Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 04, 1909, FIRST EDITION, Page 7, Image 7

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When You Are Dry
A pure and wholesomo boverng that Is sold in all tho clt!
0 Western Oregon and Nortuorn California,
Made of the Choicest Malt and Hops
Grown an (VWion County
Made of Filtered Wntor and atrlctly In accordance with tho
Pure Food Law Salem Beer ia tho boat mild beverage offered tho
Made by scientific processes and guaranteed pure and whole
some. N'o adulteration. No drugs or chemicals and under tho most
pcrcct sanitary conditions Address all orders to
Salem Brewery Association
No class of business requires more careful attention,
i insists upon more rigid rules than that of banking. It
L5 always been our earnest endeavor to conform to
these requirements!
Safety first, Liberality next.
Instant Relief, Permanent Cure
Trial Pncknge Mailed Free to All
In Plnln Wrapper.
Piles Is a fearful dlscaso, but easy
to cure If you go at It right.
An oporatlon with ' tho knlfo Ib
dangerous, cruel, humiliating and
There is Just ono othor suro way
to bo cured painless, safo and In
tho privacy of your own homo It lo
Pyramid Pllo Cure.
Wo mall a trial packago freo to
all who write.
It will give you Instant relief,
show yoiu tho harmless, painless na
ture of this great remedy and start
you well on tho way toward porfoct
Then vou can gi'f n full-alzcd box
ftom any druggist for 50 cents, nnd
often one box cures.
'iifr'st on having what you call for.
If the druggK trjec to soil you
Eceiiitlilng Just as grotl, It Is becnuso
ho makes moro money on tho subatl
Tho cure begins at onco nnd con
tli'ii" i.'pldly inttl It Is compt-vo
tin. I 'iHttmnent.
oi can go right nhratd with yni
work, and bo eaBy and comfortablo
nil tho tlmo.
It Is woll worth trying.
Just send your namo and address
to Pyramid Drug Co., 02 Pyramid
building, Marshall, Mich., and re-
colvo freo by roturn mnll tho trial
packago In a plain wrappor.
Thousands hnvo boon cured In this
easy, painless nnd Inexpensive way,
In tho prlvncy of tho homo.
N'o knlfo nnd Its torture.
N'o doctor nnd his bills.
All druggists, 60 cents. Wrlto to-
clay for a freo packago.
"How do you account for Casoy'a
wonderful success na n policeman?"
"Tho fnct that ho uboiI to work In
tho ditch." "How does thnt account
for It?" "It mndo him .proflclont In
tho art of throwing mud."
Family Liquor Store
144- Commercial St Free Delivery
Phone 103
Reason Enthroned.
Becnuso mcata aro bo tasty they
aro consumed In grcnt oxcoss. This
loads to stomach troubles, biliousness
and constipation. Rovlso your diet,
let rqnBon nnd -not a pampored appo
ttto control, thon tnko a fow doses of
Chnmborlnln's Stomnch nnd Llvor
Tnblots nnd you will soon bo woll
ngnln. Try It. For salo at Dr.
Stono'a Drug Storo. Samploe freo.
Sold by nil denlors.
Mr. Uptown I tumt that wo hIiiiII
Ket nlong vory nlculy, Nora. I mil
not at nil difficult to suit. Noru( tho
new maid) -No. nm'ain; tlmt'H what
r thought the blesnod niluuto I set
oyo cm the master.
mfrrO-HH--MH-l HI t e I I 1 1 9 1 I I I I
Unless It's a Good I
Store It Will Not
Pay to Advertise It!
1 1 NLESS you know a person unless that person
u comes into your life in some way you are
' greatly concerned about whether he is good or
' J, desirable or objectionable,
't's so with a store, The people who never visit
- care nothing about it one way or the other, It--esn't
exist for them, But when they are per
vaded to patronize it when they come to turn
tne spot-light of their attention on it when it
comes to have a part in their lives, as some stores
"Hist have in all lives than it's different; then it
DOES matter whether it strives to win confidence;
t does matter whether or not its price concessions
are genuine, dependable,
If it meets all tests that a good store must stand
v'ien it is advertised when it thus invites the
critical attention of people then advertising
'makes" the store, If it fails in most of the vital
;iings if it proves, under the light of publicity,
t 'ox to De much ot a store, HtN Auvunnainu
)MLL NOT PAY for it will emphasize shortcom
ms as well as merits,
For thehe same reasons it Is generally nssunifd
that the store which docs not advertise K t;uk
ln to avoid close inspection and comparison nnd
that the More which does Is courting them.
II. n. No. 107, to make it a misde
meanor to mnke or tako any pledge
In writing to do or porform any act
In vlolntlon of his oath of ofuco or
of tho conDtltutlon of tho United
States. It provides for n flno of $500
or Imprisonment for ono year, or
both flno nnd Imprisonment, nt tho
discretion of tho court. Mr. Brooks
onld thnt tho purposo of tho bill was
to lay the foundation to test In tho
courts the question of tho constitu
tionality of Satomont No. 1 of tho
primary law. .Somo punishment
should be Imposed on nny ono who
took such a pledge which was In
violation of tho laws of this groat
nation, as ho vorlly bolloved. At
present thoro was no way to tako
this law Into tho courts. Brandon
snld this was a bill tojhrow discredit
on tho direct primary law. Orogon
had ono BOtintor who wat elected un
der this law two ycam ago, and tho
legality of that olectlon or nny act
connected therewith hnd novor boon
called In question to Insult tho In
telligence of tho pcoplo
Mnhonc snld tho old way of oloct
Ing Bonntorn brought every momnor
of tho legislature horo tied hand and
foot by pledges to Individual cnndl-
(latos for sonator. Undor tho now
system candidates could make tholr
pledges to tho pcoplo direct. Ho
road memorials of past legislatures
nsklng for this lnw. No amondmont
to tho federal constitution wnB pos-
slblo until two-thirds of tho stnt03
had acted.
Farroll said It was tho right of any
candldnto to mako any plcdgo to tho
pooplo thnt wai In tho Intorcst of
good govornmont. So long ns tho
flag waved over this land of tho freo,
Amorlcnn freemen, undor tho const!
tutlon, could donl directly with tholr
roprosontntlvoft and holding thorn re
Dlmlck mndo an Impassioned plon
for fnipportlng tho lnw, Including
Stntoment No. 1. IIo nskod tho
quostlen: Hnvo tho poopl boon
".hnmmlng, nro thoy going to quit
now? Tho pooplo hnd nnsworod by
10,000 majority. IIo said this bill
was mlRchlovous, calculated to croato
dlazonslona In tho Republican party.
If It pnased this loglslaturo tho poo
plo would tako tho roforonduni on It,
nnd It would bo rojoctod by largor
majorities thnn ovor.
Ruohannn tald tho only quostlon
Involved In this bill was whothor '.ho
pledges made undor this not wore
lawful nr unlawful. Thnt was ll.
Wore the: Statomon nion afraid to
hear this question passed lupon In
tho courts?
McDonald said thoro was a higher
law than tho constitution, ns was
Bhown by tho ovonta loading up to
tho Civil War. Tho pcoplo woro tho
Biiprcmo rulers, and could compel
candidates to tako any plodgo thoy
saw flt. Woro not nil political plat
forms promises and pledges binding
mon to a fixity of purposo? Wan It
to bo mndo a crime to tnko a plodgo.
Brady said ho bolloved, tho . Btato
menta In tho primary law woro con
stitutional, but ho know many did
not ngrco with him, nnd wns willing
to boo tho matter tried '.n tho courts.
Jackson said ho did not bollevo
this legislature had any right to
pass this bill to mnko It a erlmo to
tako a plodgo for good govornmont,
nnd to do away with tho manlpuln
tlon of olecttng sonntors. Jones of
Douglas grow eloquent In his denun
ciation of tho Brook-Bonn bill Stato
mont No. Orio was grcntor than its
founder, miporlor to Its bonoflclnrlcs,
Llko Mt. Hood, It stood puro nnd tin
dofllod, llko Its crown of otornnl
Bonn rovlowcd tho legal argumonts
for the hill. Constitutions woro no
longer respected as of yoro. This wan
not a bill to roplaco tho direct pri
mary law, hut to mnko it poastblo to
tont It in tho courtB,- In roply to Far
roll Bonn ?ald undor the now law tho
choice of tho pooplo was not reached
any more nenrly than formorly.
Tho previous quostlon wns ordered
and on roll call tho bill wan declared
Thoso voting no wore: Voajts.
Abbott, Alttnan, Barrett, Bodllllon,
Brnndon, Brynnt, Cnmpbell, Clomons,
Corrlgnn, Couch, Davis, Dlmlck, Kn
ton, Fnrroll, Ilattoborg, Jackson, Jao
gor, Jones of Lincoln and Polk, Joion
of Douglas, Jo n oh of Clackamas, Lin
onwober, Llbby, Mahono, Mariner,
McDoncId, Mlllor, Munkors, Orton,
Patton, Phllpot, Purdln. Husk, 32.
Fnrroll nnd Lolnonwobor, who 1-ad
not tnkon tho Stntoment, voted with
tho Stntomout pooplo.
Thoso voting nyo wore: Monirs.
Applegate Bonis, Boan, Bolknnp,
Bouohruko, Done, Brndy. Brnttau,
Brooke, Buohannn, Calkins. Carter,
Cnuyors, flroor, Ilnwloy, Him,
Hughe, Mfthonoy, Mnnn, McCiio, Mc
Klnnoy, Mook, Munoy, Roynolds,
Rlohnrdsou, Smith, Mr. Speaker, 27.
Abnant, Dodds, 1,
Brndy nnd Rlohnrdsou, Stntomont
mon, voted with tho opposition.
of Southorn California wns worth
$40,00p,000 a year. Tho moro wo '
advortlscd Oregon, tho moro tourists
wo would got, nndvcnch tourist be- ,
camo a trnvollng roprosontntlvo to
boost for tho state. Tho great Cum
berland turnplko was tho fororunnncr'
of our wholo present railroad system.
W ,W. Cotton Bpoko next, nnd Bald
ho had novor boon at Orator Lake,
becauso thoro was no decent way to
get thoro. A wagon road from Port
land to Mt. Hood would pay blggw
returno'thnn nny ono thing wo could
do. Ho wns onthuslastfo for "tho
Crntor Lake road. This money would
return moro cash for tho Invostnnut
than nny othor thnt com Id bo mado.
Now you can not go to Mt. Hod, to
Crntor Lake or to any ono point out
of 20 ho could nnmo. Wo want poo
plo to seo our country, to stop horo,
to spond tholr monoy hero.
II. 13. McGinn snld thoro was noth
ing In tho world oqunl to what South
orn Oregon hnd to show, nnd tho wr.y
to got tho torn r 1st business Is to build
ronds to theso natural beauties. Qlvo
thorn whnt they want, nnd tho world
will repay you big.
C, 8. Jnckwm ald that as' a
sconlc wonder Crntor Lake was a
120,000,00 ascot, that ought to bo
addod to tho stato'a earning powors.
Tho present trip to Crntor Lake was
a weary ono. To mnko It convonlont
for all of our pooplo to got to that
wonderful enmorn of naturo wan tho
purposo of this movomont. To npond
$100,000 to got nn Investmont of
$500,000 ought to ontlco ovon tl e
slow going tight-Wads of tho Orogon
loglslaturo. (Laughter). Ho would
havo tho stato ooll slton for lodgoa,
cottagos, hotels and road-houseg. It
meant n grcnt education for tho moss
es. Within four yonrs that road
could bo comploted. Dollars could
not bo enton and consumed. Thoy
could only bo oxpondod In tho orn
ploymont of Orogon lnhor. Mr. Vuw
tor snld It wan thought bettor to
.start tho road from Gold Hill or
'somo othor point; It would do no
woll ns Medford.
Thoy did not want to Btart from
JackBon county. Mr, B. F. Mulkoy
Bpoko for tho development of Oregon,
which hnd been vory much neglected.
Tho mngnntcB of tho world woro go
ing to ho drawn to tho soft Italian
okles of Southern Oregon, whoro wns
tho finest ollmnto In tho world. Mr.
Hnrrlmnn hnd alroady located there.
Ho called It tho finest hunting ground
In tho world. If Jnckton county
could voto Its $50,000 lavishly, why
could not tho atnto glvo It $100,000.
Mon would build tholr henpttfiul
homoa along this highway, would
Lydia E. Piokliam's Vegeta
ble Compound Cured Her.
Wlllinv'M.e, Cun:i." For fivu ywir
i tuileru tuiioiu .ijMiiy from fli,;t i
troubles, ciiivi.c; !' kn.lio, h::-'. i i i-
liTVfl !' V
.'.le t.r i - :
tu Hi' i a i ...
ili.nltt U, ; ., i
:i tji" t.v.v
;ikd tliren , !'
:'t (utrt-ifK ii i
itch U.u jiii'boi..'
W (,. lvr Mill
iiiis-ir i'..r.( mt. i
tr'ii iti.y i ti.. ia.
but h( n:i''' to m r
ferinore. 'Jl.i-lnkt
doctor mhIiI in. Ui
lug woiiki rector
rny health. 1 Lcshi
Utkiug i-jiu i;. l'nikhnin'K VogitW-ii
CoiiiIMjiunl to see wiint u wouid .
and I am restored to my imtuiul
hen'th." Mrs. Htta Uonovax, Jlox
XW, AVUlImaiitlc, Conn.
The success of Lydla E. 1'inkhuiu's
Vegetable CouiiKJiind. inadofiom ro.
and herbs, Is uniianillelud. It may be
umkI with ierfecl confidence by women
w ho suffer from displacements, lullsun
mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir
regularities, irlodIo iMiltis, backachf,
bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indl-g.-ition,
dizziness, or nervous prostra
tion, v
For thirty years I.ydia 12. IMiikhnm's
. ..,. I.. . ..... .ii.i.I lino l,...l ilif.
.:; ,d.trd remedy for fomalo ills, and
i i ring uoinen owe it to themselves ;
,t U at (Hvu this medicine a triuL ,
i'roof is nbtindnnt that it has cured j
' Uouaands of others, and why should it
uot cure you?
bring tholr workB of nrt, tholr mng
iilflcont llbrnrloa and collections of
ntntunry nnd mnko this tho richest
utnto in tho Union.
R. O. Smith npoko of tho proposed
wngou rond as ono of the most do
llghtful niitnmobllo trips 111 tho world
thnt would All our country with iho
most prolltablo' class nf ti'nvol. Tho
hoarlng wns before the committee nn
rondH and highways,
Attorney nt Mollue, III,, Convinced
by Oil of Wiiiteigi-eeii Compound.
Tho Medford boosters, under the
loadorship of Judge Win. M. Colvlg
and Hon. W. I. Vawter, had a hoir-
lng for the Crafor Lake wagon roid,
before membes o( tho leglslat'ie
Wodnosday afternoon. Tho delega
tion was noarly ono hundred strong.
and great enthusiasm prevailed.
The state Is to glvo $100,000.
Klamath county will glvo $50,000.
Jaokson county will glvo $50,000
Tho Harrlman syftom U to !vo
The fedoral government Is to give
Judge Colvig stated tho situation
at not a local ontorprlso, but to d
yulop one of the great natural swntc
wondorg of the world.
.Mr. Will Steol stuted that Crater
i Lake was 86 miles from Medford. It
had been designated by cornpotont
authorities as tho olghth wonder of
tho world. It now took threo days
to go In by wagon roads. If this road
wns built an automobile could go to
Crater Lake In seven hours. If only
20,000 camo annually as tourists, nt
$200 each, thoy would leavo $4,000,
000. Tho demand ot $100,000 from
tho state was preceded by $100,,00
given already by the two countlos
named. Whan tho stato has artsd
coBgretui will act. Tho countlos havo
Wed nnd tho state should act. It id I
depends on aojlon by tho state.
W. D. FOnton said this was a ra
tional ontorprlte. Tho tourist trail)
Thoro Is nothln that will oouvlnco
a lawyor oxoupt (iidiiin.
Now, hero la moid mthoi' aUii'tllng
uviilunctu of h almplo homo cure for
oozamu which eonvlnoad one lawyoiv
K. u lOntrlkeii. attoruvy at .Molina,
111. He Ulls how oil of wlntargrMii
eniiiimiiiul uiixtMl with thymol nnd
Klyeoilnu. m in 1). u. 1). I'raaerlp
tlun, ourod lilm In aq days after IS
ytmra of suffering.
' "For 8 yars.". writM Aiturnty
untrlkeu. "I waa troublMl with m
JMJiua. reaba all over my faoa. body
and head. I could run a luilr brush
over my body and tho floor would
be covered with acalea enough lo till
u buaket. I tried everything m(t0,
Intunml medicine. X-lltty all with
out roHiilt."
"JiiNt a mouth Ago I was Induced to
try D. D. O. I'ranoitiitlou. Thu Itoh
wns relieved Instantly; so I contin
ued. It Is just a month now and 1
am completely ourort. I havo not a
partlolo of Itoh and tho houIoh havo
dropped off."
"1 can only eay again GUHK DIM
COVKKKI). I am now starting all ec
zema sufferers on tho right track."
Cure after euro has been brought
to our attention and always that in
Htnnt rellof from tho awful itch.
Tho Capital Drug Company, Statu
and Liberty streets.
Koilol h n combination of nil tho
natural dlgestlvo julcqa found in nn
ordinary healthy atomnoh, and will
digest your food In a natural way.
Ploasani to tako. Bold by all druggists.
Pretty much all of tho stato of
Ohio has ul Imbed aboard thy wntor
wagon. Only a fov? "wot" countlos
are loft.
t I 1
I 9a!
, -, , , i il!Bflim nafaiatii wppi'i mwvimmmwimmmm amn'ai