DAILY CAPITAL JOUHNAL, SALKM, ORBGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 26, 1909. THE OREGON AND IDAHO DEVELOPMENT CONGRESS Tho Oregon and Idaho Develop ment CongrcBB will hold ts fourth convention on Friday and Saturday January 29 and 30 In tho hall of ropicsontntlvos. Tho ruse of the ns sembly hall was glvon to tho Con gross by Secretary of State Bonson ami Speaker McArtlnir, ns tho logli laturo will probably adjourn thosi two days. Following la tho pro gram as proHont outllned: Friday Afternoon " p. in. Purposes of tho Congress Judge Stopho ' A. Lowell, Portland. Battlo for tho Conservation of the Natural Resources Governor Cham berlain. System of State Aided Railroads C. 13. S. Wood, of Portland, nnd Son ator Dlngham, of Eugene Friday ISicnliiR -8 p, in. Why Balom Grows So Fast Pres ident Charlea McNnry, of tho Salem Hoard of Trade Mountain Wator for tho Capital City A. IIuckcBteln, Salem BuslnoM Men'n League. Snlem an an Educational Center President Flotcher Roman, of Wil lamette Unlversly. A (lonoral Port Commission Dill Roprcoontatlvo llcnn, of Lnno coun ty. Saturday, January 000 a. in. An Open Columbia River From Lowltton to tho Sea J. N, Toal, of Portland Chamber of Commorco, nnd Senator Nicholas Slnnott, of Tho Dalles, Tho RonourccB of Coos nnd Curry County Representative Muncy of Oold Bench. Coos Hay Harbor Frnnols J Clnrko, of Marahfluld, and Sonator Chase, of Coqulllo. THE WANT ADS ARE for HAMS For Halo A first-class 1W horse powor Mltcholl gnitolmo engine with nuto Bparkor, both In good condition. Also 2 homo power water motor. Enquire nt Journal oinco Immediately, If you wish a bargain. 10-20-tf For Bale- -Sovon-room homo, nil mo'.orn conveniences, ono-hnlf block land. For furthor partlou tars call o me mornings nt my roaldonco, end of car lino, south. Mrs, Goo. II. Jonos Phono 1181. 10-27-tf. (V Hah) Bovoral houses in Snlom, and farm lands nt n bargain. Cap ital National Rank. (J-l-eod Ban mill Hlto for Hale Locatod ouo mllo from H. P. rallrond botwton Wnpato and Gaston, Twolvo mil lion fcot of logi nvallablo. Ad dress W. II. Kgai, ht. 2 aorvnW. 11-25-tf Bwl'io for Halo Ilrood bowh nnd ...odors for butcher toclt . Apply to Wm. II. Hgan. IU. 2. Gorvalv Orogon ll-3G-tf Ww.nl for Halo Second growth fir wood In 12-Inch and IC-lnoh longth. dollvorod to any part of tho olty. Phono 71, or will nt Salem Truok & Droy Co., office. CO Statu street. Sulom. Orogon. 12-12tf For Hale A good, woll-lmprovod form; or will trade for email plnco. 13. A. Thayer, Lyons, Oro. 12-24-tf For . .8nl ThorouRhbred Ohiwtor Whllo llR for snlo. Addnwa P. A. 8hlploy. U. F. I). 7. Sh1iu l-23-5t For Hub' Dry llr mul will wood. bawoiI or four-foot. Ptaona 1IJ&, South JkdeiM. W. W. JoHmoh. l-IO-twk For Hnlo Good dry. flral-fiUaw bis and llttl fir woed. Innulrw of C. II I)ncr. or pho Frir 3x 1, l-2.t Nntlco W enn sell or roat your property, loau many or write your Insurance, lloom 4. ovr Push's bnnk, Snlom, Orogon. W. D. Smith & Co. l-SS-lm UKAIi liSTATK. Good 7-room modorn, uuw 1iouk and ono lot on Reed stroot. olewe In; only 13300. 19 acres In olty limits; only ?U0 pr ncro. for n few days; a snap. I J acreu In olty limits In 1 ore lots for 300 per noro. Somo flno lots clionpoa InstMllmvntB 5 down nnd 5 por month. 56 noros nil In cultivation, Reed houso, barn, fruit, tonni. oows; ovorythlnR roos; fine homo, fine laud: n snap. 8omo tluo lota uloso Ik from H10 to $1100. If you are looking for a homo,, farm. houso, lots or bu8lnos loaatlun. or if you want to sell ueo A. O. HMITII .i CO. Thoy hnvo tho Roods and aro sollora. Koow 8, over I'lillod Htato National Interotato Cdmmonjo and Oregon Freight Rates Clyde B. Altchlson, of tho Oregon Railroad Commission. -- Now congress wants to know wh William B. Dolnnoy, a negro car tied on tho pay roh of tho navy de partment as "a special accountant" nt n Htilnrv nf 11 COO a voar. whllo the only sorvice ho performs- Is to shav$ President Roosevelt every morning in tirnctcnllv J5 nor shave. It 1m itrnntrn how concross nnd tho Piosl- ! out aro each trying to mako the other sit up and bo good. DlMliiKiilMied VMlo Mothor Martin, of tho Ascouslon, suporlor gonoral of tho Slstors of the Holy Nninos, accompanied by her sec retary. Mother Mary Ludgor, arrlvod In Snlom last Tuosdny ovenlng nnd are gnosis of tho Sisters of Sacred Hoart Acadomy In this city. Thoso distinguished visitors hnvo been visit ing tho dlfforont houses of their or der for tho past nix months and are now onrouto for Cnllftnln, thence to Montreal. If you would bo a friend to hap plnoss, you must care for tho happi ness of your frlonds. Fever Sores. Fovor sores nnd old chronic soroi should not bo honied ontlroly, but should bo kopt In healthy condition This enn bo dono by npplylng Cham borlnln's Salvo. This salvo has no superior for this purpose It Is also most excollont for chapped hands, soro nipples, burns and diseases of tho skin. For nnlo by Dr. Stone's drug sloro. o Tho (lurking whont ranch west of Athena has boon sold for $21,000, or (100 nn ncro. .MIHCKLIiANItOUH Concrete Work Got my prices on sldowulk, curbs, xpotlc tanks nnd coinent work of nny kind. All work unmatured first class. M. Ward, 2378 Maple Avo., Highland Phono COO. May 24-00 a. F. MAHON HOX CO. 247 Miller St., South Snlem, manu facturer of all kinds of boxes, crate and fruit dryor accessories. Phono !0h J fii't it Home Ilounoa nnd lots chonp. on liiHtnllinont G, 10, 20, 40, 80 and 100-ncro tracts, choice homei cheap; dnlry ranch with cows on Jt for snlo or trade for olty prop erty; horses and cows for snlo. I want 5000 for flvo years nt 0 por cent, tlrst mortRnRO, I, O. O. l'. IihIro and trustcos neourlty, Intor vat soml-nniuial. Othor Reed lonns for sninllor nmnuntH. 8h) It. It Hyan. 1-20- II) do Ilrox. lcctrlc Co. Blectrio Buppllas nnd llrst-clnss wiring at ronsonnblo prices. Call at our olllco for oattmntoi. Phono 451 143 N. Llborty stroot. 1-13-tf t'umeut Work Conoroto walks, sop tie tanks, comont floors and foun dations. Hmlmntos furnished and all work guaranteed. J, P. Vetch, 328 Marlon stroot. Phono 008. 9-10-tt VoRut I.uiiiIht and Fuel Co. Luin bur, BhlURlo. bulldliiR 'materia'., wood nnd coal. Low prices and prompt dtdlvorlua. One block unV of S. P. paMengor depot. Phou 108. 7-2-tf. Mutlo . WViidomlh Fine wltiM llQiiura and rclgnnt. Wt baudli tha rlbrntd KI1or aud CastU whlsklM. Cool and refreshing hr HHtHHtly OH dlftURht. SOtltH GomtMrclnl vtrMt 9-3-lyr. (JrnftliiR Top sjraftlUR fruit and walnut trww. Work RuarautiMMl prlcM ntHsouHblv. For particular pnono S75 or wrIU McCarty & MeDououRh. 1108 urondwuy St.. SrUiu l-2t-lm tlKAYMKN rumndiiH U., TnuiofiT Cotnpnny All kinds of trnnsfer work don Furniture nnd piano boxed ready fo' shipment. Prompt service U our motto Stand and oture at 253 South Commercial street Phono 310 Kosldeiic Phone l.lxory and FhI Htnbl Old Pout otue Stables, nt 354 Forry street between Commercial and Front streets Tuluphouu 1SS. Some the tlnMt liveries In tho city can be found here Winrott ft lo'un on tf H.M.KM WATNH COMPANY OPFICK CITY HAM. For water aorvlco apuly at nte Hills nayabli monthly tn dvanv niTTKUNinr nmti. It U worth more than any otho read yet the prlca is no hlht or at your urotV CAT.IFOKNIA BAKKRY, Thom Coolpy. rntM. I Sees Mother Grow Young. "It would bo hard to overstate the wondorful change In my mother Blnco sho began to use Electric Bit ters," writes Mrs. W. L. Gllpatrld. of Danforth, Mo. "Although past 70 sho seems really to be growing young ngaln. Sho suffered untold misery from dyspepsia for 20 years. At last Bhe could neither cat, drink nor sleep. Doctors gavo nor up and all remedies failed till Electric Bit tors worked such wonders for her health." They Invigorate all vital organs, euro Llvor nnd Kldnoy troublos, Induco Bleep, Impart strength and appetite. Only GOc at J. C. Perry's drug storo. Konnedy's Laxative Cough Syrup tastes nearly as good as maple sugar. It cures tho cold by gently moving tho bowels, and at tho same tlmo tt Is soothing for throat Irritation, thoroby stopping tho cough. Sold by all druggists. An old-tlrno Salem man, Danlal W. Bara, has been married to n Miss Fryo, and it Is not a case of Fryed-Bass becauso sho was a Mlsi. Thoro Ib no enso on record of n cough, cold or la grlppo developing Into pnoumonta after Foley's Honey nnd Tnr has boon takon, as It cures tho moat obstlnato dcop seated coughs and colds. Why take any thing olso? J. C. Perry, o On tho warmth of tho winter silo and tho coolness of tho aummor Ico tho dairy business fattenoth right royally. Kodol digests all tho food you oat If you will tako Kodol for a little whllo you will no longer have Indi gestion. It Is pleasant to tako, nets promptly. Sold by all druggists. WANTKI) Wiui till -Will itn oxcnvntlntr. cardan plowing, nnd nil kinds of term.-: work. W. K. Dunn, 1720 Leo st,j phono 1528, 12-21-tr Wautril Two waitresses .at . Hotol Willamette Wanted To buy cloan rags to bo iiboiI In press room, 170 S. Com morclnl street. Wuutcl Housokoopor for sma'l family; must bo compotont to take full chargo ot houso. Roforoncot Room 4, ovor Unish's bnnk. l-23-3t FOIt HUNT IIoiino fcr Iteut Closo to East tK'hool. Knqulro at 9G8 Marion stroot. 12-28-tf For Hoot KllnRer Grand Theatre, with or without fixture, and fix ture for wile. M. KlInRor. Phono 34. 1-20-2W I'or Hunt Throo rooms, nicely nnd newly furnlshod, sploudldly aitulppud; bath tnllot, electric llRhta and toluphnno. Hoferonco oxohnuRod. Call nftornoons, 715 Cantor stroot, comer of CottnRo nnd Contor. l-20tf aVPlTAL IIAKICIIY 430 Court 8trt. D. J. Swltxer prop. DroHd, Cakes, Ploa and nil klndH of Pamrltw. Cookies, nlc Wntrh for our waKon. Phono 9fl4. Spocla' orders dollvorod on short notice. 11-19-tf. 1&U0 Comer lot cIom to biutnes part of city. $ltao 9-roow bcuto, eoruer. 60x 98, clow In. $650 KIH0 Inside .lot. ISxlOO. $226 Good lot oh ltk itrwl. $1800 line houH hHd t)ire lot, f on SUt atrMt; Reed lwru. MltVHIt UHI.LU UM CX). StNtmiufttt IlldR., Hmun 1. UpUtlr Pl.l'MHHUS Thi'o. !, Unrr Plumbing, hot waU and stam h'eatinp and tinning, 164 Commercial stroot. Phonr Main 192. 9-1-1r M. J, Petzel Plumbing, steam and gas titling Succosiior to Knot 4) Murphy. J2t? Commercial street WAXTKli TO TKAlK. Qood farm In Minnesota for Salem property. Two house and four lota In South Salem to trado for a good farm tn Marlon county. For Sale 1C1 noros, four mil from Salam, good houso and barn, plenty of fruit Price 1 65 per ncro 30 aeroa 1 mtls oast ot Salons. ID aoro In Kngllsh walnuts. 7 aorea Uoyal Anne ehwrliw. 3 ars ap ples, lAign barrlw and othor fruits. Prleo JC000. 352 acres, tlno farm, 9 mUos north west of Salem In Polk county, well Improved; very desirable. $65 pyr aero. SCHUIT7. A HAItTLKIT. 490 State Street. SPEND ft)UR HOLIDAY VACATION AT PASO R0BLES If complete rest and most perfect conditions imaginable for nature cure are what you need, spend your holidays at Paso Robles Hot Springs, California. A week or two, and oven a few days there will accomp lish more in tho way of restored energy than a much longer period and more expensive treatment else where, because good old. Mother Na ture Is iiurso and physician. Paso Robles Is taking the same rank in America and enjoying the same fame for wonderful cures that Carlsbad and Baden Baden do in Europe. The hotel is a marvel of comfort and luxury, and the bath house built by tho city, freo to all, Is said to be one of tho best In the world. It Is a stubborn ailment and a hopolesB condition of physical breakdown that tho inlnoral wators and hot mud baths of Paso Robles will not heal in a short tlmo. Call on agent at Salem for de scriptive booklets ot Paso Robles, and ho will also tell you all about rates. Wm. Mc MURRAY, 12-24-tf O. P. A. 8. P. Co. Warm lunveutllated sleeping rooms mako a flno market for patent medicines, Thoso who occupy such rooms aro tho frocst buyers of cure all dope. o You would not dolay taking Foloy's Kidney Remedy nt tho first sign of kldnoy or blndder troublo If you realized Hint noglcct might result In Hrlght'B dlscnso or diabetes. Foloy's Kldnoy Hemody corrects irregulari ties nnd cures nil kidney nnd blnddor dlsordors. J. C. I'orry. READ BY EVERYBODY t Are you going to buy farm or city proper ty? Note these: 6 ucrcs, 8-roonf houso, 3 ncrea orchard, Reed barn, $1750. Some snnps In fnrm property. 328 acres, well Improved nt $30 por ncro. 219 acres, nt $00 por ncro; timber will pay for tho plnco. 17 acres on 25th stroot for $250 per acre. 1GC acres In pruno bolt, 15 ncres yotitiR orchard, 12 ncres prunos, 1G2 acres under plow, $9000. 82 aores ndJolnhiR nbovo, $60 por aoro. 100 aeros, Salem Prairie, woll drained, $100 por aero. 90 aeros for $3500. Wo hnvo InrRO list of farms of nil sizes nnd prlcos nnd it will pay you to investlRato before buy In R. OLMSTKI) LAND COMPANY, :J7!J Ktato Kt Snlom, Or. ftHltlHmiHIl8lllll Six Nicelv Furnished Rooms, Day or wook. 144 N. Front Street. 1-11-ra Mrs. Aliens. ifinmiwiinmt4- H-lf im 199 Home Boarding. .Moais nt all hours, rooms rea sonablo Strictly homo cook- $ Iiir 357 N Commercial st. 1-1 1-1 m Z VMM-l 8-fq I,M Monday night on Court street. btwM Twnlftk aud 106 Ch iHkUi, a bwivtir fur collar. It turn to Journal oille. 1-2S-31 snap Modorn 7-room, two-atory hou. well-built, basement, sjood fuuu datlon. pantry, bath, toilet, large grounds, 1 V, lute, trait and shade trees, lawn, tlowurs, berries of different variety, oement walks, beautiful place, built for a homo; prtoo for a few days $2500, would be cheap at $3900. Cnll Monday. IIOl'SHS AND VAa.VT LOTS IX all parts of the eit. FOU FARMS. any slxe from S aores to $2000 .... for TiMium uvxns Seo us. To buy, sell, rent or ox change your property qutok and satisfactorily go with the crowd to ltKCHTKI- & MIXTOX, 1 341 Stttto t. llayne Uldg. The Kind Yoi JOftYO Ahvnys Bought, nnd ivlilch has uccn in uso for over CO yrnrs, lias borao tho sljfiiaturo of j -r nnd has been mndo under his ncr- 7 j j&F"- iona supervision since its infancy. W&S7X7&(&U4 Allow woono to tlccclvo you lu this. All Cotintcrf -if , Imitations mid" JiiHt-iis-good" nro but Experiments tli.it trMo with and endnnser tho health oC Infants and Children Expcrlcnco against Experiment. Whsst is CASTORIA Casio.!- Is 'i harmless substtluto for Castor Oil, l'aro goiic, Iri c.ul Uooihlng Syrups. It is Plcnwint. It conlniis iiv.. r Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic ul-:.v I., a 5 h its guarantee It destroys Worms end .-.li.i,3 'J -t rblmcss. It cures Dinrrhoja and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flntntrncv. it assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stortm h nnu Bowels, giving healthy and natural Hleep. Quo Child 'ju'jj Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. BCtvUiNE CASTORIA ALWAYS .U t. ai, JiV liUU tLZTc&i The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TNieixTnmeoMMuT, rt nuwATtrT. tirwvonr cm. IIOTKLH AND ItKSTAUltANTh White House Restaurant For a RcRular 25c Dinner at 20c They can't bo bct McGilchrisj & Son Proprietors. SAM CASTO FAMOUS HOUSE TKAINEIt. ) Is now located at Canby Oregon, i tho best winter quarters In the Nortn j wost for training and dovoloplnn young horsos. Sam has room for a few tmro prospocts, either for the , road or t-nck nnd would llko 'o communlcato with anybody wlshlns; their horse trained. Mr. Cnsto Uj conceded to bo tho best colt man In tho West and his success on tho Sa lem track boars out this statemont Terms reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. Addrec SAM CASTO, Canby, Oregon. I I I 1 I I I I I i I I I H IIIIMIIH : HOTEL OREGON '. '. Corner Seventh nnd Stjirk St. 4 : Portland's New anJ MoJern J ; iioiei. ttaics 3 i per day ana . : up. European plan. Freo 3us. i WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO. t Proprietors HTt4-HH--Hr-H4H - l.ODOltS Cnrpoiiters Union Xo. 1003 Looal j Uulon No. 1005 of Carpenters ann . Joinera of America meet ever Sat-1 urday evening at 720 p. m In Hearst hall, 420 State Street I A. W. Dennis, Rec. Sue. ' Forttt'R. of Amcriai Court Sber- j wood, Farstors, No. 19. Meeti , Saturday nlcht in Holman hal'. State street, Geo. F. Patterson, C ' R ; J. C Perry, financial secretarv ' tVntrnl lnlge No. 18, K. of 1. I Castle hall In Holman block, cor ner State and IVberty streets. Tuesday of each week at 7:30 ? m Oscar John on. C. C: B. It Andorson. K. of R. and S. Modern Woodmen of America Or- I gon Cedar Camp No. 6246. Meet every Thursday evening at $ o'clock tn Holman hall. W. W HHl. V C : F A. Turner, clerk Woodmen of World Meet every Fri day night at 7 30. In Holman hall R Luptou. C. C; I '. Frailer. Clerk. Wenger A Chemngton Pianos and organs sold on easy terms; tele phone 1187; 347 Commercial Street. Salem. Oregon tt c:.r...n ne Ulguubiuu v r-'H-fr'4--r I! Graber Bros. I Will give prompt attention 1 to all orders, Ruarautoe our work tn Rive Hiitldfactlon nnd to bo up to the nanltnry otand- X :: i.. nrd I! Wl Wll.l. UK Pl.KASKIi TO CIVK ICKTIMITKK O.S Cl NTH A I'TS ,'. We are aReuts for tho Ala- T mo, N'lctor and Ideal Qasollno f i:iiglnes. Shop on Llborty street, back j T of Harr's Jewelry Storo. 4 M I I H t Ml I 1 M I I I xsPfybodgk, agrazine HAS GOT THIS MONTH Two screaming stories by Ellis Parker Butler and Lindsay Dcnlson, each racing to see which will bump your funny bone hardest. One tragedy that will grip your Heart. And articles by Russell, Paine and Dickson that cut deep into things. LOOK OUT FOR EVERYBODY'S THIS Homru. TUC CAT IS DACS Foi Sale bv All Newsdealers THK HfcST IUJ3r 1HK KXMII.V KVKH II All ('as be obtained from our prime teojr ma jM:ey be Wuttan or porw vil our meats are selected frsB he tao'cetit. and prepared for tbe tab! to vilt the demandi of the famidloua. Our prices are lower tor quality than yon can find at any place In fcUleaa. K. a OR OB 8. 1. 870 Btete bK. PLUMBING AND I fiAS FITTING fc jliy -i'j--!rrew ,