1ST EDITION 3 P. M. m nt SECOND EDITIOH-4 P. Mil ounuu CIX. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, HALEM, OKUGON, Tl'liSDAV, .IANTAH1 i!0, l0O. NO. 31. T d &4&txk A A A A I I H I I 1 Irtffrtl iiJSilrt rf I JLLIUI oBSHilHIIlI MHAr '.Al I NALIS GREATEST GRAFT IN THE WORLD N STREETS LEADING INTO CAPITAL CITY TO BE REPAIRED TLE fOR THE SUBURBS WAGED INCITY COUNCIL MAN STOLZ CONCEDES JUSTICE OE THEIR CLAIMS Idcrmcn from thu Biirburbiin nowod tholr fight for thu Plmprovumont of Uiobo nog- EtlotiB nt tho mooting of tho sell liiHt night. Mr. Hofur Wk resolution that two laborers iyod under tho direction of at rommlnHlonor In tho fifth tiuvonth wnrdn to put In at 10 dnyn each In tho three "during tho current yonr at repairing, building crosswnlkB, ditches and other work to for out of tho Htroot funds. luld have cost $3G0 for ouch iroo wardB, and Mr Stolz hn- ly moved to tahlo tho rcso "jmylng tho strcol commlttoo spared an ordlnanco to cover Is of tho suburban wards. On - to tnhlo without d)bato f- Elliott, Grooubaum, Millard jckton siipportod thu rosolu- id six voted to tnblo. Mr. ion introduced the following ice appropriating $1G00 for reo wards, to bo oxpondod un- ntreot commlttoo, of which ho Irmnn: Suburb (Jot 91 boo. ton 1. That tho common conn Itho city of Salem, Orogon, rdt oxpodlont to ropalr and pro- to repair tho following portions following nnmod Btroots, to Ground road from Sixth to tho north city limit. it Is known as tho Drooks road Highland avonuo to tho north iilt. U street from North Mill 'to tho north city limit. street from Cnpitol stroot to at city limit. Mum avonuo from Fourtoonth to tho east city limit. r.trcot from Nineteenth street F,oaot city limit. . llfth street from Oak street to ith city limit. th Commercial stroot from tho ond of the South Commorclal prldro to Mission stroot. Lstrcc t from Wintor to Twelfth 2 Tho repair of said por jf tho aforementioned streota shnll bo madu by spreading gravel whoro most noodod, upon the road buds thoreof; provided, however, tho making of said repairs shall bo under tho Muporvlnlou of tho committee on utrouts, which commlttoo shall do tormlno the portions of said streots, whoro iald repair Is most needed and make thu samo in thu innnner as to said commlttuu shall seom oqultublu and Just. Sec. 3. There Is horuby sot abide out of tho. street fund of tho qlty of Salem, Oregon, tho sum of fifteen hundred dollars, (tlBOO) to bo used or so much thoreof as may bo neces sary in repairing said portions of uald strootfl, as provldod in this ordinance, and thu city recordor bu and ho Is horoby directed when called upon by tho commlttoo on streots, to draw n warrant or warrants for tho making of said repairs, not to exceed In tho aggrogato tho sum of llfteon hun dred dollars, ($1500). Sec 4. That ordlnanco No. GCG of tho ordinances of tho city of Salem, Oregon, and entitled "An ordlnanco directing tho ropalr of certain streots in tho city of Salem, Orogon, and pro viding thu method for making such ropairs and to ropeal ordlnanco No. COG of tho ordinances of tho city of Salem, Orogon," bo and tho samo is horoby ropoalod. SEVENTY-FIVE BURIED IN DEPTHS OF A MINE Pittsburg, Fa., Jan. 26. A gas explosion In thu Morchants Coal Company's minu at IJobwoII has ro sultod In thu death of two m.n and the entombing of from GO to 7G mon. Tho minu is roported to bo on fire today and llttlo hopo 1b entertained for the rocovory of tho (unfortunate mon still In thu workings. A party composed of Superinten dent Logan, Mlno Bosses Norrls and John Colo, who wero In tho mlno on a tour of Inspection, wero caught by tho oxploslon. Tho men wero about a mile bnck In tho tunnels at tho tlmo. Superintendent Logan wns re moved with great difficulty by thrco miners, who thomsolves wore sorlouB ly injured. No others havo slnco buc- ccudud In oscaping. Superintendent Logan died shortly after being ro-movod. that 22 miners, entombed, havo per ished. Thu known dead nro Superin tendent J. G. Logan and Andy Stoch! It Is now feared thai 20 others wore killed by subsequent explosions. Five rescuers, overcome by fumes, wore carried out unconscious.. Slnco mid night no sounds from tho pnrty that entered tho mine at that hour havo boon heard. Thin ordlnanco Is a great victory for tho suburban wards, ub It moans tho ropalr of tho main streots load ing into tho city, and Is what tho suburbs and tho business men of tho city have boon contondlng for. Mr. Hofor compllmontod Mr. Stolz on coming through with such a hnnd soino donation of tho street funds for tho neglected suburbs. Tho ordl nanco wub rend twlco and roforred to tho ordlnanco commltteo of which Mr. A. N. Mooros Is chairman. Tho cltlzons of tho suburban wards should koop close track of this mnttor ns It Is only lighting for tholr right to havo tho monoy thoy pay for streot tnxos oxpondod In tholr own wards that thoy will over see five conts on tho dollar of what thoy pay. Tho ar guments woro all good naturod but tho hayseod aldermen wont homo with tholr tall foaths proudly erect cul. Pittsburg, Jan. 20. Tho latest .im ports concerning Inst night's gas ox ploslon In tho mlno of tho UnitoA Coal Company, nt Boswoll, Indicate CAUGHT UNDER CAB: BURNED TO DEATH I United Press Leaned Wire. Lincoln, Nob., Jan. 2C. Fireman Darry of tko Chicago-Denver special train of tho Union Pacific, west bound, mot n frightful death today when the train was wrocked In tho yards nt North Platto, Nob- Ab tho engine toppled over ho wns caught uudor It and scalded to death. Scores of men niado frantic efforts to rcscuo him, but as It would have boon ncccs snry for them to movo tho monster engine with tholr bnro hands In or dor to snvo hltj llfo, thoy woro help less No passengers woro Injured Sevoral cars wero derailed. ACCUSES TAFT OE STANDING IN WITH, PANAMA GRAFTERS BITTER ATTACK ON ADMINISTRATION BY CONGRESSMAN RAINEV CRATER LAKE HIGHWAY TO BE JjONSTRUCTED two counties, the state and federal government to unite Plucky Editor George Putnam, who has fought tho nowspapor bat tles to mnko Medford a llvo town, U In tho city In tho lntorost of tho Crater Lake automobllo road. Jack son and Klnmnth counties havo put up $50,000 onch. PInchot and Gar field havo pledged tho co-operation of the forest rosorvo machinery, and tho state is to bo asked to glvo $100, 000, and It would bo ono of tho host Investments that Orogon could make to advertise this commonwealth ns a progressive community. ONE CAUFORNIAN HAS HORSE SENSE '- r United Press Leased Wire. Assomblyman Nathan Coghlan, of San Francisco, nns introduced a res olution calling upon tho California dologatlon nt Washington to uso Its efforts to securo tho prosonco In tho Pacific ocoan of a fleet equal In slzo to that of any other power. Took the Usual Route Dos Molnos, la., Jan. 20. C. S. Scrogglns, cashier of tho State Hank of Portsmouth, blow out his brains this morning, nftor locking hlmsolf In tho bank. Tho bank ex nminor stated that ho boliovod thoro woro many forged notes In tho bank being used ns security. : o Those. Giddy Frenchmen, United Press Leased Wire. Carpontorn8, Franco, Jan. 2G. Romy Danvors was today guillotined for tho murdor of Mrs Donnl. Dur ing tho oxocutlon tho crowd gleefully explodod firecrackers. Washington, Jan. 20. Drandlng William Nelson Cromwell as a "buc cannoor and dosporndo," Congress man Ralnoy, of Illinois, gavo tho hotuso today a sensational reaumo of tho Panama canal situation. Ho charged Cromwoll and cortnln assoclntoB with trying to "steal and appropriate to tholr own ubo tho rov onuos of tho Panama ropubllc." Ho profoiisod to provo tho oxlstonco of tho most ntupondous graft com bine In tho history of tho clvillzoJ world. Ho charged Cromwoll with bolng a "party to an attempt to col lect from tho Unltod Statos fraudu lent clnlma to tho amount of $2,000, 000," and with being chlof manipula tor in tho machinations roaulting n the revolution on November 3, 1903. Ralnoy nlco declared that Cromwoll wns a mombor of n com blno whoso intont It wns to "not only reb tho Ropubllc of Panama, but they Indli'octly ubbed tho trons ury of tho Unltod States." Ho ox plalnod that ho had not charged" Taft with bolng a party to "tho Infamous schomo," Unit that ho only nubmlttel ovldenco. In tho courso of his remarks ho sn'd: "It will not bo long, If tho schomo goes through, before tho campaign contributions of somo gontlomon In terested In tho ontorprloo will bo re turned a hundrod fold. It Is not a pnrt of sound statomnnshlp, or true patriotism to employ tho tromondous agencies of tho government In at tempting to crush nowspnporB for having tho courngo to call nttontlon to tho quostlonnblo transactions In connection with the cnnnl. Public opinion ovon of Germnny would not pormlt tho emperor to do what tho Presldont of tho United States is try ing to do." I Ho chnrged bant President Rooso vclt made a direct misstatement of fact relative tej the canal in a messago Bont to congress on Dccembr 17, 190C. Roprosontatlvo Rnlnoy roforred to tho government Investigation of Senator Tillman's alleged action In depriving tho government of two conts in rovonuo by tho use of a frank. Ho added sarcastically that this matter hud boon considered Im portant enough by President Roose volt to be embodied in a special message to congress. Tho Illinois legislator declared that, so far, ho had not hoard of any socrot sorvlco agents disturbing Sen ator Lodgo, "yot ho wan directly, Individually, Kololy responsible for tho taking out oflho treasury of over $1,000,000." Ho charged that Obnldla, tho Pan ama statesman, represents, all that la corrupt In Spanish and American politics. Ralnoy doclnred that Cromwoll has been hooping tho minutes of mootlngs of a board of dlrpctora if a certain railroad, writing them "to 8U.H hlmsolf." Ho Intimated that a combination controlled or d,omInatod, by Cromwoll Is administering tho af fairs of tho Panama Railroad Com pany ns It boos fit, although ovory sharo Is ostensibly owned by thu gov ernment. Tho spoakor thon brought In tho nnmo of Prosldont-oloct Tatt by saying that ho Is on tho wny to Pannma to furthor tho plans of Crom well. Rnlnoy declared ho can produc.O "absolnto proof establishing tho fact that Tnft, roproBontlng tho Unltod Statoa, Cromwell and tholr frlonda onterod into n combination to forco tho oloctlon of Obnldla, tho now prov idont qf Panama." SENGER TRAIN WENT INTO DITCH I'nltert Press Leased Wire. cnocton, O., Jan. 26. Sovon- !assengers woro Injured today a St. Louis express train oast struck a brokon rail at Adam's nlno miles west of hero and down nn embankment. special car of General Mana- teono of tho Vandalia branch of 'onnsylvannia railroad, wjs at- to tho train. It rolled a dls- of 60 feet, McKeono was Uj cut by glass but othorwlso lured. o- USH CABINET AFRAID OF WOMEN Vulted Press Leased Wlre.l Hidon, Jan. 20. Evidently fear- Ivlolence of somo kind, possibly monBtration on tho part of the ragottes or tho army of unem ployed, tho members of tho cabinet, which Is In session today, are being closely guarded. Once today thou sands of mon approachod as closely as thoy darod to without bolng nnb bod by tho police and yelled doflanco at tho mlnlstors SENATOR DAVIS ATTACKS WALL SHEET Washington. Jnn 20. Sonntor Dn via, of A;.kansa3, la tho senate to day attacked th gairbllng In cotton and s'dn- Ho propossd a bin mak ing it iirlavful to uso tho malls, tel nprnh c telohone for Interstato or international trnn"nctlons In buy- ng or soiling fiutures. Ho declared that tho New York cotton exchango was a gambling in stitution, und' questioned why .the membcr3 cf this exe'-jaaga should .jo unnunishci by law, when tho llttlo gamblers of the country wero being prosecuted. PUTS JAPS ON LEVEL WITH ENGLISHMEN (United Press Leased Wlro.) Sacramento, Jan. 26. In a spe cial mossago forwardod to tho legis lature today Governor Glllott openly hinted that ho will voto any antl- Japnneso measures passed by tho legislators on tho ground that thoy would ombarras tho federal govern ment nnd cnuso sorlous friction. Tho govornor suggested that tho state labor commissioner bo instruct ed to tako a census of tho Japanoso now in California nnd gather figures showing whether or not their num ber has Increased recently. The mossago points out that the question of emigration affects the whole na tion nnd that congress should have tho excluslvo authority to deal with tho problem. Govornor Glllott advises tho legis lators to exercise extreme caution in "passing legislation not absolutely necessary for our immediate protec tion and intendod solely to affect tho Jnpnnoso people, because In so doing wo would mnke(a hard task for tho federal government." "Such legislation,' tho messago says, 'can only tend to widen tho breach betweon Japan and our coun try nnd cnuso a feeling of misgiving and distrust to oxlst" Tho govornor then demands that If nny legislation is onactod along tho lines suggested by certain mom bors it should affect all foreigners alike. Ho says there cannot bo ono law for tho subjects of Japan and another for tho citizens from England. In concluding the governor says tho bills prohibiting all aliens from owning land nnd from becoming directors in corporations would discourage the in vestment of foreign capital. Ho clearly intimites that he can see no good reason for enactiug such laws. STOCK MARKET HAS TENDENCY TO SAG ( Unltod Pross Leasod Wire Now York, Jan. 26. Tho stock markol today, although firm, wns, In tho main, tho samo familiar kind which wo hnvo had for mnny days past. Its ronl character undorgoos no change. Fluctuations, ns n rulo, woro again narrow. Prices movol up a trlfio early In tho dny, than sagged a Utile, nnd thon bocame dull. It looks ns if Wall street Is to have a plotuorn of clTcap monoy for sov oral monthn yot. This is ono of tho tvo strong factors In tho present sit uation. The othor Is tho slow but stoady Improvement In tho country's coneral business. While thoro Is nothing of tho mush room sort about business expansion, It Is going on in a fnunner that makes for security and stability. Those aro tho dykos raised against any severe decline, and keeps tho dullness of speculation from swooping . prices nwny. During tho late afternoon, tho market became Irregular and erratic, Atch'son rifling one point an"d Cana dlnn Pacific declining tvo and a half points. As a whole, however, tho close wa8 firm, R. R. BUTLER WAS ENTIRELY TOO SLOW In one respoct a holiday la like n funeral: You can't got bnck on a working basis until you forget It. (Unltod ProsB Lonsod Wlro.) Washington, Jan. 26. Tho Oregon mossongor nppointod to bring the presidential doctoral voto to Wash ington, was today subjected to a fino of $1000 by tho sonato for fnlluro to arrive yesterday. Ho 1b to recolvo $1200 In mileage, so would hnvo $200 loft If tho flno should bo col lected. It Is thought, however, that tho flno will bo remitted, as tho train sorvlco In tho West has beon so do moralizod by floods that It Was im possible for th'omessonVu to reach horo sooner. WISCONSIN MAY NOT SEND STEPHENSON Pulled Press Leased Wile. Madison, Wis., Jnn. 26 Following the filing In tho stnto sonato today of specific charges of corruption which furthered tho candlcndcy of Stophouson for tho United States senate, that body wrangled today until It was Impossible to voto on tho sonatorshlp Several senators who havo been supporting Stephen son hnvo announced tholr lntontion of withdrawing tholr support Fur thor defections from tho Stophenson ranks are feared. I nl 1 t ;i M I v i 8 ,W y CI ':. , tl . I I' ill r, N i