DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1BQO. 1 BOARD OF TRADE IS PLANNING FOR A BIG BANQUET . TO THE MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATURE OREGON Tho Jficetflitlvo "e&mmitlco of the Balom Board of Trndo was In soeslon Inst night nnd ront over tho fight for bringing mountain wator Into tho Capital City nnd fitato niettutlorm. Tho data Is all complete iu to tho details of the present and future dis tributive oystom nro all worked out. Tho Hoard of Trado docldul last night to give at somo date dur ing tho coBiclon, n recoptlon, banquet and talkfest to tho mombor of the Oregon ccnoral nssoinbly but no date uourcofl of supply avnllublo and the i or details nro an yot agrood upon. LEGISLATORS LISTEN TO THE ARGUMENTS FORJJABILITY BILLS IF LAW MAKERS DONT LIKE THEIR PAY THEY GAN STRIKE Tho homo of ropioMnlnllves was If the union woro to strongly for thrown open to the I'oderatlon of higher wagon, why did thoy not up Lahor Wodnosday night, to proiont )0rl Ulo ,,oiniml of ttt ,e(,iIaUiro rrguiuoiitH for tholr drastic liability' .. ..... bill. Hut not many f the solons nt-for moro lha" tl,ro ,,ol,ar ,or tended, and una of tho members of tho Foduratou wild thoy had treated THE MILLS MEETINGS I DRAW BIG CROWDS I When the "Why don't you strike?" akd tho Labor Kcdorntlon man, nnd tho IncltUiU tloiicd with laughter. tho aeooclntod labor organizations with ficnut courtesy. Not many of t'jo moniboru bolong to labor unions, and whim tho resolution of tho Fed eration woro presented In tho House Tuosdny, uskliiR for tho election or tho Pooplo'u Choice, for United Rtnton iiotmior, tnoy woro uncoromoniously "Brewster's Millions," undoubted fabled. Ono of tho lawmnkorn Bald ly tho groateHt hiiccbh of recent yours 1h announced for premutation at tho (iriiml opera Iioiiho Saturday nlfht, by Cohan & Harris, comedians. Tho play Is a mixture of fnrco and molodrama. Those who have read tho story know tho plot and ean readily undorstnnd Its ulalm to pop- ' ok bus boon followed . ..i the main Incldouts, but It was necoKsary to depart from iIih Htor hi one or two minor par- Tho subject at the Mills meeting at tho Baptist church last night was "Tho Public Power and tho Work ers Doth of tho Factory and Farm " Mr. Mills argued that the public power exsts only to adjust tho dis putes which arlto In tho manage ment of collectlvo Inlorosts. In this connection ho said: "It Is In the Hold of thoso collectlvo Interests only In which monopoly can oxlst. It Is only by monopoly In those collec tlvo Interests that labor Is Injured anywhere, either In the factory or an tho farm. The tools which a work Ingmnn owns in town, or the land or tools which a farmor owns cannot cam9 jn wnn dolivor thorn -from the exploitation or monopoly, so long us monopoly own something which, the carpenter or the farmor must also use, In order to use at all effectively the tools or land which they may own. Tho pub lic poror alone can deal with monop oly. Tno farmer and the wage worker can control this public pow or In tholr own bohalf; just as soon ns thoy can come to. understand that private monopoly is the ono comnnn ' Industrial onomy of thorn all. I Tho address tonight at tho Daptltt church will bo on "Tho Trnfllo In Vico and the Mnrkot for Man." Tho temporanco people of Snlom,- who re mombor tho. addrossos of Mr. Mills in this city 20 years ago on this sub Joct will want to hoar him again to night. Tomorrow night thoro will bo no rddros In tho church. Snturlay night ho will discuss "The Trust" in tho Raplis'. church and on Frldny night ho will speak at tho school house on Sr.lem Heights. Tho sub ject thero will bo "Self-Government " TOM BRANDON FAVORS STERILIZATION OF HOLDUP ARTISTS DEATH PINALTV INSTEAD OF LITE l Judiciary commits Anderson and Tho Capital Journal a bill Wednesday, n-.havo long advocated the first pa t creosng tho sentence of holdup men from ten yearn to life imprisonment of It. Tho Inst Is Tom Brandons Invention and needs farther explana- Hon. Tom Brandon, tho ploneor rep-'Hon but whatever it Is it's nono too reoculatlvo from Linn county got a sevoro for the man who will kill you cheer for an amendment changing, If you don't m:rrender what you have tho penalty to death, or sterilization r.t his command. The bill wont back at the option of tho holdup 'artist into Judicipry committee for amond- That Is the penalty that Undo Bill nicnt. I EARTHQUAKE SHOCKS CONTINUE AT SMYRNA Constantinople, Jan. 21 Earth is no Information obtainable concern shocks oven more severe than those Ing tho number of fatalities. which occurred Tuesday of this wook, are reported from Smyrna today. Reports from Phlsea and Smyrna say that COO houses woro dostroyod One message says hundreds of by the tremblor yesterday and that houses have been destroyed and the entire population te fleeing to the mountains. The shocks have eon- tho shocks still continue. Tho minister of Interior Is sending assistance to these places for the ref- tlnued now for two dnys. There usees For cuts, burns, bruises nnd scratchos, but especially recommend ed for piles DoWltt's Carbolizod Witch Hazel Salvo. Sold by an druggists. I.ame Shoulder. This is a common form of muscu lar rheumatism. No internal treat ment Is neoded. Apply Chambor Iain's Liniment freely twice a day and n quick euro is certain. This liniment has proven especially valu- ablo for musular and chronic rhou mntlsm, nnd Is sure to glvo quick ro llof. Chamberlnin's Llnlmont Is al so most excellent for sprains nnd brulsos. Price, 25 cents; largo size CO cents. For salo by Dr. Stono'B drug store. PILES Quickly Cured Instant Relief, Permanent Cure -, Trial Package Mailed Free to All In Plain Wrnppcr. Wo want every man nnd woman suffering from the-excruciating tor ture of piles to Just send their name and address to us nnd get by return mnil n froo trial package of tho most effective and positive cure evor known for this, disonso. Pyrnmid Pile Cure. Tho .way to provo what this great romody will do in your own case, is to just fill out free coupon and send to us and you will get by return mail a free trial troatmont of Pyramid Pile Cure. Then aftor you havo provon to yourself what it can do, you will go to tho druggist nnd get a 50-cont box. Don't undergo nn operation. Oper ations nro rarely a success and often load to torrlblo consequences. Pyra mid Pile Ctiro reduces nil inflamma tion, mnkos congestion, irritation, itching, sores nnd ulcers disappear, and tho piles simply quit. For salo at all drug stores at 50 cents a box. VMM PACKAflH COUPON. Fill out the blank lines be low with your name nnd nd drcss, cut out coupon and mall to tho PYRAMID DRUG COM PANY, 151 Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich. A trial pack ogo of tho groat Pyramid Pile Cure will thou bo sont you at once by mail, FIIEE, in plain wrapper. Name Stroot City nnd State BREWSTER'S MILLIONS HERE SATURDAY .RJ5fv & Sjr J V 233 S. COMMERCIAL Sr BUNGALOW THEATRE iK(). I,. IIAKKIt, Oeneinl .Manager. Portland's Fashionable Popular Prlro Plnyhouso. Home of the In comlmrahlH Uukor Htouk Company. Week beginning Hunday Matinee, January IT, 1000. Robert Marsbalt'e xatlrlcul oomedy A ROYAL FAMILY Made famous by Annie lluaeti'. "A thing f beauty and a Joy forever. Bright and sparkling oomedy. Pull if strength or ooiupauy; augmented KiHi. apMlal music Under dtret turn of Mr. 1)6hmU1 Ueweie. UatinW Haturday. Evening Pl'toWl SI, 36, II. Ma Into, IB. tl. Next woek "A Nnvajo'e IvM (First time litre.) Note The Bungalow u aJwaj warm nnd ooajr In the eold.-st weUt- or. All iuhII. phono or telegraph ordre r.oeivo promp txd onreful aUeo-tlon vorl tlrlulars to present' tho dramatic unities. Brewster, coming Into tho posses sion of n cool million, suddenly finds himself the heir to seven other millions whluh aro to bo his on con dition that ho spends tho first mil lion within n yoar Ho assumes tho task and IiIh troublos begin. His friends object and believe him In sane. They try to prevent him spend ing his money nnd try to make fort unate Investments. Ho loses mone In n bank falluro and Is happy. Ho beta money on n "skate" in a horse race and when tho skate wins Brew ster has heart failure. Tho situations conio thick and fast and tho nudlcnco Ah kept in continual laughter. Tho feature of tho play Is the yacht scono and tho storm at sea In tho third act. This Is said to bo one of tho fiuost mochanlcal nnd electri cal stage spoctnclos over produced. Robert Ober will bo seen In the , role of "Monty" Brewster supported by the following well known peo pee ple: Richard Webster, George Cros sotto, Franklin George, Norman Mc Donald, George Harcourt, John Aid on, Gone Foxcroft, Chas II. Crosby, Otis Christie, Nat Royster. Frank Ilughos, Rogor L. McAndrow, Juno Mathls, Kathrlno Ray, Charlotto Lambort, Mario Horton, Kliza Van Sell, and Viola Grant. Seats on snlo at box otllcc Satur day, Januan 23, at 9 a in, N" ' i ii HIM wwi ' - jMfc j i. Tnw5iiwswBBJg8LBWBHiBBBS t m DR. STONE'S Drug Store The only cash drug store In Oie gon, owes no one, and no one owes It; carries large stock; Us shelves, counters and show cases are loaded with drugs, medicines, notions, toilet articles, wines and liquors of all kinds for medicinal purpofes. Dt. Stone is a regular graduate In mrd Iclae, and has had many years of ex perience in the practice. Consulta tions aro free. Prescriptions ar free, and only regular prices for medicine. Dr. Stone can be found at his drug alert, Salem, Or., from 7 In the morning until S at night. The (Uii.'iis diht Stviu in "Hivm i'- Million," diainl Otu a lloui .liinunry U8. I OPERA HOUSE, JANUARY 26 AND 27 I P 'H-UH J IJMIW LMiai ; ELK'S BIG SHOW I! "A Night - in - Bohemia" 80-PEOPLE-80 DANCING PONY BALLET BIG PONY SPECIAL SEAT SALE JANURY 25th, 9 AM. g.tWfiHHf ! f tft)f D'Abruasi is lu a quandary ru le be r:ve up hik title h folk won't let blin niprr) the Ulklu. sk'rt. uud It he dots give It up. she won't heve him. us that U what h. wnhis to morr.v lilm fur. afllf !!! fillf ! f ! IM Educational and Comic Pictures Only ;; ARE EXHIBITED AT !! i .-. YE LIBERTY .-. We suarafrtcc that notlting sensational will be shown ! . FOLLOW THE CROWD i it J ADULTS 10c :-: :-: :-: CNILDKtN 5c i Grand Opera House JXO. V. COIIDUAV, Mgi Satmilay, Jan. !M. The CoIkiii V llartin t'onuHliuiis prxiM'iit I'rt'derlo Thoiupooii'H MavsUo Stu ImmuIous Pnxluctloo. Tho supremo Now York. London and Cnteugo Coined) Success. BREWSTER'S MILLIONS A drumutliatlon b Wlnoholl Smith and Byron OiikKo or Ueo. Barr . . MuCuteheon's Famous Novel. . . With all its wealth of scenle effects exHeil) as wltnossed an entire yoar In New York and ChIwho. showing lh wtMiderful. realtdttv YU'IIT Sl'KN'K Pile. SID, $, 7.1c, ."itk". Bov. Wv' n Sat aula) 9 a m HI HENRY SHOW WAS ALL RIGHT The ill Ileury aggregation made good last night, ro far as that kln.l of au ontortalument can bo clawod as good." Time wai when to black one's fuco and talk negro dialect W4 oonsldertd -ltty. humorous aad en terUlnlng. To the younger genera tion the e thlNfp may still Ue attrac tive, but somehow, as tho years slip by, the old nogro minstrel show, like the circus, no lonRor stirs tho blood, or appoak to the doslro to be amused llowevor, tho only distinctive Am rl can musle Is tho so-called nogro mel odies, nnd, with the oxoollont volcoe, and touch'Hg harmonos of that class of music, no ono can nod fault. In ded. thlt Is tho only thing that makoe the mlHstrtd show any longer possible. As a show of tkln kind the Hi Henry aggravation u as good ns any that tie reoont ers have pre del. lAt Crawford, "the man from Dixie." has a tUe voice. atl also a tlee tag prvuie. and will bo remembered by &km people, v hen negro show n-j , iront. and Hie mmi are at rttt Alii Society Meeting j The. Ladlt' Aid Society of the i P.r t Presbyterian chunh will hold j Hi regular monthly meeting tomor row t Friday) afternoon at S:I0. la the church parlors. . o How's TbU? Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for auy oaso of Catarrh that cannot bo ourod by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Wo. tho undersigned, havo known F. J. Cheney for tho last 15 years, and bollovo him perfectly honorable la all business transactions and fi nancially able to carry out any obli gations made by his firm. Waldlng, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. Hairs Catarrh Cure Is taken in ternally, aotlng directly upon the blood and mucous surfaooa of the systom. Testimonials sont free. Price 75 cents per bottle Sold by all druggists. That legislator who wants hat pins l'ml.el to ten Inches In lencth. should get on the other slrio of "the'' girl when ho does hit hugging. A law to compel girls to put their bat pins In all from one aud the tame side would be all right. Take DeWitfs Kidney and Bladder PHU. They aro for weak back, back ache, rhoumatlo pains and all kldnay and bladder troubles. Soothing an J antlsoptic. Regulai size 50c. Soid by all druggists. Extending courtoslos to ox-honor- orablos, honorablo and supposed houorablos, haa becomo a groat fad. Scores are Invtod in every day. Some got up and road a Hot of nersonals from tho morning papor, and they aro solomnly Invited within' tho bar of tho house, a courtesy that extends all through tho session. If you will take Foley's Orlno Lax ative until the bowels becomo regu lar you will not havo to take purga tives constantly, as Foley's Orlno Laxative positively cures chronic- constipation and sluggish liver. Ploasant to take. J. C Perry. CASTOItlA. Biriti. ll'4YHliWFJKCJ lane tuns Fatally PHU for cn-, Hlrtt miimwwHii