wsais5jsji3iSissiCM! DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OBSGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY aej. 09i. -8. - 1.. ... it nn,n TIME TABLE V.... iti. Rmilhcrn Pacific kno -ru v. -. t ...,..,. Otttitifiv. yincr. ill. Co.. r;ni'c" " nUllr. .,...i tftsitfitifrt. .(3.-5:13 a. m. Oregon Ea LprfS' i:40 a. m. Cottage Qrovi 'IS -'" . ,..... 1 2!46 P. IU. nuoi-uuis ! p 6i.Ub .. , T.,1nni1 t 14 ICIJ p. ' J,rCS''- T UiirU rnninilll, rn-inuii . n ti m. PortluiiJ fas' o .-- --" '" 1 'rc''' ' in in.1l!2R n. til. Win 10 - " '' .. .v. ,.. lsn.i,.M. OH ill d "a" "---" "-."' 0. 'l w ma- -C-r. ... BO, 17 C 4S ,, tionR urovi fa? :ngn V ,n rllfornlft t Bo. U -." I" rrc . fi.ii i. m Hnn UVntirrla BO. U u " co cxprc s. Towiml 8" Francisco, Freight. HO. Z-l ,,u " "" - 1110 n m TlFflV frlfflit BC ZSC -II..O . "" P" ) OltlX'O.V KLKOTIIIO IIAILWAY hnic Oiitl Hffcctlve ISov. in, iuoh ' T Anvni Fer: Portland and Intoruiodlnto, Local e:4 a-ln portlnnd-HIIUboro nnd In termediate Local 8:05 a.m i'ortland and Intormodlato. Local ll!lc Portland and Intormodlato. Local 1M0 P-n Portland-Tualatin and Hills boro. Limited 3:05 p.m Portland Hlllsboro, and In-, tcrmcdlato, Local ,....4:00 p.m Portland and Intormodlato, Local 5:2i p.m rortland and Intormcdlnto. Local 8:40 p.m Frem: stivc Portland nnd Intormodlato, Locil 8:25 a.m Irortlnnd HIllBboro and In ter., Local ....10:00 a.m tPortht. 1 Wllsboro and Tualatin, Limited .. .10:50 a.m Portl.i"d "'id Intermediate, I xil 1:00 p.m Ipcrthn i Wllsboro nnd In- tcrm ilnte, Locnl 400 p.m Portend nnd Intermediate. licnl ...B:45 p.m Portland nnd intormodlnto, Local S:"30 p.m. Portland and Intormodlato, Local 1040 p.m. MFALS 15c Call and try thorn. Moali 15c llonril per week $2.75, aim fur nlihed room very reasonable AT THIS , Salem Restaurant I.H) COUUT 8TRKKT. Now is the Time to visit California When aummor ban " aascd In those north cm states, tho sun la ii ' mild under thw tTUht bluo skies of rJthirn California. This Is ono of naturo'r a p p y provisions ' rnal summer for '' ' who cannot en 1 we a more severe 'mate. ' 'if-.rnla has been ""1 the "Mecca of " o winter tourist" hotel, and stop. "n p'aces are as rM as those of all "J-' regulated cltlos V "ors can always n,d suitable accom odation., congenial 'ompanlons and rar 'ed, pleasing recrea tion. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Will be glaj to supply soma !"' attractive literature, lessh-ng ,n deta, the wan anight, of winter In ra' f" n a rife from Salem to Los Kt-i and return Is $55. ' ' "-x month?, allowing ""ten in ejther dlrec !' r Similar excursion rates in eot to all California Points f ,u;l ''formation, sleeping car wenrat.on and Ucket8t ca on S'aph or wrUe agenUf 8alemt nt '.M'MnmAY,Ge.P Agt. i I PflrtUad, Orege. Gold Dust Flout 11mo by TIIK SVDNKY POW EI fW.MPANY, 8l(l.ify. Or BO. . Mud,' foi fumlly im... Ask our crocer for It. limn and hhortH ahvnyn on luiiiil. P. B. WALLACE, Agt. Nebraska Corn Just arrived one car of Nebraska corn : : : : : Tillson & Co, Salem Fence Works i Headquarters for Wovon Wlro Fonclng, Hop Wlro, Darb Wlro, 'Poultry Netting, Shingles, Mal- thoid Hoofing, P & D Ready Roofing. All At LowcHt Prices. CHAS. D. MULLIGAN 2S0 Court St Phono 121 'hit hi Alt in 4 J N HUn hi C. W. YANNKE N. l'roii ivtot o( THE FASHION STABLES Cnbs and Llvory, all Itlgs Modern Rubber Tiro. IIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIf How Journal Readers Can Save Money I Itoad carotully, ovory day tho X Advertising Columns . In tho Capital Journal Somo day you will bo likely ; ; to And n bargain advertlsod ; ; that you want. A prompt ro- ; ply may snvo you money. Watch It Carefully f 1 1 1 1 n ti m ii 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 n i TORRID ZONE FURNACE irw p , i d "'" r ' 7:vc T'lrnaca, il kb buioko and dul Economical and durable. L. PRaSHR o c. rrri r. Co. .lea:.K-s t- -" j - day and FrMo) nt l.i m da.', . ti-jd.. - - 01 lm-! ru'- JL 111 Fare "' it Leave fr Cyrvallla. Tuesa.O Thursdav ard --t i "r T i n M. P. IIALDUIN, Agt. 3wHRHBkA'7LIBiWLi T1-, :br!cl. . Ckiar.' i roof. ! A.. THE MARKETS SAN FltANClSCO MARKETS. San. Frahckco, Cal., Jan. 28. Wheat No. 1 California clMb, por cental, $1.67 1.70s California white milling, $1.75 1.80$ north ern bluestom, $1.75 1.80; oft grndos wheat, $1.50 1. GO; Ked-i, $1 r.2U,(-rt l.7V&. Dnrloy Feed barley, $'1.42 1:45; common to fair, $1.35 1.40; browing at San Francisco nominal at $1.151.55; Chevalier. $1.5001. GO according to quality. Eggs Per dozen, California fresh. Including enscs, cxtr.iB, 42 c; firsts 42c; seconds, 41c; thirds, 40c; pul lets, solect, 40c. Uutter Por pound, California fresh, oxtrns, 39c; firsts, 33c; sec onds, 27c; storage, California oxtrns, 31c; ladles, extras, 23c. Now cheoso por pound, Califor nia flats, fancy, 14c; firsts, 13o; soconds, lie; California Young America fancy, 16c; firsts, 15 cj Eastern Now York Cheddars, fancy, 17c; Oregon flats, fancy, 14c; do. Young Amorlcn, fancy, ICo; Cali fornia storage fancy flats, 13c; Or egon fints, fnncy, 14c; do Young America, 15c. Potatoes Por cental, Illvot Whites, $1.25; Lompoc Uurbanks, $1.501.C5; do. Salinas, $1.55; Or egon Durbanks, $1.3501.50; sweet potatoes, per crato, $1.75 2. Onions Por sack, Oregon, $2. 2.25; California. $1.7502. Oranges Navels, standard, $1.35 2.25; fancy, $2.2502.75; Tanger ines hnlf orango boxes, $1.25 2; Mandorlncs, por box, $1.35 1. CO. PORTLAND MAltKKT. Whent Track Prices. Club 02o UlTicstom ..,...$1.05 Turkoy lied 95n Und Husslan , 90o Valley 05c Flour.' Pntonts $5.25 Straights $4.20 Exports $3,90 Vnlloy $5.00 Ornham, IU sack $4.40 Wheat, wholo $4.05 Uyo $5.50 Iairley. Feed $2C50 Uollod $29.00029.50 llrowlng $27.50 Oats. No. 1 whlto $33.00 Orny , $32.00 Hay. Wlllamotto val. fancy timothy $ 10.00 Wlllnmotto val ordinary. .. .$13.00 Mixed $18.00 Eastern Oregon, fancy. .... .$20.00 Alfalfa $15.00 Clovor $13.50 MIllKttlffH. Dran $20.50 Middlings $33.00 Shorts, country $31,00 Shorts, city $30.00 Chop $22.00 CllCCbC. F. C. Twins 15lCo F. C. Trlplots 15lCc Young Amorlcn 17c Cream brick .....18020c Swiss, block .....18 020a Llmburger 18020c Dressed Meats. Hogs, fnncy .....7 8c Hogs, ordinary C 7c Hogs, largo 5c Veal, extra. 9 10c Veal, ordinary 7 8c Voal, hoavy Cc Mutton, fancy C$7c Cottage roll lie j Picnic 10c inronkfast 16921 Ue I Rogular short- olsara, smoked. . .13c Ditto, unsmoked "..... lie Clear backs, unsmpked lie Clear bnoka. smokod 13e Shoulders lie Poultry. ChlckoiiH, mixed 12 V, 13c Hens, funuy 13(2 14c Itoostors, old 10c . Broilers and fryers ...... ,1017c Dressed poultry, h cent pound high er. Ducks 15lCc Geese, live ,,,,... .10 lie Turkeys 17018c ; Dressed , ,..' 2023c ' Nutter. Fanoy 36 & 37c Choloo 30c Store 180 20c x Eggs. Extras 40 42c Eastern SOW 36c Po til toes. Buying prIoa, par owL .80c&$l 25 Sweets, per cwt $2.25 Fresh. Fruits. Oranges $2X Tangerines, box $1 75 Lomons $3.00S.oe Grapes, orate $U7 Poars. box 75c$l 00 Cranberries, barrel ..$14.00016 01 Dananas, pound 50&H Onions, per cwt $1250150 Garlic . . ......... 13 016c Tho Farmer's Wife Ii vory careful about her churn, Bfct icalds It thoroughly after using, and rIvm It a sun bath to sweoten It. Sho knows that If her cUurn Is sour It wilt tolnt thw butter that -t rnndo In It. Tho stomach la & churn. In tho stomach and dlHostlra ind imiviMvo tracts nro prfornic(! n (psslw which nio almost exactly lll.o tho clmriilic of 1'ittrr. Is It not aii rpit ''"'i i : i! " -I'lntachehurn ir '-t ' 'inl.c ' nt all inch m put Into It? Tin' . i ii . f a mil stomach Is notalo. Iii b.i.i .mm In tho month and the h troutli c in d by It, but tho uorrupcioi : the piiro current of blotnl and tho Hvn . . biallon of JIno throiiglmnt tbp !x l)r. l'liicHii Uolilmi Modlcul Umcow niak,' ic xur nnd foul stomuoh v i It doM t r t'.'o stomach wlmt tho wtil ' I'l'Jfib lui.i ilufortlrochurii Rl i. ri-in'i,ovi.rv tainting oruorruptii -m nt. In t..i(t way It curia hi, i ! llll.lM, rrf t'.oiw, Toflilons SWI i i irp. nr (,-H-ii citilng ulcers nnti liinnoM ordmefcjvi urlsln from bal hk . If you Iiuy bitter, nasty, foul umo lour mouth, coated tongue, foul brt(l. iro weak and oasllr tlnd, foul dofr.. . aiiddpH)iiilcnt.haofr'quonthendnriH Juy utta.'k, simwlngoi-dliitrui'sliiri. a Ii. cmiiilput) d oilrroj;uiiir bowvl. oi. ir bltti-r tNin t'tnr outlns am! spiiptltc, tmwiMyniyi nn, orniiyr-'i" i. -able iiiimlK'ruIiiiiMi.uiUlcute that) im i.. , fufrprlim fiotn blllousiiBii, torpid tr m nvcr iriin uio u-iiui nccomnnnvinn imn- ecs t ion, or iii sveusiib ami their atumd&m uova nsonioi. :j. Ill?J..s'?,- ' "n'9lkll!ivn-tfEl?ill("ll V iwvpjiv ;.!". OCin.v.'.rv Thai mis 1 aolutpy trv win uo1'R.iiiy pawu toyouriiatitfortit.: If you m ill but '.t,l u ii.i ii n) i.viii. to l)r R V. Plon ItniTnliv N. Y. 'nr rr op) of hi iMiiklot dl pxirticlH ftn tho Plniii-irti H'.cdi . i aailiiiui'4. cult thenanuu of all thi Inuvrillp t I'Mtcrt Into lilt wi rid fmn'-il utiilli'liic- .iml hlmt Ing vhat the oio-t imlni I i: to of th nap av oi ' , Itetnll Market. Flour, por sack $1.25 Knstorn Oregon $1.50 Dran, por sack 95o Shorts, por sack $1.35 1.50 Wheat, por bu $1.05 Oats, por busho! 50 (if 55 Cheat, por ton $15.00 10.00 Clovor, por ton $ 1 5.00 Local Wliolcunlo Market. Wheat, por bushel . 90c Oats, por bushol 40o Flour, nurd whoat $5.00 Flour, vnlloy ,$4.25 Mill feed, shorts ,..$32 Mill fcod, bran $30 Hops, 1908 crop 5 07c Hops, 1907 crop 203o Chlttlm bnrk 35o Wool, conrso 13c Wool, medium 16c Mohair i 20c Hay, choat $13.00 Hay, clovor $12.00 Potatoes, bushol 4045c Apples, bushel 50c$1.00 Onions, por cwt 85 90c Prunes, por pound 14c Cranberries, Howe's vnrloty, bbl $13.00 Ruttcr ami Egg. Eggs ". 35c Duttor, croamory 37c Duttor-fnt 87o Chooso, twins 16c If you will tnko Foloy'a Orlno Lnx atlvo until tho bowola bocomo rogu lar you will not havo to tako purga tives constantly, ns Foloy's Orlno Lnxatlvo posltlvoly cures chronic constipation nnd sluggish liver. Plonsant to tnko. J. O. Perry. u Tho nvorago man takes & lot of credit for doing hlo duty whon com piled to. A Religious Authors Nlnteinent. For sovornl yenrs I was aflllctod with kldnoy troublo nnd last winter I was suddonly stricken with n ho voro pnln In my kldnoys and was confined to bod olght dnys unnblo lo get up without asslstanoo. My urlno contained a thick whlto sodl mont and I pnssod same frequently day and night. I commenced tak ing Foloy's Kldnoy Remedy, nnd the pain gradually abated and finally ooused ami my urlno becamo normnl. I cheerfully recommend Foloy's Kld noy Remedy. J O Perry j t CASTOR I A For Infants and Ohlldrefi. Thi Kbii Yh Hivi Always Bt'nt Dears the b.gnaturo of &&& CHICHESTER S PILLS jr. TIIK UI1UUNII lllllki. . l)rtl.l. AAI'lTM UlAUuSlt IIU.INU 1-II.IjlV; ranlbnuHalSiiniillMniiiiukia 50IDBVML'GQ!STSnrRfflHEfiE fr&&kiurZXimw. M ?.'??14W rmMFHw FEau vAa)HiijUu SPILLS, ml . ii u ,w g ti tot 14 J ! U;wA44MmM i - i . .,.:, mi4 Iir.A i X t,. miii iu MM riov Mr T .L. mm biL.. it-m - r I mm 11 Ur it m t'J in a.'.c bv Oi. 5. C St;" READY TAILORED CLOTHES FOR WELL DRESSED MEN. W 0 THE STOCK BOOKS tFor tho North Snntlain Mining, corapnny, are still opoa far In vestors. A lltnltod amount of stock Is now for salo, nt tho LOW PRIOR of Go por sharo. ' SAVAGE & HERREN I FISCAL ) 2 MR" MiiiM-iioiii8iin)if ii aiattnni Wire Fencing . Paint ?TETor SALEM HARDWARE CO. j 120 Commercial St. Phone 172 I lllHHMf f HM8H A girl may lovo a man for his monoy without mentioning tho fact to him. o Simple Iteincdy for I .a Grippe. Hacking la grlppo coughs thnt m ny ilovelop Into pneumonia ovor night are quickly cured by Foloy's Honey nnd Tar. Tho soro nnd In flnmod lungs tiro honjed and Htrongth encd, nud n dnugorous condition Is quickly avorted. , Tnko only Foloy'a Honoy and Tar In tho yollow pack ago. J. 0. Perry. H f ! i Mif NO NEED OF WET FEET I Why don't you purchase a pair of Rubber Shoes or Boots or a pair of my High-top Leather Shoes? See my line for the best in quality and price. One trial will prove it. ! JACOB VOGT, " mH)fllf 4lf -M4t4M- ! ttJt-f A BARGAIN FOR SALE Modern im proved home. New houses building in im mediate vicinity. An( opportunity, for right party or an invest ment. Address, Capi tal Journal. I ,wtittt - gMKtHt4W4f4444f iSMN'"""-' iifiMfyfl w ICC RANGE T 40 msttssziBm AGENTS. 123 S. COMMERCIAL ST. 1 A Meeting At which, your ono doelro la to appear at your boot somothlng pos itively Impossible when your llnon la poorly Inundorod. Your collar, shirt or cuff or the shirt waist, neckploco, etc., Is Juat ns Important In your nppoarnnco as tho clothos thomsolvoa. If you 'bring thorn horo thoy will bo porfoctly laundered and rotumedb In A-l condition. Salem Laundry Co. Tclephono 25. l!10-l(I(l H. Llbcrtty Ht Builders' Hardware I and Oil lHHlOiltH)ll Mr. Edison spent yenrn perfectins; IIiIh Invention, m that It would bo the most perfect reproducer of .sound that could bo made. Como in and hear thitfit. L. F. SAVAGE 247 Com'l St.. Salem, Ore. HUIE WING SANG CO. Now All Goods Sale At Cost Price Wo mako up all kinds of undor woar, Wrappors, Klmonus and Waists. Bilks, Dross Goods, Ladles' and Gents' Furnishing Ooods, Shoes, Illankots, Matting, bilk llandkor chlefs, etc. 326 N. Commercial St., Salem, Ore. - fiiiaiiiaiitfrw Shoe l-vKNf 19 ieU j i mi m i 1 I