DAILY OATITAIi JOURNAL, SALEM, ORKG4N, SATURDAY JANUARY 38, 1008. 35SE! Four Extra Specials Added OUR JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Which continues to attract large numbers and makes birsk selling Clearance Sale Prices Still Prevail On LADIES' SUITS, DRESS SKIRTS, PETTICOATS, FURS, WAISTS, FANCY COLLARS, SILKS, MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOHTING. FOR MONDAY ONLY TORCHON LACES TORCHON LACES A very large and attractive assortment of torchon laces manv different patterns, will be on sale, These laces are so wide and pretty that we are told that it is a mis take to sell them below the regular price, Monday, . 4c yard and 9c yard Ladies' Fleece Lined Vests 21c Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday we place on sale some new, good, durable fleece lined vests for only 21c . Boys' Suits and Knee Pants Specially Priced MAY BUILD FIVE-STORY BRICK IN THE SPRING Although unprepared a3 yet to give out any information of a definite character, tho ofHcials of tho United States National Bank in this city, arn Intending to erect a flvo-story briok olllco building on tho old Mooro prop erty on Stnto streot west of tho Red TO CREATE A CITY BOARD OF CHARITIES At tho instnnco of tho, Mlnlstorlnl Union of Salem, a mooting was held InBt night, which will bring forth a board of charities for this city A committee, composed by tho clerical body met nt tho Salem Hoard of Trade rooms, and bosldes Mayor Rod gcrs. several mlnlstors and business men woro presont. Row Dandy noted Cross Pharmacy. Th pronators of tho now build-, 8 chairman of tho mootlnc lng, as proposed, nro mnnblo to con-1 Several instances of need, as n re nrm any m,attors relating to tho ereo-1 8it of the rocont cold snap, woro tion m yot, and stated this morning B,)oken of BIltl vnroiiH mni,8 llf . that, notwithstanding thoro wasisl8tlnB tllIa cmsfi ot nconlo woro d.u ground for ho rumor circulating toCiimotl. 8nUm ,,n8 not hlul a ll0nn, that offect, thoy would not .bo ro-of chnrltiHs for nmny yonrs nnd thoro $2,00 Suits $1.60 $2,25 Suits $1.80 $2,50 Suits $2.00 $3,00 Suits $2.40 $3,50 Suits $2.80 $4,00 Suits $3.20 $5,00 Suits $4.00 $6,00 Suits $4.80 $7,50 Suits $6.00 KNEE PANTS 50c Pants 40c 75c Pants 60c 85c Pants 68c 95c Pants 76c $1,00 Pants 80c $1,25 Pants $1.00 $1,50 Pants $1.20 On Sale For the Entire Week Ladies' Tailored Suits Wonderfully Low Priced These'are all black Suits in large sizes, Thoy are of tho best materials and tail oring, the very latest styles, For the Week $65,00 Suit $44.00 $30,00 Suit $20.65 $27,00 Suit $19.25 $22,00 Suit $13.75 $18,00 Suit $12.60 $18,50 Suit $11.82 $13,50 Suit ..!...$ 8.25 The sizes are from 38 to 44 sponsible for any stntcmonts mado lending anyone to bollovo tho con struction of tho building was a set tled fnct, Tho work on tho structure, if decided on, will be commonced j early next spring. Tho land, upon which now stauds several old buildings, was ono ot the i first spots built on In Salem. Bade In the 60c ono of tho first postofflco headquarters was situated In tho old 'building, ncross tho streot from tho Hoard of Trado rooms. Tho old land marks aro now bolng torn down, and nevernl of tho tlmbors which mado up the frame of tho strrjeturo consist of logs hown out nnd put togothor la tho manner In which such work wut dono long ago. Many of Salem's pioneers can remombor tho tlmo when thoy passed through tho smalt door formerly In tho front of tho building and rocclved ther dally mnll. Aro Yon Ono or Them? TLo houso wlfo who has boon in duced to buy a phosphate baking powdor by grocers or canvassers will bo somewhat chagrined to learn that Uil character of goods is mado from burned bonos, mixed with diluted oil of vitriol. Dairy mothods huvo mado grant advantages during tho past fcw years, not tho loast of which is the making of loss good cream Into poor butter. Simple Remedy for La Grippe. Itnaklng la grippe coughs that may develop into pnoumonla ovor lbt are quickly cured by Koloy's Honey and Tar. Tho soro nnd in flamed lungs aro healod nnd strength Med, and n dangerous condition Is ulokly avortod. Take only Foley's Honey nd Tar in tho yellow pack l J. C. Perry. We have the following list of bonds for sale: 22,000 City, 5 and 6 per cent, 9.500 Gas, 6 per cent, 7,500 Industrial, 6 per cent, 10,000 Electric Light Plant, 6 per cent , 15,000 Electric Light Plant, 6 per cent', Ail subject to prior sale, For particulars Phone Main 16, Waters Bros. Ovei Ladd & Bush Bank, MADE A BOLD BREAK FOR HIS LIBERTY I I'nlU'il I'ri'M I.cnseil Wire Tacoma, Wash., Jnn. 23. Walter If. Lawronco, 19 years of ago, made a sensational break for liberty yes terday following his rolcASo from tho fcdoral ponltentlary at McNeil's Island and rearrest by detectives from Covington, Ky., on a chargo of nttomptod murder. Lawronco was on his way to tho steamer dock in Tacoma, in charge of United States Doputy Marshal Stattor, and, while crossing tho railroad tracks, suddenly slipped one of his handcuffs and started on a run down tho tracks. Tho ofllcor nnd n numbor of railroad employes gave pursuit, and an exciting chase on sued, sevoral shots being fired. Law ronco was finally overtaken and re shackled. Later ho was turned ovsr to a dotectlve from Covington. Lawrence nnd Frank Johnson robbed a sub-postal station at Port land, Or., March 23, 1908. Theli sontenco was reduced by good be havior, and yesterday thoy wore re leased from McNeil's Island, SNOW IN COLORADO DOES MUCH DAMAGE 0 rand Junction, Col ., Jan. 23. Under nn nvalanchc of snow four mon were killed today and moro than a score nearly escaped death In n sim ilar munncr. Snow Is sweeping tho Camp Bird mine at Ouray, where tho denths occurred and -10 horses are burled under tons of It near here. ISiulI Johnson, one of the minors, after being burled, was dug out by his dog. Eight slx-horso teams drnwlng many pnssongs In Btagcs havo been caugnt in tho mountains by tho avalanche. would probably have been no occa sion nt this tlmo for consideration of this business, except for tho recent cold spell, which has found mnny of tho poorer peoplo wholly unproparcd. Mayor Rodguis spoke of several case of attempted Imposition, and thfiiiKht tho matter should bo Judic iously handlod. Mr. lluckestclu and othors spoke of tho sltuntlon, nnd folt thnt Salem should make arrange ments to provont suffering. Mnjor Kodgei'H and County Judge Rushoy were asked to nnino a board consist ing of ono momb r from ench ward, to whom applications could bo re ferred, and whose business would be to recommend assistance where act ually needed. This motion was unan imously carried, and tho county and city authorities will no doubt nn nouueo their appointments nt an enrly date. o N'oarly twenty yonrs ago F S. & II. was advocating parcels post; It Is at t yot. undlscourngod. It lo tho wenk and fnlnt-hcartcd that tiro -In woll-dolng. Food is more tasteful, healthful and nutri tious when raised with ROYAL The only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar BAKING POWDER ggggKw Absolutely tvs jggggyBS Pure J& Madt from Gropes TAXIN6 TIMBER GETS A LIFT FROM REALS CAMPBELL WANTED TO SEND TO JUDICIARY OOMMIITEE Take DeWltfs Kldnoy nnd Madder Pills. Thoy aro for weak back, back ache, rheumatic pnlns and all kldnoy and bladder troubles. Soothing nnJ antiseptic. Regular slzo 50c. Soul by all druggists. OASTOniA. Campbell Jumped onto tho Heals bill-to tax standing timber. Ho doubt ed tho constitutionality of It Ho wanted it (o go to tho Judiciary committee.. Heals said It was n bill that had been prepared by ablo law yers two years ago and ho was will ing to leave It to tho courts to do termluu thnt. Medio Htncic n prop under tho arm of the mun from Tillamook. Ho ridi culed tho desire of tho gentlomnn from Clackamas nnd tho Judiciary commltto to got tho whlprow on all the members with constitutional ob jections. Deals pulled tho record on Campbell showing ho had vutod for It two years ngo.t CampboH's niovo wns voted down. Then Phllpot moved to dofor to Wednesday. A limb from u big tree was droppod on that. Hughes of Marlon hit It a lick with a brick and tho bill was ready to bo voted on. DonlB thon mado a pleasant, unlet, but clear, lueld and unambiguous talk on tho bill ami thoro were only eight voles against it. o For outs, burns, bruises and scratches, but especially recommend od for piles DoWltt's Carbolltod Witch Hazel Salvo. Sold by at druggists. S Test This Store By the Great Lace Curtains No. 11-10 Arabian Not Battenberg Edge and insertion, 3 yds long, 40 luchos wide. Rogular $2.50. W 1 I i I t t t f liv No. 2200 Fronch Eonu Not Cllntf lace Dordor, 3 yds long, 40 inches wide. Regular $4.60. B. T. P $3.CS No. 9404 Arabian Net Maplo Loaf design, 3 yds long, 40 Inctua wide. Rogular $3.25, tttetffttteeetaeYejUw No. 4440 "White BrusB Not, dainty Bprny pattorns, X yds long, 4's Inchoo wide. Regular $7.00. H. T P $5.56 ISLANDS SUBMERGED AND DANGER GROWING (United Press Leased Wire.) Sacramento. Cul, Jan. 23 -Twitch ell Island Is inundated and other is lands at tho Junction of tho Sacra mento and San Joaquin rivers are slightly flooded where the water is under the pressure of a high south west wind, which fans the waves over the levee tops. Lower Sherman and Venice island are submerged and tho levees are weakening under the continued pounding of the water Rio Vistu Island is inundated and household goods havo been removed to the second floors of dwellings Tho wator is still rising at this point The San Joaquin delta is safe as long as tho Onnnan levee holds, but this levee muy go out at any moment, as it has been greatly weakened by the floods or tho past week Pre-Invetory Blue Tag Sale It is worth testing, Be skeptical and come with your keenest sense of criticism aroused, You will find such values hero that you will no longer want to shop around, for suqh attractive prices have boon placed on this g.eat line of housofurnishings that even a casual in spection cannot help but appeal to the most economical loving housewife Judge of the valuw by thoso few Items taken from tho mass.' Couch Covers No. 1481, Orlontnl Doalgn, In red and groon, diamond design, full nlzo. Regular $2,26, I. 1, i . i . . i 1 1 ,f 1.7U No, 6900 Tapostry, rod nnd groon doublo poppy design, full bizu. Regular $5.50. U. T. P $4.48 No, 4353, groon and tan, llornl spray design, oztra heavy body, full nlzo. Regular prlco $0,00. n. . .... ....... ,$4, 7a No. 3100 Swastika pattern, In soft pleasing shades of maroon and til n. Regular $7,75, n. T. P $0.25 i -jiyjX 24 & This is the modern Morris Chair. Ono exactly like cut, roomy and graceful of design, with box arms, framework of quarter sawed oak, spring &eat, golden or weathered finish, looso cushion, upholstered in any color velour to match your furnishings; cheap at $20. Blue Tag Price $16.25 This mossivo Satin FlnJshod P.raw Ded, exactly ike cut, has Z'A Inch continuous posts, 1-lftch top and bottom rods, seven -inch filling rods, handsome vases to match. A bed of merit that will grace any bedroom in Salem. Regular $36 value. Blue Tag Price $27.65 Buren & Hamilton You can nover have too many rockers. Tho above Is oe mad especially for us by Karper, of Chicago, framowork of flnoly flgiirod quarter sawed oak, up holstered seat and back la Kar pon guaranteed lonthor, built for comfort and durabilty. Regular $28 valuo. Blwe Tag Prlco $22.05