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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1909)
FIRST ED4TIOM-3 P. M. SECWD EDITICTO-4 P. M. ( onmal VOL. XIX. DAILY CAPITAL JOUllNAL, SALMI, OREGON," Kill DAY, .IANTAKV in, JllOJ). NO. II. CALIFORNIA SWEPT BY TERRIFIC FLOOD S HAS SEVENTEEN INCHES OF RAINFALL IN ONLY THREE HOURS HITCHCOCK'S CRIME GREATER THAN HAIN'S Senator La Follette Says He Declines to Even Suppose Hitch cock Guilty of Trying to Induce .Oregon .Legislators to Violate Their Pledges, but If He Is Guilty, His Crime Is Greater than that of Haines. Mcullson, Wis., Jan. 15. That the alleged action of Frank Hitchcock, chairman of the Ropubltcau national commlttoo, in lntorforlng with the senatorial situation in Oregon Is ns henlous as tho crlmo said to havo been committed by Thornton Jon ktns Hnlns, at Flushing, L. I., which has Just cfoscd, Is tho burden of an editorial which npponr tomorrow In tho second Issuo of Senator La Follotto's Magazine. "Thornton Halns Is on trial for ndvlslng tho commsslon of a crime, and Frank Hitchcock,, who Is also wldoly accused of advising tho com tnlslon of a crlmo, Is guilty of one inually na helnlous. "It is said that Hitchcock has ac tively endeavored to Induco tho leg islature of Oregon- to violate tholr promtso to support tho candidate for tho United States senntorship receiv ing tho most votes at tho primaries. It both mon nro supposed to bo guil ty, tho only difforonco botwoen them Is ono of courage. For Halns' crlmo, if ho is found guilty, tho law pro vides a ponnlty, but tho ono charged against Hitchcock Is unpunishable "Wo decline to supposo that Hitch cock Is guilty. In vlow of tho Im possibility of legal vindication it would scorn that ho can do no loss than duny tho nsporslon.' THE COUNTRY CAN REST, HAINS IS ACQUITTED wnn hhihhi innfifrWfiiii !& lAlteration Sale wmmmmumammmmmmmmKmmmmmmmmmsmmmammmmmmammma (United Press Leased Wlro.) Flushing, L. I., Jan. 15. Tho jurors who hnvo boon hearing tho ovldonco in tho trial of Thornton JonklnB Hnlns for participating In tho murdor of Wllllnm Annls seem to bo hopolcssly deadlocked, Ono report In circulation today Is that nino qf them favor the acquittal of tho dofondnnt, whllo tho other thrco aro holding out for convic tion. Aftor deliberating most of tho night, with no prospect of reach ing nn agreement, tho Jury Mod In to Judgo Crane's court room nt 8:30 o'clock this morning and aslcd that tho testimony given by John Tlorny, wltnoss for tho dofonso, nnd Captain Clark and Dr. McDrldc, who tostl flcd for tho state, bo rend to them. At tho conclusion of tho reading Judgo Crnno Inquired If tho Jurors desired to honr tho record on tho croRs-oxnmlnntlon. Jurors Donhnm nnd Ilolckor shook tholr heads. "Your honor, wo nro old mon, and wo nro ill besides, whb Donhnm's ro ply. "If wo cannot roach a vorcllct within an heir wo shall ask you to dlschnrgo us." Judgo Crane announced that Hen ham and Ilolckor could hnvo tho ser vices of a physician, If necosmiry, nt tho snmo time pointing out to them tho Importance of ngrcolng to ,i ver dict, Tho Judgo ro inn I n od In his court room nil night. COST CUTS NO FIGURE ! 4. ? X m i Attornoy Mclntyro, chlof counsel for tho dofonso, declared Just before noon today that ho" Is In possession of Information that convinces him beyond tho shadow of n doubt that ) tho Jury stands ton for acquittal nnd During our Alteration Sale, The proposition now is to ii.two for conviction. dispose of the eoods as ciuicklv as possible, as we!! must have the shelves clear before we begin to tear out the walls, The following goods take up lots of room, J - dofondnnt guilty of man , i jt n i 8'n"Khtor or disagree. At noon th iney are in we way ana musx oe aisposuu 01, oust ci,ts no figure, Spoclul Prosecutor Whito dlsputod tho stntomont, but would not vonturo n Kuoss. Ho said, howovor, that ho was confident tho Jury would olth MADE ARTISTIC RUN IN THE "ALTOGETHER" $. it jurors woro given for luncheon. nn hour tho recoss Woolen Dress Goods Blankets and Comforts Women's Coats and Suits Furs of All Kinds Women's and Men's Woolen Underwear IVluslins, Domestic Ginghams, jSheets, Pillow Cases, Towels, Men's Clothin; Ladies' Shoes Flushing, h. I., Jnn. 15. Thorn ton Jonklns Halns, accused of par ticipating in tho murdor of William Annla, has been ncqiiltted. I or ' There is no use trying elsewhere to get prices like we are giving X NO WIRE SERVICE SOUTH ' EASTERN LINES CRIPPLED Owing to tho sovero storms to tho Bouth nnd onst tho (olograph sorvlcu today U notlcoablo by its not bolng hero. Tho bridge across tho Sucrn monto river nt Sacramento, a apnn 200 foot long, wont down this morn- ting oft nil communication with San Francisco. Lnter In ho day Sacra mento "wont out," thon all northern California. At noon Medford "wont dry,' nnd by 2 o'clock thero whb no servlco south of Snlom. Connections with tho Knst aro also budly brokou and tho news servlco crlpplod. o HILL TO BUILD A A CANADIAN LINE (United Press Leased Wlro.) Spokane, Wash., Jnn. 15. Ells worth Hollcnbeck, nn employe of tho C. & O. Stcnmbont Company, twice crossed tho Columbia rlvor, a dis tance of about 100 yards, on tho lco jams nt Wonatcheo nonr tho com pany's doclls" Wednesday, naked ox copt for u p.ilr of socks. Tho thor momontor registered 8 bolow zoro. HollcnbccK, overhearing frlonds complaining of tho sovoro cold, laughed nnd old them ho would run ncrosso tho rlvor on tho lco with noth lug on but u necktie for $5, Tho $5 wa fltmmcdlntoly put up. Hollenbeck hosttutcd a momotu, then disrobed nnd jumped from tho wharf bout. Tho lco. did not hold and ho foil Into tho water. Almost immediately ho climbed out nn ddnrtcd out on his joui-uoy, falling several times, but reached his goal nnd returned with a wot Bkln and n fow bruises. Tho $5 was given him. () O O () () () () () o o o O ( O WKATHHU CONDITIONS O O THIS MORNING O O O ( Portland Sleeting, and O O wiii-iiiciy O O Tlu Dalles Morn .Miow. O ) 1 1 nod Diver Heavy Snow O () railing. () O Pendleton 17 Indies of () O miow; temperature milder. O () linker City Snow melting O O rapidly. () O Walla Walla Heavy miow O ( fall; I'lilnooU in mountains. O ( Spokane Chinook expected. ) () Albany Snow melting rap- 0 () idly. O O Ihigcuc Snow melting. O O ItoM'liurg Warm iiilu melt- O () lug miow; Hood feared. O O (ii-autN 1'asn Warm rain; O ) miow nearly all gone. O O AMoria Warm rain; heavy O O gale threatened. O O Seattle Ilain. O O O ) () O O O O () O O WILL PREVENT JAPS .OWNING REAL ESTATE (United Pross Lonsod Wlro.) Saoramonto, Cal., Jan. 15. Tho Judiciary commlttoo of tho usombly today decldod to report favorably n bill provontlng Japaneao from own ing roulty. Tho California malty men aro opposing tho bill strenuous ly, claiming that It will cloud many title In this Htato. A hot tight is expected when the bill come up be fore the assembly for a vote. CALFORiNIA UNDER FLOOD OF WATERS Tremendous Rainfalls Set Rivers Booming and Much Dam age Is Done Thousands of Acres of Farm Lands Over flowed and Many Cities Are in Danger of Being Literally Drowned. Sacramento, Cal., Jan. 1C. Tho Yuba rlvor brldgo at Marysvlllo is down, and tho Sacrnmonto brldgo ovor tho American rlvor, tho koy be tween San Francisco, Ogden nnd Portland, wont out Inst night, caused by tho oxtromoly high wntor. Tho floods nro gonornl throughout tho stato. Tho Korn rlvor has over flowed thousands of ncrou of land and n gang of 400 mon nro work ing llko mad to snvo Dnkorsllold. Tho Russlnn rlvor Is flooding tho low binds, nnd threatens to wnsh out all brldgca ovor that stream. Tho towiifl of Santa Hosn and Stockton nro throntoncd with tho greatest flood In history. Tho now lovco has been brokou by tho force of tho wntor. Tho wntors In tho Mormon channel nro rlBlng, nnd tho Snnta Fo track has boon wnshod out, Tho chnnnol In wldonlng nonr VIs-nllln. Ilesldonta of Wntsonvlllo pntrollod tho Pa J nro rlvor nil lnlght, watching tho lovoos. Tho SaHspuodosrlvor is overflowing a mllo from VntnonvllIo nnd that section Is under thrco foot of wntor. It Drowned AngulH. Stockton, Cal., Jan. 1C A dis patch from Angola Cnmp this morn ing roporto a cloudburst thoro, 17 Inches of rain railing in thrco hours, Tho cloudburnt oxtoudod ovor un nron of 100 squnro milos. Tho rlvors nnd ntrenmo In ths roglon nro boom ing, and tho Islnudn In tho lowor Baa Joaquin rlvor nro in dangon Tho sltucttou In Stockton a slight ly Improved. Gangs patrolled tho lovoes nil night. Tho Mormon chnn nol Is receding now, but will probably rlso higher than ovor tomorrow when tho Angels Cnmp cloudbust roaches horo. ivr- SPECIAL MESSAGE ON WATER RIGHTS WInnlpog. Man., Jnn. 15. It 1b announced today that Jamos J. HIM, In tho spring, will havo n direct lino and now system through Western Canada. For tho purposo ho has purchased a local afternoon newspa per. It was at flrt claimed that tho Cnnndlan Pacific roitd had purchased the paper, but it Is now alleged that James j. Hill Is the purchaser. WINNIPEG TO HAVE GRAIN ELEVATORS (Unltod Prois Loascd Wlro.) Winnipeg, Man., Jan. 15. It was definitely settlul today that tho threo pralrlo provinces will agree to the proposition providing for public ownership of olovators throughout Wostorn Canada. Tho grain raisers and dealers havo formed tho Wost orn Grain Growers' Association, nnd will havo grain olovators at all im portant grain conters. Washington, D. C, Jan. 1G, Prosldont Hoosovolt todny uont to tho Iioiiro of representatives u spo clul mensngo vototng tho bill author izing Wllllnm II. Standsh to con struct n dnm across tho Jamos Rlvor, In Stono county, Missouri, to dlvort a portion of tho wntorc of that stroam through a tunno to croato oloctrlo powor. Tho Prosldont holds that .tho bill guarnntcoa vnlnnblo monopoly prlvl logos, nnd doca not provldo for con dttlonu oaeontlnl to protect tho pub lic IntorostJ. Ho rotors In his veto moBungo to fornior communlcatlom showing a tondonoy to monopollsttc onoronehmonts upon naMiral ro sourcons, and says: "Whon tho public welfare l In volved onugroaa should roservu anv reasonable doubt us to Its legU'n- n rlso in the prlco of conl that oloc trlcnlly trnnsmlttod wntor power vlll bo tho controlling factor In transportation, manufacturing nnd In housohold boating and lighting. To give nwny without conditions thla ono of our groatest resources, would bo un net of folly," Tho President pointed out to the roprOHontntlvoH tho oxtont to which wntor power lo now controlled by cortnin corporations, nnd nddod that thero is a growing tondonoy on tho'r pnrt to Incronso this control. Tho Prosldont points out tho r hiiIIh nttnlnod through luvostlga tloim prosocutod by tho bxironii it corporotlonn, showing how certain corporations hnvo Biiccoedod In to curing nonrly n quartor of tho mojt valuable existing wator powor sitoa In the country. In this connection nu nuwur in nivor or mo people no uieiitlouod the General Rlimtrln against seekera of special privilege, nnd WentliiKhoiwo Kleotrlo compun- Ion as two of tho big conoerns ronp- My roncon In bollovlng tho foderal government, In creating IIcoiuoh to dnm navigable rlvors has tho power to mpose any condition It finds nee omary. Is that Its ooimont is logull oasoutlnl to nn ontorprlne of this chnractor. The pooplc of the country are inroHionou iy this monopoly, which Is far moro powerful thau nv other, because It Is closor touch with domo-tle and Industrial life, than any othor known to our oxporlonco. "A single gonorntlon will boo the exhaustion of our natural resources, uuch as gas and oil, and will boo ouch lug houoflU. A IMtor from Herbert Knox BmltU chler of the burtaii of eorporntlon, vhloli Ih nttiichod to tho moajuge, declares that tho General Hlnnil Company controls three corpo'iitlons; thnt the oompnny owna flvo wntor power compauleH, nnd probnbly domlunto flvo otlioru. Tim lettor also Htaloa thnt tho WmUnK I'ouso corporation controls throe sub sldlary concorns, two powor com pnuliw, and porhnjrs ns mnny as soveit others. -o- 1111 '' i iiiiiiiiiimiitifiiiiK This Ik Important. San Francisco, Jan. is. Charles II. Gilman. father of Maybelle Gil man Corey, wife of William K. Corftj', president of the UnltOil States Steel corporation, suffered a strpkg . af ajioplexy last night. Thero Is no hopo for his recovery. Twp of his daughters are at his bedside. WILL REORGANIZE NAVY TO MAKE MORE OFFICERS (United Pros Leased Wire.) Washington. Jan. 15. At a con ference held today between naval experts and PreehH-m Roonerelt the pins of Secretary of 'the Navy New berry, for gradual reorganization of the navy were wnanlmonsly in doreed. Tho pUas virtually call for Ui creikH of a vwerul staff. Lots Qt toqu who are always' run ning for Qfllctj novor soom to got anywhere. MINING OPERATOR lroiluot to back up whnt ho FROM CURRY COUNTY ,"ly Ho w Ql(i0(l lilt without oppMltlon. nnd carried every voto lu- Colonol Mtinry, of Coou and Curry. ,0,1" "' tl proclncu of tho oouuty. Hone of tho born oratorg of the se. wUr " IJMt known. He owuh mjh of the general assembly, and hn "0llr mine lu Curry county wortii contents! to take r place on the pro- ,,u,n 'nion of dollar and awtlU xrnfli of the Development Conrev I lB " Ke toiieh of cUn) to opn to be held at Salem January 29-30. I U,e,r lore wowlth tu the world. 1U and will tell of the wonderful unJe- lt ' 0! of Col Kmuk .Muniy. ol velopod reiouroM of Bouthweetoru I Kw Yor, tho 'hjiiomi millionaire Orogon. The aolpnol Is ono of the '' publlihsr. mps elixiiiont mon In tho world, o. . . . when It come to giving exact In for-) It Is hard to convlngo a inan that yiatlon about the mlnornl wealth of ,s wrong whon lily living depends that Notion, r-nd hna the facts and "Pon his being right. '$, m ,..n..wi &S&i&Jifflti&SL&