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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1909)
i 'l 1 BAIIiV OATITAL JOUHNA&, SALSM, ORHGON, SATURDAY JANUARY AS. ! at lttf iHHI4Mg !!! Miimiiiiimiiiiiiii''ilgH 7rititw''ai",'gi",',''i"ii; SOCIAL AND DRAMATIC EVENTS OF THEWEJK . .-. .xAtiiMi laiaiaiaitHaUM x. .... ....... --------iraiiiiwiiimiiiiiiiiimiii n i - ..-.-- ?lll4llllllll'l!ll"",ll,l',,'",""",TWTW . . ...nlir m dhucmia" 1 a dull H IMIUni IN UUIIUHiin SOCIETY - Although hardly of n social nnturo, tho inauguration coromonlos of Pres ident Jlotnnti, of WMnmatto Unlvor- Blty attracted much nttontlon tho foro part of tho wcolt. Prominent nlum nl, cducntoiH, and olorgymon from nil ovor tho fltnto wore In ntlondanco, among thorn being, Pros. W. I. Kol Boy, of Pnoiflo Collogo, who wiib tho guest of Ituvorond I'umborlon; Pros. W. N. Forrln, of Pnclflc Unlvorslty, guest of Jtov. and Mr. Phillip H. Bnuor; Proa. II. M. Crooks, of Al bany, guest of Mr. and MrB. George J. Ponrcoj O. V. While, of Phllo mnlh Collogo, guost of Hovorond Noff; Prow. Itlloy, of MoMlnnvlllo Collogo, guoHt of Dr. and Mrs. J. 11. Comor; Bishop Chas, W. Smith, M. I). Ilnnkln and daughtor, MIrb Anna, of Portland, guoBlM of Pron. and Mrs. Unman; Million 10. li. IIughuB, of Han Francisco, guest of Dr. and MrB. Kimball; ox-Hoimlor Hooth, guoBt of hlH fathor, llov. Itolit. Hooth; Hov.' W. II. Hoipo, of Qrifo M .B. church, Portland, gucBt of Hov. and Mrs. W. II. Bollock, and Pron. Campbell or "Oregon," and Dr. Wlthycomlio, of O. A. C, who stopped at tho WIN lamotto holol. Keccptloii to New President. Tho reception to President and Mra. Flotchor Honinn Monday ovon lng was largely attended. Tho church parlors of tho Mothodlst church wcro decorated with hundreds of ponnantB and inaBBos of ovorgroons nnd Ivy. Tho recontlon commlttoe whs com- liosod of Mrs. G. II. Pnttorson, Mra. W. K. Klrlc, Mra. II. D. Kimball, Miss Mary Iloynolda, Mrs. Sara Drown Savage, Mrs Frcdorlck Crainor, Mrs. Edwin Tausch, Mrs. F. Bon Eschon. Mrs. Edwin Sherwood, Mrs. M. E. Peck. In tho recolvlng lino wero Mrs. Sara Drown-Savago, MIsb Iloyn olds, who Introduced tho pooplo to Pros, nnd Mrs. Iloman, Mrs. A. N. Hush, with Pros. Campbell, of tho University of Oregen: Mrs. Claud Gatch and Pros. Forrln, of Pacific University; Mrs. Alice II. Dodd and Pros. Whlto, of Philomath Collogo; Mrs. A. N. MooroB and Pros. CrookB, of Albany Collogo, and Pres. Kolsoy, of Pacific College. Girls of tho senior uluss of tho uni versity In cap and gown sorvod punch during tho evening, and the Presbyterian orohcfltrn furnished mimic. A large number of promlnont out-of-town people wero present. Hoadrlck dollghted In showing hor a ftigut in uuiiumm. mucli attention prior to her marriage "A Night In Bohomla," next TueJ- ... . . I .1 tirJ...1i. mtnnlntTfl will Oftr to Mr, Oscar E. Price, wounoauay uay auu wuuuuouu u...b, ..... evening. Miss Etta Welch, formerly Tho For Miss Ilvadrlclc. many frlendu of Miss Dosslo DWW 1 9l9lBi9l9t9mm4MMH9 !!! frft-HB The Star HALKM'H IIOUHK Ol IIUIII-CIjASH FUN Shines Above All You Soo It Horo first, Latest and Bost TONIGHT FOUR FEATURE SUBJECTS The Queen's Lover Flno Molodrama' The Second-Hand Dealer J .A. Fun, Fun, Fun Song "Promise" By Miss Vera Holland Persistent Reporters Comic, Comic .Soldier's Return Vory Roalistic Chango of program tomorrow mmmmmwmmmvMmwmmmMmwmwmmmwoTMM vmj'B.wamammmmmmM PARTY UPPERS Advance styles of Turn Sole Pumps Just Received in COLONIAL ANKLE STRAP AND SEAM PUMPS of Salem, but now of Portland, gave hor a china Bhowor at hor homo, Sat urday, tho ninth, to which about 24 of her Portland friends wero guests. "Hearts" woro played, and Miss Hoadrlck was successful In captur ing the prize. MIsh Hoadrlck spout two day In Portland, whero sho 1b quite as popular an horo. Mliw Alnbul llroyoft was a charm ing liostoBB. at a kitchen shower last Friday night at her homo on Collage Btroot, for Miss Iloadriok. A dozon girl frlond of tho brldo-olect wero Invited, and they spoilt a few pleasant hours with music and games, In one of which MJsb Marguorlto Putnam wan awarded a prfro. Tho rooms were nttrnctlvcly decorated In rod and green. 13neJi guest brought two articles nnd all contributed recolpts which they arranged Into n little book. Guests woro Miss Marguerite Put iiHiii, Mabel Page.- Mabel Broylos. Inls llolller, Lois Ilyrd, Ocorglu HroyloB, Grace Hyrtl, Klvn I.a Fol- letto .Irtno Northrop, Uertha Broylos, Lena PIiIIHOph, Beryl lleiulrlrk and Mis. Hort ttormnn. on tho Grand opera Iioubo stago Sa lem'a bost talent, In artistic nn.1 musical lines. It will also seo tho pretty llttlo opera houso packed to tho doors with ardont and cnthusla3 tic admirers of that samo homo tal ont. It promises to bo "tho event" of tho season, and as tho best poople on earth aro getting It up, appearing In It, and going to It, It can't fall short of being a record-breaker. WILL BE TWO NIGHTS mla," opens Monday afternoon, and Elks' big show, "A Night In Bohe mia," opens Monday aftenoon, and the rogular cash sale Tuosday morn ing at 9 o'clock. Tickets may be ob tained at any cigar store in town oi a dull moment irom curiam 10 cur tain. Tho cast Is inado up of the best talont In tho city, and havo re hearsed dally for the paBt threo weeks. Among tho prominent mem bers may bo mentioned Chas. V. dal-1 loway, II. E. Albert, L. R. Steelhatn nier, Roy Buckingham, P. W. Durbln, S. M. Morgan, Mrs. W. Carlton Smith, Mrs. Percy V. Cottor, Mr. J J. Roberts, Miss Constanco Cart- rmin nnv member Tne boxes have oil beon taken for tho first night, and wrlght, Miss Hnzel Erlxon and many tho salo promlsos to bo tho blgge3t , others. A big feature Is tho dancing nle the local theatre has over had. I Pony Ballet, composed of 20 school Many of tho representatives of the girls. Mis Ruth Clark, a remark- Rev. and rMs. Lester Fields onter- loglslaturo nnvo spoaeu ior bui, uu.u ,u, .., ..... .- -. u. ,, talned the members nnd friends of .and many well-known men win d;puuiio nppearauco u oai0U1 xno the Bpworth League, of tho Leal u In tho audience. Tho play Is a mu- f rat performance wll ako place at M. E. church, at their homo UhLbIcoI comedy in two acis, uucu wim " - - . , u.. nluht. An Informal social tlmo was.protty dances, whlBtloy songs nnd " l ...... bright sayings, and there will not oo Ileudrlclt-Prko. At tho homo of tho brides parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. L. Hoadrlck, -181 North Winter street, Wodnosduy evening, Miss Dosslo Hoadrlck be came tho bride of Mr. OBcar E. Price, Rov. W. H. Sollock olllclatlng. There woro about 30 guests, rela tives and a few closo friends. At 7:15 Prof I- E. Nowborry struck tho notoo of Lohongron'a wed ding march and preceded by Rover oud Holleck, tho bridal couple en tered the parlor, whoro under an arch of smllnx hung with wedding bolls, the ceremony was porformod. Tho brldo wiib gowned In whlto men Boleno entrain and carried whlto car nations. Mr. J. C. Price, brother of tho groom, as best man, and MIbs Etta Welch, of Portland, as brides maid, attended. Tho gucstB wero Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hoadrlck, Miss Iloryl Hoadrlck, Mr. Clifford Hoadrlck, Jay Iloadriok. Fern Hoadrlck, Mr.' E. C. Price, Mr. J. 0. Prlco, Mr. nnd Mm. Otto Hoad rlck, Dr, nnd Mrs. II. O. Epley. Mrs. M. E. Stone, Miss Ettn Welch, of Portland; Miss Edna Anderson, Miss Vernal Anderson, Miss Inca Holllor, MIbs Brolk'H, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Al lison, Mrs, W, L. Sklptou, Mr. James Sklptou, Mr. Theodore Roth, Prof. V. B. Nowborry, Mr. Elinor M. mil lion, .Mr. Frank OrannlH and Mr. and Mis. J. A. Mills. After tho ceremony congmtuln moiih woro extended and a merry so cial evening was spunt, and dainty refreshments served by tho young ladlort proNent. Tho wedding gifts consisted of beautiful cut glass. table linens, a hundred-piece llavl liiud chin set lnlde many hand imlnt ed dUlitw. pleturtMi uud usuful thlugt). The joiiuk ptHiple lmvo the boHt ttlhe of many frUuds and lmvo hi'lKhtoNt pri)iHct boforo them. Mr. Price In a member of tha well-known Price Shoe Co . and ho and his bride have houta of friends uinon you at? ......l.. tx.H.i Unlit ttt klttlijiaJ t the M. K. church. TliW will b at I "C DHMin home to friends after February lKth at 1010 Oak street. enjoyed by about 35 young people Tho pupils of Miss Beatrice Shel toit, pianist, and Miss Mlnuetta Mag cih, vocalist, delighted a large num ber of music lovorB at a private re cital la thulr studio Inst night. The pupils, assisted by Miss Bertha Clark In n whistling solo and Mr. C. J. Catlow accompanist. Tho following program was given: 1. Brahain, Piccolo Fantasle, Dcrulco Clark, Qorturde Hunt, Laura Pugh, Ruth Boyer. 2. Boiim, Soguldlllo, Myrtle Lance. 3. Iiahn, Tho Proposal, Maymo Babcoek, vocalist. 1 Bondel, By Moonlight, Mubel Smith. G. Hawloy, My Llttlo Love, flor trude Erlxon, vocalist. (S. Moszkouskl, Hungary, Borulco Clark. 7. Lehmeml, If I Only Knew, Mabel Lnntz, vocalist. S. Lock, Vnlso Araliesijue, Lu cille Staley. I). Parker, whistling solo,, Gipsy Maiden, I, Bertha Clark. 10. Kruger, La Harp Eollcnno', Lolla Slater. 11. Vannnh, Balrnle, Loulso Cro nlso, vocalist. 12. Chopin, Vnlso, 0. 70, No. 1; Orlog, Butterfly, Dorothy ?carco. 13. Ronnld, O, Lovely Night, Er mine Bushnell, vocalist. 11. Leschotlsky, Two Skylarks, Ruth Boyer. ID. Macy, Good Night, Little Girl, Good Night .Holon I'earco, vq- callst. 10. Kctton, La Cnstagnottos, Ger trude Hunt. 17. Mattle. La Tourbllllon. Maud Hill, Dlancho Knox, Evn McAllister, Zoo Toothacro. irg, nnd nesdny. will bo ropeated on WoJ- CHEAPEST mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmgmassm PRICES I have succeeded in the last two months in buying Pianos at a large reduction from the very cheap prices I bought some for before, I have now on the road coming, and will arrive in two weeks some good Pianos (not trash) that I can sell to you from $140 to $200, These prices must be cheap as several re tail dealers in Portland supply their stock from me and some retail buyers who live in Portland, who know, come to my store to buy their Pianos, If you want to buy a good Piano cheap come to GEO. C. WILL The Music Man and Sewing Machine Dealer , miimf iKiaiH!iitniiiaiaigiif 1 Across tho Itlvcr. A most onjoyablo pnty was given nl tho Schlndlor farm. In Polk couu ty, north of tho big I ridge, during tho wook by Mr. and Mrs. Schlndloy Hilly GO neighbors and frlonds woro thoro, and, with names and thel un conventional amusemfiits which cuuntry life nlono can Lonst, a most delightful ovontng wiib passod. Tln.o prizes woro glvon fo" the gnmo Mrs. W. Woolk capturod tho flt, Miss AbIo Mooro the second and Frank Olson, by a hard sirugglo, w n the booby. A flue supper was served to which full Justice was dono, ail .. ft. a 1.1 I iv It ! in rt inna Inban W ll I Alt tt nuaiilib1 iivvutu umviit "ivm a ulr tnoso prosout wiu Pi.prmio. , o Bungalow Theatre !! Portland, Or. ! !. Phones, Main 117, A4224 Emplro Theatro Co. (Inc.), Lessee .. Geo. L. Bnkor, General Mnnngfr. Portland's Fashionable Popular Prlco Plnyhouso; Home of tho IncomparHblo Bukr Stock Company. Week toiunieiiciiiK niailnee January 24, 1909. Sedley Browu'H tuning and orltjlnal play. First tlmo bore of & STOCK COMPANY E Special Agents for Hainan Shoes for Men and Women State, St. mmi SHOE 7 CI Phono Skating Party, A merry nkntlnK party was glnn by Metrs. Harry Hollo. Frd Myrs. Culor Van Pattuii. Hil Jernmn and Newton Smith, at th Auditorium oh I Thursday evening, for which nearly ir.o invtuttoaa had bu 1uh1. ,Tlu- decorations otiuitistud of ver- grova and Ivy with retl and grn IlKhtiiiK effect atoudonniyor'a or- rheatra fumUliml a procram uf 15 nuniuvrtt The grand nmrli 'M M by Mim U)lo Ut Imw. and Mr. Frank Ithodt'ti Var Their Paor. Fi lends and mwmtiors of the Chm eketa street Hnuigullonl ohureh gave their pastor Htiv. K. Mnurur and family a veiy enjoyable surprise at their home, corner of Twenty-second and Ferry street. Tuesday evening, about 30 ptH)jlo being present. They spent the evening In an Informal so cial tlmo and afterwards light refresh meats were served. Marriott In Perl land. Mr A. A. Clark, who represented tho Falrport Land Cttmuiny In Salem, for the post, number of mouths, whs married In Portland. Saturday. January 16. His bride was formerly Mls C Cooper, of that place Mr Clark made many frlonds durlug his stay here Portland's .Mo-t Popular Orgauia (leu to PivtM Medley llronuN SuevcMriil Play ThN VH,, A Navaj o's Love Portland's nut popular theatri cal urgitHlwikin. Gourgv L. Baker's well-known Baker Stock companj. will itrmeitt foi the first tint In that ettv Swlly Brown's highly eucvesh- ful pl. "A KftVNjoa IMV, for the furthoomlnx ek, suriinK with u Murrow's matlntM. si ths (Wllslutal lltll tluuHk tkiHiier. A visit to Portland would shi Inoompleie wlthiHU string Baktir Stock campauy and no thsntsr-Koer of this olty ever lets the chance slip while on a visit to one without spending one night of the week at the Bungalow - A Nuvajo's Low" is a play on the order of 'Stronghoart." having for Its hero an educated Indian who loves a white girl. The scenes are laid In and about Now York City and echoes of Wall street aro heard on all sldss. Tho genuins Indian In his wild state Is also Introduced and so man) strong 6esnes and situations are developed and worked out that it would take s eoUwa to descrlbo them. Manager Baker wishes It an nounced that all orders fur seats either ky mall or wlro win receive prompt aMd earefal atUntloa. o It U muc'i easier to dtsa'nate eal troubles than Imagtuary mus The romance of un educated Indian. Scenes In and about Now York. The great raoe qiuMtluu. A story of comedy, pathoB and heart Interest. Fllhxl with Intense saenee and original oharactors. Stage under direction of Donald Howies. Kvenlng Prlees M, r, SO. Matlneas, 15, Mil, Matinee Saturday. NM wsk. "The House of a Thousand Candles." All Salem penult) auendlttx ti Bungalow are roquoet 1 to mHtloH th fMt at tb box oWce when purchasing tlokots. All mall orders oi orders by wire receive careful and prompt attention I I OPERA HOUSE, JANUARY 26 AND 27 I ELK'S BIG SHOW "A Night in Bohemia" j! 80-PEOPLE-80 DANCING PONY BALLET BIG PONY SPECIAL SEAT SALE JANURY 25th, 9 A. M. tata teiaianniim lafianftsun hhm MUUUWIIUIlllHHUUHHHgnamwr I Educational and Comic Pictures Only ARE EXHIBITED AT YE LIBERTY Wc guarantee that nothing sensational wiH be shown FOLLOW THE CROWD ADULTS 10c :-: :-: :.: CHILDREN 5c f ! I I HMmHH lf !! Illf WI