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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1909)
DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL,, SALKM, ORHGON, SATURDAY JANUARY 28, 109. 8 1 I ' ! RAILROAD TIB TAJ1LB Tiaw kri No. 84, Southern Pacific Co., Bffeetivo Banday, Aag. 10, 108. Toward Portland, Passcngct. Ne. 1. 6:13 a. m. Oregon Ex pre. Ne. 188:40 R. ia. Cottage Grov pMMager. Ne. 12. 2:45 p. m. Roseburg pa MBger. Ne. 149:18 p. m., Portland ex. preen. Toward Fertland, Freight. Ne. 222. B:0 p. m. Portland faBt freight. No. 226.-10:40-11:28 a. m. way freight. Toward Saa Francisco, Passenger No. 11.-11:03 a. m. Roseburg passenger. No. 17.-6:45 p. m. Cottago Grove passenger. Ne. IB 8:66 p. m. California ex press. No. 183:31 a. m. San Francis- eo ezpreca. Toward 8aa Francisco, Freight. No. 821. 2:43 a. m. Portland fat freight. Ne. 226.-11:88 a. m. way froight. OREGON KLKOTRIO RAILWAY Time Card Effcctlvo Nov. in, 1008. Fer: Loaves Portland and Intermediate Local 0:40 a.m. Portland-IIIllsboro and In- termodlato, Local 8:66 a.m. Portland and Intormodlnto, Local 11:15 a.m Portland and Intormodlnto, Local 1:40 p.m. Portland-Tualatin and Hills boro, LI ml tod 3:05 p.m Fortland-IIllluboro nnd In tormodlnto, Local 4:00 p.m. Fortlnnd nnd intormodlnto, Local 0:20 p.m Portland nnd Intormodlnto. Local f 8:40 p.m. Frem: a-rlvc Portland and Intormodlnto, Locnl 8:25 n.m. Portlnnd-IIIllnboro nnd In termediate Icnl ....10:00 n.m. Portland, llllloboro nnd Tualatin, Limited ....10:50 a.m. Portland nnd Intormodlnto, Local 1:00 p.m. Portland-IIIllsboro nnd lu- tormedlato, Locnl 400 p.m. Portland nnd Intormodlnto, Locnl 5:45 p.m. Portland and Intormodluto, Local S:3U p.m. Portland und Intormodlnto, Local J 040 p.m. MEALS 15c Call and try thorn. Meals lCc Doard por wook 2.75, aln fur talshod rooms vory ronionnblo. AT TIIH Salem Restaurant 030 COURT BTltKHT. Now is the Time to visk California When summer hat pawed lu these north ern states, tho sun U only mild undor th bright bluo skies of Bouthorn California. This Is one of naturo'r happy provisions eternal summer (or thoao who cannot en dure a mora aovoro climate. California has been called the "Mecca of tho wlntor tourist " Its hotels and stop ping places aro as varied as thoao of all well regulated cities Visitors can always And suitable accom modation., congonlal companions and var ied, pleasing recrea tions, SOUTHERN PACIfIC CO. Will bo glad to supply soruo vory attractive lltoraturo, aoscrlblnr In detail the many delights of winter In California. Tho rato from Salem to Los Angeles and return Is 155. Limit six months, allowing stopovers In either direc tion. Similar excursion rates are in oKoct to all California pelata. For full Information, sleeping car reeervatloas and tickets, call on, telegraph or write agouti, Salem, or yni. M'MURKAY, Gnt. Pa. Agt. Pert), OrecoM. Gold Oast Flout Made by THE SYDNEY POW ER COMPANY, Sidney, Ore gon. Mado for family use. Ask our grocer for It. llran nnd Bhorta always on hand. P. B. WALLACE, Agt. Nebraska Corn Just arrived one car of Nebraska corn : : : : : Tiltson & Co. Salem Fence Works Hondqunrtors for Wovon Wlro Fonclng, Hop Wlro, Barb Wlro, Poultry Notllng, Shingles, Mul thold Hoofing, P & U Ilondy Hoofing. All At LoivcMt PrlcpH. CIIAS. D. MULLIGAN MO Court Ht Plionu 112 1 I'horu 44 Main 147 N HIkd Bt C. W. YANNKE Proprietor of THE FASHION STABLES Cnba and Livery, nil Hlgs Modern Hubbor Tiro. in i n i mi i ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1- How Journal Readers Can Save J Money Itond cnrofully, ovory day tho Advertising Columns la tho Capital Journal Home dny you will bo likely ; ; to llml a bargain advorttHud ; ; that you want. A prompt ro- ; ; ply may save you money ; ; Watch It Carefully : : IIIIIIHH HI H I II HI M TORRID ZONE FURNACE 7 Tho abovu cut repreoeuU oi brick lined lornd 7.oud Furuacj. Guaranteed gas, amoko aud dutt roof. Economical and durable. A. L. FRASER 1MW HTATK BTUKKT, turnunea on heating O. C. T. Co. Steamers Orogoua ami Pomona leave for Portland Monday. Wednes day and Friday at 10 a. iu. Tuoa day, Thursday and Saturday at G a.m. Faro 50 cents. ijtivA for Corvallla. Tuosdav. Thursday and Saturday about 7 p. m. ... iWSjSSpjfc THIS MAXIM QUN. Curious Origin of Tills Tcrrlblo Ea glnc of Destruction. Tho origin of tho Maxim gun was aomowhat curious. Mr. Maxim (Sir Illram) after tho closo of tho gnut civil war In America wa3 visiting ono of tho southern battloflolda. Ho picked up a Springfield rlflo and be gan firing nt a target. Ho coon dis covered to hie amazement that hU shoulder was all blnck and bluo with tho recoil. This sot him thin lng and ho soon concolvod tho ldr-a of utilizing this force In a gun which would flro automatically. Ho wont to London full of his Ideas but no ono would listen to him. In Birmingham tho chief man in n factory rofusod to mako a bolt gun. In despair Mr. Maxim packed up his trunks nnd wont to Paris, tn two weoks tho work waa dono. Th'a gun Mr. Maxim exhibited in Londoa In 188G. Ho spoko of It Uion as tho gun of tho futuro. It in now tho gun of tho present. It Is a wond .r ful gftin and a deadly ono. By ad justing tho Indicator It will flro bul lets at nny rato from ono por mln uto to COO. . TIiIb torrlblo woapon Is started In tho firing or tho first shot. Aftor that It works Itself and will koep going as long as cartridges can bo fed Into tho innchlno. Whon ono bolt of 333 Is exhausted, all that Is nocoBsary In to hook on nnothor. Whon tho British govornmont gavo an ordor for tho gun they stip ulated that It ahould not wolgh moro than a hundred poundB and should bo cnpablo of firing a thousand rounds In four minutes. Mr. Maxim produced n gun which wolghed thlr- ty-llvo pounds and fired 2,000 rounds In throo mlnutos. St. Louis Post-Dlspntch. Ely's Crneni Halm hna boon tried und not found wnutlng In thousands of liiitiiud all over tk-i rouutry. It has won a placo lu tho family meJi olnu closet among tho reltablo house hold romedlos whoro It Is kept at haud for uuo lu treating cold lu tho head Just tu noon as soma member of tho houHohould buglns tho prelimin ary snoozing or snuffling. It gives lm mediate relief nnd a dny or two's troatmont will put n stop to n cold which might, If not chocked, become chronic and run Into a bad coso of catarrh. "Does your wlfo ovor tako your mlvluo about anything?" asked tho Impertinent relative "Certainly," answered Mr. Meok ton. "She frequently consults mo ns to whether hor lint Is on straight." Washington Star. . p '-' - Kt'iiiliiluo Analysis. "How do you Know your luiHbnm! U not a good poker player?" "llomuiBO," anaworod young Mrs, TorkliiH, "no good poker playor could hu hh popular as ho Is with other pukur players." Washington Star. Maybe. "She's nothing but it doll." "Oh, 1 don't know. I think you uould H(tiu(o her without having hor ory 'Mammal'" Loulsvlllo Courlor-Jnurnul. -o- Appropriate. Tlie goat gtivo a party, But did not know nt nil What to oall It. till tho parrot Hhrloked, "Why not butter bnll?" Ilnltlmoro American o Tok It Out of Danger. "Why, Toiumyl Whoro In tho world did you got that red lautorn?" "Soww man loft It lu tho stroot. Mfe. o- The gentle keeper has geutlo Uvo stock. o Caught in the Hnln. then a oold and a cough let It run ou gut pnoumonln or consumption thnt'B all. No mattor how you got our oough don't noglect it tako lulnrd'a llorohound Syrup and you'll bo over It lu no time. Tho sure cure for coughs, oolds, bronchitis and all pulmonary dUonBos In young and old. Sold by all dealers. According to tho law of averages a sorloa of hot mimmora aro duo; Ice la a great luxury during a hot sum mer. O ' Stomach Trouble Cured. It you havo any trouble with your atomnah you should tako Chamber lulu's Stomaoh aud Liver Tablots Mr. J. P. Kioto of Kdlna. Mo., says "1 havo used a great many different medicines for stomach trouble, but find Chamborlaln's Stomach and I.Ivor Tablets more beneficial than any other remedy I over used." For salo by Dr. Stone's, drug store. Don't Rely ON NATUKB ALONE. to restoro your stomach to a normal condition, to keep tho bowels free from constipation nnd to mako your nerves steady. It Is n far hotter and qulckor plan to add tho assistance that can only be obtained by taking a short courBO of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS "Somothlng else" won't do in its placo and that's why wo urge you again to "get Hosteller's. It is for Indigestion, Costlvcness, Insomnia, Colds and Grippe. Cosgrove Not Oa Hand. Untied Press Leased Wire. Olympla, Wash., Jan. 22. No word ha sheen received hero regard ing tho coming of dovornor-oloct Cosgrove. From outsldo sources It was learned that ho Intended to lenvo PnBO Hoblos this morning but tho wires aro down to California and nothing definite is known as to his movomonts. Too Much Face. You fool as If you had ono face too many when you havo Neuralgia Don't you? Savo tho fnco, you may nocd ltj but got rid of tho Neuralgia by applying Bnllard's Snow Llnlmont. FInost thing In tho world for rheu matism, nournlgla, burns, cuts scalds, lamo back and nil pains. Sold by nil dcnlors. . o Pride. "Aro you at tho head or your class In school?" "Not exactly," answered tho sturdy boy; "but tho boy that Is at tho bond of my cIbbs In school Isn't In my class In football." Washing ton Star. The Pure food Law. Socimtary Wilson nays: "Ono of tho objects of tho law is to inform tho consu mor of tho presonco of cor- tnln harmful drugs in medicines." Tho law requires that tho amount of chloroform, opium, morphlno, nnd other hnblt forming drugs bo stated on tho Inbol of each bottle. Tho manufacturers of Chamborlaln's Cough Homedy havo always claimed that tholr remedy did not contain nny of thoso drugs, nnd tho truth of this claim Is now fully proven, ns not montlon of thorn Is mado on tho lnbol. This remedy Is not only ono of tho snfost, but ono of tho best In uso for coughs nnd colds. Its vnluo has boon provon beyond question during tho many yonrs It has boon In gonornl uso. For sate by Dr. Stonola drug storo. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho offe Stgmuuro CHICHESTER S PILLS no olbrr liMr r w. V !ru(i.t. AMifciii. irV'H.Tr:na iiiamo.mi nitNi imiiu Vj.; VCAIlkBQtlkll flf AIk.w. tf.lla. I. SOLO BV DRUGGISTS BTRHERE IR FRENCH FEMALE PILLS. X ftitv, C" Hit .r h t $ rnrwu Utren(us, &IVC3 NuK 10 TAIL -' ' " fliJ. ui tru t fttlKl tWni rvni4 dt r t .1 Id.atdniiililil ka 1 l'lNillilt UM I-Jttk iA UNITrOMKDICAUCO , 0 T4, LiNC.ITM. p. I .nW in Salein bv Or 5, C. S-- ARE YOU SICK? Do You Wish to Get Cured? After you hav tried tho othe doctors, como aud see tho old reltablo "hlnese doctor. He guarantee to dure after everythlog olo has failed. Dr. Kutn has lived ovor 20 years In Salam. nnd has cured a groat many of S.Mem 's wall-known men and wo men, aud ht.3 scores of testimonials trorn thankful patients whom he ha" cured In tho past H guarantees to euro whoro th- knlfo seems tho last resort. H treats all chronic and nervous dlsoases, catarrh, asthma, lung and throat troubles, itomach, llvor, kidney and heart trouble, rheu matism, gall stones, tape worms, !ot vitality, general debility, rupture and all kinds of female complaints. Ex amination and consultation free. If you cannot call write tor symptom blank to the Dr. Kum Bow Wo Drug Co., 167 South High street, Salem, Oregon. ArtCSA lilkrtcr1. lUmoKTIlrnciA fill, u llrd tml (laid mmmAV. !".', Mil I iiU Wuo KiUmu. V jft Vii lila l n i.Y.nWBM.lQ ys liJlllllH JM kllllllllH MLifliflijiiiiiiiifl i (EaTLiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH i CTreirawHB READY TAILORED CLOTHES FOR WELL DRESSED MEN. -flmm 20 c , THE STOCK BOOKS; For tho North Santlam Mining company, aro still epon far In vestors. A limited amount of stock Is now for sale, at tho LOW P1UOE of 5c per sharo. SAVAGE & HERREN FISCAL AGENTS. 120 S. COJDUEHCIAL ST. 1 1 mi I Wire Fencing ! i i i mi w Paint rf or SALEM HARDWARE CO. ii t 120 Commercial St. wiiiiniiiiiifiiifiiiiiiieiw T y vV. SlAixErt Royal blood docs not prevent men from bolng "dubs" nor many anl inals from bolng so-callod scrubs. Every Mother. Is or should bo worried whon tho lit tlo olios havo a cough or cold. It may lend to croup or plourlsy or pnoumonln thon to somothlng more sorlous. Ballard's llorohound Syrup will euro tho trouble nt onco and provent nny complication. Sold by all dealers. !! Bllllllllf lff lmf if ff ttW i NO NEED OF WET FEET I Why don't you purchase a pair of Rubber Shoes or Boots or a pair of my High-top Leather Shoes? See my line for the best in quality and price. One trial will prove it. JACOB VOGT, Man oe I miifiitiittiiititf if tiif itn MnitnnuiiimnunHttmt(tttw A BARGAIN FOR SALE Modern im proved home. New houses building in im mediate vicinity. An opportunity for right party or an invest ment. Address,' Capi tal Journal. y . AAII M Vf 0f" PRICE RANGE TO 40 A Meeting At which your ono dealro ia to appear at your best somothlng pos itively Impossible whon your linen Is poorly laundered. Your collar, Bhlrt or cuff or the Bhlrt waist, nockploco, etc., Is Junt ns Important In your appoaranco as tho clothes thomsolvcs. If you bring them horo thoy will bo porfoctly lnttndorod nnd rotnrnod In A-l condition. Salem Laundry Co. Telephone 2S. 1.10-100 S. Llbcrtty St ; Builders' Hardware ii I w i i i nil mill i um ) and Oil Phone 172 ;; TUB BWHKTEST MUSIC sounds still Bwooter whon played on our high-class musical instruments. Our mandolins havo tho warmth of tunny Spain; our banjos nil tho mirth and laughter of tho sunny South. Como and try' tho Instru ment you lovo best. It is horo nil right. Wo havo ovory klad known. L. V. SAVAGE, 247 Commercial Street, Balora, Or. HUIE WING SANG CO. Now All Goods Sale At Cost Price Wo mako up all kinds of under wear, Wrappors, Klmonas and Waists. Silks, Dross Goods, Ladles nnd Gonts' Furnishing Goods, Shoes, Dlankots, Matting, bilk Handker chiefs, etc. 32G N. Commercial 'St. S&lem, Ore. M. l lIAIjMWIN, AgU tHM mi taitiiji mwnuiimwiw fo'wmmmmi''