FIRST EDITION 3 P. M. SECOND EDITION 4 P. M. $& mvmal I . 2fk VOL. MX. wBMIMWMWWiiW"Mi"''"""l''l"WMWWWWWMWWIM(WWMMIMBMMMMM CHAMBERLAIN'S E DAILY CAPrrAIi JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDXKSDAY, JAMWltV 20, 1000. NO. 17. LECTION RATIFIED TODAY PARTY TIES WILL REST LIGHTLY ON SENATOR'S SHOULDERS PEOPLE'S CHOICE IS FORMALLY RATIFIED Joint Convention Canvasses Vote of Separate Houses On United States Senator Senator Chamberlain Makes a Speech of Acceptance. The Joint convontlon nt noon today ratified the action of tho soparnlo hmi cj In electing Governor Cham liu Iain to tho United Stntos I '-IdiMit Bowormpn presided, and dic'nrod t'io rcsulfas announced .n tv 3 patrU housea Tuosdny at no in The journals of both houses M owed that Chnrrfborlnln rocclvpd a i ajorlt of tho votoi of both homos, and the vols va doolarod os follows ta Joint conventien: t'Ako 17 rulton 19 fuambiM-laln 5') Jlofin , 1 Ho duii-rcd Chnmborlnln olootud . 'Uto.- to succood Fulton, Chair named' Miller of Linn, Al- of 1. r t Campbell asked to bo excused. Chairman appointed Murfcy, Coos and Curry. Tho committee roturnod with tho sonntor-elcct, and tha Joint conveu tlon lirolto Into cheorlng. I'rosldont H'oworman Introduced Senator George 13, Chamberlain, who was grootod with groat applause. In ordor that ho might not bo mlsrop rocontod In the prosi, ho road his npocch of acceptance. It was 'c colvcd with groat demonstrations of onthuelnsm. Chamberlain's Accoptnnco. Gontlomcn of tho Sennto and Home of, Roprorontntlvos. 1 thank you from tho bottom of my heart for tho groat Honor tb'at of the statu of Oregon. To those of you who voted for me from choice I feel pccul'arly grateful. To thoso of you who voted for mo bocauso you wcro under an express, but voluntary pledge, (o voto for tho people's choice for senator, I want to say that you havo shown a mngnlflcont example of a determination to obey tho peo ple's will, without regard to party ties, in thtt yea havo followed their Instructions, oven though thoro might havo been others of your party for whom you pfeTo'rrcd to vote In this emergency. For many yoars tho pcoplo havo domanded front trio congress of tho United StaldB that thoro lio submitted to thorn an amondmont to tho consti tution providing for tho election of sonntor by the direct voto of tho pco plo. But their domnnds havo boon Ignored, and .Oregon leads tho way In legislation to secure a right which inoir roprucontatlvoB in congro3s havo denied thorn. It cannot bo said that tho law undor which I havo bain cloclcd Its oltbor a Republican or Democratic measure. It has been adopted by tho poopl-; In a state with an overwhelming Ropubllcnn nnjor Ity, and men of all pntllos gnvo tholr adherenco to It. It has como to stay. Munkevs, Fnrroll and Campbell l:ai been conforTcd upon mo by you ami It Is safo to prodlct that In tho scou Chnmborl In to hall. ns tho representatives of tho peoplo 0j6p44.(M-frf448MsM-l- I o) IWWfB JALTERATION I SALE REMEMBER COST CUTS NO; FIGURE DURING THIS SALE THERE IS NO USE TRYING TO; BEAT OUR PRICES. THE SHELVES HAVE TO B e! CLEARED TO MAKE ROOM FOR THE BRICKLAYERS,; t MASONS AND PLASTERERS. THIS IS A PROPOSITION: ! OF HAVING TO DO IT, SO IF YOU WANT PRICES NOW IS; J YOUR TIME. t Thc Following Goods Must Bef Sold Out Regardless of Cost DRESS GOODS, SILKS, BLANKETS, COMFORTS, WOM- 5 EN'S AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, LADIES' COATS AND! SUITS, MILLINERY AND FEATHERS, MUSLIN UNDER-; WEAR, BLACK AND COLORED SILK AND SATEEN PETTI-i COATS, GINGHAMS, CALICOES AND MUSLINS, WOM-; EN'S UNDERWEAR, UMBRELLAS, COTTON BATTS, LA DIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSIERY, BELTS AND GLOVES; I MEN'S FURNISHINGS AND CLOTHING, CORSETS, EM- J BROIDERIES. LACES AND RIBBON. NO RESERVE ; f EVERY ARTICLE IN THE STORE HAS TO GET A MOVE? J ON-OUT THEY GO. I very near fuluro othor etatos In lac Union will follow tho cxamplo of Oregon, and tho peoplo wllh through the Oregon method, oxorclso a con trolling volco In tho election of thoso who nro to roprosont thorn In tho Tnlted Stntos sonnto. Thoso who take tho position Hint n sonntor can not be cho;cn by the dlroct voto of tho pcoplo until tho fodornl consti tution hns boon nmonded In that 'o spoet, must romombor that tho Ini tiative must bo tnkon by tho sovornl states acting In tholr sovorolgn ca pacity. Let mo sny to you, gentlemen of tho legislature, thnt I go to "Washing ton n3 your reprosontntlvo, and as the representative of thU magnificent commonwealth, absolutely unfettered by nny pledge to any person or any party. I go as tho servant of tho peoplo, to do (as Cod has given mo the light to sco It) my wholo duty In furthering tho moral, commercial and Industrial Interests of tho state. In accomplishing this, no question of party Is involved. I ncnumo that all of you, Democrats, Rorrabllcans and Independents nllko, would vlo with each other In doing what Is best for tho wholo people. In this effort yod can count upon my undivided effort and support. I will stand shouldor to shouldor In th'o sonnto of tho United Stntos with men or all parlloi for carrying out tho brondor policies which tho President hns stood for that go to mnko for a stronger nation and a richer state. In this no quos Hon of parly should ovor bo lnvolvod I think you will romombor thnt at a STATEMENT SENATORS MAKE FINE SHOWING Kay, of Mairon, tells His Colleauges Some very Unpalatable Things, and Sinnott, of Wasco, Made a Brilliant Speech Indorsing Statement No. 1. Without much apologizing or po litical vaporizing tho solons of tho sonnto dellvorod tho goods under tho mngle operation of Stntomcnt No. 1, and tho Jionost men in thoro fl much bottor thnn If thoy woro bolng cnthaulcd nround for -10 days and nights by political road agonts, with whom thoy would not ongngo In any tlmo when congrooj was Domocratlc '.ordinary buslnosa transaction. Somo and Oregon was ropresontod by Ilo-i votod plain Goo. 13. Chnmborlnln, llko publicans In that body, largor nud.Unlloy and Nottingham, who mndo llboral appropriations woro' no spooch, nnd snld thoy voted wllh- moro mndo for tho improvement of our' out olthor apology, or protoudlug rivers nnd harbors than havo ovor that thoy had dono nny more- than boon mado sluco. I think you will tholr plain duty. nlso romombor that whllo Oregon Home flot, Eloquent. wno roprosonted In tho sonnto of tha Kny and Sinnott rocolvod most np- United Statos by one Hopubllcnu and plnuso from tho gallorloa. Thoy ono Domocrat, tho largost approprla-I neither apologized, quibbled, excused Hon that wni ovor socurcd nt nuy.nor protoiitod, but dollvorcd mnstor- ono time was mado for tho Improve.; ly nrgumontB for tho rlghtooiuncm oN ngiruct0( )y .joss 'ifinJorHVtfi voto mont of tho Columbia river, and, not-! tho now mothod that has como to for Ul0 C,0co 0f Ul0 nooplo. Two AInll nnmnli innninra nrn innldni ,- i. . . i . . . ... i -- ......... ... uoiogauou in congress nt nils tlmo is orcis tnnt must navo mono mo sun nopubllcnu, and congross Is ltepub-; posed Republican blood of somo of llcnn, Oregon Is rocolvlng no appro- tho nlloged Republican londors croep lirlntlntl fnn Mia ImniinitfimAttl -.. 1..i'n 1lffll n Ilia allnivlttr. nAn.Aniiiri r.,IV.lf. till IUV lilll U V111VIII. UL 11U1 I ..V..U ttb nt. If 1 llf, rrii u.inui. good round of npplnuso for lending tho enuso of tho pcoplo. Hut Two Protest., " Schofiold nnd Johnson votod th&tfl plodgos undor protost, In tho form drawn up by tho fodoral whlp-ornoker Bont out from tho political bouoynrdd of tho Chlcngo slaughter houso dlt trlct, tho last roprosontnllvo of brico politics who should ovor bo allowed to, nppoar on tho clean freo soil of Orognu. Barrett mndo a nqunro standi for tho principle nnd snld, with a great doal of IioIUrIi lugonulty tha mnehlno hnd (londod him with tolo grnms from nlloged honest lloiniblt cnu couHtllueuts, asking him to brand hlmnolt an n perjuror. Bnt rolt In from ono of tho districts ger rymandered by tho Inst legislature to shut out n Domocrnt, and ho was r Ivors and harbors. It h nu Insult to tho lutolllgonco of tho distin guished representatives In congrojs to say that a question of party shoulJ Intluonco their judgmont, whon thoy como to cons'der maltors nffacllng (Continued on Page 5.) HAD ONLY CHOICE TO BURN OR DROWN i A' (t'nltcit Priiig r.cn8cd Wire Chicago, III., Jan. 20. Between CO and 70 men woro trapped by flro oarly today In tho crib of the Mi- nlclpul water plant, far out In Law Michigan. It Is bollovod 15 lost their llvos, nnd It is fearol that from six to 30 men wore caught in the tunnel undo the lake, with no hope of e cape. , Tugs removod -17 men from tn i water around tho orlb. Rnd all werj badly burned. Tho fire dastroyeJ all , means of escapo, and tho victims re mained In the wooden stricture iin- ! til they wero r dually forcod by tho advancing Ramos to tipr.'ng into the water. The crib was used temporarily -s a shop for the men ongngod In coh istructlnf, tho groat Intako tunnel from tho shore, fivo mlloi out tin lor tho Inko. it was mado of wood anJ wab circular, being about 40 foot In diameter. The superstructure was about 25 f,ot above the surface of tho lake, and was usod as a sloepir.j place for the workmen. The crib was connected with the tunnel 40 feet below, by a shaft and a steam elevator carried the men aad Ing olr Into tHo luhnol, in tho ;opo of hooping nllvo anyone, thoro who might ntlll bo alivo. A Later I)iiwitoli. Chicago, III., Jan. SO.Twenty bodle woro taken fro mthe tunnel under tho crib lit Lake Michigan, wuioii utirnod today. It Is bolleved that more rllj be rioovarori latr. Porty-five men hnro-been brought aoro terribly burned and oiherwlie Injured. Thomas flrten was rescued In a most pitiable condition. Both his oyee were blown mil n,i i.o w... frozon to a piece of Ice. to which he had olung for an hour. Othors who wore roseued had sustained sevore Injurloa, large pieces of flash hnvlnj boon tarn from tholr bodlos by ox. plosions, supposed to have been oausod by dynamite fulminating cans used In tho construction work Tho men who wore alsoop In the superstructure Jumped Into tho ley water witnout putt ne on th? olothos. They clung half frozen to the floating Ice. and whon thoy were rescued, they had to be torn away from the loo by force, Kay showod how tho Fulton puh had doofatod ', who was tho Re publican nomlnoo and looted six years ago, bocauso fleer had not tnkon tho stump for the Ropubllcnn j nominees, nnd how, In tho Inst oloc- iiou I'Kuiou nuu uifl roiioworn and dono tlio sumo thing by not support ing Cnko. "That olomont nt Portland nnd in Snlom havo olnmorod loudest nnd wev) i'.(Et sovoro In cojisuro of thoso who supported tlln principle. and tlpj n'no aro to blcmo that wo aro toda" trprrtontod 1 n Democrat In tho t;U(0li sttos Benn(0 Lot tho;o who dollbernloly bolted tho Keiiiibllcnn nomlnoo now tako tholr blttor modlclno. Kvon in Salem In ono ward CO or CO scratchod Cnko and tho throe Slntomont Republi cans," and thou ho showed up tho voto In Clatsop county oh follews: Clntwop County Vot Abstract of votoo In Clntsop ooun ty, April 17, 1908, Ropubllcan pri maries: Cnko clonn biulnoss record on nil quoo t Ions who nro now men In tho son nto Alhoo nnd Kulllhor. Thoy eu torod no protost or rogrot nt not be ing pormlttod to botrny a trust c-r havo tho glnrloim prlvllogo of com- mlttlng political porjury out of nl logod dovotlon to party. They aro good londors for thoso whocolhorw, NottliiKhnm and Soiling, Xhlc Hliinolt flot There. For n young sonntor nnd a now mombor, Nick Slmiott mndo' tho flnofvt talk of tho day. IIo stood up squarely for tho law, and said It wni a groat day for Oregon whon thd groat stoiio o corruption was rolled uwm 'roin ,n0 ,,oor ?' tn0 ,mU?n'll sotAilchre and oloan Irton could conio forth with tholr tltlo rosllng upon tho snerod franchise of tho pooplc. IIo showod by quotations from tho constitutional convontlon of New York and othor statoi thnt tho'pooplo had rosorvod tho right to liulruct tholr roprodontntlvoa on any ma'.or whatsoever, and he was not thro to disobey their mnndato. Ifo showod that In nil the oratory of the sensto no man had attnekod tho law 195 upon .... I'lllLDIl i aa I ......... iiiir i urminiii moral or fonntltutlotn! AlMtraot of vU for UnltI States troUe to id from m,.i,Mi,. with great offoct, nnd somo of th (wperlonoed mlilwlvoe, wlio hnd boon pretwtit at the aceounehomont of senri' senator, June 1, joq. Ctetgop Min-ty- Cake jjf u luiniiwinin II II ton horn In (ho old way, winced. Ho r"" s ' "MOtd Co,ly Clbbor ngnlnst the talk TT '... 230, that somo Induliiod In about tholr. Mwraci or vole for Prai!.ii. Clatsop county, Novtmbor 3. 1908: Taft, (Rep) i (70 Bryan (Dom) ., , , c88 Proton Wro ClilhlMi. As oxpoe! by Kay tho protoets of Ropubllcan followera of Fulton np pear childish. They say: "I, a free moral ngont, of my own froo wll and accord, slgnod Statemont No. J, but I now, as a froemora! agont, sir months Jator, wish to ontor a profMt against my doing what I voluntarily sa'd I would do If you would give ObA mnn wn fastenMl lioiwenn fu-n .i,u i I 's tlie onlee." ....... ... mi,, vi iu u was natural that Kay tool s up and down. that had frozen together, holding him It U ImiasAJble to obtain accurate fast. Several were frozen to ticght firms. The crib was entirely de-l ly to the lc that tklr fleh was torn trood. and the tunnel filled with1 away when they were pulled loose water rapidly. The elevator was put ' Among the worst Injured who out of comcilsslon. and any men who, have been brought ashore are: Cum may have boon Is the tunnel prob- Hoae. Jrn Redmond. Henry Frank ably perlrb'd. tin. Homer Ho man. Robt-rt Jeffrl-.. TSe lju-ed piehed up by the tu Igan MPIer. James Lie. W'lllam ! Igod In about thole ooiuoloneoH troubling thorn I'll voting for a man good onoiigh for tho psoplo of Orogen: "A nonvonlent oon Hofouoo la often sot up as a senre crow, not to searo thomsujvos but othors." (Laughtor)," In tho son nto tho Statement Champions "got moro npplarjBo than In tho lioiuo. ovon. j - .i(i' i. In tho houso Oampbull reported ,n roeolutlon to InvoHtlgato tho agri cultural oollogo but without olorkH, and that It- must bo dono without ox penso to tho stnto Joiish of Lincoln and I'olk got a resolution through appointing Carl Porclvnl afwlstaut twrgeant-at-nrme. Barrett of Umatilla was (tailed to should raise the Ire of National Commltt.. maw Wlll'ams, tho Dallas bank. who had relied on Kny. who wan not a Statement man, to break tha Im! the rhalr today so that other Thompson's .colU IkJ Klghteen now bill wew Intro 4bl!ca could swim the rlvor to net ' duced end House Bill Ko. S wsh a drink out of the federal patronaao paaetd. It Is by or lna. u.i v-terlug trough. They now deoJure' estonds iliiiil of fmuda to OQittrairtH i fnut Eou ul1A..l.a .. , . i a) 1 9l9f4 were landed at Wg.h -Sixth itret, Ne. J Mantle. Thomas Caltahan thBt Ky sbould lierer gat anal lu.r' for sale of real natal. and the tugs returned to the crib i Hah Johnson and Charle Johnson. oWce Bi tBe han ot tho Rapubll'aj ' Hie wtnate H number of blllH hopo of recovering the bodies of the Most of these men were Hde IrtJr' s' ! a talk oa plain, were sent to oowtnlttoos and 11 new d ud At noon the tugi rere pump-) when Uken out of the ley water. "Wight bua'neu Una. and got ftbllto Introduced.