''IsWIISWpWI1 """ nr--, T.niylp.i,w FIRST EDITION 3 P. M. rT - "t. SECOND EDITIOfi i P. M. Doil onraal VOI. XIX. DAILY OAFITAL JOURNAL, SALES!, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 1000. NO. 20. WIRELESS TELEGRAPH SAVES MANY LIVES ii MijiuHiingiramm aim WttKKKKKKttKKtKKHKKKK W 'flaPSpWry 0 SEVENTEEN HUNDRED TAKEN PROM A WRECKED STEAMSHIP STORY OF THE WRECK OF THE REPUBLIC TOLDJY SURVIVORS WWIESS MESSAGES BROUGHT THEM AID JUST IN lIMt. (United I'rcB Leased Wire New York, Jan. 25. Carrying 1661 survivors of tho collision be tween tho llnor Ropubllc and tho Italian fltenmor Florida, tho Daltlc and Florida docked today shortly boforo 1 o'clock. They woro landod In loss than 30 minutes. Of tho survivors 13C1 woro pas fcongors and 300 woro members of tho Republic's crow. It dovolopB that four stoorngo passongors aboard the Florida also perished as tho ro milt of the collision. A rousing welcoming demonstra- slowly through tho North River, with tho Furncssln acting as convoy. All tho, boats In tho rlvor saluted the b!? llnor with their whistles, and nil along tho docks on either sldo thou oana of clttzons choorcd long nnd loud. Tho women passongors who woro taken from tho Republic presented an odd sight as thoy loft tho stoamer Every one of thorn, with hardly an ecoptlon, woro raincoats or woro wrapped In blankets with towels cov ering their bonds. Most of thorn woro still weak from ehnustlon, duo tton greeted tho Baltic as sho plowod to their thrilling operlonco. kf ALTERATION 3 L L REMEMBER COST CUTS NOJj FIGURE BE;; DURING THIS SALE THERE IS NO USE TRYING TO BEAT OUR PRICES. THE SHELVES HAVE TO CLEARED TO MAKE ROOM FOR THE BRICKLAYERS.! I I; MASONS AND PLASTERERS. THIS IS A PROPOSITION;; !! OF HAVING TO DO IT, SO IF YOU WANT PRICES NOW ISii ii YOUR TIME. ;; !! ii n - IITTMI VPWUO ITIUOi lJ I Sold Out Regardless of Cost DRESS GOODS, SILKS, BLANKETS, COMFORTS, WOM EN'S AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, LADIES' COATS AND SUITS, MILLINERY AND FEATHERS, MUSLIN UNDER ;; WEAR, BLACK AND COLORED SILK AND SATEEN PETTI-!! !! COATS, GINGHAMS, CALICOES AND MUSLINS, WOM-il ;; EN'S UNDERWEAR, UMBRELLAS. COTTON BATTS, LA-!! ii DIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSIERY, BELTS AND GLOVES; ;! J !! MPWVQ rrilDMlouiMoo itin ni nTUUip onoccTO n i! - (( ...-.. i unmotiimuo hiyu OLUinnvu, uunotio, cm-.. ii BROIDERIES, LACES AND RIBBON. NO RESERVE ;; ;; EVERY ARTICLE IN THE STORE HAS TO GET A MOVE!! ii ON OUT THEY GO. As tho passongors of tho Republic alighted from tho nnltlc stories "" tho wildest kind immediately fo -Ing the collision were received it first hnnd. Tho remains of W. K. Moonoy, tho bnnker, of Lnngdon, N. D., and Mrs. Eugene Lynch, of Doston, who w- o killed, wero mangled beyond recogni tion. Doth bodies woro sealed In casks and dropped Into tlu sea from tho Republic. Dr. Marsh, surgeon jf tho Ropubllc reported thnt Mrs. M. M, Miurphy, wifo of tho financial r.gcnt of tho Union LIfo Insurance Co., of Grand Forks, N. D., w.u Dorlously Injured, and Eugcno Lynch was painfully bruised. It nlso developed that J. D. Con nolly, tho author and mngazlno writ er, was attacked by a number of tho crow of tho Ropubllc aboard tho Daltlc this morning, whllo sho was Htcnmlng up tho bay to hor dock. Olllcoro Interfered and Connolly w.n led to his ctatoroom. It Is alleged that tlfo troublo grow out of an argu ment between Connolly nnd tho crow over accounts of tho collision Hont in wireless dlspntrhes to Now York newspapers. It Is said thut thoso mesflngos oovoroly crtlclscd tho conduct of tho Republic's crow dur ing tho trouble, and tho crow thought thnt Conolly was luotrumontnl In hav Ing thorn sent. Second Stownrd Sponcor, of tho Ropubllc, nccusos Connolly of push ing children and women nsldo In trying to reach tho lifeboats. 'Sponcsr doclnros ho foiled Connolly with n blow of 1Mb list In order to koop him from crowding tho holpleun chlldron. Connolly'H brother, who was nlJo aboard tho Ropubllc snld teday: ."This story of tho crow Is that of a lot of dNsruntlod mon. My broth or wnn ono of tho Inst hundred men to lonvo tho Ropubllc" In a story sent to the Now York papers by J. I). Connolly tho ofllcora of tho Ropubllc nro crltclzod be cause thoy wero slow in gottlng tho pnBsongors from tho Florida onto tho Dultlo. .Momuoru or tho uopumlc's crow chnrgo thnt tho qunrtormnstor of tho Florida won temporarily nt tho wheel when that Htoamor crashed into tho Ropubllc. It la said thnt this so on raged Captain Voltinl, of tho Flori da, that ho struck tho quartormastnr across tho hoed with n spike. Tho lattor's head wiu swnthod in band age vTion ho landed today. , nnd tho boat begun to fill with water. Tho Florida quickly backed away and dlsnppearo din tho fog, but left ono of hor anchors In tho wrcekngo of tho state rooms. "It was some llmo boforo tho identity of tho ship was known. Tho uiechiMitoni In tho wlroloss operating room of tho Ropubllc was badly crip pled by the Impact, but Operator Ulnns, Biirroundod by wreckage, re mained nt his post nnd Unshod mes sages calling for aid. "In tho meantime, all the hub seugcrs had Jeon aroiiBod nnd con sldornblo excitement prevailed, but there was not what you might call i panic among them. "Water poured through tho Bldo of tho ship nt n rapid rate. Tho bravo firemen romatnod below working like Trojans to prevent an explosion of tho boilers. Thoy would not leave until tho wator, now up to tho neck, threatonod to take their lives. "Thirty minutes aftor tho flrnt wirolcss flush appealed for holp tho Florida plowod hor wny through tho fog to tho oldo of tho Republic and took hor pusBongors aboard. At 8 oclock Saturday night tho Daltlc took aboard sovoral passongors. Two of tho Republic's paRseugors fell Into tho sea but wero promptly roscuod" II. II, Hoover, of Spnkanu, Wash., who was Hailing on tho Republic nt tho tlmu of the collision, declared .to day that tho Impact was torrlflc. "It Is remarkable how cool nil on board remained," ho said. "Sev eral of us woro thrown from our bertha. Half of tho pnssongors rnn to tho decks in tholr night clothes. ""Captain Sou I by ussured us In a speech that there was no danger. Thnt mado us feol better. It was u strango sight to soo tho Italian im migrants kneollng on tho docks In proyor. Thoy woro all barefooted." Hoover and his wife wero on their way to make a 105, 000-mllo tour of Europe, Aula and Africa. Ho de clared today that the acoldout will not alter tholr plans. SON CARRIED NOTICE OF PARENTS SUICIDE TO HISSWEETHEART BODIES ARE POUND ON THEIR REACHING BOYS' HOME Clovolnnd. 0., Jan. 26. With n scaled note announcing tho tragic death of his father and mother clnspod in his hand and nddfossod to Miss Helon Williams, his nwoothourt, Karl HUlburn, 10 yearn old, called nt tho homo of tho young woman last night, handed hor tho noto nnd Im tnodlntoly dopartod. Young HUlburn had no knowledge of Us contents. Miss Williams quickly oponed tho envelope nnd rend tho follewing: "When my son rotuniB homo ho will find his mother nnd mysolf dead. Do kind to him. All lost; $30,100 all gono. My will 1b clear.. I lcavo tho farm to Karl. "Loving Father." Screaming loudly, the girl ran af tor Earl nnd Informed htm of what his father had written. They ap proached tho HUlburn borne with fear. Entering tho front door thoy found tho body of Mrs. HUlburn on tho floor donth having boon caused by a bullet. Furthor sonrch revealed tho remains of Htllburu In tho barn. Ho had blown out hlu brains. It ia supposed that ho lost bin fortune la speculating In Canadian real estate. EVERYBODY GOES TO THE BIG ELK SHOWS Now York, Jan. 25. The first nuthontlo nocount of wbht really hap pened whan tho stoumor Florida crashed Into the llnor Republic of tho Whlto Star lino off Nantucket. Mass.. early Saturday morning, oaus I Ing tho death of six and evontunliy I sinking tho Ropubllc. was given to j day by Captain Ransom, of tho llnor j Daltlc, wl loh arrived in Ambrose Hiiannoi any tins morning with a I largo numbor of tho pnssongers of ; ; tho Ijl-futod stoumor. Jamos D, Connolly, author and magazine writer, who was a passon gor on tho Ropublc said; "After tho Florida struck tho Ro publlc It was discovered thut Uvo state rooms on the saloon deok of tho Republic and two on tho deck below had been rlppod upon. "Fifty women collapsed, or fainted during tho re-shlpmont of tho Re public's puiwoiigors to the Dultlg. One woman foil into tho sea betwoon tho ship nnd a lifeboat, tossing a bag of jowols, but she was rescued. " Tho-cdvanco oeat salo for tho 131 Iw' show, "A Night In llohemln," opouod this afternoon, nnd there was a good big lino to tho box olllco when the gonial managor, Mr, Meredith opouod the sale. Thoro nro plouty of Reed sontu loft for both performances, hut tho. public la advised to make reser vations as enrly as posnlblo tomor row, as tho local Elks expect capacity ho ii loa nt both pel formnncoa. Tho big show Ij In lino ohnpo for Its Ini tial performance tomorrow ovonlng, nnd thoro s no doubt that tho Ellc' ahow vIII bq,tho biggest thing In lo cal theatricals tho town hnn over had Thoro aro about 80 pooplo In tho err.t, and some of tho best talent In Salem will ho soon nnd heard In clov er songs nnd dunces. The bqxoo will bo filled with representative people of the city and lnombom of tho legis lature. Many visiting Elks from Al bany, Eugene nnd Portland will come for tho show, and many tolophouo moesagos hnvo boon received from pooplo In McMlunvllle nnd Dalian for seat reservations. COUNTERFEITERS ' CAUGHT WITH GOODS 'The crash onmo without warn ing," said tho captain. "Tho Flori da Buddonly appeared out of tho fog boforo any of tho crow of the Ro publlc know it was near and ran Into tho big White Star liner. Staterooms 8 and 22 wero stovo In by the blow Slusaonset, Mums., Jan. 2S. Tho ratmuu of Captain &alsby and his mate of the Republlo was the most dramatic Incident of tho sinking of the big liner. Standing side by sldo on tho bridgo HealHby nnd the mate duolarod thoy would not doscrt the ship, although she was slowly going to tho bottom. Thoy remained thoro until tho water covering the bridge readied their ankles Then they allowed a party In a life boat from tho revenue cut ter Greshnm to rosouo them Tho boat was Hourly drawn down by the suction eronted by tho sinking liner. I tb dm) e' I HOBO POET GETS INTO THE DRINK Such a happening would provo llttlo trnough Justice In this world aftor all." i i i .wiiflMMMMWBH "'lHHHItigiHHf f ! !! IIBIJ United I'reta leased Wire.) Chcago, Jan. 25. Following tho recolpt of newj from Cincinnati that J. H. Soymour, tho "hobo poet," was! rnls-.Jng. Editor S'mons, of a local Socialist paper, made public the tA- McCARMACK J.URY FILLING SLOWLY (United l'r Leaied Wire, Nashville, Ton., Jan. 25. After lowing lottor from Seymour, stating much argument today over the ollgl hls Intention of Jumping Into theiblllty of J. II. Vaughn, n farmer, ho Ohio river. The letter said: I was aeoepted as Juro numbor seven "I hope that ore the conquering on tho Jury which to to try Duncan worm has finished work on my rot-i Cooper and hU son, Robn. Voftichn ting carcass, I shall have poisoned , testified that lie was unablo to road fatally a few hundred of the brain- or wrlto, and had not heard that ox lesa citizens who year after year Sonator Carraack had beon killed un have voted to keep me in slavery til two months afterward. I United 1'rna Leased Wire.) AnucortoB, Wnsh., Jan. 25. Ono of tho rawest counterfeiting games that has over bcou attomptod In this part of tho stnto was nlppod In tho bud here Saturday night, whon Juinos Kelley and Huguno Forcoll woro ar rested Just one hour aftor thoy had mieaeaded In pawing $30 worth of spurious bills on the citizens of An oortos. When caught tho mon worn trying to bonrd n train for Dolling- ham, whero thoy aro bollovod to hao a largo amount of the counterfe't monoy hiding. Kelly and Forcoll had a big roll of the countorfott bills In tholr pos session whon tnkon Into oustody. The notes ut first glance seemed to bo genuine, but tho raw foaturo of tholr construction Is tho fact that both faces are tho samo, ono plato evident ly having been used to print both sdos of tho bills. Tho notos aro it $5, $10 and $20 denominations, and are on the plantors' Dank of tho United StaUm. The counterfeiters hnvo confessed that thoy aro guilty of passing spurl ous money, but will not reveal whero thoy seourod tho bills. Word was sont to Chief Forest, of tho Unltod Statoa iccrot service force In Seattle, and Information has boon rccolved from him that the two men caught bore are a part of a gang of seven or eight, mon who hav boon working tho counterfeit game In Port Town send and other places In the titate. o . i ,... i STOCK MARKET IS AT A STAND STILL New York, Jan, 25, Tim "took mnrkot opouod steady around Sat urday's final figures. Todny'u exhi bition was n repetition of what tins become so common of Into. Trading was for tho most part dull, and oa sontlally nrtlflolnl. Now York Cen tral mado an early advanoo of two polnUi, tho goneral list following with gains from n fraction to ono iol,U. When tho chief bulwnrlt of a market lo t Hhort iutoroHt, tho prospects fo. a substantial ndvunc aro not bright. Tho rocont nmnll upturns havo In variably beon dM to short covering, oxcopt In tho caso of several Ihhuoj controlled by pools and buoyed up by thoao posaoDslng moro llvos than tho proverbial cat. Tho dull days of lait wook, howovor, brought Into vlow quite un extended short Interest, and, as a wholo the market scorns to bo shaping Usolf for a drlvo against tho bears. -o- Kowledgo is the treasure, bu Judgment Is tho treasurer of a wise man. -Penu, fJOVHIt.VOH COSOItOVH O.V WAY TO OMTMI'IA Ashlnnd, Or., Jan. 25. It Is not thought posslblo thut tho governor elect, Samuel Cowrovo, of Washing ton, who is now en routo to Olyropln, to be nauguratod. will roach the state eupltol until Wednesday. unlj track conditions Improve. It In hoped that he will arrive there Wednesday afternoon. His special oar was nttaohod to train No. 11. That train Is duo In Portland nt 11:15 tonlsht, but It wnn running, s far Uohhid .phclulo time that ft Is now tunning as tho first section of No, 1C, which la duo at Portland at 7:3p tomorrow morning,