muxar catzlxl, jpgobtjuu, raw, oaaeos vraoas&Ar. rajs&cjjzr x. igy. I THE CAPITAL JOURNAL fttMuvC. Xmrr JEwwOmc tummc iiiar&rK. t&eau mm. &CmC8&TX5 BAIS2S. ia bj-ttmrsas. yec yeoc BwlfeSTaadl ? yum VnttSfr y auk. jr w ,K l Jte t Km gHHC"t X. fj ' ? iril be fee of ifres set: of ffean& ff af thai Or is tas bs safer & fcatai and tte Bereraaaftam s .wxsraMii THE tHiVTSD STATES SFBEME COORT GAJJ SAY SO AJtfD 3 IT. the tme tet afeawi Repi&c&S respect the 5 : wccie ara ose ; Inn e te stale enacted jr Ac - "---r"- . . . .. j, e r jinan are La&onag wey ien qiese mings ? i 9e raBfiopotaw si rn i ijuwwwwt-1 sussed m v- JCHKIEPSUTICtAJfS. 1- tw tine nu k the vm at me !wtntn and e fWere and the Drecie'ay lav ad Diiect Etec iaoc e Seraaya. J r A PLEA FOB aEATER OSEGOM. Smm kkMfatf v&n&t a keynote of an! pekwHem at die tosteth baneief wfce he aid Hal aa fat lav fefjabtiire had beer $ afaoet petty, local, aef- local grafts, saiavy graw and raids or tfae state Xfeasmy HAVE KzPTTtic MEM3E3S 80SY WITH BOLLCALLS. Hie big gangs lor the deKfecmeM of the stale aate been feft toct&d excsot? tue General Pan Cenawisiion act hat was put ftaoagfe xhe Senate jresterda? by Senaier SiMarrL ihebeHer e pertagg lode taper Cotombia. THE LOCKS AJfO CAJJAL sClS FOK THE FALLS AT OBEGON CfT(. sfie Stats KajHirrs program ae al Jen wrioadd. H h time la wafoe op, as WcArtaur told them, and do aawethiv for t la ger nteests of the devetopmem of Hae bfienf comBftaJtr. Cm we Saoaie Wan and Means oomrnmee re mea iTem rwr ooer'ej are acfsaly xJrffeeM to Free Lods and Cam land THE POHTJE OvJ THE COUIEStA. Ho cat a stale becne ea " the eyes of the world and ft fee seme of potec!; the producers vfft sad) measures as mending the tems of departy oortstabies and refidaixng the state of Ofeajon Ikas bee a" easy fey TO THE KtED AGDrTS OF THE PBEtfATOaY MfTEHESTS. It a a sname aid a 4serae thai ai restem Oreo has been fe3 op fo' Jocs and cari io&f w the 35 years. K is a shame and a atsg7ace to the state of Dragon that a rope can be put abort her nec by a Wal street maniupia SorAJfDALLBUJLOMfGOFRAiLEOADS BLOCKED AT WS PLEASURE. Pat McAnhur hit the mosssacts Just right in what he said, ieny RwvV. poured oat hit scorn upan ihem Wadnesday for km mimrtes B burning Itrs. In the S&ate there is the same paamri apathy aboat the srmtor interatia of the stale and ABSORPTION hi PEANUT STAHD CCITROVERSIES. Fer the pride of greater Oregon, gerriternen, wa&a up. THE AJNAL 3QA5Q a- TBJ&E BAJJIQWET. Tap fiprtsions of jaod " ovard t Capital Dty at tine anneal Board of irade bafioet showed thai thai ogr is -wt whoet friends al oer the stale. i he business men of this city aad the people of Salem a? expressflK r1limg twt GOO V1LL TCTiYAPvO THE EESi OF THE STATE. T Salem newspapers a'O the Salem c&mmercaJ orgar -zatkrs hae rf faded lo ts: V the development of al Oreawr. ft n Uano4' county mar -r me tegaatwrehas attached the wm&te of any other pa c-- the state Ii HAS BEEJf YTTHOUT WABBAJtr Or SALEM ?EasLE. If lsnon members in the leeislature are mailing war r the fltie pet lamb of Pofe c&f. of tmatiaa, of Jactson, or any other cowrty. that Ahab 5: is repudiated by this com-fnunrtv. L The ecucatiortai institutiorrs of Oreg&r as they exist should Miae Vdc SOLID VOTE OFTHE MEMBERS FROM THIS cotumr. That i the real spirrt of tre ceocleox th s county. That was the spnt of the &;a of J 'ao banquet This city and thH county a$ ?x spint of enmity towards the counties THAT ARE LESS BLESSED THAJf VE ARE- When you get the chooe cots don'i harrel wrth the man no ets a vpire-r t. A LIGHT FOR FAIBMOUJfT PARK. The resolution adopted try fe crry council for an arc light on fairmount Hal should not be oerloo&ed. That etevatjon the most sightly and beautiful in the city, Hd IS THE PJCJNC GBOOWD MfSllMMEB FOR THOUSAifDS. An electric Mght up there nouid be a beacon ltht for the traveler from far and -ear lighting htm towards his home C ?: ".-Is Baby's SaKe a . ' :Jjr keep a bottle of this reliable aY medkiDe alva-s in the bouse, mm t & I . t . -.!- .j. ..J . v.bere It VrTU DC reauy at liiuiu any boer of the. day or mght Four generations of nictbers have used Dr. D. Jayne's Expectorant a cases Croop od Whoring-Cocgh witli spl-s2d rtsctat. It is also recognized as an effective remedy &r Coombs, Colls, Broochias, Ptecrisy, InEamssatkx) of tie Loafs or Cbest, and affords great relief to scaererc frora AKhcaa. Your druggist keeps it. la three sue. bottles, S1.00, 50c. aad 25c Dr. D. Jayae's baaative Pills are a gentle aad eaectrre Stiativc Sor children ; a splendid liver medicine i&SSESFi BUTLER GETS PAID txx rw jHL1 0tfTtl kr. RlfE tS REMITTED 1ft0 lvrl !. J JNi. S. X- !- ? Ocgt" m1 I ITMMbK, H U4T w sc 1 tag is wrtrtc. I'm- tbtir lidc - yimt 2t- LtK Oreaab BUM. ax tihU k Ii tttK It tt te iM rf9ttc Mk tke VaSlry- ltl lb Mhkr Vt Uk fi aflli -srtt. ie SIM SM tMt Vr MB B 4. . Tidr fet rlirM ii u Art Iniczsnc Ii. Iiiilwiliin Mmrftar 2ftT te WuMsMC kw- j-. w aarf w sh- j,t Wj,,. ru c?i uur m lUMimivm Vc ? Vr to r tl iUinmil i tl. Th tmrtVr rt tfc trtMtj Ki- l taisjr tkM te M pear tfc II aad ttet ta $! ata ra icr. 3e Toct ia a way y W JtaU. ti i fa do not bhee ir makiu oicnic arounds too brichttv aWminated BUT SOME U6HT OH THE StlBIECT IS JfECES SA3T. So we say to the fight committee and good Papa Stoct loa, gwe us one of those foyrtghts up on the nil there. That section ts budding up rapidly and YfflLL SOOH BE LAID OFF UfTO A PARK DISTRICT. 6h the hMSes a chance to senre ice cream by something a oomtre. THE STATEMOrT Vmh OtfT. The foojtsh 0.8 to 'naie t a crime to take a pledge net to set youf ote for cash or an office WAS KILLED W THE HOmE. The foolish btl to mare t a am to circulate refeenoum petrtjorts for pay WAS KILLECNK THE SENATE This ought to end te v'-brked foly of trying to R-aae n Mature of a to auottu by tne people a crime, he legsiatie brains ! ! oive such measures ARE CASES OF ARRESTED OEYELOP.VZifT AT SOME PARTTC UUUt POMfT. A SIMPLE RULE that wl make anyone prosperous is Spend lass than you day Ihs &&&&& Wfi Of. We do the ract CafMtal National Bank j, 11. Autnirr, ITe. JTJ9. If. AUUUtT, CliJr. UttltMlwIMaa aMftl uma la lfcl t pack a laaw '9at vttai aaw ) aitotrf ter a. HTVy an amtra. ' Ty ar aafJ lOu, EVERYBODY ta4 Itw Momirli U Uk &.- iirv at ' ktta a4 ttrcsta. Ifca, -kjr id m i u that b aa lanftet arpka M fct ta a s(tbc. &!tB7 aa4MMa Tbc mctll iae at wM ta naia U HOSTEnER'S STOMACH BITTERS ' For rMf af tkta fcMartiaa r alat la 1M 4aJlail rawttl. ua44s ar a yartaJ rf 5.1 jear. Trjr a UxUe for NlfTjlJMs liMliptka, !)rMlt, CVr.thctan-'s C4il ajmI 2rl mil - A fl AftNLAf Vf n fin I ftJJ utai. IJf PRC1I7Y fW: RiiJj: BEATS VIFE TO DEATH HDIE WING SANG CO. Now All Goods Sale At Cost Price W iti V. kta4t ( ar jo W srty kw A CaeiwiiOHi aa Bcaaaw. It h mc4 taat ! tafcr- aat taa Capital Drag: Co. o Ut ty aat raort It it ftcttap from a!iais vao kv aaad ti oil cf iatrjrta ttaU coaipoaad. D. D. Mr. Boaior If taat Jong -. g comla? ara to se ta Trr i a tte w. yoa aad aur c1t i.- 4 alat to mat aftar Mipr iV B .'. bj- I don't thlak It's aM. Taat's what b coae alter o I WItfs LlttJe B-rly Rin gn tl. mt. plfr&Kiat, little Irer pll' Sold br H 'rrggiJt?. laaV-! Li 'jTmlieawaWf cBjaVeaai PTrasaT aakaa. Waaa. ATTR.CriOXS IN rORCTIKS r faralsaed eosaalete by as We mak erarj- piece la detail irc-m ra.: to roof. Ptela and oraaaieau, x7 unm: aase aad capitals Ail r..-de of taoroaaly wall Maoaed hi-', r oft wood, aad autda so aaUorc. . -s to ba always allka tai ad B .t taoasa Uw taaUtlas ara aigb ! iTtem ara low. A. M. HAXSBX, rtHMta, Main ail. . Ja I. r a Jaan'U Vina, a ksMmt kW wtta k tV mi taaftr alx naaO tUUrm bar aad to a la. to ooate-.t ta trtmt m a aartloa taa aatko-: taat mi OaaaaaBa ara atadjlam today Tucaa aapa a aaaoi aavo Vaaa a aa&ad alt wtte to iriaaro a aaaaJ ftay. lor ate fraai aiav H faniac ter wttt tte tnt Ma WMa Ma atx caiKroa otaawlag aroaad aia teod of taa loaartaaate woaaaa carrtad tte m4r a taa aad aaat oaa of ala afidra to aaB mU aaettev, fad art !! ;a a aduac an pat "aa u dooa la tte ir. Frad aaid Ttgo. wtea mis arotter v aaarod "Cte ' dead. I Xllhrd hr Daa't aar a ward Tte paW 3 a taacat a lanoa." la kto taS at Waouaoad. Vi- aid today taat te had farad for an-i ntl day that te woaid eaaaatH tarrlte catea Tte Vima ealldr-a. la a rrooj aaa yaata to 1ri Gooda. Ladloj loada. Saoaa. aUk Haadter- SS X. Coauaomal St.. Or. Gold Dust Flour ti br tub svuxm i-nw KF COMHA.YY, Sda7. Or ca. UA far faaaSf - Ak oar t"" or K. ftmn Ad tatam alwaft aa tead. P. B. WALLACE, Agt. aan n44.g t a o-f 040-l-d ; 1 a l 1 I o 1 a I 1 a HHI a-KH MW Ti iH'KHATh I Mult. IMCTIUE LCHIXK AT 11"!! J Mw '- R-;t -.r Bjv a M-viug Picture Machine a Mow -o iUk Bif Mon .,' E'.rtalDinent and Amaaamec- t llm -o Ob:jB Priitoa Which Pav us par Weak. How 'o Becom a PlaUhd Oik-rnnr H- Git lauruction Thai Arc Simple aad lataroatlac We Hare -he Neweat Method of Teachlag hy Mall. Wo fcalTca on Receipt of $1 00. Complete laatrwataaac. He Taaeh Operator How to Paas All Kxaatiaattoas. Me Repreaaat the Laadlag Film Ezchaace. Kmuaace . lMleteiidet Theatrical Rcluige. 40O, 401, 4"'1 " wnK. Seattle. m4). WVHDKX SC1KKI. OV OPKUAT.'I. hw-fOiaialfa-HMH ' - $ . . $ la J the KOv 3 awWaloaaTO wil oaSV to groaa te Wast, a li Wy BUzateth Maaoa akta. a decree of of aaeaeoaa Taa aoaaataaat aBaa that 0Waa left the fcoaae Maa Uave aaa wtthoat aoae or aaoiaaatlaa aad hot tailed to mora or to aoooort Mrs. Caaa That U oaa ohaM of vatdk ptatatttf aat the aoatody. A woaua oa ta traaa aafced the aaadaater aov los tte ear aaaaoed U the iaaHoa. Mo rapiil -Madaat w saa teM tear waniatiii; ftoat two to t la iww io The woaaaa taro ad to tea aaaiawoai aad aaid I veoder If te thiaaa he the ahwtie oa tte eataa " Upon Every Bottle And Wrapper of the Gnuta Dr..WsPfciTar-Bi.y U ftimiUi it keT itKft ajki ti aaafcWe Mi. TW Un a ear tnie art, iUWJi wrpuru mamr. T MAciM eU.a4 : ma bMU wat es Osagk. 04 t4 all BnoaiuU lUr aw rt, t rftttullr ua k? Mfcar rMM4r DR. BELL'S Pine -Tar-Honey TH E. E. StfTHERLtAe UiMOXE CO. Iawairaa,ad, fVloCtii, aUeSaAl. gtw-a4-t-rf04iei9i8idiaiiaiai,Miiitiai ! Greatest Combination Offer NINE NEWSPAPERS A WEEK I PAD CADTV TCMTC l UAMTU ? 1VU 1PA1I CLHIJ i 111UIUU The laaily Caplul Joaraal and the Tlirlct.nok Xew ork idthe craataat Xewapaper of Ita Type. It always telU 't aw as it ta. promptly aad tuU) RJM , SuiUsR sp, it eoaatry- hae laTartably haaa tte graat affort aX the Thrlae-a-Wee World adlttoa of tte Sw York WorW w hUsh the aews im PrtaJiy la order ttea It way te aa aasarata roaertar of what has appaoed. It talk tte uatk. lrraeoUw of aay. and for that reoa It tea aoato a paaltloa w4th the pahMc aalqae among tpets Of Its ohm. If roa wat tte aaws aa k reaH.v is, suhsarlbe to the Thrlce-a-eek odWoa of tte Naw York World, which oomes to you every otter day oxoapt Saaday. aad Is thus practically a dally at the pnra of a weakly. THE THR1CB-A-WBBK WORLD'S regular subscription price U oaly f i a par year, aad thin pays for 156 papers. We offer this aaee,aalle4 aewspaper aad Daily Capital Journal three months $ 1 .20 Daily Capital Journal six months - $2.3S ("te ahova offer u oIt .i o. ...... - . . ... I check, draft or postal aote or pay at ooe of Capital Journal N t tS8rTW!0v ,lea oa ,ke ,erE S remltUnce to E HOFBR. pabltehar Daily C .J..U1 Journal, Salem. Oregon. iaiaiaiwiateiaiiiiiajioji.iaiawa