Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 04, 1909, FIRST EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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Mrs. George Wcstlnghouse of the
city of Plttaburg, Pa., line prevailed
upon hor husband to form a company
Which will make overshoes for horsos
to prdvont their slipping on Ice or
wot pavumeim Tlio tory of the
horre overshoes dates back to last
summer, when Mrs WeetlnghouM,
who wan at nr busband's summor
home In Krskli.e mrk. Mas., wiw a
pair of horsoa running over a vet
imvemont with funny looking chain
things on thsfr feat. Slit was n lovo'r
of horses from her girlhood, and had
the team stopped to look at these
new "contraptions, a the drlvor
called It. The wife of the millionaire
found them to be wine small chains
coming over the aides of the shoe and
forming a sort of a chain cushion tin-
dor the foot, stilt far enough away
from the frog ui the fcot not to touch
It, no mntter how great the weight.
Tills rough shod the horse completely
and very lightly. Mrs. Wostlnghouse
ordored her stable fitted out with the
overshoes, and promlcd that ns soon
as she could see tho overshoe worked
proporly on slippery and Icy strcots
sho would Insist that her husband
holp finance a com jinny to help In the
manufacture, n promise which she has
now kopt.
Tho nbovo Is tho nnmo of a Gorman
chemical, which Is ono of tho mo it
valuablo Ingredients of Foloy's Kld-
noy Ilemody. lEoxamothylonototra
mlno Is recognized by medical text
books and authorities no a uric acid
solvont and antl-soptic for tho urine.
Tako FoIoy'D Kldnoy Remedy as soon
as you notlco nny Irrcgularftlos, and
avoid n lorlous malady J C Perry.
For Sale- -Seven-room house, all
mo lorn convenience, ono-hnlf
block land. For further particu
lar, call o mo mornlngo nt my
resldenco, ond of enr lino, south.
Mrs. Geo. H. Jones Phono 1181.
WimmI for Sale Sucotul growth fir
wood in 12-luch and 10-Inch
length, ilollverod to nny part of tho
olty. Phono 74, or call nt Salem
Truck & Dray Co., office, CO Stato
street, Snloni, Oregon. 12-12tf
Fr Hnlo A good, wolMmprovcd
farm; or will trndo for small
plsco. E. A. Thayer, Lyons, Oro.
1 12-24-tf
For Hiil A 7-room house on Union
atrcot. modern, 12260. Nine-room
house oorner Center and 14th.
modern nnd up-to-dnte Mlmblng
and oluotrlc light, 8600. Houn.r,
barn and two lota on 20th street,
all for 11000. House and 4 lots,
13th and Bolvuo, $1700. John
Knight Murphy block.
Wanted Will do uxQavntlng, garden
plowing, and till kinds of tonne
work. W. 13. Dunn, 1720 Leo t ,
phone 1628. 12-21-tf
Wnull I wish to buy a hauso and
lot. worth from $800 to $1000,
from owner only. Addraan. with
description and price, "A. A. R.," onre
of Journal. 2-2-31
1Ioiim for Hunt Close to Bast
school KHquIre at 9S Marfoi
$itt. 12-IS-tf
lr limit Furnished or unfurnished
reuM, a loo good Uara. 36 North
Oomweru'al street I-S-31
CariH-ntHni I'nlon No. I (Ml. Local
Union No IflCB of Carpenter and
Join on of America meat ever Sat
urday evealag at 7 10 p m In
Hearst hall. 420 State Street
A. W Dennis. Roc Swo.
Funster of Amortrn Court Rner
wood, For"stert. No. 19. Meoti
Saturday night la Hnlmau hall.
Stato etreetaeo. F. Patterson. C.
U.; J. C. Perry, financial secretary
Ontrnl IHlgf No. 18, K. of 1.
Castle hall (n llolman block, cor
ner State and Liberty streets.
Tuesday of each week at 7:30 p
m. Oscar Johnon. O. C; K It
Anderson. K. of R. and S.
MHUni WihhJiihmi of Amrrlrw Oris
gun Cedar Camp No 6246. MeU
every Thursday evening at a
o'clock In llolman halt W W.
Hill. V C; F. A. Turner, olerk.
Woodmen of World Meet evory Fri
day night at 7 30, In llolman hall.
K. f.HptoM. C. C ; I V Frailer.
If You lluxo Property to sell or
rnt list It with tvs; we will try tnJ
get results for you. Prompt and ,
fair treatment Is our motto. Phone
Main 270. 128 South CommeruU
trcot. Oregon Land Co.
Tho Crime of Idleness.
Idleness means troublo for apyono,
It Is the same with a lazy liver, it
causes constipation, headache, Jaun
dco, Ballow complexion, pimples and
btotches, loss of appetite, nausea, but
Dr. King'o Now Life Pills soon ban
(Bh liver troubles and build up- yout
health. 2Cc at J. C. Perry's.
Pa Sometimes I get discouraged
about Willie. Ma What's tho mat-i
ter now? Pa Here he is 11 years'
old, and he can't throw an out-curve
yet. Newark News
For flint Terrible Itching.
Hezoma, totter and Bait rhoum keep
tholr victims In porpctunl tormen. An
application of Chamberlain's Salve
will Instantly allay this itching, and
many casos have been cured by Its
use. For sale by Dr. Stone's Drug
PnsHongor How do you feol, my
good man, when the giant wavos
como tumbling over the ship? Old
Salt Wet, mn'arn: worry wot!
'Twna ft Glorious Victory,
Thoro'a rojolclng In Fedora, Tona
A man's Ilfo has been saved, and now
Dr. Klnc's Now Discovery Is tho talk
of tho town for curing C. V..Pcppor
of dendly lung hemorrhages. I
could not work or get about," ho
wrltCB, "and tho doctors did mo no
good, but, after uBlng Dr. Klng'i
Now Dlccovory thrco weeks, I feol
like a now man,, and can do good
work again." For weak, soro or dis
eased kingj, Coughs nnd Colds, Hom
orrhagos, Hay Fovor, LaOrJppo.
Asthma or rny Bronchial affection it
stands unrivaled. Prlco GOc and $1
Trlnl bottl, free. Sold and guaran
teed by J. C. Perry.
loiun'io Work Got my prices on
sldowulk, curbs, spetlc tanks and
comont work of nny kind. All
work gunrnntoed first class. M.
Ward, 2378 Maplo Avo., Highland
Phono 509. May 24-09
(let u Iloine Housea nnd lots choap,
on Instnllmont 5, 10, 20, 40, 80
and 100-ncro tracts, cholco homo
chenp; dairy ranch with cowb on
It for snlo or trade for city prop
erty; horsos and cows for snlo. I
want JG000 for flvo years at 6 per
cont, first mortgage I. O. O. f.
lodgo and trustees security, Intor
est soml-nnaiinl. Other good Ioann
for smnller amounts. Boo R. It
Lhery nuil Foetl Hfnlil'-j Old PoJt
ofllco Stnblos, nt 2G4 Ferry stroot.
botwoen Commercial and Front
streets. Telephone 188. Some jf
tho flnoat liveries In tho city can
be found horo Wstacott & Joud
son u.
Cfiui'nt Work Concroto walks, sep
tic tanks, comont floors and foun
dations. ISmlmntos furnished and
all work guaranteed. J. P. Votch,
328 Marlon street. Phono 608.
Vogrt LuinlH'r ami Fuel Co. Lum
ber, shlnglos, building 'matorla!,
wood nnd coal. Low prices and
prompt dollverles. Ono block oav
of S. P. passengor depot. Phone
19S. 7-2-tf.
Iliitto .vt Wi'iulorothKino wines
liquors nnd olgnrs. We handle
tho celebrated Kellog nnd Cnstlo
whlskUs. Cool nnd rotreshlag bur
eoHtttnntly on diaught. Soutn
Commorolal street P3-lyr.
Cirnfilng Top grafting fruit and
walnut tree. Work guarantood
prlcoe roasounblu. For particulars
phone 87S or writ McCnrty &
MoDonough. 11 OS Broadway St..
Salem l-21-lm
Cjiiiiiilns llnvt,' Tntiisfer Company
All kinds of transfer work done
Furniture and pianos boxed ready
for shipment. Prompt service U
our motto Stand and pfflco at
253 South Commercial street
Phone 810. Residence Phone
439 Court Street, D. J. Swltxer.
prop. Bread. Cakes, Plea and all
kinds of Pastries, Cooktea, etc. Watch
for our wagon. Phone 954. Special
orders delivered on short notice.
Tlioo. !. Jtnrr Plumbing, hot waU
and steam keatlnn and tinning.
164 Commorolal street phone
Main 192. 9-1-lr
M. J. IVtscl Plumbing, stoam and
gas ttttlag Suqeesfor to Knox
Murphy. 326 Commorolal street
Tho South Saloin Moat Market, up
IMNMle Dane's store, has reopen! j
Preih ami ourod meat General,
delivery Olvo It a trtal. . I
.Tinuf oircpiixis mgiiifl, umng 10 a
rcrsfstent Cough. Relief
Found at Last.
"For several winters past my wlfo
has been troubled with a .most per
sistent and dtasagrccable couh
T-hlch Invariably extended over a
period of several weeks and cause 1
her many sleepless nights," writes
Will J. Hayner, editor of th Buriey,
Colo., Bulletin. "Various remedies
were tried oach year, with no bens-
ficlal rosults. In November last the
cough again put in an appearance
and my wife, acting on the sug
gestion of a friend, purchased a bot
tle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Tho result was, Indeed, marvelous
After three doses the cough entirely
disappeared and has not manifested
Itsolf since." This remedy is for salo
by Dr. Stone's Drug Store.
Scored With a Hot Iron.
Or scalded by overturned kettlo
out with a knife bruised by slam
med door Injured by gun or In nny
other way tho thing needed at once
1b Bucklen's Arnica Salve to subdue
the inflammation and kill tho pain.
It is earth's supreme healer, lnfal
llblo for Bolls, Ulcers, Fover, Sores
Eczema and Piles. 25c at J. C. Per
ry's. o
"Bridget, wasn't that policeman
making love to you In the kitchen,
Inst night?" He thought ho was,
mum." Llfo.
Hoarse cougha nnd stuffy colds
that may develop Into pneumonia
over night are quickly cured by
Foloy's Honoy and Tar, and It soothes
Inflamed membranes, heals tho lungs
and oxpols tho cold from tho systoiii
J. C, Perry.
llytlo Bros. """Klcctrfc ""Co. BTectTlc
suppllos and first-class wiring at
reasonable prices. Call at our
ofllco for estimates. Phono 451
143 N. Llborty street. 1-12-tf
247 Miller St., South S.alom, manu
facturer of all kinds of boxes, crates
and fruit dryer accessories. Phoo
UYiittiT .t ChvrrliiBton pianos and
organs sold on easy terras; tele-1
phono 11S7; 247 Commercial
Street. Salem. Oregon tf
It sounds funny tu hear the presi
dent tell the Kenuto to mind Its own
Elegant new bungalow, tttrlctly mod
$800 Six room house and barn on
13th street.
$160 Flvo aoros. most all in bear
ing fruit; house and brn. on
Guidon road, just outside city lim
its. 155 acres, 5 miles oast; one of bent
farms In county.
Lota on 17th st.. $400.
$3S00 Forty aoros. all lu cultivation
4 miles south, new houso nnd
burn, granary. 10 noros lu young
prune treoH. also uloo family or
chard; 22 aoros now lu orop; all
fine fr;iit land.
HotiM and barn for rent.
Oood fruit traoUi from t aerea up to
ISO aoroa.
Urge list of city and country prop
erty In all fcecllflRO.
W can sell or rnt your proiierty.
Agent for threo good Mutual, Fire
Ineuranee Coiiiiwnles. , t
H. A. Johnson & Co.
Ml'lllMIV IlLK.
(Jri'iit t'hlnese Doctor
llak oiodlolnu which l!l cure aUj
known dUrase. Ho makes a spvem
ty of, and guarantees to cure Catarrh
Asthma, Lung, Throat, Rheumatism
Debility, Stomach, Liver. Kidney
Troubles; also any blackened o
awolleu surenoss, broken Umbr
Smallpox; Kpldomlc; all kinds ol
Bolls, Lost Manhood, Female Weak
ness, HerntR Troubles and Paralyl
Consultation free. Caro of Ylck Bo
Tong Co.. Chinese drugs and herbs
153 High St., upstairs. Salem. Or
Salem Fence Works
Headquarters for Woven Wire
Feuclng, Hop Wire, Barb Wire.
Poultry Netting. Shingles, Mai
thold Roofing. P & 1) Ready
Ron flag.
All At Unieit Prices.
J.10 Court St Phone 121
If complete rest and most perfect
conditions Imaginable for nature
cure are what you need, spend your j
holidays at Paso Robles Hot Springs, i
California. A week or two, and
even a few days there will accomp
lish more In the way of restored
energy than a much longer period
and more expensive treatment else-'
where, because good old Mother Na
ture Is nurse and physician. j
Paso Robles Is taking the same;
rank In America and enjoying the!
same fame for wonderful cures that
Carlsbad and Baden Baden do In
Europe. The hotel Is a marvel of
comfort and luxury, and the bath
house built by the city, free to all,
is said to be one of the test In the
world. It is a stubborn ailment and
a hopeless condition of physical
breakdown that the mineral waters
and hot mud baths of Paso Robles
will not heal in a short time.
Call on agent at Salem for de
scriptive booklets oi Paso Robles,
and he will also tell you all about
12-24-tf 0. P. A. S. P. Co.
C. R. Kluger, the Jeweler, 10 CO
Virginia Ave., Indianapolis, Ind
write3: 'I was so weak from kldnoy
trouble that I could hardly walk d
hundred feet. Four bottles of Foloy'i
Kidney Remedy cleared my complex
Ion, curul my backache and the Irreg
ularities dlcappcarcd, and I can now
attond to bustneso evory day, and roc
ommend Foley's Kldnoy Romedy to
all sufferers, as It cured mo aftor th2
doctors and other remedies had
failed " J, C, Perry
FOi: ..LK.
TiMhty'x llargaln LNt.
10 acros very best of soil, 2 story
houso, 7 rooms, good barn and out
buildings, nbout 50 bearing fruit
treos, 3 ncroa of bcrrlos of differ
ent variety, on main road, an Ideal
suburbnn home. Prlco $2000.
Would bo cheap nt $2500.
Another One.
Uonutlful suburban home; 8-room
house, bnrn nnd outbuildings, 10
acres, nil under cultivation on good
land as tlioro Is in tho valley, 4 or
5 aoros In bearing orchard, best va
riety of fruits, noar the city limits,,
will sell nt a sacrifice or exehauge
for Portland property.
Good 4-room house, 2 lartie tutu, not
far out; own sell for a few daye,
only $721. worth $1000.
Vocunt I.ot?..
Choice vnoant lots on State and
Court and Winter streets; a too in
South. Hast and North Salem. See
us before you buy.
Come In and look ovor our list; we
havo them in any size, any num
ber or acres to suit. If you have
any property to exchange, see. us.
we have a large list! let us know
your wants.
341 Stato St. Salem. Or
Are you going to buy
farm or city proper
ty? Note these:
6 acres. S-room house. 2 aoree
orchard, good barn, $17liJ.
Some 'iape in farm property.
38 aoi- . well Improved at $30
per aero.
249 aore. at $10 Kr acre;
timber will pay for the place
17 ncres on ttth street for
$250 por aere
166 acre In prime bolt, 15
acres voung orchard, 12 aoree
prunes, 16S aoree under plow.
S3 acre adjoining above, $60
per aero.
100 aoree. Salem Prairie, well
drained. $100 por aore.
90 acres for $3500.
Wo have largo list of farms of
all bIios and prices and It will
pay you to Investigate before buy
:t7Jl Stato St., .Salem, Or.
51 imuijjUimicw -., C
ct. I
Frr Ww I U HI A
JSuK igAg&jggjffi
A Li olio,. 3 ?i. i i,.v r
slmilaiinji iTMlulRcduli
ling die Siiraclis andBoveM
Promotes DigesltoiuCk e riiir
ncss and ItestConlalns nciilw
Opium Morphine norJliiicraL
For Narcotic.
? r Stet
Aprfecl Remedy forConsfipa
tlon , Sour Stomacli.Dlarrtoci
FacSumlc Signature of
fuarantccd under tixc t'owUjj
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
$3150 Large S-room houso nnd
j windmill; lot S2xlG5; 2 blocks
1 ffrtm ltnalnftiUt tvart ft nlli'
$2000 6 acros; 3 aoros orchard,
1 acre strawborry, V4 aero Dlnck
oap, 15 chorrlos, all bearing; 4
room house, bnrn
$2000 10 ncros, all prunos nnd np
plos, bearing. Good houso nnd
bnrn; 3 milos from city.
mi:vi:r & iiklli: land co.,
StiiU-Miuiii llldg. Room 1, Upstali-H
Good S-room houet. pantry, tollot,
electric lights, bath, barn, wood
house, 4 nice lots each 50x100
foet. All kinds of fruit, Inrgo va
riety of ornamental treos, Includ
ing eomo foregn varieties, near tho
proposed new park, beautiful vlowi
of tho mountains, Inoludlng Mt.
Jefforeon, Mt. Hood and other
line vlowa If you are looking for
a delightful home In Salem do not
miss this splendd opportunity.
Prlco $2650. Soe
490 State Street.
White House Restaurant
For a Regular
25c Dinner at 29c
Tl'-y nin't ! brat
Hcliilchrist & Son
Is uow located at Canby Oregon,
the best winter quarters in the Nortn
west for training and developing
young horsoa. Sam has room for a
fw nnre prospects, okhor for Uie
road or track aud would like o
communicate with anybody wishing
their horse trained. Mr. Casto Is
conceded to be the best colt man In
tho West and his suocess on tho Sa
lem track bears om this statement.
Terms reasonable and satisfaction
guaranteed Addrsc
SAM CASTO, Canby, Oregon.
v Corner So, .nth and Stark St. '.',
n.... ...
I lomanos cw and Modern ::
I Hotel. Rates $1 per day and '
up. European plan. Free Bus. :
I .mii- mmmmm 1
- X r 'roprietors
PorInfar.t8 and Ohildren
1 I iiiijmT M
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
n tfjje iit, m w witA A;tr
200ncros, good house, 2 barns, 1(0
ncres lu cultivation, fine land, veil
fenced, on good rond, well water
ed. Plonty of fruit, bal. timber
nnd puBturo; only $60 per acre.
G ncres, good house, bnru, fruit, fine
water, on good rond, n good home.
A Biinp; $1900.
53 ncres; houso, fruit, 40 In culti
vation, bal. good timber, only ISO
por ncro.
Vncnnt lots In nil parts of the city.
Wo havo somo snaps In good
houses. from $800 up In all parts
of Snloni. If you want anything,
or wnnt to buy, see
Room I), over United States Xatlonal
Also hoiiROs to rent.
aj w
Lots on 19th street, $375 and $315
'inoso lota will advance In price
soon. If you want to get In on
this chenp prlco net quick
Two Iota, 18th and Trade.
3 lots, 12th nnd Forr
Ono lot on 12th noar Chenet,
Oood farm for salo.
Houso, C rooma, and lot. I6tb tl,
1673 Stnto street 5-1-lroo
For water sorvlco apply at offlc
Illlls iavnh monthly siao"
RirTKRvrr nr.vw
li i- "orth tpo'e the" an? oth'
jjead yet the price l ao Wl"
'or h.- at your grocers'.
Thoinaa A Cooler. Prop.
!! I 1 1 r-Nt
1 Graber Bros.
Will give prompt attention ,,
to all orders, guarantee ou' ;;
work to give satisfaction ;;
. .1.- ..nitirr stanl ,
IO D lip IO mo aun-w
on ooTRrTSJ
Wo aro ngents for the Ala-
Shop on Liberty strett mc
of Barr's Jewelr Siore
Bears the ,
Signature Am
j Jp In
j For Over
Thirty Years
in jiieru t tit 5, C. Su-
-H-H-f-H-H 4
ut m m i i h 1 1 1 n '
tmt'mmmvvip-ixi'l'"m tw-