V" jAxr.utr ', 3". SALE ORKOONn. I 0 EDITORIAL L- r- - "mrZZi1r "WITH OR 1'' ,llul '..lHnitl().i-ovnol Plmioor Proim of at. IaT - . -- - .... WITIIIX TIMx blAH' 1.1.1 v .mvmifl. 8WUte THE CAPITAL JOURNAL K HOPKH, Kd. and Prop Devoted to merlcn Principles nnd Indecent vr.Pr - -: "-- the ircwrew unci minui". - ---- published Bvery BrenlaicKwjtn.ly, Caltm, Or. .i- HUHSCHHTIOX HATH3. . t.tt.alis I rt U...T, r-r,,cr, per .ear jj - vrtwif " t.. i I I -" . .. rDl Will"'' ' .irt .t..i...i.P. ii.iuu iv n not lit1 r inatuiuf ii' ' FJIOM Ol-TOIIUJ OF TUB STATfc. . . ... .--. n.f.V tVITIl I1UI1II1"""" The primary mw uow . - f (l0 pa0il. ..mention, mid he ru3NffpBE L SJMy should not be wired unless by tht o . of Tho bawling of the boMCf. the homing of t mtn .... the suffering down-and-out creatures of tho niacin XOMIXATIXO COXVI.XTIOXS. , ,g llnn hnvp Oregon never Had more competent o fa iMui been nominated and elected unuer ,.., There never was n better organic or cleaner ' . .. i...i... iprimi or minimi --. so far they .now no sign u. ... -".- 1 IIIIM'l"' "- ' Th.il At 11111 1 minor Ihih worn Uio oorptmitliin ...... Iuih roHl Hi" UopubllniiiH of iMIniioHotu KovornonitPr ' 't ..ii.m uiniK mill comity oillultilii. v,nor,i in any direct We do not know of any corrupt or inwm-'" cotnfy in the state, and they hare all Tlwmi primary Ian HV TI1K DIRKCT VOICK OK Till I'MIIM... AM) Willi 'nrlmnry law I OCT COXVI.XTIOXS ! So f Vwe know there are more Republicans hold.,, county of .. ... L.k .iti.l thni urn I PHI jus TitHitm'uniiiOA.v parti A i AX OROAXIZATIOX, AM) HAS IT A MJUtU. KMSTJCXOtt ,.V OIH.OOX, HAS IT , fIc,. nd state and dfcflO - mr - "J"" - local factional dissensions .nan e.c -- "" "",..... , .... ATUD AM) .ilWai'O imnvi ......... suite mciu'b it i. u-Iikii till' (t)l)lll)ll(!llll lltn.y 1H in (i uu uu ..i.i. 11 '" "" . . .. . .. . " "'"much.!.. tlllll lllllllltKOIIIOIII JUKI IIIIIIIO UIIOIl lO IIIO UltOltHtt. Ilf II. ' "M ,.( numtliiii. THAT IT (.'UTS TUltNKh (,)Wv V ...i mr '' M Iiij. V llOIIH till' I'l'llBOIIIlhlo HIIll 1 ll 111 IClllLT Hoillllllli ,,lu In not trwimin l Hu Itoptililk'int parly () ,iff(, f rc. although Hioro arc iuthoiih who Hold IIh opinions b:i,,i U:f M'l.rt nrflHoiilntt la rlxlit nul foarloHH on himh , " " . . ... m 'uiotm ,... nblo of doing groni Ki(i in ninny tiucotloiiH, i,t "Gi i .. ..t tl... iti.flv IIIIV'l' Ullt III lilt uiilii.i i,f ... . HiLj.,! nii'iiiui'in in ..' !".' r. ..- .......... i iii. .. .,,. ., I.t ....nil I ..III llf III!' Illllltll'lll lll'lllllf.llllllllll. I... . . .. ''':i or lnok of leaderalilp f "'' Qrmncwlmt Iuih phmtui ht . r....l 1 .l.l,l. a newspaper ai ruriinuu, i.ii There would not be a Democrat In the present national delogatlon If e old maohlne had not wreaked It retmeatice on the direct primary w HIK'Al'SK IT I1ATKS TIIK XMW HIIA 01' CM&IMCII l'0lilTKS Shall thle decadent remnant of machine politic, that playa pollllca n In the days of Quay. Piatt. Depew. et al. tlmt M uoiirixin to tne core nno will not learn the music of progress, be called Republicanism? In the state of Washington the lteptiblicaii iwrty, as In Oregon, eiincteil a direct primary law and nominated and elected an United State at'ti- ator without "protest." .Vo factional Internecine warfare was carried on wlthm the party MCI) 1" TIIK (JHKAT MCADIXO PAHTV .VlCWSPAI'ICItS AS I.Y OIIKd'O.V. uini cuinuiiuuu miuum liv v.u...,.... - o X() ono Jn eltller 8tate Ig j,rojosing to repeal or amenti tne nirrci mon and county, aUxto and congroselonal chalnnen. In all. otr 100 mem- , ,HW Hnd g0 bflck t0 the ol(, way of pHokt,(,t of.roin,1K i.nv,.n. hiir of tho nnrtv chosen by the Itoptibllcans of each county. ,. . The aBsorlion Is mnue every unj m -,-,. - has nominally had the press leadership of the Republican party In JU hands for BO yoars, that the Republican panr oi urugou u,u, THAT IT HAS SO LKADHHSHIP AND XO OKGAXIZATION. To the writer It npponrs that twin there- are not as many Republican lest thoy may bo boliovod by Repubc one should amswer these assertions Wo hnvo no ronson to believe thatllcan themsolvaa. TOters In Oregon today AH KVHIt IIKKOHM IX TIIK UUSTOKY OF TJJE STATIC. Undor tho primary law and olectlon and ballot laws thero Is a per fect political organization for all lagal and legitimate jmrposee. A law should bo onactod providing for a convention of Republicans PRIOR TO TIIK PJIIMAKIKS TO DRAFT A PARTI' PLATFORM. Thnt convention Hhould be composed of the Jegauy cnosen commiueo- ... 1 . 11 . t u ..1. S nMaua illifdltlAII M Sid ' If tnoso oonimitteomon navo not urains enoiiBii iu vumm mSwim mm frame a declaration of Republican principles OX WHICH ALL HMl'UII JjIUVXS OAX HTAXI) they should resign and let some one ocoupy tholr positions who. can frame a platform. Uut Oil writer believes the state central committeemen, the county ohalrmen, and the congressional committeemen of oach county, together with the state and national committeeman, and the congressional chair man of oaoh dlstrldURK TRl'K ItKPCIHiKMXS WHO WOPLI) HAVK IT IX THKIlt IIKARTS to make a, platform on state and national issues that would unite and harmotilie the Republican jmrly of Oregon. They should meet before there are any primaries held, hold a love fiwst, make a platform, and adjourn, recommondlng that all Republi cans uphold the laws, AX1) SUPPORT TIIK XO.MIXKKS .MADK UXDKR TJIK luWYH Thoro is as much of a Republican party in Orogon as there has over been but it Is not so completely boss-ridden and machlne-domlnoerod. Tho freedom of both houses of the prosent legislature fiom bosslsm is apparont. Spcakor ilcArthur and Prosldont Dowormnn ROTH UK FU81CI) MACHIXIC DIOTATIOX AS WAS PXDKRTAKICX. In tho next election If tho Republicans nominato candidates for gov ernor nnd stato offlccs who stand up for tho laws thoy can bo olected. If mon are nominated to ovorthrov tho prlmnry law and opposed to di rect election of U. S. senators, and who atnnd for a return to tho fleshpolH of old thoy will ho dofoated and desorvo to he. HAH TIIK HKPUHLI0.1X PAHTV .iXV ORfUXI.ATIOXV It has. It has a -stato chairman and State socrotarv. nml h ntnt nnnimt . inltteo and county chairmen and county contral commlttoos. WHAT ,M(UK DORS IT XICKI) IX TIIK WAY OF AX OROAXI.A TIOX? What wo started out to say was. the Republicans of Oregon have an or ganisation. TIIH RHI'lIIILItWX PARTY IS XOT DISRI'PTKI) A.VI) DISOROAV 1ZHI) PXLHSS IT WAXTS TO IH. We hare national and state chairmen, district and county dmln.ien two congressional chairmen, a congressional committeeman in each eontr. a state central committee, all elected by the people and ACCORD- JXCI TO TIMt I.XW KXACriCI. IIV TDK PK Rd whIch ' llevea will be reiealed or changed. Shall we at law-abldlug cltlaeu aecvpt this organisation nd work under It. respeot it and the Kepnbltean rank and tile back of It. or shall we accept bosslsm and dictation from the machine which seek, to tt. throne Itself above the party and lu bgul organisation? Which shall It be? Tho psopt hare shown that they hare more brain, and better leader ship In Oregon than the machine. The peopkv. measure, have not only superceded the sy.t,m buUt Ud by the machine bnt they have ttMd thai syWwfl TO lWT Tllll i CIIIXII OX ITS OWX (JROPXDS. '"" ilA' The effort, of the maehlne to build Itself up by breaking down the law. onaeted by the people will fall. ,aW' The Republican party of Oregon will never a. an organisation or by pomitar vote sanction the policy of breaking pledges MADI ?v, Am PTKD ,rPW.IH.V TIIH PKOPL.C AXD TIIKH, Tho people will not jurrendar the right to accent oled. mill . hew voluntarily to secure their franchisee. pX .hlthey . e M la good faith for a good ca and to w?n end to a ct TIIH OLD TORV.COXSTITPTICD I'MTKD STTI8S 00 V TO 00. - i in. Does It need a machine outaidu or ih u-.i -.. .. . ti, ,,,. ,.,, ,.mU,M a. ,;,; ;- n if-ii.i rrtit. 11. run t-.ii'ifii in" '- .... .i.. ti.....i.ii.... ,...(.. ... irnnr on national ami than at present, or for the past two elections under the direct primary law? Am enthusiast If porno n is seldom a favorite. Don't ml in ire atiytlilMK alway.i look b though you hnd hot ter at home. .. (i - If you will take Foley's Oiino l.itx ativo until the hoola lieeonio ibKii Inr joh will not w io tnko purK- tlvea ronslnntly. t" Poll') 'a Otino Uxntlvo poal(lvcl (iin'H chrottlc couatlpiiiiDii nnd hIiikIi-1i I Ivor. Plr"-int to take. .1 C Pi'irj . grini.yf,iM' Kw l' "''l . i, mi. . It 00 1) tlli.h' i. ....ii. "UDirs 0 ,j. ! A 'Klit Rider-, "j.?? Tho worst in.! llM i ' ririh '"., '" on r nlccj IUIH vrilll' lir.jl .. . . "ii in rnhi-. .. o with I)r KhR-sv,'"5 '''"'ordllr,.,,. oiu iiiwidh tl MMhjr ' CohB, lUailache. Co miu;iri(i, ',,C n J C P tlons. In Oregon all the troubles of the Republican party of lute .m-iiih sprang from the packed log-rolling unit rule convention when Furnish, n it ex-Democrat, was forced upon the Republicans as their candidate for governor. That was not done under the much hated primary law 'I'D WHICH ALL TIIK DKMORAMZATJOX OF TIIK RKPl'IILICVX PAHTV IS AS. CRIHKD. Exactly that lias happened under the direct primary law which it whs intended should happen the downfall of the machine and the bosses "Mr. Hopkins, people's choice for senator In Illinois. coHtlmiM m !. shy about fifteen vote at Springfield. In these days of Statement No 1. and the llko. it la well enough not to overlook the legislature" Port land Machine Organ. The above is a sample of what would bo taking place In Oregon today but for the provisions of the much hatoil primary law and Statement No The machine is willing tho people should nominato sonatoru. Is will ing the people should ovon hnvo a vote on senators, iii't tiii. ma. CIIIXIC DKMAXDS TUB NIGHT TO OVKRTHROW THAT VOTF IF IT SKICS FIT. Illinois Is lu tho throes of a dondlock. with mmmv ..nro,i i ii... i... the corporation to Influence tho result this way or that, but most of all iu nuu io u inni mo poopio'a cholco la dofoutod. MICX OF OHF.fJOX, RKPl'HLICAXS. IT IS 1TP to vmr ,r WIIKTHKR VOL' WAXT TUB DEADLOCK SVSTKM RKSTORKI) ' Tho machine continues to "nroteal" nicHlnat n. ,nr ,'.', .. oontliiuog to proteat" ngalnst Statement No. l. It Is upholding the member of the legislature who entered a "..rotes.'' against keeping their pledges. ' tBt It is advising that the Republican party further nrotest wuvwi. --, "'"!; ii uoin protest loo much." It Oom h,i .... . "gainst the deadlock. In other .tate. wherethey hm J ?JT 1 provision in the law. W Stale'ent A'e all know what would have become of the DeooU.'. hi we all know what became of the pledges made In th. .. . elect Qeor W,0r, when there u i pnmry Iaw to .. ,w.nw wouia even prefer the deadlock that la now t,m,tn. ,. "t'r:1! "f ,U,nta to ",e- -or electing".1. -" "" vi i ill-nil iniinnaia linlila ..,. k..i ... .. mZ,' T'r to" M " -""-I-- d.r V " "" '"" jS m .,,, ,,,, "Ku,!7,!irrS:S i J:z':; i-t - " . - .. -w ' "Mi vu uuhv inn nw . .. . ;u or tne party with other Stat,n , ' ""u ror id I Thnly !- -w fMVUt BCEXttJBEKSM&TBSSZl 8 IT PAVC BANK WITH THE UlNiTED STATES NATIONAL M "The Old Reliab!c,, ITS SAFE-GUARDS FOR THE PEOPl Ks MONE ITS LARGE CAPITAL AND SURPLIS ITS ALERT BOARD OF DIRECTORS ITS CONSERVATIVE POLICY ARE FOR YOUR PROTECTION jnrwc jftjnjMrwtifjn-ffl vliWiAy ''jirfiijtt .MOCLDBI) IMMIi of vory nrtlstlc design wi uio popular pieces cf t Htippllod by tiH. Woabotiffil iK'Innl (IohIkuk In wnlnsc:(f frotwork, maul, h cohcat nielioH nnd nil other tlz'jf ' tnontnl woo(lS"rK ntrni ptico. W- ill (X'f.itil porohoK and i'i i.,ia ) nil hind, of fl" i tim' r otc. A. M. IIAXM' Phone .V.ln 344 E. E'CKERLE Family Liquor Store 01 HKXATDK HAS BUILD UP YOUR CREDIT The niiiii who j. n lmk account In i,mklnK n k,hkI start toward liulldliiK up Ids nvdlt. The fart that he p)s liN ,is by clunk adds to his ,UN1U(.SS MaiumiK. His check book con taliiH 11 ncoiil of ,u,K..ulltuiv.s nd he molds trtmlilt. over ills. I'ulwl imjinents. Our facilities for UiudliiiK )nir "' .v the Uist, lllu, uo , be pleased l0 M,ru, J0 Capital National Bank -l'll. surplns lBUttI iipnur)SimMioo.w,. You Are Not Going Blind If the servlees and advlco of or "Ptical department can in any way ameliorate condition of your ojoa, which perhaps are bor ! on fnillng vision. Our Z. " in fitting dimoult ease. ,9 row. 0r Cfise ,, h ul oanlly corrected today, may aggravated by wajK. J PROFIT mistakes of other.; do not Put it oft. B A R R neoPticmn Their reading out did not urovt. fnti i v.1. IMXIOXS AS -If) TIIK STATIST ' I,,MA,"'SS OF TllK, U'hxll fha I.....I.. euientOneHepnrrtr h r county. wm ror ""'r out of meg Tote 1.. ,1... Those who went Into tk .t.t . j, brow ,u PHTJ&TZ?"' t over- WIIATTinn-HBUBVWMHWIT ll!N 8UUMI " lID ' But rnaiiltu k.... ' But roaiiltu k..,. ' -.! MA. tairST 'J; " '" M ' Mr- F,, ., ,. big political boT wh T 1"J U",,,W r1 "1 o thing. rtaht The sober. ,.,.J , U,..not nw ""selfish or B11.,..i..T. lht. 1 II 1 H 1 144 Commercial St. ligAiktslSjiskaBv . " 1IS1 HIM . I ma !! iirri 11 r - 1 Free Delivffl aacEarEKSRE3ssaaE When You Arc Dry WHY KfByVyy NOT BUY ' Z3smmtm3?mxHEBaM as ao .-. . tiznr nu , The meat -..m... ... '" ,0Wl- l'd etMM geuwuiiy u-ni ' ,mt,',otlc' thlakln. otagg 0f n , :mv ,.,. .,1J tti'l ot giirronriar ti. . 0f "opubllca "-"-' 'ic ir oiflo 1-.. IIS nor the right . pledge, r-n, tho;;;;1:zr",,9i.!,,e ,,ri'- i useless to attonint t o. . '"""wm them the welf,- -., ...: "U)t t0 a,88 with maclii,. ...'.. . Utau-u...... I0U,IPA,'IFHUStl.V. ,v i0. .. ,h4 .. resH.u8lbillt for ths h.,i "" Mot " ghost nf , . uaders. AXD Vuvii , ,,? 0W" u,'whbci as iiiiJ , th,M,lvo.. 1 IU word aud lu ti:M,',, '.VTIIAIH 'r,u Um tm " uud M.u.i .- . ' ,r'4,U and I-. .. UA m fOIMtHf-r.i A I"'"' am nhoifsomo boveraK thnt is sold In all U of Western o.eg.,,, ,, Vljrll0r1 California. Made of the Choicest Malt and lid Grown in Marfion County Made of Fjt,.rcd Wntw nd otrlo.Mv m accordance i"' uro PooJ Law Salem non.. i . ,.. .(J ,.rfl o uuLilc. l u 01, m,,u UU,W-D Mlo by sclar.tlfic procossea and guaranteed pure an! 'H 'Otne - WM to ItT rSCT1 ttml '' ""'a Ion. on. 'IKKCTIOX. No adult.uaion. No drugs or chemical, nnd under i9rm ,,"'IUrj "nHtlon Address all orders to IM1 Salem B rewery Associatroi W are iitu wauy they are wtiuuiicau 3f Oregon th nothing fditoilalt. of t " stall- "N ,.r -- S f.VjL.-j-i'-SA.Mu tf&m2r. r LJk