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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1909)
rtsamms&kjtzimm MIIMWU 1 i I 1 I DAILY OAPnAIi JOURNAL, gAJLSM, OREGON. TUESDAY, FEUIWAKY S, 109. OREGON IRON BOOT LAW FOR ATTACHMENT WILL STAND FOR ANOTHER TWO YEARS TO THE TERROR OF HARD UP CREDITORS t H. D. No, 93, Campbell, by re quest, onou passed and reconsldorcd, was attacked by Campbell. Mr. Drady broke Ioobo Monday and mdo u flpooah for tho now nttachmont law. Ho was at first onrnoHt, thon grow olofjucnt, in IiIh a)poul for a chanoo for tho small orodltor who 1h now open to have nil hU goods atttachad for any small amount ho may owe whon ho Is a perfectly honest busi ness niiin. Dlinlck ropllod to Ilrndy, mid Drady hold .his own by asking him If tho merchants' association did not mako n practlco of Jumping onto such a orodltor as soon as any cred itor attached. Jones of I'olk nnd Lincoln thought the old law wan In tho Interest of tho poor man nnd made it ringing speech ngnlnst tho bill. Calkins said under tho pr en eat taw of Oregon nil you had to do ."wnB to swoar to your claim, take time tho sun goos under a cloud on tho sheriff and sleze the man's stock I Wall street. HEARING ON THE METAL WORKERS JJABILITY BILL URGE DELEGATION FROM PORTLAND HAS NOT TIMf BEFORE COMMITTEE ON INDUSTRIES or the farmer's livestock or grain, make him all tho costs and fees, and put him out of business. Under the new law proposed you had to allege fraud of some kind. Its operation was to work lnjustlco against honest men who got into a tight place. It was nn outrage to take a man's personal property undor the pres ent attachment law which permitted n creditor to Jump onto anyone in debt to him, and enable lawyers to get fees out of honest persons. He had found that at least 18 states had the same law as was asked here. Tho lawyers did nearly nil the talk ing. Tho business inon could not moot thorn in tho tnlk-fest and It went down to defeat. So Oregon will retain tho old Orogon Doot nttach mont law, undor which tho governor has to declaro bank holidays overy GOVERNOR HITS AT LOCAL .?" SALARY GRAB SENDS IN A HOT VETO AGAINST RETURN TO FEE SYSTEM DluauHklon of the olght-hour bill nnd employers' liability bill occupied tho tlmo of a legislative committor Monday ovuulng, Home of tho mos. prominent lawyers and some of th mutt prominent manufacturers of Portland wort In nttendnnce. Tho MUnott bill from the senate wim under dl'ou Inn, with the Camp bol eight-hour bill. The factory low was oiiNoted Inst toulon, making limit of damase $7500. The maim tuottirom. reurueaHtliiK lare lr rolU, obj soled to taking off the limit follow-sorvaut liability had existed only since 1838. Threo ovonts of In durirlal importance had occurred Unco that lime. Tho Priestly CJ30 of ItiiKlniitl, tho Gormnn insurance lews, Cl.lof Justlco Sliaw, of Mnsoa chuoett, oetnbllshod now procudmiti Tho SInuot bill Is to sot nslde Judge-made law, and doclaroe the right of fellow employe to recover In bjiUo of nogllgenoe. Whon u inn rhino whs kuoekod mil tho mnnufno tuier replaced It at his own cost. When a workman was knocked out,' I return you herewith house bill No. 35 with my disapproval. It pro vides for tho pay moot to and tho re tention by tho shoriffs of two of the counties of the state of nil fees pro vided by law to bo paid to constable of said counties for services ren dered. It has taken years of effort to abol icn. tno old fee system which was formerly In 'vogue in this state, and at each scmlon of the legislature ef forts aro made in come directions to gradually get back to a system which was recognized ns expensive as wo' I as vicious. Tho bill which I return you herewith To a slop toward a re turn to tho old fee system, anH I fcal that I cannot npprovo It. I there fore return It with my veto. House refused to sustain tho veto Another Salary Veto. I return you herewith house bill No. 42 with my voto. It ralscB tho snlnry of (ho county school supcrln tondont of Polk county from $1000 per annum to $1200 rcr annum. Tho Incronio h small, but Ittseema to mt thnt'lt Is against Bound public policy for tho loglslnfuro cither to ralso or to diminish the compensation re ceived by county ofllrors during tho term for which they r-avo been elect ed, unless the oalnry pnld them Is olthor very much smaller or vory much In oxcoss of an adenylate com pensation for tho ncrvlces rendered. Tho snlnry paid tho county superin tendent of Polk county, under the! law as It stands now, is nono too large, but the propoed increase will not affect It very much If this were the only bill proposing to Increaso' the salary o? a county official I would not feel disposed to interpose an ob- ? Jcction to It, but it la ono of many, and I think I am safo In saying that any official In any county In tho state who went before hla constituents, asking their votes at the last elec-iT tlon, would haVo'been defeated it he hnd announced as a part of hi plat form that if elected ho would aBk for an incrcaso In salary. It seems to me, therefore, that such bills ought to be made to take effect after tho term of tho present incumbent, In enses whoro an increaso Is il.imed advisable. A solution of the v. hole matter of fixing tho compensation of county officials and providing for additional assistance, where much Is necoawiry, may be found In tho enactment of a law vostlng In tho sovornl county courts tho powor to fix nnd rogulate tho salaries of county officers nnd to ' f provide additional doputloi anJ as-1 slstnnts. Those courts are In touch . ntwl fnmlllnr wIMi Mm nnmllflnra rtfiiiwwlll,mlllllll I Unless It's a Good j; Store It Will Not Pay to Advertise It! jj UNLESS you know a person unless that person comes into your life in some wayyou are not greatly concerned about whether he is good or bad, desirable or objectionable, It's so with a store, The people who never vis t it care nothing about it one way or the other, It doesn't exist for them, But when they are per suaded to patronize it when they come to turn the spot-light of their attention on it when it comes to have a part in their lives, as some stores must have in all lives thap it's different; then it DOES matter whether it strives to win confidence; it does matter whether or not its price concessions are genuine, dependable, If it meets all tests that a good store must stand when it is advertised when it thus invites the critical attention of people then advertising makes" the store, If it fails in most of the vital things if it proves, under the light of publicity, not to be much of a store, THEN ADVERTISING WILL NOT PAY for it will emphasize shortcom ings as well as merits, Ior thi'M? same ioiimhis It is generally assumed .that tin store ulilch docs not advertise Is nock ing to avoid close Inspection nnd comparison, nnd that the store vUilch does is courting tlieni. h4H-H I I e) I I f I f I ffrHf ATTEMPTED MURDER ENDED JUST RIGHT (United Proso Leased WIro.) Tacoma, Wash., Feb. 2 Thinking he hnd killed Mabel Thorp, his form or sweothonrt, with at least ono of the three bullets ho fired at her laic night, Krnost Ornnt, 22 yenrB old, ran to tho homo of his sister, Mrs SJolnndor, and thoro swallowed car hollo acid, that caused his death :i fow mlnutos later. Orant mot Mle Thorp on tho stroot near hor homo, nnd seized hor by tho wrist. 'Wo must dlo togothor," he of dftiHAgoe,. Thoy howcd that It the ens wan different. Tho bill pro was imponillile to guard against ae-JYldes that In all struoturnl employ. oldonU under till clreiimatanew. Tho'ipetilH the oontrnolor shall provldn ton in I) out men told or accidents from etiitlclent safeguards, and If he fall JlQL?Unc 0( employe who ouuBod to provide that ho shall be llsblo, tioetrucitlon of properly ami Uvea by and shall not bo pormlttod to plond thulr own onrolntMieee. contributory nogllgonco of a follow (Jolonol Wood elftlmed the plaintiff employe. The law required plank had to go Into court and provo the lug each floor as a steel building negligence of the employer. The hill stated what wag care and what was oautlnn. Mild left employer ami ni ttloyed lo go Into the eourts to wttle thulr right. There was limit now to Injur that might be sued (or. wont up. Mr. Casandy made nn eloquont ap peal for tho protect Ian of laborers Ho nrguod for the mon who stayed with valuablo property until they risked their llvos the beet govorn- PIUPI F$ LA U JWl,l N Cfe-a r ! rrl "I I" I I f , ,. I M . , fH-J o I .... .i hlti In i.;.,' kr '. r i l . . i. ,., ,, r I t) " ' I - in,..,. r " in i r r I . i . .,i,.-, i.,. IGktcunK tl'li (n. ,1 t jl hfiritk. N.J. Jk candvcatiuatic y '".I lQHXt, . l I I't.O. whispered. Tho young woman thought ho was Jesting, nnd stnrtoJ to smile. Ornnt drow a rovolvr from his pocket and fired nt her, two bullets piercing her hat, and tho oth er causing a slight flosh wound In her right shouldor. o A Simple Trick. It's an easy matter to keop your Joints nnd muscles supplo not mat tor what your ago bo or how you hne suffered with rheumatism, nub your self night nnd morning with Ua; lard k Snow Liniment. Curos. rheu mill lr mi. fftnew. cramp, :n the bark, r'de, neck or Itmbi. and r llrves al ache and pains. Sold by al! dealers. iK-rlaln's Cough Itemcdy. which provnll In tho sovornl countlos, nnd nro better ablo to Judge of tho Saw Money by lluylng Dr. Cliam necessities In onch case, and to them ought lo bo shifted tho responsibility of making suchchnnges whoro same are nocosenry, and I suggest tho oc nctmont of such a law for your con sideration. House passed bill over voto. $100 Howard, $100. ' Tho readers of this paper will be , ploasod to lonrn that thoro is at least You will pay Just as much for alono drendod dlscaso that science has bottlo of Chamberlain's Cough Rom- boon ablo to euro in nil its stages,aoJ edy ns for any of the other cough that !s Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cum medicines, but you savo money In Is tho only positive euro known to buying it. Tho saving is In what you. tho medical fraternity. Catarrh be get, not what you pav. Tho suro-to- j Ing a constitutional dlsoaso, requires curc-you quality Is In every bottlo of in constitutional treatment. Hall'i this remedy, nnd you get good re- Catarrh Curo is takon internally, act- suits when you tako It. Noglecttm colds often develop serious conditions nnd when you buy a cough medicine you wnnt to be sure that you aro get ting ono that will curo your cold, hy building up tho constitution anil Chamberlain's Cough Itomedy always assisting nature in doing Its work, ouros. Prlco 25 and 50 cents a bot-Tho prorlpctors hnvj so much faith tie. For k1o by Dr. Stono's Drutf In H curatlvo powers that thoy offer lng directly upon tho blood mucotn surfaces of tho syatom, thereby de stroying tho foundation of tho JU caso, and giving tho patient strcn.h. Storo. BODY OF LOST BOY FOUND IN CREEK I'or tea lo tklrly year title bill hnd ment took euro of the widows and WeoN tho law of ISaglaud, of OeorKlH. ortthans lit- told of many llv lot of llllHoto ant) Peueeylvanla. The In nurh (! strurtural work IMwwtnl IMU,i r !, Tatlr aw ii mi Our- i-'i I" Slriiiuii kruirJy C l' i.... I'" J ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILl'.ON SOXES I United l'rrn I.enif.l Wire. St. Helena. Cnl.. Fob. . Aftr soorohltiB Hie tillls for olght days, a posse hcadod by tho boy's father found tho body of lB-yoar-old I.osllo Tucker in Jamos oreok yesterday af tornoon. and ho wbb brought to h't homo today. The lad mot hi doath near Aetna "Springs, and bout 12 mile from hi home. The father believe that the bov met death In ondeavorlng to ford the creek nflor losing hi way in the Mil. It l believed "that he saw the light--f Aotnn Sprtngii across the creek ml .iltt-mptod to roach the spilng AIMS TO RETAIN WATER POWER Butte. Mont., Feb. 2. Secretary of tho Interior Garfield has with drawn from entry several tract of land lying along the Missouri and old Montane rivers, where power sltoe are to be found. In the Helena dUtrlct the govorn moat ho reserved land on each slJo of the Mltkouri river In strip two mllo wide. A mervatlon of 13S sootlon of hVh'd Include tho groat falls. o . Ono Hundred Dollars for any can that it falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. Cheney & Co., Tole do, O. Sold by nil druggists, 7Gc. Tako Hall's Family PI1U for Con stipation. o One get tired of loinon and vnl la flavorings aomotlmee, nnd wlsbct for n novelty. Try mixing them, t will bo n rovolntlon of nn n''rlv new flavor. Ask Yourself the Question. Why not uso Chamberlain' IM mont whon you havo rhoumatlim' Wo fool suro that tho roeult will be prompt and satisfactory. It has cured othors, why not you? Try it It costs but a trifle. Price 25 cont; For sale bv D' Hnliy Hands. Will get Into miMhlef ofton It meaa a burn or cut or seald. App'y Dallard's Snow Llalment Just ns soon ns the accident happens, and the pah mrS elzo, 50 conts. will be rellered. while the wound istono Drug Store will heal quickly and nicely. A sure! - cui. for inaln- rheumatism om! alt MlU- i . if .or .ii, aim si no a bottl . BwUro Sf . STrf-l. Sold 1 all dealer cf ( sY7&2ZmA G jA. Si W O X. I uO- . Bears tt M Yl Hi U1i 80$ BtfiwUro cf Cjz-ny Itlojulo Htoleii A bteyeto betoiMlliic to It U Itpv, vm reorutl otohm to the pollc t-di'- The laat mil of the wheel it wm t.mltK h froHt of the Delle canilr store. Wnhuitl Tlii'in Tt-- IluslnecM n round the olty Jail t nualn opening up. and Chief Oltn I being well patronised by tho bot tled ends drinkers. Thl morn'Hi four ill-looking men atuworod th roll call ami explained to JwU Moonvi how ttJetr dignity had recolvoi such u shock, and how sorry thoy voro to havo caused so much disturb ance, aftor spending all tho money they could Hud for "frisky" water Tho Judge had a warm feoltng for tho unfortunate nnd sent them bock to tho warm quarter In the city hall to "como out of It." ' 0-- (Vno MarrUKt) IJovumv A marriage? llHe was ImiuhI to day by County Clork Alloa to Oulo Grate, agod 31, and Tllll Hang. agd 39. Doth parties rosldo In Salem Tho woman who ha been married two or throo times ought to be woll fitted to wrlto nn uuthorltativo book en tho valuo of animals. 1 ttW. il.o ... i i l .Tiiin i i i niTi IV.SJU 1 .fiyqwSfcw' ' Home Decoration A pail of out business an important part - is to make houses into homes. No endeavor along this line is too small to secure out interest, and none too large. Cost is a matter which ,of course, you may decide for yourself, Our chief con cern is that you may got tho most and the best for the amount oj ihh to spend, In the midst of all the enthusiasm over the new things to wear it is worth remembering -that our stocks of home furnishings are the finest we have ever shown. An expression of your general needs will be suf ficient to on list a special service .ready to plan with you, to make suggestions ,to help you to sound economy, and at the same time to the utmost of home beauty. A visit to our Wall Paper and Drapery Departments at this season of the yea is well worth your time ad consideration, e ttt rm i ii, nn it-m i ii h gjei r h.wAT.(f r ia.Ti 7 KfcEcrJ1 8 y jjgr Ptj 7&SZmV&3.7TZrt3-SZUizeR fRBI g9Mgggn bgHigR9 pHgk'E H5' 9ifliS VeBiiK9 9Bc9u-' C3U J ;siiaKaaEiK3ft i wmmewsvztii'