"'BMHBBSasBPWWaMBWSISWaPPPSiiaaaBJJIBBBPBJBPBPpaHawIG 1 1L. 1 !. ITB el lonmai DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OKKGON, P1MDAY, PKUItl'AJlY 0, 1000. NO. BO. SPEAKER AlcARTHUR ROASTS THE HOUSE II Hl 1 111 -aUuSSfcsih j f r .: 1 1 1 1 1 1 isiifgEiiiiEifr - C-- w - no. - 'W NUtsswyajJTtRcw " - "- VOfi. XIX. 'VWNWWWMWIHW ATTENDANTS Will CARE FOR INSANE ON WAY TO THE ASYLUM CALIFORNIA'S GOVERNOR TRIES TO BECLOUD THUAP QUESTION THE ONLY ISSUE IS MUST ANY STATE IN THE UNION ASK THE MIKADO OR THE PRESIDENT IF IT MAY PASS A LOCAL LAW. Bacranionto, Col., Fob. 6. Today, i for tho necoud tlmo during this sol ium of tho legislature, Governor OH lctt sent a special mossago to tho tennto and assembly, asking that no antl-Jnpnneso legislation bo onactol President Roosovolt'o tologram branding tho Orovo L. Johnson nntt Japancsc bill as "tho most offonslvo" of all tho nntl-allon moasurca pona Ing boforo tho lcglslaturo, which the. govornor rocolved yoBtordny, was dl roctly rosponslblo for today's mos sago. Governor Qlllott worked lato last night proparlng his communication, and thin morning It was ready for tho lcglslaturo. Tho mossago was In part as foleows: WH 19 lfllallllllff f IBIf f t-t ti X Cost Cuts No Figure! During Our Alteration Sale! ii Vou cannot buy tho goods from tho uiumifiictiitrrx at the prices wo J are offering them nt now. Auk for the goods advertised. We linvo jj them hero ready to hnml out to you, Just exactly at the prlccH you mt them advert IhwI at. Tho following nro only a few sample prices . . to hov you how wo are selling our good now. 1 Utiles' $15,00 Bulla mado of $1.25 1 1 wool Panama Jackets, silk lined I i and full gored dross skirts. Prices now jnl - $3.95 lis "0 and $20.00 Suits In all shades long conts, silk lined and J shea'h skirts, tho latest 1909 t models now only $9.50 kli s $1.00 blaok morcorlzod, fcrttf-n underskirts, plaltod and t niff d now only 49c whlto Hnon tnllorod shirt lucked and plaltod, also ; "in M...I Wth pearl buttons. 1909 . . n. ;; .u. Ladioa . newest ! onlx G9c bloaohod shoots, full size, for tho double bods, mado of a good hoavy muslin, now only 39c 18c full standard slzo pillow cusos groat valtio, now only 10c nest 8 l-3c Hnstorn Point 1'or oalos, satoen finish, with borders, 2 this Is n groat bargain now, only, yard 5c stvles. now only 98c 12 25 VIcl BJuchor shoos, syle, a world-beater, for $1.49 i;Ask for Goods Advertised n'V Persian ohallles In a crand jjUrkt of designs and colorings, ard . now i 10 'ards best machine spool silk In black, anrt r-r.lnrc, .,. , OOl) i 4c Ask for Advertised Goods J 12 c and 15c urcss uiiiRiinius in a all the latest stylos and colorings 1909 beet production, now only. yard 9 35o India Silk in all colors and blaok, will wasn like muslin, now only, ynrd 19c Fancy wool dross goods, now sell- J Ing at about half. Yard 25c. 35c, f 49c, and up. THIS ALTERATION' SALE. X Applies to overy article ubcoit thof storo, as tnoro Is going to uo a gonorul overhauling of thb entire establishment and we must dis pose of the goods, as they will be In tho workmen's way. Thoro ls no use In you trying to beat our prices, as we are not looking for profits now '- JiEf Hk ry" .jv Xi w jymr k r m M m aS jfl VffffflrM 1MVJK Kt . . - - 3Hrii mi.. 'M V Vry .- L-". - . ,iT7 tJil A. j(r- ?- "ML9'- y;:L4:j ii ii- n-in mr'"' --- 'iMt-llllllilllllllfllllfflM "To tho sonato and aogembly: "Oontlemon: Dellovlng that thoio fihould bo a further and mora care ful consideration of asnsombly bill No. 14, which provides that boards of school trustees shall havo tho pow er to ostnbllsh soparato schools for chlldron of Japanese and that there after flioy shall not bo admitted Into any other public school, nnd further believing that tho enactment of pro visions of Bnld bill will, at this time, affect tho interests of tho cntlro na tion, and porhnps seriously, I must respectfully request you to reconsid er tho vote by which said bill wai passed, and tnko tho matter nip for further and most caroful considera tion. "Within a fow hours after tho pas sage of said bill tho Tresldont of the United Stntos, alarmed at tho pos sible conBoqtionccs of tho enactments of such a law, sont to mo a tologram containing tho following language " 'This Is tho most offonslvo bill of all, and, in my Judgment, Is uncon stltutlonnl, and wo hould havo to test It In tho courts. Cnn It not bo stopped 1n tho leglslnturo or by ve to?' a tologram bo forcible as this, coming from tho President of tho United States, Is entitled to full con sldorntlon, nnd demands that no has ty or lll-conBldored nctlon bo takon by this stato which may Involvo the wholo country. "It seems to mo that It Is tlmo to lny scntlmont nnd porsonal .opinion nnd consldornton aside and tnko. n broad and unprejudiced viow of th Importnnt question Involvod In tho proposed legislation, nd In n calm and dlspnsnlounto manner pass nipo thorn, kcoplug In mind not only the Intore ts of our state but the nntlon as well, and tho duty wo owo to It In I obsorvlng tho trentleti outorud Into by It with a friendly powor, "Two yoniu ngo tho question now under discussion ongftgod tho atten tion of our govornmont and Japan bi causo of a resolution adopted by tho board of education of San Francisco directing that all Chlnoso, Jnpauefic nnd Coronn chlldron bo iout to the Oriental public vchool. Japan at onco called tho nttontlon of our gov ornmont to this resolution which, It claimed, discriminates against its subjects, and was In violation of Ha treaty. It contended thnt tho admis sion of niton children of other foi olgn countrlos Into thu public schools of Ban Francisco, nnd tho denial of that right to tho chlldron of Its citi zens, raiding thoro, constituted n denial to them of tho privilege, llb ortiOH nnd rtxhtn rotating to tho rights of residence accorded to tho mibjocti and citizens of tho most fnvorod na tion Our government ncqulescod !n tho views expressed by Japan nnd to enforce that nation's right under the treaty, commoncod an action In tho circuit court of tho Unltod States tc; enjoin tho school board of 8an Frnii cIsco from carry'ng out tho provision of said .re-'olutlon. It was alleged In tho bill In equity flk-d-thoroln that the passage of this rosolutlon violated tho treaty betweon Japan and this country, nnd prevontod tho Unlte-J Stntos from carrying out Its obllgj Uons to tho empire of Japan and to Ha cHlzons and subjects, as l the right and duty of the Unltod State and Imporltlvely vdomnndod by th national Interests. "This action was never tried, but was "dismissed on the withdrawal by the chool board of San Francisco of the resolution complained of. -.voryono supposed that this vex ing question was sottlod. The peop'.e of thi' stato had about forgotten It, and were not paying much nttontlon I to it until the bill under consideration a Introduced lu the assembly There has been no general demand! for rob legislation, there la no Inv ! mediate or present danger to our1 uhooli, and uo bad Influence exUt therein, by reason of the atlondaHM of any Japanese pupil, so far as U known In fact thtre aro but vary fow Japaueso pupils attending our public schools, mid thoro Is no ques tion, at prosont at least, for nny un necessary alarm. "It ts claimed by Japan, nnd nd mlttod by tho authorities in Wash ington, that tho bill. If nns3od. will bo In vlotatlon of tho treaty oxlstlng botweon tho two governments. With out expressing any opinion npon this subject, It bolng n dobatablo ono, I wIbIi to call your nttontlon to tho vlows of Japan, and conceded bo far by our govornmont to bo correct. Thoro Is contained In tho prooont treaty with Japan tho following lan guago, to-wlt: " 'In whatever rolntcs to rights of rosldonco nnd trnvol tho cltlzonn or subjects of onch contracting party Bholl onjoy In tho territories of tho other tho samo privileges, llbortloi and rights of tho most fnvorod nntlon "Tho right of rosldonco In n nntlon securoB pollco protection to both poi son nnd property: tho rlgh't to on- gngo In biiBlnoHs; the right to tho protection of tho courts nnd tho lnwi of tho lands: tho right to own nnd dh poso of proporty; tho right to nttond plnces of public nmusomont; the right to sook plonstiro and onjoymont nnd tho right to ncqulro an education "By our conntitutinn nnd laws, tho stato of California has provided froo public school systom, whoro cortnln privileges havo boon provided for nil resident chlldron, nntlvo born nnl nitons. To support' this school syB tom money Is ra'lnod by taxation on tho proporty of both cltlzons and nitons. Tho law nlso provides for tho compulsory nttondnnco of nil ros. Idont chlldron, vhother nllonB or clt IzonH. To our public schools nro nd mlttod the chlldron of subjects of 'ill Europonn nntlonB. This Is n grout prlvllogo which our stato extends to thorn. This right Is given lo thorn by virtue of tholr rosldonco within tho Btnto and Is part of our public policy to onrnurngo education nnd to Improvo nnd dovolop tho minds nnd chnractor of thoso who male.' their homes hero, Indopondont of tholr citizenship. "Japan, under Its truaty, being onr of tho fnvorod nntlons, being Jenlotin of the rights of Its cltlzonB, rlnlnif for thorn nnd tholr chlldron tho samo rights nnd privileges ns nro nccord od to tho nubjeotfl of other fnvorod nations. tIiIb olnlm our government rocognlzos nnd Btnnd rondy to en force If tho tronty. as claimed guarantees to Japanoso chlldron tho rights nnd privileges srrorded to th chlldron of nlleim of other nat'nus thon thoso right nnd prlvllogos. so long as tho tronty remains, fihould oe obiorved, nnd.. If our morals nnd cit izenship nre to be andnngored than- by thon tho treaty, so fnr ns It guar antees that right, should bo annulled by tho gonoral govornmont, ns this stnte has no power to do bo. Whllo tho tronty with Japon doen not, nnd cannot inquire a state. to eetablU i or mn'ntaln a systom of public scIiooIh, or to ndmlt nllon resident thoroln. yot. It Is contended by th authorities In Washington that th Unltod States can, by tronty, usBiure to tho resident cltlzons of that na tlon a troatment and onjoymont of rights and prlvllogos oqual to thosj afforded to the cltlzonB of any other forolgn nation, and If a stato shoull seo fit to extend prlvllogos to alien rosldont. ao well as to oltlzen'rost. dents, tho state will not be allowed to dlsorlmluato against tho citizens of that country wlh whloh tho treaty has boen made. If the state crants crtaln privileges to tho citizens of o foreign country. It cannot deny i hem to the citizen of another, hay. lug the gajne rights by treaty "It h further eanUuided that If a lato ehooses to supply edueat'on a govern mental function. It cannot discriminate by excluding from its public sohools the alien children o' (Continued on Page 12.) 2 FIGHT ON THE OFFICE OF JMTE PRINTER HOUSE CONSUMES TIME UNDER SPECIAL ORDER LISTEN TO DRY STATISTICS ON THE SUBJECT. After a very plain roast, aorvod without mushroom sauce, by Speak er McArthur, on Its having Idled away Itn tlmo on potty txilary bills, nnd Btntlng thnt but two bills of gonoral benefit to tho peoplo had boon passed tho house proceeded to spend nnoth or half day In an nlmloss squabblo ovor stnto printing odlco reform Cnmpboll tried to sholvo tho wholo matter by roforenco to tho nttornoy gonoral for a lognl opinion. Mr llcnn opposed with an oxtondod npcoch, bridling with statlBtlcP ntmod nt the fee systom. Ho read from tho report of 8tnto Prlntor Dun Iway, tho first report ovor submitted to tho leglfllaturo by tho occupant of that olllce, Honu apoko half an hou nnd Campbell withdraw his motion to refer. Tho ho u ho went Into committee of tho whole with FniroII In tho chair Tho stnto ouporlntondent of public Instruction was mado n mombor of tho stato printing board, Inotond of tho chief Justice of tho supromo court Tho clerk of tho board 1h to got $1800 a year, and will bo ovor the Btnto prlntor who Is to tako tho placo of tho Btnto printing export, who Is to bo dono awny with. Campholl moved that tho Btnto prlntor bo mndo oloctlvo Instead of niHioInllvo by tho board. Ho wanted n bill thnt ( would stick and not ono thnt would' bo kunckod out In tho courtH. Motion of Campbell lost. Conaldorntlou of this section was thon doforrod. Section four was nmondod to tnko offoct Jan. 1, 1011, nt $1000 n year. On discission of section flvo bill wnn roforrod to n Joint commlttoo on Judiciary, revis ion of Inws nnd printing to roport on i Tuesday nt 10 a. in. itniaiiiiiisjiaiaisjaitjn8imsjiannsjaja HOUSE PASSES WATER RES01UTI0N I ;; The House this morning unanimously passed the joint !! ;; resolution nrenared hv tho Hnnltal Wntnr nnmmiccinn !! .. I ... ... . . .' . . ' ... W,MWIWII ,, ay wnicn me state otticiais are author zed o en er nto : ; ! : contract with the City of Salem for an adequate supply of J I ! ! bure mountain water when brounht into tlm nltv. Thn i I ; resolution will be concurred in by the Senate this alter- i ! ;; noon. :: f i !! iii iif iitaiisjsj;sjafiaiai j ANThASIATIC RESOLUTION JNJTHE SENATE ORION DEMANDS IRON RULE BE AP PLIED IN THE HOUSE-GENERAL JUNKET GOES-SPEAKER THREATENS HOUSE WITH OBJECTING HIMSELF TO ANY MORE SUSPENSION OF THE RULES. An uutl-Aslutlc resolution was sent to the dusk this morning by Suiiator li; Hoy, ono of tho Portland loaders of tin Sonato. It spealflually naiuos and Includes Chinese, Jupanont( Hin dus and all races or Asiatic blood, and prohibits their iidmlsulon to thlH country, tholr settlement or natural IkHtlou here. The rush of business In tho Sonato did not permit taking any notion on the same. llOIIM) GiltK HoilSllfll. lleprasontatlve Orton goi the floor litis morning after an hour and a half had been spent In futllo efforts to frame up a bill to put tho stato printer on tho rollers, nnd demanded that an Iron rule bo adopted to uu forco buslnoss methods in thj) House. Tho speukor gave notice that thoro would bo uo more unanimous consent to suspend tho rulea nnd ohango life ordor of buslnoss, nnd that If no ouo objootod, ho would object himself. Speukor MoArthur oponod -tho House with a roast of tho members for basing pusd but two bills or any publlo murlt and tlirs.-fouiihs ol tho sesalon gone. A general Jiuikot rasoliitlon was put thrQugh allowing milauge and "nueawsury oxpanses" to Joint comiultteos to visit all the stuto Institutions when the llouso ad journs today. U I vrirnM4MaWn MhmajiM '"l'Jl?M-'J)IUW i , -t j