BAHX CAPITAL JOTJKXA17, HAJLEM. OIW005,- SATCTWAY JAXVAKX 2St 1909. 0 a ii liiiu tin teii . tiiu, Ton lini IiikI Ml in thai In 'luff lini: jolt (Hi) j Si i Foi 1 Fo I'o 51 bit : Si m THE CAPITAL JOURNAL k. nOFKR. InAefoSeoticeTppt Derottd Jo America rrtndsle J ' tht Frocreaa a4 Deretopeoeat of All Orryoo. J MbUtbftl Krery Ertatec Except SaDJar. sUBSCHHTIO.V KATES. (latarUMr erased Dur, T ref. per rf PUlr, br . I Tr- - --S&.0) 4JTO jOHJjr. by . Ttt. .0J Sx xS? UNION(i&$7 CHEAP FARE WILL HLLPJWOM OREGON Ne m that has beee received by tnoosaads of actual settlers to the the people of Oregon dartag the last population of Oregon These are 2 1 month Is so Important m the an- one-way ticket, a ad IX travelers de BenBeeaost that the traBs-euatlBent-I sire to ret era to their former homes al railroad will Make a rate, begin- i la the Mar Bastem Mat they nlng March let, and esBtlnNlng bb- would nave to pay fall fare, til April 3th. from Haass City. Obi- Bvery commercial dab and ad ahn. St. Pawl aad MlaBeapoll. WIbb-' Tortislag bureau la the state, as well (peg aad other almllarly situated ' a every real estate firm. chaaM be- Iowbs. to all atala Mac railroad point la Oregon, for $.. The people of ao stale la the Un - len hare profited mare by these eae-way tickets lhaa have those of Oregon darlnx the tart tonr years. Tho rate frora Chleaao Is til; trom St. I-atls X . with proportion ate low fare from all points In the United States This shoM add Mtaay SALEM HIGH VICTORS OVER JEFFERSON After a lively dkeawtoa of ae HUbJect 'Relrad that the eoaeoll- dated oousty systeea of tehoots (with -i.i.- -M, .rA -i.w . - eloctlve oouaty board with power to appoint county anperiateadeBt) should be adopted In Oregon In 1Im of the prceent system of rural dis tricts," the Judges, Representative Ilask, ot Wallowa county; Repreea-j UUre Brooks, of Malhoar county. and Superintendent A. M. Sanders, of the Albasy city schools, dedded the Salem high school was the victor over the Jefferson team. Notwith- standing the subject was a rather deep one. the opposing teams has- died It an excellent manner and ths ..,M- wv .6.v. u .. Capital National Bank Cn pit n I and earned surplus and undivided profits oor $100,000.00 OVER 23 YEARS IN BUSINESS Our aim is to give our cus tomers (he best service and very accommodation con sistent with conservative banking. mSBBEKSBS I ORANGE Per Dozen 25c These are the best and lait for the money in Salem APPLES A fine lot of Fancy Baldwins VEGETABLES Lettuce, Cauliflower, Celery, Cabbage, Parsnips, Ca rets and Biussel Sprouts, RIPE OLIVES Those famous "Ehman," the finest INEAPPLES Wo have an extra choice lot on hand which we are of fe - lag for 36c Canned and Bottled Goods. MOIR GROCERY COMPANY RIGHT GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES 466 State. Phone &2 Ed. ud Prop. EaJ3. Ore. frf oobUi Per tsMtb WWkl Wei LABEL 'AFTSJi) gia Immediately to advertise tneee jratc. Brery cltlsen of Oregea J should write personal letters to oM friend aad aaaua lata Bees reaind- lag them that the rate is good to their town Bat the ticket at l-e hoagJit to he potat af desilaatton It's Jaat as cheap to the nsoet distant Oreejoa potat as to oae Jeet over the border of the state. meek stady aad research. The par tie" pa at la the debate, for Jefferson. barlac the alflraLitlve, were Jaao Ste4abtirg. Rose Mason aad Lloyd VTajwMi Pap !!tlaa kaldlnir tk. AV. aUTC, ' Ho,rard 'raeraian. Robert Mmllm KmA gj. -,,- "w" " " LAW BEARS HARD ON SMALL BOY I FsUed IYtm Lm4 WUt t-,-. Wmb.. ,. 23. Much ,ytapalbr u Mng expressed for lo- )earo-ld Jesto Uhley, of Ashford, who was fined ISO for killing a dwr 1b the rifmjvl wiutn. It waa ,h0wn that the Uhly family is In very ' ,tr,.f Atoned clrcnmttances. nri th.t 1 v thc ywJaJ. hld betQ ,nffer.'leRlslaUon; teg laUaMiy tTOm hunger. ( The mother, who Is the sole sup . port of tho family, appeared in court and pleaded for the son, stating that the boy had trudged aronod the woods for hours every day to And seme kind of game to provide food for the smaller children. The killing of the deer same to the notice of a deputy game warden, who arrested the boy. Arrangement probably will be made Jar the lad to work ett the amoaat af the toe required to sala ry Tae forlhanmlag Coaatry Life "Me-s all rlsyst! Wao't all Tins Amwiean farmer's all rbjrht? rhjnst." A Mst Itlder!. RaW. Tee worst alcat ere baa oil or aloes puts. They raM poar bed to rob yoa of rant. Kot no with Dr. Klaps New Life Pills, They never dlatresa or laeoaTeateare bat always essaase the syeteea. ear ing Colo. Headache. CoasUpaOoa. Malaria lie at J C Perry's V SPECIAL grown The Health Depk In your beeWy system Is looked after by milllem of HtUe soldiers I In your blood these corpsssclea constantly fighting Tar you. If this army is well fed and kept healthy and rtrong, by taking Hood's Sarsaparill, it will destroy the nacount aWe horde of gena-encinks that are attacking wa every moment of roar file. - ersema. rlx-utnitwn, catarrh, anemia. that tired Wiiop and all meh ailmeat. o o o o o o o CITY NEWS o o ooooooooo A Xew Precinct The eoaaty eoa'rt created a ae- jastiee of the peace precinct yester day by splitting th Mt. Angel dis trict from th Woodb&ra prednet aad appoi&Uag Henry Bernlng Jav tlee of the peaee and Otte Heseiac coaatable. Not a HcaTy Charge A cospuuat has ben Sled in the,:t p. Railroad Commission by D. W. Ben nett against the Southern Pacific Go.. alleging that the railroad employes had been tearing out too many mile from hie mleage book to corer the distance he bad been traveling. Be-: aett claims that in one Instance a conductor reaoTcd from hk mileage book enough coupons to pay for ear rylBg him 34 miles, when he only rode 3 miles. Will ef O. O. Savast' Th last will aad teataateat of the late O 0. 3 rage has been filed for probes. The will naases Gertrude X. Knee aad Liaate Reed, daaxaters of the aeeaased. aad H. R. Krase at ! prtaetpaj hsaatecs af the estate after jTr.eme: a provlaioB asaae for the widow. Raviiaureh ma L fcavage as follews: A 3-acre J"" J" tftk JJr" ?V tot ta ' raf 'iu rtj, sutom jmmi MTeral other other provMoas pertalntnc mostly to moa ey matters. .. .4 JWM -..t wo . i; Wi.MW - If mm... will iA Ca1av nnA T v- ative until the bowels become regu lar yon will not have to take purga tives constantly, as Foley's Orlno Laxative positively cures chronic constipation and sluggish liver. Pleasant to take. J. C Perrr. KK SB.. .... what a skittish creature besincss Is I How's This? I .ow Dusnces natts to awatt uuicjattend tae mru and the r-ads! We efior One Hundred Dollars Re-RV- Bfr - Lee, rector. Third Sun-( card for any case ot Catarrh thati5 a(ler Epiphany. Usual errjee , BBOt be cared iare. by Hall's Catarrh F. J. C1IB.VBY &. CO.. Toledo. 0. -Iv-i We. the aaaersicaed. have ki r. J. Cheney for the last It years. RT , OMtw ! , al o tad beBere aim aerfeetly honorable., c T T hall Saaday. Jaaaary a an easiness iraasaetioas im unslnlly able to carry oat aay oeo- sartoas made by his firm. WaMtag. Klaaaa Marvta. Waoleaale drasglsta. Toledo, O. ' Hall's Catarrh Care in taken la- really. aeUmg alreetly npon the tkathS auaat aanawan a tku rates. TastlmoaUb) seat free. Pries 1 teats per bottle. Bald by all drag- fist. Take Halls Family Pills for ra Mlpatioa. O . .3 "" r XX. X J. m u. . ' t aw una Bagi SafMSU f ss ixs s. cowvtRciu sr m 1 s'M -lX raSaBJamamssmssjmamaammpmmasajmui ft IF MONEY COULD BUYSIGHT l &Krtuaats wha have for )tr Brgtertod bs eaaialt a cvmpeteat opUssm woald gladly pay Urn arte, bat there are ao many eases la which the optietaa ban not give the vtoloa he woaM ttfce te with leases beraaae the ere haw beea coastaatl)- strained aad B A R R The Optician OOOOOOOOOO Ol CHURCH SERVICES OOOOOOOOOO o United Evangelical Church. Sunday school at 10 a. a.; K. 1 of C. E. at 6:3 p. m.; prrachlng ser rices at 11 a. m. and 730 p. m. Election of Sunday school officers and class oScers following the raorn :.,g service H. X Deck pastor. At !:. public worship, hapten, ,commaaioa address aad the sacra- wat of the Lord's Sapper. At 7:3 the pastor wttl preach oa "The Perils of a Hot Box. or Shall We Worry V Xawte reader by a hich elaat trataed cbnir aadar the leader Ship of eaa Ken4eaall. All are cordially larl'ed. ItraHgriicnl Aoclntion. Comer of tereateeath aad Chea- eketa streets. SatMiay school at 10 : preach lag at 1 1 a. m by Rev Maarar. saheet- A Spirit- filled ehareh." Y. P. A service at : p m.: eraagelktie services at Fritmd CTinrch. Hlghtead aveaae aad Elm street. Saadsjr school at II l a . preach lac at 11 a. .. sbect: "Baptism. what- when? where?" C E 6:30. preaehlac 7: St. Rer. h. E. Pember- toa. pastor. 1 lri l'rebytorlan. Chare t fc eri, aear Cr.ewrW.n street. R.t. Henry T. Baocock. pss-, tor. Moraiag serrlce at 10:30 a n Preaealag by the pastor. Taer.c 'ltw.'v'ci." Saaday school m 12 . Jr. C. S. at 3:30 p. m.. 3r. C at i:3t p. . Evening service "? p. m. Preaching by the paste "The Aaxloas Soul. The orchestra will play at th.t "Tho Angel's Serenade." by sorrtoe - "l."." H" Laate. MU-week meeting Thnrsday 'at 7:3 p. m. PnMIe cordially iBrlt- at 7:3 p. m. PnMIe cordially inrtt- i ..... .. as 10 an ot taese sorncet. Clristlan Science. First Chnrch of Christ. Sc'eatt II Chemeketa street. Sertteer Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:3 p. as. Subject of lesson sermen: T.-utl.." Sunday school at 12:4s a. m. Ihc Wednesday evening meeting J held at 7:30 p. ra. Reading room in the cburoh open each afternoon except Sunday. All are cordially Invited te.simnct " " 1 room. Su Paul's Episcopal. aemeKeia ana unurcn sween. ai : . m.. n a. iu. auu ..v i. . eases of litaess. especially portaln m. Saaday seaool at 1 a. a. AM'g to e noawich. m England to- A(Ulallr -a-ill an T j. v... i ...ui... . ...j , J" .. 1. . . A. k . I'illilln h-ii , . m 1 mraial laTttataaa to all. EAST SALEM PUSH CLUBiirtv IS GETTING BUSY At a meeting of the Bast Salem ,i. nk kLI tu milar ftrttaS. deat John Kaicht aaaoaaeed the fol lowing named persons a members of tae board of directors ot the crab: r. J. Lalke.. H. N. Ooede. T. D. Joaec Presieeat Joha Kaigat aad Vlee-Pre Meat C. X. Bpatey will, with these, coastttate a board of ire to look at- tk kaaalaia affairs af the elttb. MNi war dlmrlaated for stanatare. aad the dab now hn' D Tomr encyclope ntUTM members. A stro earn. TW heaaty of Slssart's Chnr- mitt oa ajrokin wu aaaolat. j mj la to have a meter of al least II before Use aaxt re which will be Prion? rreaiag. Pearaary i. A committee was appoiated aa a permaaeat place for holding meet i.a rf. aatll farther aotios. ail metises of the dab wlU be heid In the Ceatral Ooaareaatlaaal eharea i.r m, is- a4:. tae dlroatars wttl appoiat staadiag eeaualUee en the different lae of work waleh wltt be. taken ap. aad k Is the naderstandlag that the dab viN make aa aggressive campaign for seek Improvements as they frel are within the reach of the orgaataatkaa A namber of matters along these lines were ate caw oat. and It Is hoped te have tome eon.mll tee reports on same la time for tha aext meeting. Lame Shoulder. Thts Is a commas form ot muscu lar rhemattem No Internal treat Men t Is needed Apply Chaaber tais's Uatsseat freely twice a day aad a e.ulck care Is eertala Thts liatmeat ha prevea esaeetally valu able for rnasamr aad earoalr rheu matism, aad Is save to give Quick re Het Chamberlain's Liniment Is al so most eaeetleat tar sla aad bruise Prlee. 2S eeats: large size S real Par sale by" Dr Stone's drag store. You hT trie 1 nil ,i'"' L', J'-7 li jr. iit 1 i n-- ft i 1 t t P t T j ta t tW liiMiirdiillwiiifci. Oi, rtuAEl " . ' r a RFTTFB THAN PILLS FDR LIVER ILLS. E A. R Lewis Medicine Co., ldM& orr, " mTWtr3'.'H -I IA t s bjxz2Jsjsmxx For Sua- liy Capital DniR Co., Z. T. FOR SALE ! Anything you want to buy, or will soil enythlng you hare to sell, will exchange an) thing you have for anything you want; wilt wrlto your fire insurance for 80 cents per $ 1 OO for 3 years Without assessments, policy tees or liability to the nrsurcd. LISTON & MAY OPERA HOUSE BLOCK 484 Court St. Salem, Oregon Charcoal Purifies Any Breath And In It Purest Form IIo Long Hct'ii Known As tho GrcaUt Gam Abworbcr. Pure. willow charcoal will oxedhe I iibqk anv uuur auu renuur u - - sweet and pure. A panful in a foul 'aJ1 will iiKiA.h AaaAv fttmA.1 trw .V. ".... "VWIU 4Vwj .UtUVa, (VI (charcoal absorbs on ehundred times Jt8 r0urae In gas. Tae aBCients knew the valuo of 4 aaJ administered it Sn inJeers, bolls, etc. while some phyal- ia Baroee claim to cm re many skla diseases by covering the atlllct ed skin wth eaareoal powder. Staart's Charcoal Ixsenges go In to the month aad transfer foul odors at oaee Into oxygen, absorb aoerioas gases and acids aad when swallowed mix with the digestive 1 u !,nK. fermen l"" r. By their gentle eaaHUe they trol beneadally bowel action and stop dirraoea aad constipation. Bad breath s'mply cannot exist when eaareoal Is aeed. There are! no Its or aads abont this sUtment ' Doat taJte oar word for It but look . ato tae matter yoarself. Ask your raBs or payaldna or better stir. comj aaaawi as iai tae nignaai poar expert kaowlfdice il aaed to prepare a ice sag taat win give toma the best form of eaareoal for ate. Pare willow aad honey I Die re sell Two or three after moats and at bedtime sweeten the breath, son . tflv pnratas aad promote perfect . bow.-l - Tk' Wi the supply of oxy l" tJU- "rtov y of. and guarantees to cure Catarrh v1"t- the Mood aad nerves. Asthma, Lung, Throat. Rheumatism Staart's Charcoal Losenne. are Debility, Stomaoh, Liver. Kidney oW everywhere In ast nMantlllea Truublos; also any blackened or tB Ul v U. Bvery ll.)ii sorenoas, broken llmbi; rngg "! them, price twenty- ( Smallpox; Hpldomle; all kinds of BW ur,llolU. Lost Manhood, Female Weak- kumc -u ruHiaw anu we win sti i him, Horuu Troubles and Para'ysla yoa a tral lwekage by mall free AJ-' Consultation freo. Care of Yick So drear F. A SUiart Co.. 100 Stuarl'Tong Co. Chinese drugs and herbs RWg . Marshall. Mich I us UKh St , untalrs, Salem. Or E. ECKERLEN Family Liquor Store 144 Commercial St. ,ht RtAL Cr.. Tk N fl Tb.t 1 k i r. ti nirrr tnr rm . .1 ' r br" i gu ani Pol rtw rr .... I. A. . . ... tn. .. ti n. u.Jt, W1J conrlac. T. " ".. h ' ' SL Louis, Mo. IT" rifrnCIL -I rtL-cH .' "3 KlrfK". bnlim. OreKon. An Attack of Heart Failure A. Olson, a resident of Liberty, Ore., had a sovcro attack of heart trouble yestorday afternoon white riding in n Btreet car. Tho car wos passing tho Hotel Willamette, whan Conductor Buslck noticed tho man ly ing on tho floor of tho car in an un conscious condition. Dr. W. H. Byrd was at once notified, who, after mak ing an examination of tho auftoror, pronounced him out of danger. He -was romorcd Co tho Salem hospital In tho ambulance, but by tho time the hospital was reached ho had recov ered, o Put In Jail, vory accurately describes anyone's feelings who Is confined to tho house with an attack of rheumatism, lum bago, stiff Joints or muscles Bal lard's Snow Liniment will cure the trouble rolleve the nln and makr you hb supple as a two ear old Sold by all doalors. o Tho winter laying hen Is alwas profitable live stook; unusually ?7 thle winter. l.lfo 1 00,000 Years Ago. Scientist have found In a cave cou-'SwlUerland bones of men. who 100,000 years ago, when life was In constant danger from wild bras"; Today the danger, as shown 1 A W. Brown of Alexander. Me Is larg from deadly disease. "If It k d n been for Dr King's New Discover) me, I could not h a which cured llrel., he writes, "suffering as I did from a severe lung trouble and stub born cough.' To cure Sor T m.. Colds, obstinate Coughs, and pr vent I'neumonln. Its the best v. It cine on earth. J0c and $1 " i. teed af free J. a Perry. TrUI l. .mJ. (Jnu riiluoho Doctor L. M, II U M na tUstilotHM whlnh wl'l cure aio knnH dlsrass. Ha make, aue Free Delivery rraaoasa