6 DAILY OAJNTAIi JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1000. I) to h RECOMMEND PROGRAM FOR LINCOLN'S BIRTHDAY A commlttco was appointed by tho 41st National Encampment of tho G. A. 11. to take Into consideration tho fitting colouration of tho 100th an niversary of tho birth of Abraham Lincoln. Dasod upon tho report of mild commlttco tho commander- In chlof of tho O. A. It. has Issued tho following recommendations for tho proper obsorvnnco or tho day: That all dopnrtmonlH of education controlling collagos, universities and public, parochial or private Hchools, bo requested to urrnngo for recog nition of tho day with appropriate and special exercises, nnd wo rec ommend tho following pregram: 1. Kellor'H American Hymn. 2. Invocation "Almighty Fath er: Wo humbly bow before Thoo, our Creator, Quldo nnd Prosorvor. Wo thank Thoo for what faith mnkos real to uh; Thlno almighty powo'r that crontcd tho honvons nnd the earth nnd nil things that nro thoreln; tho boundlosH lovo that onvlrons Thy children nnd moves them rovorontly to sny 'Our Falhor. Wo thank Thee for tho noblo men under whoso leadership this fair land wns dedi cated to freedom of thought, oxpros nlon and notien: to their successors who have given to solving grave problems arising from changing con ditions. At this hour wo would spe cially thank Thee, that In tho time of tin country's dlro peril a man was sent of Thoo equal to tho emer gency. Wo pray, our Father, that those evidences of Thy lovo nnd goodness nnd those examples of noble living nnd noble doing, may In nplro uh all to attempt to live tin Holflshly, nnd to do our duty as far as In uh IIoh according to tho pre THE WANT ADS ARE von HAMS For Sale A Ilnt-clnss lVj horse powor Mltcholl gnsullno onglno. with auto spnikor, both In good condition. Alio ii homo power water motor. Enqulro nt Journal ofllca Immodlnloly, If you wish a bnrgnln. 10-20-tf Tor Sale- -Soven-room house, nil molorn conveniences, nno-hnlt block land. For further pnrtlcu larn call o. mo mornings at my rost'Jonco, end of car lino, loutli. Mrs, Goo. II, Jonos Phone 1181. 10-27-tf. I-'or Bale Bovoral houses In -Salem, nnd farm lands at n bargain. Cap ital National Dank. G-l-eod Bmviiill! Hlto for Sale I.ocatod one inllo from B. P. rallrnad liotwean Wnpnto and anstnn. Twelve mil lion (cot of log i available. Ad dress W. II. Bgoii, lit. 2 (lervol. 11-20-tf HwJno for Hale Brood hows and ficdora for butoher stock . Apply to Wm. II. Kunn. lit. 2, Oorvnlv Orogon. 11-26-tf Wood for Kulo -Second growth fir wood In llM noli and lG-lnoh length, dollvored to any part of tho city. Phono' 71, or oall nt Bnlom Truck & Dray Co., office, CO Stnto stroot, Salem, Oregon. 12-12tf For Snlo A good, wolMmproved fnrm; or will trado for small place. 13. A. Thnyor, Lyons, Oro. 13-2 1-tf Tor Hnle Jorsoy yoam old, nnd April. Call at Salem. hotter; nearly 3 will lie fresh In llflO S. 11th Rt . 1-18-at lor Halo Dry llr attd Mb wood, mnvtsl or four-foot. Phono ItSV South Sulein. W. M. Johneon. 1-J0-Iwk 1 or Hiilu Thorouglibred Hoj romto Ithode IelnMil H4 eorkcreli and pulliti, nlto em for kMteMni. Pen n dlepluy In window of Pet ry's drug Ntoro StituNar and Sun day. January S3 ami H. J. F. 11 dug. Phone 131G. !& Cou.t ctroot.. 1-ao-tt HKAL aSTATII, Good 7 room modern, now house and ono lot on good atroot, close In; only $2300. 19 uoros In oily limits; only $110 per aero, for n few days; u snap. I i ncroa In city limits In 1 nor lota for 200 per aoro. Soma fine lota ohewp on lusUUments 1 5 dowu nnd Ji per month. EC ncroa all In cultivation, good house, barn, fruit, team, oews: ovorythlng go on; fine home, tint land; n snap. Somo fluo lots oIom In from flit U U00. If you nro looking for a hiiwe, farm, house, jots or tmstneM lowllon. or If you want to soil sot A. a SMITH tf CO. They havo the good awd art) SQHrft Room P, ovor Vnltuil States National Hunk. cepts of Thy Holy Word, and to Thco wo give nil tho honor and tho praise, now and forovcr more. Anion." 3 Dnttlo Hymn of tho Republic, (Solo with chorus.) 4. Skotch of Abraham Lincoln, (Not ovor COO words.) G. Lincoln's Gettsyburg nddross. G. Contonulnl Hymn, (J. Q. Whlttlor.) 7. Extracts and quotations. from tho writings and speeches of Lin coln, by soloct pupils. 8. Star Spangled Banner, by the nudlonco. 9. Address, (Life and character of Lincoln.) 10. America, by the audience. 11. Bonedtalton. Tho commlttoo further recom mended, which recommend was ap proved by the oommandor-ln-chlof, that tho following program be' the ordor of exercises for all nMetnbl' except as provided for schoel: 1. Music, (Instrumental.) 2. Invocation, (Snmo ne recom mended for schools.) 3. "A morion." by the audience. 4. Vocal music (Solo or Gleo Club.) C. Addr;os, Life and Chnracter of Lincoln. G. Star Spangled Bnnnsr. By tho audience. 7. Gettysburg address. 8. "Noaror My Clod To Thee," by the audience. 9. Doxology. 10. Ilonedletlon. Thorn Is no case on record of n cough, cold or la grlppo dovoloplng Into pneumonia nftor Foloy's Honey nnd Tar linn boon tnkon, ns It cures tho most obstlnnto deep son tod courIih and colds. Why tako nny thlng olso? J. C. Perry. MISCELLANEOUS Concrete Work Clot my prlcos on sldownlk, curbs, Kpotlc tnuks and comont work of any kind. All work guaranteed first clnss. M. Ward, 2378 Mnplo Ave, Highland Phono 5C$). Mny 21-09 Cull at Damnml ,i Fouler 325 N. Commorclnl streot. and got a freo Humplo of Snow Whlto Wnshlus Ihild. l-lS-3t (I. l MASON BOX CO. 247 Miller St., South Salem, manu facturer of nil kinds of boxes, cratos and fruit dryor accessories. Phono S0C-. tJ ('( u llonu' Hoiimm nnd lots cheap. on Installment ft, 10, 20, 10, SO nnd 100-noro tracts, choice home chnipi dairy ranch with cows on It for wile or trndu for city prop erty; harem nnd cows for wile. I want $n000 for ftvu yoars nt G per cent, first mortgage. I. O. O. I1. Indue and trustee wcurlty, Inter et B.nil-an:Kial. Other good loans for smaller umouutM. See R. It. Ityau. 1-20- llylt llros. lllectrlo Co. Kltctrlo suppllod mid llrst-clnss wiring nt roasounblo prlcos. Call at our o 111 co for ostlmatoi. Phono 451 143 N. Llborty stroot. 1-12-tf Cement Work Concroto walks, sop tlo tnnks, comont floors nnd foun dations. Estimates furnished nnd nil work guaranteed. J. P. Vetch, 32S Marlon stroot. Phono G08, 0-10-tf Vogut Lumber mid Fuel Co, Lum ber, Bhlnglue, building material, wood nnd coal. Low prloee ami prompt dellverlo. One block eao' uf S. P. paMiiHer depot. Phone IIS. 7-2-tf. HOITII SA1.1CM MICAT MAUK1CT. Across from brick store on Com mercial etreet. Fnwli and eured Meats. General delivery. Otve us a tlal. I lull mail .V Morgan., Props. 13-Sl-lmo Phone S4T liuttu . Wonderotli Vim wines liquors and cigars. We handle tho celebrated Kollog and Cnstlo whlikliw. Cool and rofroshlsg bojr constantly on dinught. South Commorolnl street 9'3-lyr. I)!t, a aultoaeo, on the road be tween Dairy aU Salem, with tho name Dwnsmore on It. Finder hlee leave at thU otUce. l-lD-3t IHIAYSIK.V Cummins llroi.1 ivnimfr Company All kinds of transfer work donn Furniture ami pln&oa boxod ready for MhUtwent. Prompt sorvlco I our motto stand and oftlco at SR3 South Conunerolal street Phono 210. Roeldenco Phone Tlitni. M. Itwrr IMuhiIUuk. hot wu and steam lirotina and tnbl. 1GI CowworeUI aireot. Pbour Main ia. M-lr M. J. ivtiut Pimnbliif. stoum and m tUtlng. Sucs'Or to Knox MKrphy, 5G Coinmorciat street Sees Mother Grow Young. "It would bo hard to overstate tho wonderful chango In my mother slnco sho bogan to uso Electric Bit tors," writes Mrtr. W. L. Gllpatrick of Danforth, Me. "Although past 70 sho scorns really to bo growing young again. Sho suffored untold mlsory from dyspepsia for 20 years. At last sho could neither cat, drink nor sloop. Doctors gavo her up and nil romcdlcs failed till Electric Bit tors worked such wonders for her honlth." Thoy invlgornto nil vital organs, euro Llvor and Kidney troubles, induco sloop, Impart strength nnd appctlto. Only GOc at J. O. Perry's drug storo. o Why don't tho Congressional Roc ord start a woman's column and set a cnrtoonl't. o Stomach Trouble Cured. If you hnvo any troublo with your stomach you should tako Chamber lain's Stomach and Llvor Tablets. Mr. J. P. Kioto of Edlnn, Mo., says "I havo used u groat many different mcdlclnos for Btomach' trouble, but find Chamberlain's Stomach and Llvor Tablots moro bonoflclnl than any othor romedy I ovor usod." For sale by Dr. Stono's drug store Tho nin who Is always going to do and novor doos nmaunts to but llt tlo In this life. What tho world wants Is not moro Intention, however good, but action. o You would not dolay taking Foley's Kldnoy Romedy at tho first Blgn of kldnoy or bladder troublo If you realized that nogloct might result In Brlght's dlsonso or dlabotos. Foloy'a Kldnoy Romedy corrocts irregulari ties nnd euros all kldnoy and blnddor disorders. J. C. Perry. W'ANTKI) Wauled i llepreHontatlves In thh vicinity, male or female. Thoao willing to hustlo can oarn from $100 to ?l.!r. monthly. Hxporlenco not nocouary. Addrotw North woatorn Spoolalty Co , 601, G02, 501, Board of Trndo, Port land, Orofc-on. l-20-2t WimtiMl Will do oxcavatlng, garden plowing, nnd till kinds of toaru work. W 13. Bunn, 1720 Loo st., phono 1528. 12-21-tf WniitiMl Four waiters at Wlllam etto hotol. 1-9-lw Wiiiited Two wnltrossos nt tho Wll lnmotto Hotel at onco. 1-ll-lwk Wanted Two waitresses .at .Hotel Willamette .. .. Wantol. A competent maid for gen oral hnusoTrork, good wages. Ap ply to Mrs. Kimball, Collego of Theology. 1-14-tf Waittfil Right man to work on farm nt good wngoe, steady Job. R. F. D. 1, box 112, W. A. Adams. 1-18-31 FPU H1CNT llouso fcr Iteut Closo to Knst school, Knqulro at OGS Marlon Btroot. 12-28-tf Fur Rent Irgo modern roslduuco Including carpets. FIno grounds Barn. Will lonso. Jos. II. Albort. 1-1 t-3t-eod. For Bent - Two furnished rooms, one with fire, 817 Mill streot. Phono S1. 1-1S131 Fiiriilhlietl lltMims i?or light house koeplaif. One wiltable for legis lator. 911 Mill. A. Ollnger. 1-lS-St I'm- Rdiit Kltngcr Qraml Theatro, wttk or wltLout tlxtwree. and ilv turoe for salo. M. Kilmer. Phone 31. 1-20-Sw For Rout Throe moms, nleoly and newly furnished, splendldly equlpped; Iwth toilet, electric llghU and telephone. Reference changed. Call afternoons. T15 Center streot. corner or Cottage and Conter. 1-SOtf CAPITAL ItAKUItV 439 Court Street, D. J. Swltrer. prop. Breed, Cakes. Plee and all kinds of Pustrieo. Cookies, ote. Watch for our U'ufiui Plmna 4Si Cnanlnl orders dollvoroil on short notice. ll-19-tf. INSlllH PUOPURTV. J3T5 Fine modern 9-roow housa. in Hko coHtllUoH. aaU front, n tin home. ImI G&xllS $40o I-orgo oomer with small houa. 132x111, eon be cut up for liir oattagos. TkU Is oko'ee In- idti property. MHYKRS' RELLK UVM) CO. Statesman Hlilg., Room 1, Upstairs, SPEND YOUR HOLIDAY VACATION AT PASO ROBLES If comploto rest and most perfect conditions lmaglnablo for nature euro aro what you need, spend your holidays at Paso Robles Hot Springs, California. A week or two, and oven n few days there will accomp lish moro in tho way of restored energy than p. much longer period and moro oxponslvo treatment else where, becauso good old Mother Na ture Is nurso and physician. Paso Robles is taking tho same rank In Amerloa and enjoying tho snmo famo for wonderful cures that Carlsbad nnd Badon Baden do in Europe. Tho hotel is a marvel of comfort and luxury, nnd tho bath houso built by tho city, frco to all, is said to bo ono of tho best In tho world. It Is a stubborn ailment and a hopeless condition of physical breakdown that tho mineral wators and hot mud baths of Paso Robles will not heal in a short tlmo. Call on agent at Salem for de scriptive booklots oi Paso Robles, and ho will also tell you all about rates. Wm. Mc MURRAY, 12-24-tf 0. P. A. S. P. Co. o Somo pooplo wo know don't enro a cont r.bout tho vntorwnys. Many Ilttlo lives hnvo bcon savod by Foley's Il'onoy nnd Tar, for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. It is tho only snfo remedy for Infants and chlldron as it con tains no oplntos or othor narcotic drugs, nnd children liko Foley's Honuy nnd Tur. Cnroful mothers Keep n uoiue in mo nouso. uoiuso J substitutes. J. C. Perry. READ BY EVERYBODY Aro you going to buy farm or city proper ty? Note these: Houso, S rooms nnd 1 acroo land Inside city limits, nood barn, plenty fruit, $1025. G ncros, S-room houso, 3 ncros orchard, good barn, $1750. Somo sunpu In farm property. 32S acros, wolt Improved nt $30 per aero. 219 ncros, nt $G0 nor ncro; tlmbor will pay for tho plnco. 17 acros on 25th street for $250 per ncro. It! Gaeros In pruno Wit, 15 ncros young oohnrd, 12 ncros prunes, 1G2 neros under plow, $90O0. S2 ncros adjoining above, $G0 per ncro. 100 ncros, Waldo Hills, $15 por ncro. 100 ncros. Snletnn Prnlrle, well drnlned, $100 por ncro. 80 acres at $G0 por ncro. 8Sl ncros nt $00 por ucro, n good dairy farm. DO acros for $3500. 285 acros in pruno bolt nt $45 por aoro. Wo havo largo list of farms of nil sizes mid prlcos nnd It will pay you to Investigate boforo buy ing. OLMSTKD 1UNI COMPANY, :i7;i tttnto St., Snlem, Or. I.ODOKS Carpenters Union No. 10(15 Local Union No. 10G5 of Carpenters ana Joiners of Amorlca meet ovor Sat urday ovenlng at 7:30 p. m. In Hearst hull, 420 State Streot A. W. Dennis, Rec. Sec. Forester of America Court Sber wood, Foresters, No. 19. Meeti Saturday night In Holnian hall, State street, Geo. F. Pattenon, C. R.; J. C. Perry, financial secrotary Central I.odgo No. 18, K. of l Caitlo hall lu llolman block, cor ner State and Liberty stroets. Tuosdny of each week nt 7:30 p. m. Oscar Johnson, C. C.; 13. B Anderson. K. of R. nnd S. Modern Wodmcn of America Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 5246. Meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In llolman ball. W. Hill. V. C; F A. Turner, clerk. Woodmen of World Meet every Fri day night at 7:30, In llolman hall. R. Lupton, C. C; I V Frailer, Clerk. Wenger Cherrtngton Pianos and Qrgans sold on oa?y terms; tele phone 11S7; 247 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. tf I.Ucry ami FH"il Mnbl'- Old PoJt ottlee Stables, at 264 Ferry stroot between Commercial and From streets. Teluiikoa 1SS. Some at tae ftnost liveries In tbe city can b found here. Wstafott & John son u. SALRM WATKR COMPANY OFFICII CITY HALL For viater service apply at oflce. Bills payable monthly In advance. f$ iJHiiiiii Ai.cniHii. .i vr.n fuvT Awgelnble Preparation forAs slinllailiiSiIteroorfandRcdula ling Uic Stomachs andBowM JBHSlMmffil Promolcs DMcslionhfcrful- fe ncss and Rest.CoiilaIns natter Oi)ium.Morphltic nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. mi MI II- Jiryrj'OM&rSLWnmwl a :t ' ljifJih Stxi" JLtSaen IlUsrhrikScJj lira Serif' IM-tjrmHarT. ... i . Anarfect Remedy for Consfljia lion, Sour Stomach.Dlartiioca Worms,ComTilsioiis.Fcvrrislr ncss mulLoss or Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. Guaranteed under tnc i'ooiTHi Vk&iBM l" ' Exact Copy of Wrapper. IIOXKLS AM) RKSTAURANTH. White House Restaurant For n Regular 25c Dinner at 20c They can't 1)0 lent McGilchrist & Son Proprietors, SAM CASTO FA.MOUS HOBSi: TRAINKH. Is now located nt Canby Orogon, the beet winter quartors In the North wost for training nnd developing young horsos. Sam has room for a fow moro proipects, okhor for tho road or track and would llko o commuulcnto with nnybody wishing tholr horso trained. Mr. Casto Is conceded to bo tho host colt man In tho Woit and his success on tho Sa eom track beni-3 out this statemont. Tortus rcasonablo and satisfaction guaranteed. Address SAM CASTO, Canby, Orvgon. j-l-tl IIIHIilllllHUIHlM HOTEL OREfiON ; Corner Seventh ntul Stiuk St. ! ! Portland's New and Modern : : Hotel. Rates $ I per day and ' up. European plan. Tree Bus. :; I WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO. :. j Proprietors :: KH-GSC4CKSvS4-0-?3e--SCe Six Nicely Furnished 3 nooms, Day or week. 141 N. Front Street. 1-11-m Mrs. Aliens, :4HtS 4H--HH--M4 Home Boardinff. z g Monls at all hours, rooms roa- t sonnoio. strictly homo cook- I nit,, diii .-. iuuiuiurcini si. j. 1-ll-lm BUTTKRNUT BBKAI). It l worth moro Hub ay otbe read yet the prtco M no higher ?or .- at rnr grocers'. CALIFORNIA ILKKRY, Tbomai A Coolej. Itmm. The averogo roan tlnk3 noy wowaa with oawbmIi hms can feoop house wrtl. bnt ha frooiy admits It takes cacootloMl abllty to maaass his business. -tll4-8-rt) I CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA thcccntaurccshpanv, mwOMcrrr, WW M I l-fr ?-8-lH"H8-W-i-hT-f I! Graber Bros. I PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING ;; Will glvo prompt attontlon t ! '. to nil ordors, gunrnntco our X ; ; work to glvo satisfaction nnd ; to bo up to tho sanitary stand- ;; ' ' nrd. X e I; WE WILL BE PLKARED I ;; to aiVE estimates ;; ' ON OOVTItAOTff" . . . ; ; Wo nro ngonts for tho Ala- ! '. ;; mo, Victor nnd Idoal Qasollno ',', - Engines. : .' Shop on Llborty stroot, back 1 ; of Barr's Jowolry Storo. ! '. h 1 1 m t m 1 1 1 1 1 1 ijjfr FOR SALE. Modorn S-room house, front nnd back porches, hall, jiantry, bnth, tollot, wlrod for oleutrlolty. Four 'bedrooms with closets, septlo sow or. lawn, flowora. fruit trees, bor rloe different variolic; beautiful location, houso built only 8 your. Price $1700; would Ih ohoap at 52000; lc ug gj,ow yo ty,te Houw 1H)R VMMS, ANV ai',l, CALL ON rs. 20 aeros. very boot ehorry. prvne or walnut laml; ehoow for a fow days. To buy. Mil. rout or oxebaago j-our property satisfactorily go with the crowd to BKCHTEL & snNTOX an State St. BayneBldg WANTED TO TRADE. Good farm In Minnesota for Salem property. Two houses and four lots In South Salem to trado for a good farm In Marlon county. For Sale ici acres, four mll.a from Salem, good house and boro, Plenty of fruit Price ?5 per ao?o 28 aoreo 1H mllee oast of Salem, 10 eros la English walnuts, 7 awtc Royal Aano cherrloa. 3 acros a. pie. Logan berries and other faults. Prioe Siooa M .W J aeros. flae farm. 3 mllos nortii weet of Salem la Polk ooHiity.wtli Improvod; very desirable. ?5 pr acre. SaiULTZ & nARTLETT.