1 UAILZ.CATITAL JOURNAL SALEM, OREGON, TmittSfelV; PKliKUAlrf' 4" "lbooT ft Your Has the greatest purchasing power here, Not only on our extra specials, but the regular marking of the goods of this store Is such that you will always find the GREATEST VALUES HERE LADIES' SUITS AT HALF i t t uits are of the latest styles, best materials and Liu i tailoring.. All of our . k .it Ladies' Suits At Half tone reserved Ai i I adies' Coats and ' v included in this sale MEN'S TROUSERS $6,00 values $4.50 5,00 values 3.75 1,00 values 3.00 3 )0 values 2.65 2,75 values 2.05 2,25 values 1.69 1,75 values . 1.32 CHILDREN'S ALL ' STOCKTON Teachers' Kxnrnlnntlons. Notice " horoby glvon that tho County Superintendent of Marion County will hold tho regular exam ination of applicants for state nnd county papers nt tho First Mothodht church, Salem, Oregon, no follesw: For Stnto Taper. Commencing Wednesday, Fobnuaty 10. 1909, at 9 o'clock a. ra and con Uniting until Saturday, Fobruary 13, at i p. m, Wednesday PonmnnBhlp, History S.icllinK Physcal Geography,' Reading, Psychology. Thursday Wrltton Arithmetic, Theory of Teaching, Grammar, Book. Keeping, Physics, Civil Government. Friday- Physiology, Geography I'ompo ition, Algebra. Englsh Liter turo, School Law. Saturday Botany, Piano Geomo "v Ucn r.,' Ilistoiy. . I'H County Paper. I'omnin., m Wednesday, Falmi ry 10 1909, nt 9 o'clock a. in., and 'ontinuini? until Friday, Fobruary 1?. at 4 p. m. Wednesday Penmanship, History rthography, Reading, Physical Geog fPhy. Thur-dav Written Arithmetic, Theory of Teaching, Grammar, Phys iology Friday Geography, School Law, v'"! Government. English Llteri- tare. WALTER M. SMITH, County School Superintendent l-30-9t po!e 6 Honey and Tar clears the ,'r P"age , stops tho irritaton In throat mnlh. . ln- j j. i .'" and the most ob&tlnate cough "appears soro and Inflamed lungs hea!--i und gtrangthened, and th '" e'R ed frpm tho system. Re ae e mt the gonuino In the yel ' lackage j. 0. porry "U(s-?..v: ' - ' '! , T P 1 - ' - 'JftJ. '.! lr-4 tx IJ-. . - : i. l po , . H.ii II. ui I At ' t :. . i.iai i i(, MvU-. i Wi. 51 tiA..v.Y fEOPL? Dollar Ladies' Petticoats Wonderfully low priced Values up to $4,50 75c $3,50 Heatherbloom skirts $1.50 oc black petticoats.. 50c lilack petticoats at half Great reductions on por tieres and stand covers $15,00 values $11.00 1.75 values. 3.50 7,50 values 5.00 Sale of Men's and Boy's TROUSERS Take advantage of this sale and profit by the savings we are offering you. See window on Commercial Street BOY'S TROUSERS $1,50 values $1.12 1,25 values 94 1,15 values 86 ,90 values 67 ,75 values 56 ,60 values 45 ,50 values 37 WOOL HOSE 19c 9100 Howard, $100. Tho ronders of this paper will be ploasod to loam that thoro 1b at least ono dronded dUoaso that scionco has boon able to euro In all Its stages,and that : Catnrrh. Hall's Catarrh Curd lis tho only posltivo euro known to tho medical frntornlty. Cntarrh bo- lag a constitutional dlseaso, requlroi n constitutional treatment. Hall's 'flnffirrli flurn la tnkftn Intflrnnllv. mU lug directly upon tho blood mucom surfaces of tho system, theroby de stroying tho foundation of tho JU oaso, and giving tho patient strength by building up tho constitution and assisting nature In doing Its work Tho prortpetors bavi ro much faith In Its curative powers that thoy offer Ono Hundred Dollars for any caso that It falls to cure. Sand for Hit of testimonials. Address F. J. Cheney & Co., Tola do, O. Sold by all druggists, 71c. Tnke Hall's Family PllU for Cop itipation. -o- Jud LaiidlH thinks $80,000,000 worth of fining entitle hliu to a reJt In tho StHiidard Oh Mm. Worn Opt. That's the way you faal about the lungs when you have a hooking cough It Is foolishness to let it go on and trust to luok to got over it, when Bal lard's Horohound Syrup will stop the cough and heal the lungs. Prico 25c. 50c and $1.00 por bottle Baoon -There's one thing I can't understand. Egbert Toll It to me. Bacon When a couple get married. It is said thov bocomo one. But. again, thoy say It takes two to make a quar rel. Foley's Orlno Laxative ourea con stipation and JIvor trouble and makes the bowels healthy and regumr OriRO ie superior to p!U a ad tablets, at it doet sot grlp or nauseate. Why take anything otee? B-ritfc 3ijH4tB THINGS WISE AND OTHERWISE IN THE LEGISLATIVE HALLS BILLS, RESOLUTIONS AND DOINGS IN GENERAL BV THE SOLONS House, 1;30 p. m Feb. 3. 11. B. 205 to fix salary of the county com missioners of Lane county nt $1000 per nnnuni. Passed. II. D. 234. Iledlllloti, relnting to re storing frnnchlsos of corporations. Passed. II. 11. 229, Hughes, rogulnting the breeding of horses in cities. Pnssod. II. D. 139, Altman, to prohibit tui lmnls from running nt largo in Mult nomah county west of Sandy river. PnBsed. II. 11. 238, Urnttnlii, fixing salary assessor of Lnlco county. Passed. ItcsoluiloiiM. 11. .1. H. 1G, McCuu, to abrogate. II. .1. It. 17, Medio, to abrogate. Resolution by Mnhonoy, for com mittee of three to fix salaries clerks, etc. These resolutions were referred. ON VERGE OF RIOT Plttuburg, Pa., Foil. -1. Tho au thorities aro today taking ovory pro caution to provont a rnco riot as tho result of a number of attacks on whlto girls In tho Horroa Hill dis trict recently, Ono hundred nnd twonty-Blx negroes havo boon nrrost cd In tho last two days. Forty-threo havo boon dlpchnrgcd .from custody; 42 woro either given jail oontoncoa or fined, nnd 41 moro aro to bo glvon a hearing today. Evory negro In Pittsburg; who is n inso'r of drugs, or who is without vis Iblo means of support, will bo nr- rested boforo tho crusado Is ondod.'nll ovor tho city. J Surveyor HorricK lias noon txisuy Over a dozen girls in Horron Hill dls-j Tho negroes aro roportcd to bo(omployod for somo tlmo now sotting trlct haVo boon aasnultod durlntr the arming thomBolvcs. 'grndo stakes, and opocts to bring Mils trlct haVo benm aoBaultod during the RACES MUST NOT INTER-MARRY (United Press Loused Wlro.) Holonn, Mont., Feb. 4. WJtn vlow to putting nn on dto intor-mnr-rlngos of nil racos and najtlonalltlos, tho Montana legislature has passed tho Mlscogonntlon bill. Unanimous action wns takon on tho monsuro Into yestorday nftornoon whon nows of tho mnrrlago of a Chinaman and an American girl was brought to tho no tice of tho legislature. It wns point ed out that of Iato many unhappy endings of similar alliances havo boon brought to tho nttontion of the authorities. Anyono solemnizing suoh marriage will bo sovoroly dealt with, according to ono provision of tho bill. o Acquittal of Murder, United rrei I-oaeu Wire. Chicago, Feb. 4. Charlos Holmos, who has been on trial E ae- eusod of murdering his wife, with hU 12-yoar-old son as the principal wit nans against him, was today acquit ted by the jury. Thu dafonso proved that the woman dlad from Injurioj sustained by a fall duo to nn nttuca of apoploxy. -o I'lecit Couiint; Home. Gibraltar. Feb. 4. Tho battleship! Ohio. Kentucky and MUsourl finished . coaling today and tho entire fleet will be ready to sail Saturday. Tne local Masonic lodge last night ontei- tallied the Masons of tho fleot. Turin fif . f .? vrpMt lr.ul U wllu uiirClfttb atul u - 1 i iiu "f j." it I., t i . Itft k-1 ' '' " ' "' ' ' ' I I' UKH'tfJ Chf '4 M r . i. fc. ii I . w tiiiMKIr iu eb- . .jf , . I iimc Diikirvir Varna i I IH Ibrr I Id . I. J-l t ! II "Utfl od U.m " r mil. .B ! ilif;.lil." Best Tor f y IIWUUWCI3 CAJiOYCATrunttc ,iJrw rvit ruuJ IH4k1, . . . i ,iii i r- f j it., .ui vJ COO. Sterlioc Remedy Co , Chicago w U.Y. yfi ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES BAD BREATH Air. Patton wns called to tho chair and presided in the absence of tho Bpcakor. II. 11. 107, llrook nnd llonn, to imjko it a misdemeanor for candi dates to tako o rniako a pledge rol ntlvo to election of United States senator. Lost, 27 ayos; 32 noes; ab sent, 1 (Dodds.) Resolution for joint committee on bridge over Columbia. Adopted. . H. 11. 223 Hugnes, fcr caro Stnto Capitol nnd grounds. Passed. II. 11. 23C, Wheeior nnd Gilliam delegation, salary courts ofllyctaoin delegation,, salary county o'lllcors. Passed. H. D. 203, llrook, relating to draw ing jurors. Pnssod. 11. II. S8, llrndy. to provide- for conntabloH nnd deputies in cities of 100,000. Passed. RACE IN PITTSBURG last two montliB, nnd tho attacks have becomo bo frequent that tho womon of tho district aro afraid to vonturo out on tho stroots after ed his work on tho grndo tho now nightfall. Somo of tho womon aro Wolch oloctrlo road will bo In rondl now carrying rovolvorB. and almoBt.noss for sorvlco. This Information overy man in the. district It armed, nnd they say thoy will Bhoot tho first rosontatlvo of tho company, FranK nocro who Is cauuht molostlnc atWatorw. who also stated that whon whlto woman. Tho nollco boliovo tho attacks aro being mndo by cocnlno fiends. Tho police patrol in tho district has boon to build tho two mllotf of road ro doublod, ns somo of tho negroes aro quired by tho frnnchtso by tho city nrodlctlnu a rnco riot that will oxtond I " - arming thomBolvcs. JUDGE WILL SEE United ITcm Leaved Wire. Nashville Tonn., Fob. 4. Judgo Hart, who Is presiding at tho trial of Colonel DunoMi Coonor. IiIh son. Hub- In, and John D. Sharp, accused of I iiiurderlng former United Stiiio,nml nvon,p Ul0 corp0 w ,,0 wo,t Sonutor E. W. Cnrmiick, minoiiiicud'to Brondwny, whoro It will m'ako a from tho bunch nt tho opening of slight Jog nnd contlnuo south on court today thnt tlioro hnd buen In- Broadway to Columbia street, thonco timittloiiH In tho pros stunt attempts WOHt to Front streot, from whoro ?t hnd boon mndo to ampor with tho will oxtond down Front to Fnrry Jury list. street, thenco onst on Forry to Cot- In Justlcu. to till conooriiod,' he tago, South o nCottngo to Berry and Hnld, "I want to say that tho box from -on to tho city limits, whleh tho nHinwt nro drawn Is In tho ( Aftor this ooetlon hns boon coin custody of Circuit Court Clerk Lowlspiotod tho crow will again start woric llltt. Tho milium In It woro plnced nt tho Intersection of Front nnd Con thoro two yoarH ago." To box has J tor Btreots, go oaBt on Contor to Sum boon smilod ctvor slnco." jmor stroot, thunco north to Mnrknt Tho court thon drew a now vonlro. JOHNNY BULL FINES CARRIE NATION! H'nlltMl l'rcHxi I.Mtetl Wire.) j U)iiilon, Feb. 4- Carrie Nation waH Inltintad Into tho mystorlwi of London's court niaohlnory today, wlion sho wntrfliiod 17. SO for thriiHt- nis l" uuturuiiH uiruiisu it KiHtm lmlow of Mn nnder-round oar i I which a cigarette adverMwmeni WM,,0,,a' t,iat iy iav been iinnblo to pOHtClll. Carrie took decided oxcepiions to tho 'Iwlnrlng that tho llttlo cigarette U a curse to mankind. She became so excited In her dununolatloir that she thrust tho end of hor uni-i brolla through tho oar window. Slio I was Immediately le dto a pollco court, where the fine was impound. WILL EXTEND LINE TO VANCOUVER (United Press Leased Wlro.) Chicago. Fob. 4. Tho announce ment was made today that the Cana dlaa Northern railroad will oxtond Its lino to Vancouver. B. 0., Iiomo dfatuly, as satisfactory arrangements aro reported to havo been mado with the Bjltieh Columbia provinces. The Una will extend from Ed monton, Alberta, which la its pro en twastora tona'au. through Brit ish Columbia via Hollow Head Pais to a Junction at North Thompson and Frazer rlvor. and thenco to New Wo, minuter and Vancouver. - - AVER'S HAIR VIGOR Hair falling out? Troubled with dandruff? Want more hair? An elegant dressing? IflfrrpriiPnrc Sulphur. Gltccrln. Qulntn. Sodium Chlorld. IIIJ,lU;m. Candcuni. Sear. Alrnhnt. Wntir. PrHumr. Capsicum. We believe doctors endorse this formula, or we would not put it up. Does not Color the Hair .t O Arm (MMrAMT. TwH, Mn NO MEDICAL LEGISLATION JTHIS SESSION WANTS HOME FOR CONSUMPTIVES AND MEDICAL INSPECTION BEFORE ISSUEING A MARRIAGE CER-TIFICATE-THE NOTTING HAM BILL Chairman llelkuap, of tho commit too on medicine and pharmacy says his committee lias no bills before it to rcgulnto tho practice of medlcluu. There Is one bill from tho Suuiitu for a homo for voiiHumptlves and Senator CoIo'b bill to roqulro niod Ical Inspection boforo Issuing n mur rlngo cortiflcato. There hiuiiih to bo no disposition nt thin session to at WORK TO BEGIN ON THE WELCH LINES "Within GO days from tho tlmo Survoyor B. II. Herrlck has complot- waB given out today by tho local rcp- tho actual work of construction b- Ban a forco of mon would bo om ployed froir! tho start largo enough . within GO dnyH nt tho most. ... . i. nnrt of tho nrollmlnnry work to a 'clone about tho 13th of this month, nnd nt that tlmo tho construction do' FIGHT IS FAIR'pnrmont will tnko up tho work and rush it to completion In tho shortest tlmo possible Tho first section of tho rond will bo built from a starting point north of l clty on wlmt Ik known as tho Brooks orosR-ronds, at tho city limits, or nn Illchlond nvonuo. From Hlch- jstreot nnd onst on Mnrkot to Sovon- toonth it root and north on Sevon toonth stroot to tho fair grounds. THE BUFFALO IS - APPARENTLY LOST rUnllMl I'rM I.fnunl Wlrr.l San Frnnolsco, Feb. 4. Aftor mak Ing ropontoil attompts. the govdrn- '" olvll wlrolow stations reported (lominuiilcnto with tho converted transport Buffalo, whleh is four days overdue. Tho boat was in wlrolew commu nication with the Hawaiian Islands nftor It was two days out nt ooa, but f lno. t.hon "ono of h .iations hag hoard from hor, although govoral at tompta woro mado to loonto hor. It wan tho understanding that tho Buf falo was to remain within reach of wireless dlapatchoft throughout tho ontlro prosont voyage, eoept two days Tho operators hero nro unable to understand why tho Buffalo doon not catch tho wlrelosi flaahoa. San Franolsoo, Fob. I. Tho co.. vorted transport Buffalo, four dos ovorduo from tho Hawaiian island arrived In port here thU morning The oayta'ii of tio Vesaol reported thnt heavy storm were encountered oa the voyage, and on that account slow progreee was made. It was feared early today that the Buffalo had mot with some accident, a url efforts to roaoh hor with wlrolons message) had fulled Sage. Alcohol. Water. Perfume. tack any class of porsous who at tempt to nllovlnto 'human suffering, n now nnd progressive nttltudo In fltuto affairs. Iloth Sennto bills will probably bo favorably reported. Wednesday tho general medical aet which Introduces no now features and attacks no religion or school of medical practice Iiub boon Intro duced. Arrested. A cough that has been hanging on for ovor two months by taking Bal lard's Horohound Byrup. If you have a cough don't wait stop It at once with this wonderful remedy. Splen did for coughs, colds on chest, lnflu onza, bronchitis and pulmonary" troubles. Prlco 2Cc, GOo and $1.00 Sold by nil donlero. Toachor (to now pupil) What's your nnmo? Now Pupil T-t-t-ommy T-t-tlnkor. Toachor And do you stuttor all tho tlmo, Tommy? Now Pupil N-n-o, iii-iun'am; o-oilly whon I t-t-tnlk. ftivo Money by Buying Dr. OImib . borliilu'H Cough Itemedy. You will pay Just as much for a bottlo of Chamborlain'H Cough Rom od y as for any of the other cough mudlclncs, but you Bavo monoy lb buying It, Tho saving Is In what you got, not what you pay. Tho suro-to-ouro-you quality Is in ovory bottlo of this roumdy, nnd you got good rc Hiilts when you tnko it. Noglected olds often develop serious conditions nnd when you buy a cough medlclno you want to bo sure that you aro got ting ouo that will euro your cold. Chamberlain's Cough Romcdy always euros. Prlco 2G and DO cents a bot tlo. For unlo by Dr. Stone's DruK Htoro. Tho girls who got married this your will bo ublo to hold their heads up proudly, knowing that thoy nro free from suspicion. If It's Neuralgia ami tlioKo sharp, shooting, agonizing pains drive you ttlmost crazy, tako Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills, and get relief. Thoy drive out the pain by their soothing niteet upon the nerves. Whon taken as di rected they aro harmless, and leave no bad after-effects. That's the reason they are so popular with all who use them. Your druggist can tell you what others in your locality think of thein. . "I do iKwUhrly think that Dr. MIIe" .Anu-i-aiii rum ure tne lNt incd lulu vr nut uiwri the irmrlcet. J find Mil. litem no rt-atmi anu uoothlnir, sud nimvui nny imu uiittr-orrveiH. I liav uiirrwu ut ilh nurulBit o lliut my uUl jul ache una iiulvur. 'i t tmt-i ;' bt (jn and 1 ranru t rwilv we. No (tne Hint uffer with I know tliay Mill not form u habit, tar if there w any poute iu them I could iisuraism hmh rwr tu tk tliem a i "" uiin. Jum one m tae rnorn Inif ' I tti lua, and I ean do my work oil day " MIlS. W. II. UUHKBTT, Muoon, Oa. Dr. Mile' Antl-Paln PMIi art told by your tfruaot. who wH auranta that Jh f.;t packoe will bvntrft. If It fall, ho will raturn yeur mny. it dot, 3S oit. titvtr told In bulk. Miles Medical Co,, Klkhart, Ind I m: te- . i tf rmxHu: R rfrtm A