ft-T3RIbU; JtiU4fL'JrW. jt jjj .!, tj Fl r a ! 8 t4ILY OAPJTAIi JJHTKWAIi, SAIiHM, ORBQOX, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1900. A. ? at : 1 t I We Recognize I No Competition Compare our t-lylcf, qunlltlcs, designs, vtorkmnnMilp, gracrnl ap pearance; both In texture mid flnlli with otlirr stores yon will w Ihv difference nt a glance nnd the best of nil our price arc no high or llinti you pny for ordinary good. Men's and Boys' Overcoats Your choice In value up to l:!3; no rcrnc; nil elre!. Extra Special $1 2,45 Boys' Overcoats and Raincoats Age U to 10 yearn; light, medium nnd lienvy weights; all gooil ea sonnble intternt; reduced In price. TODAY ONLY We have a dlplay of this sea son's newuM embroideries, vtlilcli will be on Nle m HtSO in the morning. The style and qunll tie nre varied and the values an worth double.. Tomorrow only, at 9c, 12c, 12k, 27c, 39c No telephone orders received. i Just Received aJTsSS. 25c xkwca At Willamette Gymnasium The two lower classes of the High School piny basket ball at 7. Admission 10c. Double header boys and girls, o o o o o o o o o o o 0 CITY NEWS .ooooooooooo Weather ForwitM I lain tonight and Thursday. SaUntlou Army ItiiuminKe Sal Ib still oh at their kail en North Cemroerolsl. S-S-2t AlNHtt U Wire Dr. George 11. Pratt will give a talk at the Y. M. C- A. roams Sunday, and his sukleet will be "Live Wire" The talk Mr. Pratt deliver Is said b bo Instructive tHd IntereetlHg. aHd a cordial Invitation to etended to tht publle t hw and kear klnt. Two llie Killed One tit the QrKi HtMtrfe ear UtMWd tMO a team Of kOf4 yf Itrday evening near Tn latin, kiittmc iHKh ( tkeea. ami pnlnfnll) tnjitrlnj the drive. Jam Montmcnn. It to NM tit aentdent wm rnnaed thtwaajt U mnlmimmm of tke imuhw. Htr)tKtdy Pny Tnu Tk firm day tit Marlon annnty tx fW wn opened, over $ ttt wn olU-ated k tke tkertff. oejng tke toget smm wr paid In to tke ennn ty treasurer tor monjr year, n the ttesl day of the enUeottng won. Oood HI wr Trnf flo The Willamette river at into point kas fallen t five feet and nales thft art) RUM-ti kv)' ralas. tke victor will Hably kdd Mad at thU staKD same time. Tke steamers have ttten reaming a mvoA trade slnoe the hlith water between Corvallls and Portland, aad tke auencer trade has Juwk1 j In gxd shape Auditorium Rink Bulletin. HowJenmejror's band tsatght. Watnk tor tk GJrto Btery. bdj seated new. THI. 14 COVPLKS' NIGHT SII.K PlfTTIOOATS Our entire line Is aow on sale. No reserve Klegant colors, large, full skirts with wide ruffled and pleated flounces, and here are tome of the prices: $ 6.60 values, special .'..$ 4.03 $ 7. SO values, special . . .9 3.83 I S.50 values, speoial . . 9 0.10 110.00 values, special ...$.?,OH $12-50 values, special . . .$ 8.38 113.60 values, special ...J? 0.03 $15.00 valuer, special ...$11.38 See display In Liberty window. Kaon one Is marked with a large placard. PHTTICOAT SKCTION. STIFF HATS Men's black stiff hats, all sites. Thuy nre the popular $2.50 Hat that made this section famous now only $1.08. tlnly a l)lortf I In divorce suit of Nellie Phelp v James Occur l'heljm was again taken up this morning In Judge Gallo way's eoMrt The suit involves sev eral Sllvorton people who were In the eoitrt room yesterday afternoon and a few wr exiled to the wlineKS Ktand tn ittlf. I Im-U in .MIuiifMiin Shoriff Harry McCHbe. of Hemldji. .Minn., arrived here today with extra dUktn pani from the governor of MlHHeftOiM fbr J. N'lh-eH. waMted In the Hum fur fnrgery. The sheriff will leave tkte venln wltk kkt prtcoHer. t'oim Full of Prime A seeoHd Mlt kas been filed la tke rlreult court by tke Wrtftkt CterlUoN pre Me ratttpaav agalwet The Willamette Valley Prune aHHwIatloa tor alleged failure to deliver the goods In aocordaaee wltk tke agree ment. Tkte Is tke seeoad ease whloh has eome before Judge GalktWHy. the first action being noa-aHlted. K. of P. Itit-ept Ion- Central lodge. No. IS. of tke K. of P.. sjutfeted tke Pythian stater In giving a reeentten to Oraad Oknael lor 0 C Moser. of Portland. In tkolr knll laet nlgkt. hegiskttors wko are rnewben. of tke order attended and all tke knlaee In Marlon nnd Polk eountle were renrsosHtetl. tke kKlses of Sllverton. Indenendenee, and Wnb nnrd atiendlnc In a body Tke rank oT enquire and knlebt was conferred b tke Central kMlgo. after wklrk ad d renins were made by tke Qrnnd Oknneellor nnd vwHIae; knlsku llllIMUIUllll lAttRMO Tim funiii of tke Aftk ward kave dnelded tn meet Friday evAalns at 1 o'etoek In tke rnm vr Wad' owe u nrnlie an Improvement leaKne (or tkat ward. In Onle To oImc out e r rugs will dlteouut on them until tke 10tk Intt. 3S State street A. W. Denalc. Vow I the Tlme For bargain en rug. Co we early, as tke okanee lasts to the 10th only. I3S State Street, A. W. Dennis. Our HonH For tale at a bargain, If taken at MKHv A. W. rKmaft. 31 Xterlh iH streot. -e- SAGEHEN SOLONS STAND BY GUNS UntMi Pmm Ud Wtr Cosvejo. Nov . Fob. X 3ofcec OHMtn antf-Jpne reenlutinn, wkiek )MSd tke assembly. vrtM go b tke senate Mday and It Is expeote! tkat Ikat body will adopt It and that K Mill be signed Wy OeveraRr Dlok lasan. - M iTtad4KrY07k OREGON EDITOR EXPRESSES OPINION The rods of rancid rot dally print ed In the big city papers about the vulgar rich, their sayings nnd deings: their comings nnd goings; what they eat and how they eat It; what they drink nnd how much of It; what they wear and how, when nnd where they weart It; minute write-ups. with pic torial Illustrations o fevery dud worn by brainless women, full description of oven- garment. Including the em broidered and hemstitched elothos. prepared before-hand for the -unborn brats all their fulsome nauseous stuff drooled out dally In the big papers by the column and by the whole page a sort of gross pander ing to riches a servile worship of suobacracy. a putting of the forehead to the ground when the money mo loch passos down the street, does more to stir up the devil In a man than nil else combined. This sort of man worship may go all right in countries where one man is ncknow leged to be better than another, but It will never go lu this land of the free and the home of the brave: and the sooner the big papers let up on this dally flouting of money In the faces of decent people, the quicker all sorts of dovlllshness will cease to be a menace to our government Jack sonville Post. NATIVE SONS GET VERY COLD FEET (t'nlttd 1'rn.i Itid Wire.) Sacramento, Cal , Feb. 3. Indica tions point to tho defeat of anti-Japanese bills In the senate today and (he possibility that they will barely carry In the assombly. The senate committee on execu tive communications yesterday re ported against the enactment of au-tl-Jamnese measures at this session and warning the legislature nut to make itself appear ridlculoHs In the oes of the nation. Governor Glllett declared today that not oven the Asiatic exclusion league can run the affairs of the state and Involve the government In complications with foreign powers The measures were made a special ordor for today. OREGON SENDS COIN TO 'QUAKE VICTIMS Portland. Or.. Feb. 3. Oregon sunt $1295 to M'nlster of Finance l.acv at Home today, to be used in awkulng tke eartkquaki? sufferer In Southern Italy. This h the last In stallment of $11,811 collected Is this state, Tke Italian rollef committee ha concluded Its active campaign for relief funds, altkengb contribution will atlll be received and forwards promptly. Tke committee Is centering Its ef forts now on tke passage of a bill sow peadlas bofore tke Oregon state legislature, providing $1.600 for relief purposes. TEN JURORS CHOSEN IN CALHOUN CASE Sau Francisco. Feb. 3 Ten tem porary jurors kave been chosen so far In tke trial of Patrick Clhoun. president of tke Tutted Railroad, wbo Is accused of offering a bribe to tke beodllng board of supervisors. Tke court today ordered tke sev enth venireman, wkteh UI make a total of le prospective Jurors sum moned so far. It to probable tkat Jokn S. Pow er, wko to III. may be excused Senator Hopkins Hiiug lp. (Unked Proas Leased iVfre.) SminBM. III.. Feb. 3. Tke knot eojoo of the Illinois tejWOatnre agnln tatted today to elect Senator Hop kin. He recrved only 7 vote. ' P1LL.UUS Anxious Mother Nellie, dear, do you think that youag Huggias, aho kaa bau calling on you twice a w for same time, to matrimonlsJly tn eltaed? Pretty Daughter Really. 1 dnnt know wkat to think, mamma dear He kas suoh 4 knaok of keep ing one In the dark! Old Aequalntaace Why. old chap a few years ago you were the best dre&ted man la town, hut now your eutnt Is pretty thahy. Had a re versal? Companion Well, you may call It that. Tke trutk Is. I got ma rled since, aad new It to my wife tkat to tke best drosd woman In town. . Young Wife Tomorrow will be my birthday, dear. Young Husband You 11 be 21 T Young Wife No; 2, Young l!uband Why a year ago, Juet betstr our weddlag. you Jd mo yon wore only 2. Young WV Ye, bstt 1 have agd rajWly sUw smt ntacase. mam ssp iiso oi"0 ioe De NtH't UAk Hauriy Rbers, gen tle, eaor. suoarant, little Uror H 8c4d hy all r'rrgstotv Notice of Administrator's Sale. Notice Is hereby given, that In pursuance of nn order of the county court In the state of Oregon, for tho county of Multnomah, made on the 29th day of January. 1909, In the matter of the estate of P. K. John son, deceased, the undersigned, the administrator of said estate will sell at private sale for cash and subject to confirmation by sold county court, from and after Saturday, the 6th day of .March. 1909. all the rigth, title, Interest and estate of the said P. K. Johnson, -at the time of his death, aad all tke right, title and Interest that the sold estate has by operation of law or otherwise acquired other than or lu addition to that of the said P. K. Johnson, at tho time of his death, in- and to all the following lots, pieces or parcels of land, more particularly bounded aHd described as follows, to-wit: - In Marlon county. Oregon, the north half of the southwest quarter of section 1G. contntng . SO acres, more or less, also lot 3 of section 16. containing 30.S0 acres, more or lees; also the following described land, towlt; Commencing SS rods west of the half mile corner of sec ltons 15 and 16 In T. 6 S., R. 1 , of the W. M., running thence south to the center of the road leading from Oregon City to Jefferson; thence northerly nlong the center of said road to a point east of the be ginning corner; thence west to the place of beginning nnd rontniulng 7 acres, more or less, nil situated In Township -6. S., K. 1 V. of the W. M.. save nnd except from the above described lands the following, to-wit: Reginnlng at the center of section 16. T. 6 S.. K. 1 W. of the W. If. In Mar- Ion county, Oregen: thonco south S3 dogrees 25 mln. east on the legal subdivision line 76 H rods to the middle of the county road fending to Mount Angel: thence south 36 reds: thence west 19 rods; thoncv north 55 deg. U mln. west S rods; thence north 27 deg. 19 mln. west H rods; thenee north 77 dog. 3S ; mln. west 14. reds: thonce north i S rods, more or lesM. to the place of - beginning, containing lO.t acres. more or less. Also the following doorlbed lund', to-wit: Commencing SO rods north of tho hnlf mile corner between sec tions 16 and 21. T. 6 S.. It. 1 V.. running thenoe oast 62 rods; thenee north 3ft reds: thence west 62 rods; thence south 30 rods to the place of beginning, containing 1 1 acres, more or less; also the following laud In Clackamas county. Oregon, moro particularly described as: All of lot seven (7) In lllock twenty-three (23) Falls View Add. to Oregon City, ac-1 cording to the map and plats there-, of on file In tiie otOce of the recorder i of conveyances for said Clackamas county. Oregon; also the following described lund In Multnomah coun ty. Oreneu: more particular!) de scribed as follows, to-wit: The south' half of kU 6 and 7 In the sub-di-vlsleu of Itlvervlew Addition to Al- blna. now wltkln tke corporate limits j of tke city of Portland Term and conditions of sale to le cash 10 per cent of tho purchase money to be paid to tke undersigned administrator at tke time of sale, and tke balnnee on confirmation of mle by tke said county court. JOHN JOHNSON. Admlnlrtrator of tke eetnte of P. K. Jokueou deceased. M1I.I.BU Mt'RDOCH. Attorney for administrator 3-4-Stwkry WANTS FOUR VOTES TO ELECT HIM Madison. Wl . Fb 3 Senat r Stephenson toU) lacked four votee to re-elect klm on Joint ballot. H received l vote Clerical Work 1 of tho many Mire iuclhols of uudernilnlng our eye-sdglit the moment your eye pfgin to gie the .lightest trouble drop in and lutve ut oxamine them hy doing m you! will undoubtedly be able to check the delect with the wearing of glawes for a Untiled HHod. t)ur work in the best you could fM-cure. Barr's JEWELERS OOOOOOOOOOO o PERSONAL MENTION OOOOOOOOOOO .Harry Stapleton went to Portland this morning. Kola Nels was was a business pas senger to Portland on the morning Electric. Mis Beatrice Shelton went to Port land this morning. Mis Bmlly Jeffreys went to Potl lnd this morning to attend Rlg letto.' at the Holllg tonight. A. A. Burton and George Collins were paecongers to Yaquina today. Mrs. B. Nlehuft and Mrs. B. S. West, of Montana, are visiting Mi. and Mrs. Riley Pratt. Mrs. J. S. Prunk, of Aumsville, has been visiting her son, J. S. Prunk, for several days, returning home today. She was nccompanled by Mrs. J. B. Prunk, who will bo her guest for several day. Miss "Edna Crawford, who .Its been attending the Capital Business College, hac returned to her home In Aumsville. Nell Adntns Is visiting friends Ir Albany for a few day. A woman nnd her opinions nre soon parted. Wnslilngton's PInguo Spot Lie In tho low marshy bottoms of tho Potomac, the breeding ground of malaria germs. Theso germs caus-' chills, fever and ague, bllousnesa, Jaundice, lassitude, weakness nnd general debility, and bring suffering or death to thousands yearly. But Electric Bitters never fall to destroy thorn and cure malaria trouble. "They aro the best all-round tonic and cure for malaria I cvor Mcd," write R. M. Jnmos, of Louellon, S. C. They cure Stomach, Liver, Kldnoy and Blood Troubles, and will provont Typhoid. Try them. 50c. Guaran teed by J. C. Perry. Lost Signet hat pin with Initials "E V. P.," engraved on ond. Flnrt rfer pleace roUirn to this odlce, 2-3-3t Try Prof. Rickard's Electro Radiator Greatest cure on earth for La Grippe, Paralysis, Rheuma tism and Blood Trouble, Facial Massage and Scalp Treatments. n)iMmrnt of Willamette Hotel. Six Nicely Furnished ' Rooms, Day or week. 144 N. Front Street 1-1 1-m ' Mrs, Aliens, ; erioHJIoloollnoli n Home Boarding, Meuls at all hours, rooms rou- sonnble, Strictly home cook- !i lag. 357 N Commercial st. !! 1-11-lm rltojeell8!lHH Come Out And Join the Boosters' Band! I . r 3.-' m--H: Join the Boosters' Band and boost! Don't stay home and go to roost! Keep awake and make a spiel! Put yoar shoulder to the wheel I Try to help yoar tnwn along! Boost it loud and boost it strong! Everybody lend a hand! Come and join the Boosters' Band ! xj " & & X P& aK-Tw. Mrs. A. B. Hoyt Is visiting her daughter, .Mrs. J. H. Thomp-on, for a fow dcys. Mr. and Mrs. S. Moser, of Valley City, N. D vrho nro making a tour of tho West, stopped off yest rday nnd today with their old-time frlenJs Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Mlle who rama hore from Wisconsin 19 years agj. Miss Maud Wilson left for PauHtf, Idaho, yesterday, where she 1 otn ployod as trnlned nurse, after a t with Miss Mlnera White. V. E. Gregory returned to Oregoj City last night, nfter attending the legislature. Miss Emma Muths has gone o Ar lington, Ore., whero she will vis t friands and rolatlvos for a month Prof. Frank Churchill w t f0 Portland this morning. .Misses Nellie Derby nnd Etholyn Dorcas were passengers to Portland this morning. Roy and Molvln Cook left la&f night for Youngstown, Ohio, to mnke their home. Mr. and Mrs. F. Moyer left for Pasadena, Cal., yesterday, where they expect to reside. County Judge G B. Dlmlck, of Clackamas county, returned to his home In Oregon CHy yesterdnv. after hnvlng been before tho roads and highways committee" of the leglsh. ture. Mrs. W. O. Waddol, of Portland, has returned homo after attending her niece. Mrs. J. It. Linn, who Is very 111. She wns called to Portland by the serious illnesc of her father, K. C. Ramsby. He Is very well known among the pioneers of Ore gon, and osppplnlly Salem, wlier h rvid n ' her'ff, nnd with Mi ' -jig. luturo of '68. Mr. and Mn Cha-. (; Oerklnrr .j,l(.if off a short time h.t. tto;. dny on their way to Tncoma They have been on a trip to California. Miss EflTc Harold, who hat bean bookkoepor of the Sulem Mutual Canning Compnnr since Its organlia. tlon. has accentod n no Itlon w'th the Stn'to Bank of Staytan. Mlsa Ruth Van Pnttori has rt turned to Mt. Angel to resume h. studlos nt the- college, after a short visit with hor paronf. Mr and Mm. C Van Pntten: Mrs. W. Stone, of Oregon Cltr, has beon visiting he danghter, Mm, D. II. Mosor. hore for several dr. Miss Mnry Chase went to Oregon City this morning, where she will visit friends for a- few weeks. Attorney Frank Holmes made a business trip to Portland" today Mr. nnd Mrs. Homer Smith left for Southern California last night, whore thoy will rcmafn sevcnl weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. M Rhodes, 'A Seattle, nre In tho city. Mr RhodM I in the Instfrnnro butns Dan King, an Alaskan miner, 'i In the city. -rO- DITil). HAYHURST In Portland. Ttudar. Feb. 2, 190S. Warner Hayhurti. agel 30 years. The remains wre bruwght to this clay and burled in tile Cfty View to day at 2 p. in. The Salvation Arrov condiicttHl the serviuets. th- deceated being a membur of rh army HWURINGTON In Salem. Sunday. Jan. 31. lSuiU WHMrhi H uington, agod 70 yencs, of bral" 'roubl- The deaoused Iwaves one daughter ftrs. Rose !ooLs ni"iirn his death Thv sertfre w. :ud ' by Rev. V. If. SlIeok at tho Mgdoa undertaking triors Tuesd.o Feb. 2 uud Internittiir wns at tht Ct Vk ' i lK (t ,-y PIANO TUNING LITKLI.UK L. WOODS, Tuning, polishing, repalrins Phel Norwich Union Fire Insurance CompaflY Frank Meredith, Resident Acat Office with Wm. Brown & Co., N 25, Commercial street MONEY TO LOAN THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush's Bank. Salem. Ot OOOOOOOOO o o o o o o NEW TODAY n n O O O o O o u - For Sale A 7-room house on VlW street, modern, 12250 Sme-nx house corner Center and H" modern and up-to-date limb'" and electric light. JJ50 H barn and two lots on 2th itre all for JlOflO. House and I 13th and Belvne, l"rt" Joi Knight Murphy block- 1 X..- II..... n.Anapll f sell u h nutii--rrwf i rent list it with us: wo will try i get results for you. FtomlZ fair treatment la oor motto, FW Main 267. 126 South Conuae street. Oregon Land Co .' WAW MiTfl1iniWyitWi:'''''f'"'"'"v''''t':':'