Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 23, 1909, FIRST EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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Sub-Committee of Capitol Water Commission Files Extensive
Report With Governor, Giving Optimistic Outlook for the
Establishment of Great New Supply of Cold, Pure, Sparkling
Mountain Water for the City of Salem
Tho fltibcoimnlttco to lnvostlguto
tho qtioHllon or mountain wntor sup
ply for Salem hnH filed a report with
Oovornor (Icorgo 12. Chnmborlaln,
clinlrninn of tho Capltnl Wntor Com
inlttco, lu whloli thoy proBont oortiiln
foaturos In connection with both tho
IlrloltonbtiHh nml tho Mttlo North
Fork of tho Hnntlum na sourcoB of
wntor fllupply. Tlio comploto roport
Is nn follews:
To tho Ilonornbla Ucorgo 1-3. Chnni
borlnln, Glmlriiian of tho Oonernl
Commlttoo on Wntor Supply for
tho City of Hnlom nml tho Stnto In
Htttutlons: Donr fllr:
Tho Btibconunlttoo on nourco of sup
ply and oiitlmntod cont respectfully
roport ns follews:
Wo hnvo mndo n preliminary ox
nnilnntlon of tho Hovornl Rourcos
from which It lias been supposed a
supply of mountain wither cou'd ho
obtnlnod nnd find Hint only two of
thorn nro prnotlcnl; tho supply from
tho others belli; limufnolont.
Ono sourco of supply would bo tho
Llttlo North Kork of tho Sifiitlnm
rivor nnd tho othor would bo tho
Mttlo Xorlli I'oi k.
Tho Mttlo North Fork of tho Hnn
tlnm river bonds lu the Gaaaado
mountaliiH In tho eiiHteru part of Mar
Ion county nnd flows lu lo tho main
North Fork of tho Hnnlliiin nt n pofiit
nbout ono mllo oust of Mohnuiu; the
dlstnnco from Halom to Mehnmii by
wagon rond Is 27 miles. Tho rivnr
Is nbout 30 miles Ioiik nnd tho terri
tory drained by It will nvornge about
three iiiIIom In width.
Thoro Is ronsldnrublo Hottlenuin'
on both nldos nnd over thn lower part
of tho wntriabrd ( ijh mream. tlila
The strvHtn Is nbout 30 mlloe long
and tho average width of tho terri
tory draining Into It Is .from throe to
four mile.
Tho stream Is entirely within tho
CiiRcndo Forest Koeorvo.
There Is n small settlement direct
ly nt tho mouth of tho stroma and for
a few months during tho sutnmor
thoro Is O.U I to a enmp at tho Hrelton-
bush Hot Springs.
Almost all of tho laud draining in
to this stream Is owned by tho gov
ernment. The supply of wntor l abundant
nt nil seasons nnd from what Infor
mation wo hnvo tho stream carrier
but llttlo sediment.
Regarding tho best way to convoy
wntor f i om tho iiiountnliiH i to tho
city, wo bollevo no othor kind of plpo
Ik oqunl to cnBt Iron, but In many in
stances riveted steel or wooden stnvo
pIpcK are lined and give good satis
faction. lu our esse, owing to the distance
and high cost, cast lion plpo Is out
of tho question.
Wooden stnvo plpo bound with
Iron bauds hnvo boon used for many
yoar for largo conduits nnd hy
draulic mining ami (lining tho Inst
few yours hnvo mine Into extensive
use for water supply pipes; there aro
now made to safely withstand n
pressure up to !)() pounds to tho
squaro luoh; this kind of pipe has
considerable advaiitHKo, It cost miioli
lot, the cost of traiiMportntlon and
laying uiu reduced and If tho plpo
Is liopt running full so Dint h. ..'
Is nl win rlllirttd i' 1.l 'art' in
'Uftnjl. '
be doubled. In determining tho size
of pipe neooseary we have flgurod on
a population of GO, 000.
If water should bo takon from the
Llttlo North Fork at n point sovon
miles nbovo tho mouth nnd nbovo
tho main settlement nnd brought to
Salem In a wooden stnvo plpo of suf-'
Ilclont size to supply n population of
00,000 it would cost about $300,00"
Should water bo takon from the
IlreltonbiiBh In thin manner tho cost
would be nbout $000,000.
Theso estimates covor tho cost of
tho plpo laid nnd rendy for use, but
doos not Includo n distributing sys
torn at this ond or n storage reser
voir nt tho uppor and If oil) should
bo nocossnry. If tho ntorngo rosor
volr Is necessary, in our opinion, n
site can bo found whoro tho cost of
construction would not bo groat.
Tho Mttlo North Fork Is opon to'
tho objection of sottlomeut nnd tho'
mining but It In probnblo that propor
cam could bo takon to eliminate dan
ger from that sourco nnd from fu
ture contamination.
If an examination should show tho
supply from tho Mtlo North Fork to
be liisulllclent for a larger popula
tion n storage rawer voir could bo con-
where tho wntor Is
ntructed near
taken out. j
The objection to tho nreltenbush '
Is the greater distance and rough na
ture of the country nbovo Mohnmu :
over which the plpo would have to
Fiom either niro the water nt
trr U 'ihoUMumrt and adapted to
i.u il'niKMtic rmriKiHos and for the
liuwiii the mppl) Is milllolont and
i ri-w" i Hr&t ouoiigh to main-
CHit. .-i.i an oxoelletit gravity ayatenii
in ordoi " arrive nt the annrox-1 Vour Hubcommltteo at this time Is
,aiU1Phj' eatraUa from tho mouth
of gi !- ,.iir.t lUiairtiw cost of bringing lu wntor. war l miMulontly Informed so
emir u in 'fig nt ha unfioado
PWmt i. ei v, a dlManoe of about 1 1
in I Ira fiom Molmmti. moot of the got
tlemunt Is along thi lower six mile.
About IB miles above the inoiitJi
of the stream ooiiMlderable iiiIiiIiik Is
have takon Into ootiMlderattou the
nature of grouiitl over wliloh the
pipe would have to ooiuo and aleo
the pmlmhlo population thai would
have to hu supplied.
The present imputation of the ott
going on atonic the uver and t trlb . f Sulem together with thn aubjeota
titnrloii and the Indications aro tlmtd .iiio(mi at tln state iustltu
a Hinelter will noon be Installed near n,,,, iN ow from is.ouo to 20.000,
and In our opinion will lu n fevs years
its to
the mouth of Clout Creek, which la
a brunch or the Mttle North I'oik
The stream l the natural outlet
for a lurff amount of 'timber grow
ing along Ita baaln and the territory
whloli It drs I lie.
Tile HreltenbiiBli rlvei heads lu the
Cascade mountains nt the foot of Mt.
Jefferson and Hows Into the man
Noith Fork of the Mantlnm river two
miles woal of Detroit, lu this oouaty;
in a direct Hue the mouth of the river
Is 15 miles fiom sialeiii. but naoes
sury curves lu a pipe Hue would make
the dlalauce about 50 itilWe.
A Squnro Doal
I snared you when yoa buy Dr. Pierre1
family im.li m fur all lite Itiitrull-
tmu i ni i H i lot j tlioni an Mr'ii . u
tbi h irn ii r nml tl.it i i.imln
an i i it in t. ri'tli .i i j ijnKti
and i mi low ju-i ii ii )u art
pu)iiu i .i m.. I that tli hi i .nt an
Satin i frmii Nature' Ui in i,t
fllSl.il )rUI UlK tllll-1 UM.U. ,1
iii H ii r ta found ir'" "i in ir
A 'ii. i ii ' 'i. i unit wis p i ,ii i -an
i i ni i lurmltw i ii in iii. i
ii'll' '' mi n and oliililii ii Nui u ,
ut K ii. I mlira IliUi tin r t'liiiiiM i
A am. n U'li r uncut u umkI Utili i '
Uraili4 Knt iiVMriim uie nii-i i
lartiit'iiiii ii- i in tUi ni n iuniii
renin') . i i ii 'I III- it kt ut i u, . .-
jnuiii'Mi i' i . mat invixTt -of h.i,mi
(mIiu ' in wlulifi am M-pili- ami nml
frr. ii iu uutritiva ami koutlilug itvuiul
tj Mtfiiw day ait laiwruat part In
llr. I'loreeV tiu) a Mtttikal Uiarovrr) Ii
the rtii uf liWI TMlitut, tyM imI i ;'
ntvtlk oiuai'h, aitrmli-J Uy wur rut .
h'jrt-biu ii. (out unstth, MMtM wg
tMNir apiit'tlu-, fnawiikjf ferllnv n tin
Rrh, bill aiuut atel klmtrl Un - .
IIM'llfcB til btir iIU4IVU. IITVY ani WHI I
recommend which Is the more prao
tlcal source and that on n.be determ
ined only by oaroful oxamluatlnn of
theatreama and tho territory drained
by the m and the oaroful analyst and ,
gauging of the water.
Iteepuet fully submitted,
W J. CUIA'Mlt.
ltfliJi4 1 iirniii c It thabove titirv iii
allawma. tu"tJIJmi Mntilcl IMaot-
Jaa imvIb hr all 1I'mc.( u im i
tni'it .Liima, aa veUrrh wlintber of tl
tta al paneair or f the UMaeh. Ui S
k tulk 1.. r.k v.a.k. 1.... Ih ll l.l.ta.r I I I.
Jiff ' "V VI .I.. . .'1. ... w ........ ' . W
aut li "' tfil t iiiU HrtU'ii ii in-
V If IU U K JM t flixt III IlltliKV r
it il t h n i i i! i i ll l
!iili I
cwr i
In 4 1. in- t
(Mil I
t i .' . I
i. a
l ii' .1 .
nuoi. tin
I i t i
u Ii
4iuuui isfiivraiiv iuiv Ute wrat
ca v
In iimrM bu ii.iiit i auwHi ir !
III 1 1 i k . I . . I
. dkltt'll hi lV I III " I . .1 ', t
ifaMlu kl III I 1 I li a III I I I I .Ml I
aiiir. rihtu.ili.1 III Ih . i.xillia .11 i
riMitflii. e'J ' i1 1 1 ' iiinl'i i
lHlUIMMftll ntlMlt l .iltlAll I i
nuitif) "it u Mts.klK. lu i '
(ni; (iim kuiuk'n iii. n i" i n i
IHH'ttHl lu ourr iMueivtlti la ll Ji' .
U noniktl ii will ti' thai ut Kir l
tho ulniuik't iliixmli .xuikli. Mli.t li If .-
riiii) nii'U li. u' ""!' "r
tho Ut mcUwlim Uitl vau U lwu
fdirtivi, ur iiai'ii n.
The Oregon state- pMiltontlnry hus
now bahluil Its walls 432 prlsonori,
whoao sentence range nil the vn
from ludetermlnnte to life. WartUu
Curtis atattrd yeeterdav that all the
prisoner obey tho rulea or the l-tJ-tutlen
tMrffiotly. and. up to tho prev
ent time, tto dimnHlUea of any k"'I
bare been met pertaa rg to the p Li
on, m all the taea under Ute eare of
the ottcere bare eoe.lHeted them
eelvee In creditable waMaer.
The auraber of v '. onere and tb lr
time of opI. nent la tb teu la
aa folK.'vh Two uiu year timer.
II right -year, 1ft i-eveu-year. t alx
aad oue-balf-year. II atx-rear. SO
live-year. II four-year, lit) one-year
uteu. ll tweatx-yar. 1 sixteen. 1 1
fifteen-year men, 1 thirteen, e twelve
IT tea. 9 tbre aad one-half, St
tUnte, IT oae and one-half. 09 two
year. Jl one nnd a half, i-i oae-year.
IS litdetorniliiato. Tlilrlj'-wvrtii pris
oners are elated to aorve a life aon
tence. The number of rUonrs rocelvol
ami dlaHibwml from tho ponlteutlary
alace the Utat aaaaial report of the
uiierlaleHtleiit. oa Oetohar 1 tUOS.
U a follewe: Novainbar. IS prison
ers dlembwetl and 19 received; Do
cember. 19 dlemlaaed and IS k-e
echini Jaawary. 14 dtemlastHi and
8& r-elved. llefore the ilret of Fob
mai aeveral wore prlaoaera will
be iMtttwltUil to tbe laatUutlou. as
gnaatiac la tbe aelghborboiHl of
from 30 to 4 ft prteoaers la all. which
will route eoar belag a record break
er In etitraneea,
Fie mn are roanaeil In the
pii tin who have beea condemned to
Jath fwr wanler. They are IXxlw.
AHderaoH. XaoignJ. TiHtwous and
Johaeon Thro of the condemn t
prfoner Haley. Andorson and
KuolgnJ have npponled tholr casivi,
and a definite ditto upon which they
aro to be executed tine not beon given
Johnson Is scheduled to hnng tho
5th of next month, wlillo Tlmmons
la aehedtiletl to he executed on tho
16th of the same month.
A Ohio lor .Misery.
"1 bate fouatl a car (or tbe aaix
wr malaria potaoa wred ." aajrti
R U. Jamee. of Uouellea. B. C. "It's
called Electric Ultters. aad conea la
SO ceut hottlea U Urea ha up a caae
( ebllla or a bllloas attack la at
moat ao time, awl It nat ylbw
lauadlee clean out of oommhutoa."
This great loaio madleJae aad bbMHl
uarlfler glvea nulok relief In all
etaniaaU. Ilrar aad kldaey aaiHHlalHlg
aad the misery of laws baek. Sold
Niuler KKaraatuo at J. 0. Parry's
drug store.
i vi
Si Tho Secret of a a
w Beautiful Pact
he In keeping tK iktn pro
tecttduweuucleanitd. Jiut
xoihlng U not enough tht
only learti tha delicate rur(c
more cxpotcd to the IrHutioa
of dtut and germi to mercl
leu atucki of tun and
weather. After wuhui. ap
ply Robertlne and cipcucnc
tti dellshtful refrethmenL
You wUTadmlra the line-leu
lotlneM It impart to fare,
neck and arm. It not only
(Mmulitei a radtant cluvr, but
protect tt km front becom
ing come l'irvenu bum
iiiC, taa and freckle.
tMix j-rr
Health how many
would jzive fortunes to enjoy
the greatest of nature's gifts and to be
able to give
A SmiSe All the WSe
Ailing tots cause iDity fretful young people cause
wonderment irritable men and. women cause surprise.
To enjoy perfect health the body must be built up
and the mind invigorated by perfect food.
is the perfect food drink its use will bring quiet to
breaking nerves strength to the weak and
contentment to the strong besides it is
delicious and appetizing.
30 cups of a delicious drink
mm i
OldDytch Dunkards A"perw"f-
ly, Pennsvlvanians vho hnvt
made and used HICKORY BARK COUGH REMEDY for seventy years, and reared
Di awj a fnm''y oficlcven children. Por
.. I 8J8 VL, S.i!c by all dealers
tire Cure
No Alcohol Nor Alkaloids