VULX CAFJTAI, J&UXNAIi, SALKM, OKBGOS, Tl'i&DAl . FPtRMlH' 2. 19QV. o We Recognize No Competition Compare our style, rjuaiitU-, ucmkii. tvorkfiMiiJiip. general nt pcnrance; liotli In texture and flnlli ttftli other "tor- you will w (lit- iJffTi't cliff at a glance mid the ! of nil our prJr arr no high er than you pay for ordinary good. Men's and Boys' Overcoats Your rlioli-c In value up to ?Ii."; no rPMric; nil size. Extra Special $1 2.45 Boys' Overcoats and Raincoats Age 11 to 1(1 year; light, medium arid lien.y weight? all good mh oiiabl( pattern; reduced In prlre. Tomorrow Only Wc hnvc n dliplay of till m son' newest embroideries which will Im on Mile at H:'M In the morning. The si)lci and fuali tie arc varied nnd the value are worth douhle, Tomorrow only, 9c, 12c, 121c, 27c, 39c No telephone order received. Jast Received ''llfl01' hai' ,0"' a" 25c' colors, XO&X& I M7T?FT?JM.l'1TWFj i : 1 At Willamette Gymnasium Tho two lower classes of the Higli School play basket ball at 7, Admission 10c, Double header boys and girls, o o o o o o o o o CITY NEWS o o o o o o o o o 0 o Wtttllivr 1'ornvant I tain tonlKbt nnd WlnvKlay, WIkii n Portland Visit Hall's roataurant, 330 Wash. Ington at root. o-o-d W. T. Itlgtlou, Undortnktvr Always prourosslvo, up-to-dutt Full equlpmont, InrKoat stock. 10-31-eod-tf. (JlUoit'a I'laco ISloven barber chains. Imwrr liiMirnnco lUites, Ily having us do j"our work. B. W IMoreti, Capital Bloctrlo SHpply Ojoi paBjr. Phono 636. 12-16codtf We lln - Tim Uml grttdw of Iiuhm llHlngi at to iHr yard of hkx pine In tk ally J. A. PfUtMeuit. lift X. OoiiiihwoIhI. To .MllkO llOUHl Fur Wig liliinnt of wnllimiwr that I bnv ooml.HB I will dlspoui uf my pru9i)t stuak at groatly r dHMd prim. J. A PtttrtKiH. S6i N. OuiiUHoriilgL For I'nikli Unit And ooitHtry but tar, or any thing lu thu graovry lino, Phono 311, J. M. Uiwrenoe. Mrs. W, Jone Pralced tho grocor (or soiling hor Folgr's Golden (late ooffeo. which ho ground for hor. ,lo Not Forget That Stuuslwff Bros, can furnUh you tho bent In thu mvut Ituu. Phono 32. Auditorium Rink Bulletin. Stoudnnnioyur's band tonight. Watch for Iho OlrU races. Kvory- boily skrttea now, THIS 18 COWI'MW' XK3UT, SILK 1'IJTTIOOATS Our entire line is bow on m1. Ko rwwrrve. Klogant colors, largo, full skirts with wide ruffled and pleated flounce, and here ar some of the price: I G.SO vuIuoh, special 9 '" 7.G0 vnluoH. special JJ ?.K 8. GO value, special 9 0.10 110.00 valuos, special 7.08 J12.G0 values, spoilal 9 UMH $13.50 valuos, special . ) O.O." 115.00 valuer, special .911.'18 See dlflpluy In Liberty window. Kanh one la marked with a large placard. PETTICOAT SECTION. a 5 BTIFK HATH t Men's black stiff hats, all wizen. They are the popular $2.60 Hat that madethls section famous ' now only 91.0H. Special Nnlvatlnu Army Ittiinmagp Kale la still on nt their hnll on North Commercial. 2-2-21 Fine (.'nliiuilhu Itlver Ntuelt - At Fnrrlngton'H. tho State street gronor and murkotman. Hull AIhmiI a Station Judgo (latloway now has under ndvlscment tho equity milt of Frank Ford vs. tho Orogon Electric Hall way Company. This suit wns brought by Ford, through h's attornoys. Kaiser nnd I'oguo, he alleging tho company vlolntad a portion of the contract entered Into with Ford whllo building Its line through the Ford farm near I-nko Lnblh. Ford allog os that In consideration thnt tho oloc trie onmpany would construct a sta tion nt a certain point on th lino nn tho farm, and stop IN trnlns thofo for tho'nccommodntloh of tho public tho right of way was granted. Tho testimony yustordny nftornon showed tho company had not fulfilled Us ngroomont. Tho Oregon Electric Compnuy, in unswor snys that It wdl bo a detriment to Its service to inako this stop Tluvn IluiutHay Throe runaways naourrod yostftr day lu Sulom. The transfor team ho longing to Bhorm Heokmnn took a merry widow waltz down Chomekota utreet from imuiowhoro up nonr TwMlfth strttet. nnd. nftor running out .their spare room In that street by eomlng to the Wlllnmetto rlvor. 1 '' I''' "8 Bsaeriion wo poini tkey tHruo.1 and heded north for a ; oiunlled record, oxtvndlng rw Ulookt. whoro thoy wero caught. ( ovor a period of ,15 yeur. Try u Th Capital Commlsloti Company's nl- for ShvpleNMu-M, indlgimtloii, pan bucntiie frightened whllft' liyi-iH-iislu. (tMtlvtiutt, CohN ami standing In front or tha commission , "rlppo and soe for jourself Refuse house, and wont sonrrylng downfall substitutes Oommorclnl street north. Thoy nev er succeeded Jit getting fnr, however, before thoy woro captured and re turuttl to their owners. A horse be longing to a man of the name of Campbell took fright while standing al the S. P. passenger depot yester day, nnd luintod the elsewhere rnpll ly. It was sovernl hours before any thing could bo learned or the run away's whereabouts. The ownor met tho animal some time afterwards coming Mowly alonj the street to ward th depot, having had its lit- tie sptu out. and nnj apparently re turning, to the stnrt'n wire. To Quiet Title Augusta II. Ln Croix Is suing Q. Vols In department No. a of the cir cuit court on tho ground that Volt o&tued to bo recorded In tho county records u protended tax deed pur. ported to have como Into his potu hIou throuph tho sale of proporty uoar Silver Fulls City. The com plaint asks tho court to rctuse Vols auy right to the property, and maHo a settlement to that effect. Attorneys Carson & Brown appear (or the plaintiff. HOUSE RUSHES BUSINESS MOUNTAIN WATER RESOLUTION In the lions tkte morning SoMk r MoArthtir announced that he had signed all bilk so isr pawed H. D. 4 4, Mahone, for commission for admission to bar. Indefinitely postponed. II. B. S3, Ilea Is, salaries a c sue cor and deputies. Tillamook county. Passed. H. B. No. 40. Buchanan, to reg ulate commission merchants through state hoard of horticulture. Killed. New HotiM 111111. .,. ..,nM. H. B. 24C. McArthur, W JIW SUC ) for elimination of duplication of the courses of ????? H. B. 247. Bean, relatlug to ac quiring titles of rear property. II. B. 240, Barrett, for dyking dis tricts. II. B. 2491, Conyers, to allow the State Land Hoard to repurchase the state lands. H. II. 25Q. Abbott, relating to cor rupt practice act H. B. 251. Abbott, relating to ex pondlturos of University of Oregon. H. B. 262. INdlllion. to protect unit water crabs. II. B. 253. Jones of Clackamas, to ..,. oooo ...u amend 3832 code. H. B. 254, Jones of Claoknmas, to amend 3838 code. Third Heading HUN. II. I). 152 Marlnor. rotating to stay of proceedings under Injunc tion by Railroad Commission. Passed. H. II. ICC. Medio, to make Feb. 14, Oregon Admission dny. a legal holiday. I.Bt. .er House Hill. II. H. 255, Brandon, by requost of J. H. Scott, to appoint county road vliowora to lounte highways. A Third Heading. II. II. 170, Brook, salary of coun ty offlcura, Malheur county. I'nsud. II. II. 101). Hedilllon. Increase sal ary nsnosHor Coos county. Passed. Ueftolutloiih. H. J. H. 14, Jnegor, to amend the constitution relating to taxation. II. J. 13, Ilugheti, to amend the constitution rotating to taxation II. C. No. 17,Jnoger. to nuthorlzo hotter wator supply for state Insti tutions. Hufurrod to committee on resolu tions. Do Wltfa Lltllo Ei.rly Risers, gen tle, tHtHy, pleasant, llttlo llvor pills Sold by all I'rt'gglsts. EVERYBODY agrees that the Moiiinch if the mean. Hire of ones nenitn ami strengiu; thtm why not m-o to It that such an Important organ is kept in n strong, hiHilthy condition? Tho bet inedl clue to assist the stomach Is HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS iiinii4)iitmi J Six Nicely Furnished nOOITISi Day or week. 144 N. Front ,, J Street , l-ll-m J A iviioi niit-noi a tTHmitltwtumt.W1 ftiiiiiaif i4ii-tf YE LIBERTY i m Lady Athlete Returning Good for Evil Looking for the Bntdhead Persistent Creditor Son-in-Law's Nightmare Boys' Larks t Eccentricities of a Wheel Song "Sunbeam," by Miss Evelyn Woods ""' ""'""'ll"l-tTt"tttUHIlHnny HyHair JJealth Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair to its Natural Color and Beauty. Ko matter bow long Ithas been gray or faded. Promote a luxuriant growth of healthy hair. Stops Its falling out. and positively removes Dan droll. Keeps balrsoft and glossy. Re fuse all substitutes. 2)4 times as much ln$L00as50c. slse. Is Not a Dye. Hand 50c. bottles, at drngalstB Scad 3c for In book Tbe Care ot the H J. " PlaUo Hy Spec Co., Newark, U J. a Hay's narflna Soap cure Pimple, rod, roash and chppd hAndf, and all kla di a. Kttv akja Sue and arft. 25c. drayrUu. Bead Jc tor fres book "Tbe Car. ct tb bTdn." j. t , perry. ooooooooo PERSONAL MENTION ooooooooo MIm Leaore Down, of Sllverton, Is visiting frljnds hare. Mrs. M. I. Yantls went to Shedds i tkls morn'ag. when she will visit hr brother, W. Mcllroe. Mr. M. W. F. HolHng. of the firm of Holling. Cochran & Barnhart, sn glners. of Portland, 1" in the city on buslnww. In addition to his other accomplishments Mr. Holl'ng is in oxpert linotype machinist, and nat urally viol ted the Journal office to visit with old friends, and incidental ly watch th 'Iron monsters" at work. MIm Vivian Laurence, of Walla Walla. Waoh., Is the guest of Rev. and Mrs. Ezra Maurer. Prosldent W. L. Campbell, of the Unlvorsity of Orogon, has returned lo ! J Eugene. II. McNaPy was a business pas- Mngor to Albany today. Mrs. H. Edwards has returned to nor home In Turner, nftor a sho-t stay In the city with friends. Mrit. L. M. Baldwin, of Portlaud, Is In the city lu Hi j InterosC of work of tho Baptist church. Mrs. M. E. Pogue wont to Albany this morning. She will be gone sov cral days visiting friends. Miss Mno Bvann. a popular mem ber of tho mllllnory department of Heyers store, went to North Yakima thU morning, whore she will havo chnrge of the millinery department of one of the leading storos. Mrs. K. C. Roberts and daughter wont to Marlon today to be tho guest of relatives. ;; Home Boarding, " Meals at nil hours, rooms rea sonnblo. Strictly homo cook ! ! Ing. 357 N Commercial st. 5 1-11-lm J HIlUH)HHIIHltH Try Prof. Rickard's Electro Radiator Greatest cure on earth for La Grippe, Paralysis, Rheuma tism and Blood Trouble, Facial Massage and Scalp Treatments, Uiwmciit of Willamette Hotel. BUNGALOW THEATRE Portland, Or. Phone. Mnlu 117, A4224. Rmpl.-o Thoatro Co. (Inc.). Lasso. Qeor L. Baker. Qor.err-1 Manager. WKKIC OF JANUARY at. The House of a Thousand Candles A play or romance and myste-y In and about and old Indian man slon. Stage direction of Donald DoJ5;. prlow 25c. 35c BOe Matinees l"Ec. 2En Noxt WMwT, inn- pim, ,i. j)0n any ataR0 Sent ordor8 by nm,j or wiro receive prompt ana careful a:- tontlon. fiomiiKiieiiHi 'J I BIT It HUlf If '""'""'-'"""''limin) Here Is MSSjrBOTWSRt Who wishes to spend some money in Salem but be fore doing so he would like to know whether the p.'.,p0 here would care to have an enterprise started such as he would put in, In other words would Salem supr-'t an up-to-date Vacuum Cleaning Wagon, Such a wa?on would draw up in front of a store or a house, run in a hose and suck the dirt out of the building without dis turbing a piece of furniture, curtain or picture, and never raise a particle of dust, These wagons are operated in all laree cities where cleaning is done no other way. It is the cheapest and most thorough manner of renovating a building, All who would be interested in this manner of cleaning are reauested to address "A" care Journal as soon as possible, Do not delay as the party interest ed is in a hurry to know how the Salem people would I treat such an enterprise, j44ai8lia4-MIIllll'll'8l''PIIB18ieiatH4J Mrs. O. L. Ragnn Is visiting hor pr.ronts, Mr nnd rMa. L. C. Cavan agh. at "Hillside Farm," near Tur- nor. Geo. C. Mouror'was a buslnoss pas senger to Portland this morning. M. A. Uttor, with Wells, Fnigo, & Co.. hero Is In Pari land on business for the day. Rev. and Mrs. E. W. St. Plorre went to Portland this morning, where they will remain for a few dnya. Ms Edyth Baldwin, a tuiruu at the Willamette Sanitarium, is vla-j itlng a week with her parents In, Portland. J. F. Goode and daughter. Mra. ! Carrie Knowlnnd, went to Woodburn I this morning 'to visit Mr. and Mrs. Steolhammer and little son, Johnnie, Jr. J. T. Apporson has returned to his homo In Oregon City after transact ing buslnoss horo. Rev. P. Hopf, pastor of tho East State street Lutheran church went to Portland today to attend a pastoral conference of ministers of Pacific Const to be hold Wednesday and Thursday. MI OHvo B. Welch returned from Albany todny whore sho has been on a short visit. Mrs. Snelling. or Albany, Ik visit ing friends here. Major Faulkner, division offlcor of the Salvation Army, will sponk at their hall Thursday night. Tho ma jor Is a good musician and n good speaker. Mrs. Henry W. Moyors Is spending a low days In Portland. Mrs. 2. J. RIggs went to Portland this morning, ami will return this pv onlng. Otto Wilson was a buslnoss pai sengor to Portland this morning. Miss C. F. Trulove stopped hero with friends today on hor way to hor homo In Albany, aftor a visit nt Blma. Wash., and Portland. Clerical : Work I Is one or the many sure methods of j undermining your eye-sight , moment your eye. leiin to ulve the slightest trouble drop in ni ,ave w examine them by doing M you will undoubtedly be able to check the defect Willi the wearing of glasM-s for a limited iierlod. Our work u the lvt )imi could u-urt". Barr's JEWELERS AfcXjJLT y tBPPPB HnM I . a Man Stt3s-tsa Mrs. A. E. Auston, of Woodburn, has been visiting Mrs. W H Ithgo. .Mih. J. L. McKlnnoy and son, Harold, of Hubbard, spent collar n the city. Mis. M. E. Horulngton went to Molulla yostordny whre fh will r.ui.j lur homo. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Williams went to Woodburn yestordny, whoro they will visit Mrs. Alice Van Cleavo (or several days. Mrs. W. W. Williams and son of Sclo nro visiting Mrs. Williams' par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Munson. Thu following members of tho local lodgo of Artisans went to Woodburn yesterday afternoon to attend tho In stallation of tho now lodge of Arti sans there: Mr. nnd Mrs Jamct Godfroy, Mrs. St. Holon, Mrs. Ityder, Floyd White, Mrs. Ida L. Nllw, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. dough, Mrs. H. M. Branson, Mrs. Chns. Brandt, Dr. Flshor, Mfss Bo Ho NIIcs, Mrs. S. Drake, Mr. nnd Mrs. 8. It. Vale, Mrs. W. W. Hill, Mrs. Unruh. Mm Knox, Mra. Olvons, C. L. Brown, II. S. Bell, Dr. Pomoroy, .Mrs. T, Cro nlso, Qlon NIIcs, Mra. F A Erlxon, nnd C. T. Pomoroy. Mr. nnd Mrs. Gcnrgo Eyro, Jr., who are 'taking tho short courso at the Agricultural College returned to Corvnllls yesterday, alter visiting a row days with Mr. nud Mrs Goor'e W. Eyro, Sr. Mrs. J. Hlx, of Sllverton, will visit friends horo for sovornl days. o HORN. DECKEBACH. To tho wife of F. G. Dockebach on Monday, Fcbru nry 1, 1909, a 10-pound boy. Both mother and child are doing nlcoly, nnd Mr. Deckcbnch is prob ably tho happiest man In tho city insane"asylum 1IIP UNDER QUARANTINE Owing to tho dovelopnn tit of sev eral ense of dlptherla .i 'he Insane 'Asylum, that Institution has been placed under quarantine and M i visitors will bo rocolved PIANO TUNING LL'TKIilil'K It. WOOD.. Tuning, pollahlhg, repaliliig Ph'e0 Not wlch Union Fi.c Insurance Company Frank Memlltb. Resident AgfOt OHlco with Wm. Brown & Co., No 29, Commercial street MONEY TO LOAN THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush's Bank, Salem, 0i oooooooooooo NEW TODAY 0 oooooooooov For Rent Furnished or unfurnU roomsK aloo good barn. 366 Nwt Commercial street. 2-2-3t WnnteTi I wish to buy a house lot. worth from S00 to llWJj from owner only. Address. description and price, "A A h of Journal. -' Racine Feet Have Arrived AllsUea from No ,s toU hand now. Cotton feet in h" and fine. 10c per pa-.r 25c. Wool fed 5c rni ntrrti Dill C RAZAAR Mrs. B. T. Swart. I'rcr Ne cation, S71 Comrcc cUl witiMiiiiiiiiiimwmiiiMr' r"ir-.-a- ,-w. wzj&-z