H .. ', I Wl V Mi" H ' PH ki CI It' -UIU: CAPJTAf, JaHTRNAI 8ALH, ORW, FRIDAY, JAJCUABY . SUPPLY YOUR WANTS NOW At Salem's largest and best store, Here you can buy good, clean, seasonable merchandise for less monev than you aro paying others for shelf-worn goods, A look through this store will convince, Hundreds of placards mark eaoh bargain, 'KaJP ' is l'i-i I ' Dress Goods Waistings and Silks Good seasonable col orings, Hundreds of yards, not an old num ber in the bunch, every yard offered by our largo dress goods section is wor thy of your consid eration at the prices we are asking The values range up to $1,50, We've nev er 'sold dress goods or silks so cheap, Your choice of any piece in the display you can buy as many as you want at this low price 39c &jSJ o o o 0 o o o O O O O () CITY NEWS () o o o o o o () () Weather I'orcciiM "' Itnlii mill Warmer tonight mid Hnttmlny, fresh southerly wind. People Having oxtrn rooms can rout tlium (luring leglslnturo by advertising In yho Journal. -1-11-tf , Tlio "World Lunch Itoom ' 5 nntl 10c luuoliuH, Including good Tlic Hulciii's Woiiiiiii'h Clul) V 1 1 1 moot at tlm homo of Mrs, C, F Hamilton, 290 Front street, Sat urday at a ao i. in. ProfoHHor Suhrlohor will nddross tlio cluh on art. hot cup of ooffeo. Olal t. 1(1 8 S. Gomiuor- A'oedlocriift Hliv i formerly 382 Wnshlnittou h trout, now 147 Hlxth slrael. between MorrU son unit Alder struts, Portland. Jan uary needlework hmIoh now on. 1-8-7- Ctimmlttoo on lb,ii,uct Pionldtmt MoNary, of tliu Hoard of Trndo, has nnmod tlio following com mltteo on nnntinl banquet: llolllu K. Page, It. II. Houiton, Krml Stons loff, llurmiMi W. llarr, David YantU, 0. M. Wallop and W I. Stnloy. Not ho of lloiuvnl Tho retail department and ollloe of tho Hloctrlo Fixture & Supply Com pany, designer and mnnufnoturor of ga ami electric fixture, lint Iimii niovod Into tlio new Skirt building. 426 Court wtiwot. between tlio Brew or drug atoro nHd tlio HuHan nroeery. Tht fHotory wilt remain Ht tho old location on Ubttrty street, lloreaf tor nit bueluoM with thin ilrm will be trnmaoted at the new salesroom Hud hiistuoau otlioo oh Cuwrt Uot. Phono St?3. 1-U-lt 8omo Thick Ice (Hike. All thu morning broad oaken of to hn beou mvh drlftng down the Willamette river by UiUt tlt-. Same of them floated near the aliuro hiuI upon InveaUgHttng It wan found they wore iiuHily three Inches thick. It ouuuot bo eoncohod by the old timer whoro thwo largo cuke of Ice mini from, as tho rlvar has not rutsod to suoh an ox Unit hh to lift thorn out of tho smaller pond, and the steam boat onuntturo any tho upper river U frou front Iqo. Pa) lug. Dividend Thojo U no Invwtttntul tor a youujt porno n that will pay hotter dividends than a good bnglneea training such nh may be neouryd Ht the Capital lluiilnttwi eolUtKo. of SNlvm.' Tho buo cowj of ltd nrwduataa u CKiustaut proof of til. At thbi hiol tho in dividual li(M)dM of uhoU pwpll ro lookod aftor. Tlu rosult U oampo (out itrtulnatoH Htid 8Atuntl buslnM mou who omntoy thorn A oata Iokuo will tell ou all about tho sohool. Auk tor It. 1-lR-Sla To (1. A. It. MohiIm All iiiomborH of SudKvvluk Pont, No. 10, G. A. It., nro nirKcd to bo prov uut at tho ruKiilnr mootltiK tomor tow, Haturday, nt 2 p, in., as It Is doHlrod to muko preparations for ob. iui'vIiik tho ouutonnlal annlvorsa-y of MiicoIii'h birth. I). W. Mntthowd, ComuiHiidor. IIiiIIiIIiik rollnpMt A Riimll IhiIIiIIdk at (ho Interne tlon of Btutn mid LlborL' trootn ool lnpHod lant ovonlnu from bolnp over loaded with wot biiow nud Ico. Thero i ou I led no dfiiunKo from tho wreok, r.H It wan an rmucod itriicturc N'ow Jury I,lt Home 300 iikiuos woro Holoolod by tho county romiuliwIoncrB which will uinko up the jury list for tho yonr. Tho uuimw aro yet to bo carefully Houo ovor by tho coinmlBalonura a nil nil exempt parties removed from tho IUt. Tlio namoH will bo copied and toady for publication by tomorrow Siien for Ia'kuI KiNf- A luilt to roovr foo on lajtnl work hM boon tllthl In tho olrouit court by W. II Holme HHHlMHt Man ry Curinody. Th coinpUlut al lodott tbttt Carmody rocolvud wr vlrtta from HoIihim amouuttiiK to thi Mm of J7S0. but o fnr ban umUI only 1150. lfHvlug $H00 yt uniwld. fur which amount Ilolmo ak Hie court to Biv0 blm Judgment Tho Im1 work done for CMrmody w.s carried on In tho ttprem and l cult courts, Wood Alcohol Killed Him As tho result of Iwoomlng healh Inioxlcntwd with wood alcohol etir day morning. Thomaa Duly, a con vk't at the Htate iMUlleutlHi-y. dUd In on In splto of ovory offort of PrleoH IMiyvlolun J. 1). Shaw ntid IIohm Steward Win. Quurtlor. Cor oner Clowgh was notlflod later of tho uufurtuHftle prUmmr's death and ho eoiulNeittl ait UwtwtlBatlon rwuHtuK a verdict that Daly died from 'xioa Hive m of wimmI alwhol. C llolltager. Km! II Thompson 1 0 lkrUi. J. 0. ItuMel. Waller C Swtlu and A. L. Wluduf made up tho jurara looted to doolde the mat ter aud they found ho blnmo at taohotl to tho otllclals at the oul tontiary an Dab- nroodrad the alco hol under the pretense that ho was H'pJuk to uga It lu the nlokel polish ing rooiH. Daly U 3S yours of uge and was oQmmUtod to the ponltotut arv train Wmsijo qouiHj1 HoUruary 3. noiivtcted on tho ohnrRo of perjury. Wan ta a New Deal Tho first dlvorco proceedings filed In donartmont No. 2 of tho circuit court for this month, was entered to day by Nina Prlnzlor against Oeorgo Prlnzlor on tho ground of cruel and Inhuman treatment Tho complaint alleges that Prlnzler, shortly after ho married the plaintiff commenced treating hor In a cruel and Inhuman manner by bor.itlng hor, and later bo loft hor alone at their homo In n sickly condition, with no care, and wont to Albany and Corvallls, where ho associated with othor womon. Mrs. Prlnzlor asks tho court to decreo her an absolute divorce. Attorneys Woathorford & Wyatt appoar for the plaintiff In tho case. ' Snys Houko Was Open Tho circuit court was busy toilny with tho suit of S. B. Peck vs. Julius O. Vogot, an nctlon for monoy Insti gated by Peck on tho. grounds that Vogot, In erecting a cottago for him, failed to abldo by the contract and plans upon which tho building was o bo constructed. Peck alleges that Vogot, In biulldlng tho houso, loft Inrgo cracks In tho wnlls and doors, through which rains could boat in and cold winds blow, and that the structure was not capabloof protect ing nn occupant suitably. Carson & Drown npponr as counsol for Peck, whllo Caroy P. Martin is nttornoy for tho dofondant. Hciinto Furniture When tho sonntors tako tholr seats Mondny tlioy will ocoupy beautiful new desks thnt comport with sena torial dignity. Each desk is flnUhod In mahogany from tho Philippines, nnd has seven drawers. Now chains nro also furnished, not quite so tippy nntho old ones, and enabling a sen ator, when so disponed, to put Ills feet on top of tho desk without dan ger of breaking his neck. Thero Is also a placo to lay hi-, plpo and keop a fow matches and tobacco. Tho houso vlll got along with tho old dinky dosks with one drnwor, and locks that half tho tlino need a skilled burglar to got them opon. Say Ho Kept the VhimIh A com plr lut hns boon filed In the Justice of tho porco court by District Attornoy John II. McNnry against Itov. D. 8. Wnlkor, accusing him of tho orlmo of larceny by bnllco. Tho unmplnlut nllogos that on tho 11th day of Mny, 1908, Walker, as agont for tho Wlllnmotto University en dowment fund, had In 111 poHHcaslon (ho vim o 00, which was tho right fill property of WIIIamoKo Universi ty, aud that Walker converted (ho amount to IiIh own use and benefit. Wnlkor wns arretted b'y Constnblo Ira Hamilton yesterday morning, but, owing to tho defendant being conflnod to his home with slckuoai, ho wns unnblo to appear before Judge Wohtter, and ho Is now under bonl In (ho mini of 7K0. t'ui'tlH Company Win After dollborntlnc for a short tlmo yesterday afternoon, tho Jury found n vordlct In fnvor of tho CurtU laun hor Co., which wan suod by S. J. lUtrroiiKhfl for dnmagoe a tho rosult of IlurrougliH bocomlug ontnnglod Mi Home of tho machinery bolonfng lo the CurtU Company In tholr mills .it Mills City. Tho court held that no damagco could bo obtained from tho lumber company, where tho plaint'iT shoved coutrlbutnry nogllgenn.), which wph proven In testimony .o tho Jury. Judge Uuruett took up eouidderahle tlmo In liutructlon of tho Jury, as to what point to con alder, aud many Important legal in at torn wero a pnrt or his Inalruotloai. HurruMKhs wag aeeklug dnmnKOrt In the ouni of 10.000 for Injuries In curred while working In the aawmlll I at Mills City, as oiler This rate wnj before the circuit court heretofore, but, owing to the Jury falling to agree it wni rraln brought to Issue thin term CARMFRS MUST FIGHT BOTH RATS AND MICE A special dispatch from Washlng on says: Field mice deBtroy crops on hundreds of acres of lnnd every year, and In tho editors of popula tion the ravages of rats entail a di rect loss of J20.000.000 annually. In addition, tho rat excites grave appre hension because of Its agency In dis tributing the dronded plague and other diseases. Investigations con ducted by the department of agri culture nnd the marine hospital ser vice have prompted tho authorities to send out a warning against fetid mice and house rats. Although lossoa by field mice havo piovod a Btoudy drain on tho resour ces of American farmers and nur Borymon, yet only occasionally, and ovor llmled nrons has the damage boon so gront as to attract attention. The exten of tho destruction of crops by mice In tho United States has nevor oven approached that In Eu tope, whore they havo overrun whole provlncos, leaving ruin in their wake. During the pnst year, however, a na tive species Infected tho alfalfa fields in Humbodlt valley, Nevada, in such multitudes ns t odestroy nearly tho wholo crop. Alfalfa Destroyed. Out or tho 20,000 acres of alfalfa in tho valley, 15,000 acres were a total loss, so that tho floldo Hid to be replowed aud roscedod. During the pnst year the biological survey sont two assistants to Novndii ror the purpose or conducting experiments and demonstrating to the ranchmen tho bout methods or destroying the pesky rodents. Ab u rosult or trials with various poisons it was round hat sitlphnto or strychnine on chopped green alfalfa, or when that Is not procurable, on airulfn hay, Ihii most offectlvo poison, liven on ranches whore the number of field mice reach the astonishing total of 12.000 to the acre, roller was obtainable by careful aud systematic poisoning, nt tho cost of only 70c per wore, lly moans of tho combined ellortB of the farmers of the valleys, using methods devised by the survoj. tho number or mice whs finally so greatly reduced that hawks and owls, gulls, herons, niveiiK, skunks, badg ers, wensels, foxes and coynea, whdi had nssoinblod onrly In (ho oubreak and killed nt Ions 15,000 mlco a day. wore nblo to nko euro of he remaind er and prevent them from doing se rious damage, thus furnishing au Im portant object 1,'seon hh to the use fulness of those desroyeis of rodents when permitted to do the work they are fitted by nature to perform. ,- ? ? WASHNIGTON ROADS nnr THREATENEDBY FLOODS Tacoma, Wash., Jan. 15. Tho heavy rain which began lust evening and continued to fall today, nccom panted by the melting of the great amount of snow, hns caused grave apprehension on tho part of rail road officials here nnd serious wash outs and snow slides nro expected Bhould the rain continue Tor 24 hours loiiKcr. Northom Paciric railroad officials report that snow is railing heavily In the Cascades today, but state that they are so far successful In keep ing the line clear If the present warm weathor continues, however, tho railroads will bo confronted with a serious situation, ns the moiling snow and rain-hns already caused mountain streams to become swol on and great volurus of wator aro be ing sent down to tho vnlloys. o o 6 o V V 7 V o o o PERSONAL MENTION OOOOOOOOo 0 o 0 Don't Take the Ulsk. When you havo n bnd cough of cold do not let It drag along until It becomes chronic bronchitis, or de velops Into nn attnek or pnoumonin, but givo It tho attention It deserves and get rid or It. Take Chnmbor Inln's Cough Remedy nnd you nro sure or prompt roHor. From n small beginning tho snlo nnd ubo or this preparation has oxtonded to nil parts or tho United States nnd to ninny rorclgn countries. Its many romnrk ablo euros or coughs nud colds havo won ror It this wldo reputation nnd oxtonslvo use. Sold by Dr. Stono's drug store. o ltlp Van Winkle What comment Is possible on (be play Inst night? It was thnt Inim itable ciVHtlon or Washington Irv ing, Ainorlca's greatost literary gon gen itis: and interpreted by a Jorrerson. Tho theater-goes, nor tho country re porter, nor tho home editor, can "gild refined gold, paint tlio Illy or add fresh perfume to the vlolot,, w "what's tho use?" J. H. Rhoton leaves today for Pas adenn, Calif., Jo Join his wife ror a short tlmo who Is spending the win tor thoro. DIED. SAVAGE In Loa Angeles, Cnl Jan 3, 1009, at 12:10 a. m., or pneui monia, Alfred Snvagc, aged 75 years, Mr. Savogo was long a resident of Marlon county, coming to Oregon with his father In 181G. For the past six years ho has resided nt Olcndorn, Cnl., whero tho falling henlth of a son called him, The fun oral was held nt Glondorn, January 5, tho lntormont bolng in tho beau tUul cemetery whoro tho older son, Grant, lies buried. Besides his wife, ono son nnd two grand children sur vive him; nlso two brothers, Lewis, or this city, and M. R. Snvnge, of Yoncnlla; and ono slstor, Mrs. K. A. Edwards, or Walla Walla. SAVAGE Nenr Los Angeles, Cnl., Jnnunry 13, 1009, nt C a. m. 0f pnoumonin, Orcn a. Savage, aged 05 years. O. G. Savngo was tho youngest brother or tho lato Alfred and John Savngo. He yont to Cnllfornln a row months ngo tor his health, nnd a change; having surrered a sovoro at tack or pneumonia Inst spring, only to Bticcumb to a second attack of tho same disease, which dovelopcd on the 'day of his brother Alfred's death. Tho two deaths bo closo together are a great shock to relatives nnd to friends. Ho loaves a wUo and two daughters, Mrs. G. S. Reld, or Spo knno, .nnd Mrs. Otto Kruse of Mc Mtnnvlllc. tirlnl will take place at Sitlom, notlco of which will be glr en lntor. Simple Kciiiedy for I .a Grlppr. Hacking In grippe coughs that msy derekip Into pneumonia over night are quickly cuied by Foley's Honey and Tar. The sore and ln llHiited lungs are healed and strength eued. and a dangerous condition Is quickly averted. Take only Foloy's Honey and Tar In the yellow pack age. J. C. Perry. HUSBAND AND WIFE ARRESTED FOR MURDER (United Press Leased Wire.) OgallnTa. Neb., Jan IS. Lafarett ? Dale and Mrs. Jennie (Telger. claim ing to bo Dnlo's wife, wore hold to trial today charged with murdering Volly Mann and burying hie body In n rnvluo nonr here. The crime was committed some months ago, but was not dlscovorod untlt December of last year. Dnlo wus arrested In Donvor and brought to this city. o Sent lo Peti Qutikly. Pltbburg'. Jan. 15. Lees than an honir afto the Jury found J. U. F. Itluelutrt guilty of looting the Farm era' uiul Drovors National Hank at Wayneeburg. of over 11.000,090, he wns sentenced by Judge .Tone to IS yean In the weetern penitentiary. Fever Sotv. Fever sore and old chronic eniei should not lie healed entirely, but should bo kept In health) condition This ran be done by applying Cham berlain's Salve. This salve has no KUHrlor for this purpose it W also most excellent ror chapped hand sine nipples, burns and disease or the skin For sale by Dr. Stone k drug store -0- 1'rolmWjr the greatest eorvico n doo tor does (s. keeping ua from being cared Jo death. See Mother (IroHr Voting. CONNELLY Nonr Palouse. Wash., Dec. 10, 1908, of heart failure, SIuiiub Connolly. Mr. Connolly wns 11 half brother of Mrs. Lewis Savngo of Salem, nnd of Mis. Alfred Savngo of Glondorn, Cnl, and wns formerly well Known her. TAFT PEDDLES SOME OF TEDDY'S OZONE "It would be hard fe eTerstate tho wonderful change In my mother since she began to use- Iflectrlc Hit ters," write Mra. W. L. Gllpatrlck of Danforth, Me. "Although past 70 she seems really to bo growing young again She suffered untold mlsory from dyspepsia for 20 yonrs. At last she could neither rat, drink nor sloop. Dootors gave hor up and all remedies fnllotl till Hlectrlc nil tors worked such wonders ror hor health." 'I hey invigorate all vital organs, cure Liver nnd Kldnoy troubles, Induce sleep, Impart strength and appetite. Only 50c nt J. C. Perry's drug storo. Coffee The kind that makes the break fast real Coffee through and through alwa) s the same. Your grocer will Krlod lt better if cruuud al homo not too tine. LITTLE BARK ALICE ASHORE AT OCEAN PARK (United Prees Leaaed Wire ) Portland. Or., Jan. IS a port baa Just reached shippers' nr cV !eie to the effect that the threv- masted bark Allco, loaded with ce- , r.cnt 19 ashoro at Oeean Park. vua uiRim 1110 crew is sate, hartn rend od bhore In their own boat. The Alice earno consigned to a Portluul concern fow Loadon. Cruwsfordvlllo, Ga Jim ,16. ProBldont-clcct Taft stopped Insre a fow minute's tbdnyen routo to Atlan ta, Oa. During a conversation lie said: '"I had the pleaauro of receiving a dulogatlon of your citizens yester day. Ono member of tho delegatien: gave full ndhoronco to ono of (ht rfindiunontal principles or tho pre) ent Republican administration, wr ing that ho had 19 children. lift could not toll how msny grand children ho had. HUHvnciX In Africa. Antworpv Jan. 15. A meng rrom Leopoldavlllo, Congo Frw State, says that tho atoamor Captains Skngorstrom snnk; today, 15 poopU bolng drownwd Konnody's Laxatlro Cough Syrup tastes nearly as good as maple sugar. It cures tho cold by gently niofloj the bowelfr, and at tho samo time It Is soothing- for throat Irritation, thereby stopping tho cough. Sold or all druggiBtgv O -iJV. & O? 3 "O. I .A. . 8mi tt I n MRQ (Oil H3W i" w il.nt,nr -o ' ' f jr s j rr Salem Fence Works Headquarters for Woeu Wire Fencing. Hop Wlro, Barb Wire. Poultry Netting, Shingles, Mal thold Itooring, P & H Heady Hooriug. AU At Loivest Price. CHAS. D. HILUGAN :W Court St Phone 12 DR. STONE'S Drug Store then Caught lu tlio llaln. a cold and a eonek it i . on get pneumonia or eonwmpttoe that's all No matter how yon g,, lor cough don't neglect Ittake llalartl a HorehonnU Srp and yon'U j be over It In no Urn Tk. ,. . for cough, eoldn. b.n.m, tlJ old Sold by all dealers. ad Try Our Electro Turkish Baths, , 1jl Groatest euro on earth for Grippe, Cold, Headache. Back ache, Nervousness, Paralyal. Ithoumntlsm, Blood Troubles and Pimples. llesenient of Wlllam' etto Hotel. The oul t.a6h drug g,or0 n 0fe loa. o-es no one. ad ao one owe. H; earrle i.rs1 $toek. ,u Bh counters and hni a, ... ..... ' Mvirrc'r;o,:i;' money to loan Ml Alls fii M.ji.i - .. c,,,, pnrpo.ei. Di. fC? u;tar ' in ,!. cine. .Bd BM h44 hT .!! T " re !'fci ar '. Salem, or., ,rra i hf m.,rnln until al nljht m TIIOS. K. FORD lOver Ladd & Bush's Bank, Palem.or ; Norwich Union Fire 1 insurance oui-ri I Prank Meredith, Resident AS' 1 Office with Wm. Brown & Co . 29, Commercial street. I