K-f X i I 4 9AIMT OAPHAIi JOURNAL, BALKM, OIISGON. .MONDAY, FEIIRUAItY 1, JPOg. ..'.JW THINGS WISE AND . OTHERWISE IN THE LEGISLATIVE HALLS BILLS, RESOLUTIONS AND DOINGS GENERAL BV THE SOLONS SOME DIG MEN (Continued from pago 1.) Houbo, Fob. 1, 10 n. in., 1900. Prnyor by Hov. Darr O. Loo of Kalom. Borgcant-nt-nrniR sunt out to bring l governor. IloporlH Htunding coiimilttcuH woro hoard. llt!ollltiollH Committee. II. J. It. N'o. 7, to amend coiiHtltti tlon that inomborij of loglHlaturo ro colvo $0.00 a day, anil $3. it for ouch 20 miles traveled. Adopted, II. 0. It. No. 11, for Joint commit tee on coniiorvatlon of retiourcoB. Adopted. II. It. No. -10, to reduce printing of blllH and Iioiiho cnlondnrx, by .Ioiiur of Polk and Lincoln, that it not be ndopted and the House ho ordered. New II ohm) Hill.'). II. 1). 230, Fnrroll, for filing bills of Hale. - II. IJ. '210, ttiirrott, by request, ro tating to munlolpal corporations. II. I). 211, Barrett, to amend law relating to county treasurers. II. 1). 212, IJrook, request C. L. Wohator, to wor kprlsoners on pub lie roads, II. I). 213, Huclianan, to amend code, relating to printing for agri cultural soclotlcs. II. I). 214, Muncy, fixing salary of treaauror Curry county. Hills on desk advanced to second reading. 11. II. ,.o. 2IC, Heady, for work ing prisoners In control of sheriffs. Adjourned to'Yr3& p. in. GERMAN-AMERICAN ' VEREIN WILL HONOR LINCOLN GERMAN AND ENGLISH ORATORS AND NATIONAL SONGS OE LIBERTY AND FREEDOM ' The- Salem Voroln of Gorman AmerlcaiiH - has decided to obHorvo February 12, mt the conlonnlal of Abraham Lincoln' birthday with Npooch niul patrlotlo nongB by tho (k tiang Voroln, nbout 30 ntrong. The Honloty hold Its regular mouth ly mooting nt Union Labor Hall. ' number of now momhor were added and In nil tho noaloty has about 100 inemborH. Hov. Ilopf delivered aUong nddroea In favor of honoring the memory of Abraham Lincoln on Fobimnry II. He wan supported by Hoveral speakers and upon motion Hit following committor was named Andreas Andrcgg, A, Kohrhorgor and F. O. Dockobnch. At tho noxt mooting thoro will be a historical addroHa on tho llrst Im migration of Germans to tho United Htatos and tho Amerloan colonies. A suitable hall will bo procured and tho oxorolflOH will ho public, and no palim will bo spared to soouro one of tho most oloquont speakers in Oregon for tho Kngllsh uddroes, Hov. Ilopf having been selected to spook In German. Tho aeriiMn-Amorloans In isrto, uuder the l.-adershlp of men like Curl Hrhurs, made the election of Lnoln poMlhle. COURT STREET PAVING BILL SH0ULD PASS WEALTHY PROPERTY OWNERS THREATEN CITY WITH LITIGATION Tk ortlltwilM to pav I'ourt sireet j who Here seen to have Stele street rill come up In the oommcU untight, jpaved. to have lower Court street and Tho duty of (kin U is clearly or- ,r" M,V,H, who "ow thr1 . ,. . , , , ,n tho city with lltlgatloH to stop d.r Hr.tcUs. uavhtg clear aroutd . pubUe miom9H , the Unptuil buiUUHC That )m around the sUU . ! brlHgiHg should fight this who Is a friend of jour city Into bail odor with the Halem U remarkable That wen whole state. WERE KILLED BY CROSSED WIRES lUalt! Pre lasted vlrl moonm. Wash.. Feb. 1. lly the occidental crowing of oleotrlo light wIqw two mun, In different buslngse uulldlugs at nimnttt tho same mo ment, lost tholr Uvea today. Arthur V. CharUon. aged Ti, u blacksmith omployed by tho West Coast Wagon Company, was almost Instantly killed and John W. Qhsrom aged 45, shipping U for Young 'Qvoflroeory ..Qouipuny. received lu jurlejnat 1 o'clock this morning from which 'till e died thrvo hours later, when 1100 volts of electricity passed through their bodies. Tho crowing of a heavy power wire with tho olty food wiry lu front of building, now under construction, was respon sible for tho tragedy. Sovorwl piece of luiubor'wlitch full m the build- ugrosa tho wiroa satiminy night ahock hurled ihein to Ui floor. Young Oharlaon was found lying beneath a Unlit socket lu the reur of the wagon company's plant by a fellow worker. Doelure wore tmiitmftuod Jmt LpharlHon died In a fgw minutes. The igatlon-nt tho Dig EdJy, to tho end that tho Inland Empire reached by the upper Columbia may be given the fullest benefits of water transporta tlon. "Work of Port Commission. Wo commend tho splendid work dono by tho gonoral port commission asked for by this congress at Its ses sion held in Marshflold In August, 1908, and appointed by Governor Chamberlain, which resulted in the passage of tho bill by this legUlaturo by which tho people can go forward nnd improvo their harbors and inside nnvlgablo channels vlthout waiting for tho action of congress in behalf of eaoh of theso harbors. Wo espe cially commond to our delegation In congress to Impross upon tho war de partment tho duty of nsslstng tho people of tho Columbia river basin, tho Willnmctct valley and the ports of Portland, Coos Bay nnd other ports which nro taking tho Initiative to Btecuro tho opening and Improve ment of their harbors and water ways. Citizens' Itnllrond Commission. Wo urge upon tho legislatures of tho stntcs of Idaho nnd Oregon to prepnro nnd submit to tho people of tholr rcspcctlvo states, under tho ref erendum provisions of the constitu tion, nn amendment to such const' tnitlons, providing thnt counties, dl.i trlcta nnd municipalities shall have power to Issue bond In nld of rail ways In nnd through such Btntos. This congross ondorsos tho sug gestion of hnvlng a commission of prominent citizens of tho stnto ap pointed by tho govornnr to work our. n plan of safoguardlng the Intorosts of the people, nnd submit the snmo to the loglHlaturo and tho pooplo of tho stnto of Oregon, whoroby tho citizens of certnln districts, counties or mu nicipalities within thlH stnto may lend tho credit of thooo districts, countloi or municipalities to tho construction of nil I road k thorofn. The continued diversion of -tho groat Hums of Bifpliu earnings takon from the producers of' this stato In freight and pannongor fares to devel op rallrond proportlos In othor stnto whoro stronger competition provnlli mnkoB It necoRsnry foi tho pooplo of this state to resort to nil tho powers vostod In thorn under tho constitu tion to soenro railroad construction, and wo rocommond that tho noxt soa slon of this congross bo hold nt Rolso, Idnho, boforo tho adjournment of tho loglslHturo of thnt stnto. and that a similar commission bo authorized to bo appointed by tho governor of that state to work In co-operation with elllieiiH' commlMlnn lu Oregon, nnd that joint action nf the two states be secured to UrliiK about rallrosd con struction by the aid heretofore nut-lined. Iflavor Creation of District. This congress) anata emphasizes the supreme Importance nf placing the whole politic I and exeouth and legislature of tho two states or Ore gon and Idaho luiok of the proposi tion to secure the construction of the main line of railway from Role through Central Oregon to Coos nav, by using the taxing power of the peo ple, by granting state rights of way over public lauds, or any other law ful means of proooedure In IseuliiR bond or hypothecation of the prop erties benelltted and the communities and lauds to ho enhanced In value We also favor the creating of dis tricts needing other inmk or branch Mues for the same nt.Moe. backed by the resources of the people and the leads to be benefl'ted. t the end that their credit shall become avail able to eeeuie eelM transportation facilities without awaltUg the pleas ure of any railway magnate or tho ixulalUtlo.i of any ftaaHclal syndi cate. W riioree : principle tha' the peoi.: (. theev commonwealths are far wc eaphlk of helpln themf'vt and wi'l get far great" rcsulte In de 'elopmmt of tholr coun try thai, by jlung oiormoms suhil illo w'iifc in the arf must bo pall by th n.'.ic'rs '-eiiuohee. for stl" furthor llnnnolal oxploltntaou. Ameiuliuent of Desert Ind Act. Wo urgo that tho fedoral dosor. water, to tho ond that tho reclama tion servlco undertake tho construc tion of tho Malheur project In Ore gon and tho completion of tho Pny-cttc-UolBO project in Idaho and tho construction of other proposed meri torious projects within the two states It is tho belief of the delegates of thl congress that tho Oregon-Idnho congress has been a sourco of great benefit to tho people of the state of Oregon and Idaho, and that it is de serving of tho support of all tho peo ple within those statos. Wo wish to impross upon tho coun ties, cities and commercial organiza tions, tho Importance of this move ment and to urgo thorn to co-opornto with us by giving tho congress tholr moral support, and by having del'M.t gatos In attendance nt futuro conven tions. Wo oxtond to Governor George E. Chamberlain, of Oregon, tho thnnhs of tho congress for the slnterost man If en ted by him In its objects nnd pur poses since its organization. Wo oxtond to tho citizens of Sa eom our thanko for tho ontortnln mont afforded us, and our apprecia tion of the courtesies shown us while In tholr city. POLITICAL LIE WAS WELL TOLD I'n I ti'il 1'rpnn I.cnxrri Wire.) New York, Fob. 1. Attorneys for Hroiighton DrnndenlKirgh, tho news papor writer, charged with forging a lottor from tho Into Grovor Clow land, endorsing Wllllnm II. Tnft for the prosldoncy during tho Inst cam paign, today declared to tho court that their client had dlsnppoaroJ. Thoy added that thoy did not know where Hrnndonburgh wan to ht found. Justice Dowllng doclnrod tho do. fondant's ball of $1500 forfcltod and Issued a warrant for his nrrost nrandonburgh wns bonded by tho American Suroty Compnny. o ItoitNou Kiithroiicd, HocntiBo moats aro so tasty they are consumed n groat excess. This I medicines, loads to stomach troubles, biliousness and constlpntion. Kovlso your dlot, lot roason and not a pampered appe tite control, thou tako a fow dosos of Chamborlaln's Stomnch and Liver Tablets nnd you will soon ho well again. Try It. For salo nt Dr. Stono's Drug Storo. Samplos froo. o t,tB1,ltlBlttraialIMIB'',tllgfl Unless It's a Good Store It Will Not Pay to Advertise It! UNLESS you know a person unless that person comes into your life in some way you are not greatly concerned about whether he is good or bad, desirable or objectionable, It's so with a store. The people who never visit it care nothing about it one way or the other, It doesn't exist for them, But when they are per suaded to patronize it when they come to turn the spoWight of their attention on it when it comes to have a part in their lives, as some stores must have in all lives thoo it's different; then it DOES matter whether it strives to Win confidence; it does matter whether or not Its price concessions are genuine, dependable., If it meets all tests that a good store must stand when it is advertised when it thus invites the critical attention of people then advertising 'makes" the store, If it fails in most of the vital things if it proves, under the light of publicity, not to be much of a store, THEN ADVERTISING WILL NOT PAY for it will emphasize shortcom ings as well as merits, 0 V'or thc.M' same reasons It Is general ly assumed .that the store which docs not ntlvortlse Is seek ing to avoid close Inspection and comparison, mid that the store which does is courting thent. BfrrOfrf CteM-frf 4 9 1 I I fH-eMfN-9tfB4M Sav, Money by lliiylug Dr. Chain. Iieilnln's Cough Iteincdy. NEW YORK GETS EIGHTY-CENT GAS Washington. Feb. The petition of the Consolidated Osh Company of New York for a re-hearlug of the SO cent gas caee was denied by the United States supreme court today. Thla means that the sb-cent rale stands in New York city and the com pany must pay back to the consumers money paid under protest and esti mated to aggregate $9,000,000. It Is often considered good to be smart, but we can't recall that I, hi. been eUomod exactly smart to Im! good. You will pay Jiist as much for a bottle of Chnmberlaln's Cough Homed)- as for any of the othor cough but you save monoy lr. buying it. Tho saving is In what you got, not what you pnv. Tho suro-to-curo-you quality Is In overy hottlo of this romedy, and you got good re sults whon you tako It. Noglectod colds ofton dovolop serious conditions nnd whon yau buy a cough medicine you want to bo sure thnt you are got ting ono thnt will euro your. cold. Chamberlnln's Cough Homody always omcs. Price 25 and R0 cents n bot tle. For sale by Dr. Stone's Drug Store. And the Coos Ihg man who cwn let It alone teems to have it oh the water-wagon passenger. Worn Out. That's the way you feel about the lungs when you have a hacking cough It Is foolishness to lit It go on and trust to luck to get over It. when Dul lard's Horehound Svriin will ,. td.. cough and heal the lungs. Price U.-.r. :,nv and t Oil per hottln Hold by all dealer. Mnny SlccplOH Nights, Owing to a IVrslstent Cough. llellef Found nt Last. "For sovornl winters past my wlfj has beon troubled with a most pen sistont and dlasngreonblc cough vhlch Invariably oxtonded ovor a period of sovornl wooks and camel nor many sleepless nights," writes Will J. Hnyncr, editor of th. Buriej, Colo., Bulletin. "Various rcmcdlet woro tried each year, with no beni flclal results. In November Inst the cough again put in an appearance and my wlfo, noting ou tho sug gestion of n frlond, purchased a bot-. tlo of Chamborlaln's Cough Hcniedr Tho rosult was, lndeod, marvelous Aftor throa doses tho cough entirely disappeared and has not manifested Itself slnco." This remedy i for sale by Dr. Stono'a Drug Store. OA0TOH.IA. Buntlw '-'l-' IViiiHsMtAlWrtW "ft" ?&&& J33 S. COVMEfKlAtSr T1Trninr.g-rT1B w Jmfm ))WH h BjsjBjHiBJi i --niMT I 'Wh R m i w iSrHSkl 1 f Kj HHJ 1 r. JT Jf Ohstrom received tho ourrout whon he turned tho button of uu electric globe In tho shipping room of tho grocery ho.iso. Without a sound ho sank to tho floor whoro ho was discovered by employes. 1 right hand whs badly burned, but no othor marks showod on his bqily. alld aot ,)0 nnionded 80 a5 ,0 oniMgo Its olllclcncy In tho reclamation of arid lands, by requiring the claimant to show that Improvements and work thereon havo resulted In actual pro- miction tnprefrom to a certain and ascertained, value, tho purpose and Intent of such amendment bolng to eucourage scientific farming, whether by sydtoms. of soL culture known as dry farming, or with or without ar Uncial IrrfgutloD. We favo a strict enforcement of tho spirit of the reclamation service (Rot, requiring tho expenditure of fund i within the state from which those funds are derived, for the recla- ' It seoms to bo unconstitutional to allow the suburban wards to do any thing for tliQmsolvoe with their own money. Foley's Orluo Laxative euros eon- stlputlon and liver trouble and makus the bowels heeltkv and ranular. miii&itil Ihu short clreutt which sent rwiu.i i i.mii,.. ... ..in- ... i.i.ui nuiinn nt .. . ,.i ...... i ... ., ..... tho lua) voltage through city a it doc uot grtp or nauseate. Why by the Binklag of wells and other lo Ught wln tske anyth'ug uhio? isiiiis methods it prtott ng '..? ntlMTIHt ITTKI ...,. ., MJPAELS-STERN FINE CLOTHING MIOMACiS, BTCRM 4 CO. An Extra Special Offer of Smart Winter Suits and Overcoats doing On Here How This It a special sale of great Importance to very man and young man who is not well supplied with olothes for IMt ttaton's wear, We are giving you the advantage of , 7ft Per cent uv reduction On ell our Suits, Overcoats, Hats and Shirts, This in dudw nil of our Men's, Young Men's, and Boys' Cloth ing. This is an opportunity you should not fail to grasp, SALEM WOOLEM MILL STORE