandstil! and, lowering tho fender cntchlns Blood and carrying him about ft . fuot unbnrmed, except fut a fo abrasions about thu bod ami sprain Ing his wrist. Tho Injured man was tnkon to Drs. Robertson & Morn? who attended to his Injuries -o Waahington's Plngiio Spots Llo In tho low marshy bottoms ol tho Potomac, tho brooding ground ol malnrla gorms. These germs cau chills, fever and nguo, blouanwj; Jaundlco, lassltudo, weakness and gonoral doblllty, and bring sutforlnx or death to thousands yearly But Electric Bitters novor fall to destroy thorn and euro malaria trouble "Thoy nro tho host all-round ton c and euro for malaria I over u-cd," wrltos It. M, Jnmos, of Louellm S f They euro Stomach, Liver, Kldne nnd Blood Troubloa, and w'll j reven Typhoid. Try thorn, 50c Guaran teed by J. C. Perry. o jo. & t o act x v. . Beintt IMMtaiWIiaWAMntWa Bean tbe jispuisihii per cent reduction