1 ' M .,.,- -jy-TJTTBJ UJIA'.'J '.'ti!"."f I'll" '' ll I ; fmi'Hi1 ff t -I Til - M tiUiTftilillluii faiiUiliM I in it I fiiV il ill I "i 111' l i IITli ilillinljWtii 355333! TJJT.W.TfTf RIP VAN WINEE WILL AWAKEN AT WW OPERA HOUSE TONIGM -itaWJ74&ftCQM , a aMawaaanafiTiimiMiwM. DON'T FAIL TO STOP Hen for " exninlimtlon of your ,.jos the moment they begin to tiouble you In the slightest. Nxpcrt knowledge combined with Ions experience and modern appara tus fctumintees you a com'ct Mii uc" curate result always. Barr's JEWELERS n Nebraska Corn Just arrived one car of Nebraska corn : : : : : Tillson & Co. I HNHPv-laBv 4 HBQebBMBBSt .'iBHHflBvMVJHflV jots I w ittmSr 5 i liVHHHIIiff9iDHHBS )mBh & ' RIP VAN WINKLE AND THOMAS iEFFERSON ThomtiB Jefferson will como to tho Orand opora houso tonight. Thomas Jefferson nns nlroaay established hlmsolf as a favorite with tho the-ator-goors of tnis city. Ho scored a hit in tho part when horo beforo, and proved himself a worthy sue ccssor to his famous sire. For gonorntions, .parents hnvo told their children tho story of "Hip Van Winkle," of his great lovo for little folks, with wtiom ho would romp and play, and his affection for his young daughter, Mecnle, how every dog in ho vlllngo would wag its tall for Joy nt tho sight of "Kip," and with It nil his weakness for tho (lowing bowl, of how ho was driven from his homo by IiIb wlfo Qrotchon nnd went Into tho Cntsklll moun tains whoro ho drank with tno ghosts of llenrlch Hudson nnd his plrato crow tho fatal draught that put him to sleep for 20 years, awaking to find his wife married to the mnn who had aided him In becoming a drunkard, and his little daughter, Moonie, grown to womanhood and still in lovo with Hondrlch Vcddor, the hero and playmate of hor child hood days. It is n charming story, ono which will never grow old. and bo long ns It Is plnyod by a Jefferson, nnd kept up to Its present high standing, just so long will It appoal to tho bettor class of theater-goers and remain one of tho standard attractions of the Ainorlcni) stage. , MHltPw'f l em vfcK nfHffWfll"IBMrBHBWBi THOMAS JEFFERSON, AS IHP VAN VINKIl. TILLMAN NOT CHARGED WITH VIOLATING LAW Grand Opera House JNO. F. OOItDRAY, Mgr. Thurmlny, Jnnunrjr 14, THOMAS JEFFERSON In his famous production of RIP VAN WINKLE Uenutlful Scenic Production. Kxcelleut Supporting Company. lrlcei, IjJl.BO, $1, 75c, 50o Scat sulo at box ofllco, Thursday, 9 n. m. BUNGALOW THEATRE Ono. h. ItAKKIt, General .Manager. Portland's Fnshlonablo Popular Price Plnyhouso. Home of tho ln tojiiimrnblo Dnkor Stock Company. Tho gnmo of politics opons this week Btnrtlng Sunday matinees, Jan uary 11, 1909. First production hero of Avery Hopwood's powerful politi cal piny Masters of Men in four acts Ku'iilng prices; 2i3, J13, 00c; Mat hue, J 5 IWc. Matlnoo Saturday. Next week: "A Hoyal Family," (United Press Leasod WIro.) Wnahlngton, Jan. 14. It Is not oxpoctcd that Sonntor Tillman's re quest that tho sonato Investigate tho charges mndo against him by tho President in connection with tho Oro- gon land deals. No member of tho committee on privileges nnd elec tions can bo found who is willing to ask for tho invostlgnton. Thoso senators who havo dlscuosed tho mat tor say they can boo no question be foro tho sonato, except as to whether Tillman was frank with his ,col- loaguo.i In his discussion of the deal. Even If tho charges niado by th? Prosldont aro true, It la sold, thor was no violation of tho law. Tboro foro, It Is not likely that them will bo any Investigation unless Tillman, hlmsolf, Insists upon It, and his friends will ndvlso him ngnlnst such action. investigation had convinced him that such was tho case. A hypodermic syrlngo wns found on Cnrmlchacl, and necdlo scnrH on his body attested his ubo of a drug. o- MURDER WAS SCHEME TO COLLECT INSURANCE (United Prois Leasod WIro.) Burlington, la., Jan. 14. That llfp Insurance companies will rofus to pay Mrs. Carmlchnol widow of tho mlulstor who murdered Odoon Drowning, nn Adair enrpontor, In n Httlo Methodist church at Colum bus, Mich,, on tho theory that the murdor was a part of hor husband's plot to commit suicide, so that she might recovoV tho monoy, Is tho be lief of Sheriff Mooro, of Port Huron, Mich,, today. Mooro passod through horo on his way to Michigan with tho body of Cnrmlcael Moore declared emphatically that Carmlchnol killed Browning to give tho Improsslon that ho himself was tho victim, so that his wlfo might collect the Insurance. Tho sheriff rofusod to divulge what roasous led to his conclusion bu assortod that r4H4 You Can Enjoy An Entertainment Without FREEZING At YE LIBERTY To Show Vn Wobfcct. Portland, Or., Jan 14. Ormsby Mcllarg, porsonnl representative of Chairman Frank Hltcheock, In tho Inst presidential campaign, la In Portland for tho solo purposo, It la roportod, of lending tho fight for tho election of a Ropublcan sonntor, In stead of Governor Chamberlain, Domocrnt, and tho. people's oholoo. When McHarg hoard n rumor that monoy would bo used to defeat Chamberlain ho quickly donled It so far as tho national administration Is concerned. How ho will Induce S3 legislators to ropudinte tho pledges' upon which they wore elected 1? not rovenlod, but this is his mission. It Is wild ho wll Iubo tho argument a Republican leglalaturo and Oregon owo It to their own Intorcsts and to tho national administration to send n Republican, and not n Domocrnt, to the United States sonato. It In apparent to Qovornor Chamborlaln nndhls adherents that McHarg Is hero at the behest of Senutor Fulton, whoso seat tho governor will occupy If elected, nnd, with tho sanction of tho Republican organization and Prosldont-olect Tnft, However, Fulton denies that Hitch cock's man is horo to arguo In his behalf, nnd adds that ho Is principal ly concerned n Booing a Republican olctod, not being particular who that Republican Is. Although Mc Harg has been In Oregon only a few hours, ho has been n busy man, holding conferences with tho poli ticians opposed to Chamborlnln's oloctlon. Tho noxt most importnnt move before tho senatorial election will bo the confab to bo hold on tho ovo of tbnt event by McHarg and Senators Coffey nnd Miller and Representa tives McCue nnd Mnhonoy, who aro the front of tho nntl-Chamborlainltos McHarg oxpocts to loavo this Btato l,nfU-r tho first ,bal!ot Is taken In tho A Cure tor MJucry. "I havo found n euro for tho mls ory malaria poison produces," says II. M. James, of Louollou, S. C, "It's called Electric Bitters, nnd conies In GO cont bottles. It broaks up a casa of chills or a bilious attack In al most no tlino; and It puts yollow Jaundice clean out of commission." This groat tonic medlclno and blood purifier gives quick relief In nil stomach, livor nnd kidney complaints and tho misory of lamo back. Sold undor guarantee at J. C. Porry'a drug store. FITTING UP AN OFFICE. Is a quick and nn easy matter It our mill work Is used. Wo havo all tho partitions, ratlings, doors, otc, ready to put right up. You can hire nn empty room In tho morning and with our mill work and a good car pontor you can havo a complotoly fitted ofllco tho iinmo day. Want to soo somo deelgMT A. M. HAXII w; r Phono Wain 844. "J . -?, rjffijfe- EXTRAORDINARY OFFER To Subscribers of leginlaturo. a Kodol for DyspopsJn and Indlgei A tlnn will (llgft any and all food at am and all tlmoe. i fpi to glvo prompt relief. I nil druggists. Six Exits-Furnace Heat-Well Ventilated S Kodol Is guaran- Sold by Aiirirs 10 CENTS MATINEES 2 P. M. CHILDREN S CENTS EVENINGS 0:15 P. M. Wo hao to take what eom In weather the shdio as In other thin go. "Ifiillme)f I iialiiiilff Big Lund Opening. I On January 20, 1909, nt Roseburg. - i Oregon, 91,500 acres are to be with- ,irawn fron, th0 Umpqun forest re- 'tiiiiiiMiiiimiiiiiiiig I "erve- Th,B embrace 80mo of the nnt-bi aniry aim iirauer mnus in ueu- OPERA HOUSE, JANUARY 26 AND 27 ;;ton- Lane Do"sa and Coos coun- j .Not all of this land Is subject to' (, ntry. For J2.58 wo will sena you i oruniiu is lurtu iiiiiuErunuic iuwii- " !;Uhlt maps with abovo vacant lands .olored threon. Also full instru- dons as to dates, manner of flllug, &c lie. I ELK'S BIG SHOW "A Night in Bohemia 80-PCOPLE- 80 DANCING PONY BALLET BIG PONY SPECIAL The Douglas County Abstract Co.,. Mtcctwwflr to Frank E. Alley, Rose-' Daily Capital Journal & t Call atlOf f ice and See What It Is Z burg. Oregon. 11-18-ud-tf. titniaiaiaiannafiaiaiawftKnaitKiai!!'"""' hLm HJC JMWeaMWWii ty Jawwtw. " i-J