HHIBwwp -i DALT MlgttKL JOOTWAjr; BAMCM. PlilC . .l)ifl&PA U, JU tJiJtl 8 n 'RAILROAD TIfllE TADLB TImo Card No. 54, Southern Fcifl Co., Effective Sunday, Asg. IS, - J 008. Toward Portland, Pnsscngcr. No. 16. 5:13 n. m. Oregon Ex rrosa. No. 18 8:40 a. m. Cottngo Grov passenger. No. 12. 2:15 p. m. Roseburg pna Bcngor. No. 14 9:13 p. m., Portland e press. Toward Portland, Freight. No. 222. 5:0 p. m. Portland fas' freight. No. 22C. 10.40-11:28 a. m. wuj freight. Toward Snn Franclsro, Passenger No. 11. 11:03 a. m. noBoburg passenger. No. 17. G:45 p. m. Cottage Grovt passenger. No. 15 9:50 p. in. California ox- pr03s. No. 13 3:31 a. m. Snn Francis co oxprors. Toward San Franclsro, Freight, No. 221.-2:43 a. m. Portland fait freight. No. 225. 11:28 a. m. way froight. OltHGON ELEOTIIIO RAILWAY Time Card Effective Nov. 15, 1008. Fer: Loavcis Portland nnd Intormodlato, Local G:40 a.m. Portland-Hlllaboro nnd ln- tennedlato, Local 8:55 a.m. Portland and Intormodlato. Local 11:15 a.m. Portland and Intormodlato, Local ..1:40 p.m. Portland-Tualatin and Hills boro, Limited .-.3:05 p.m. PortlnLd-HlllBboro and In tormodlato, Local 4:00 p.m. Portland and Intormodlato, Local C:20 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, Local S:40 p.m. Frem: Arrives Portland and Intormodlato, Local 8:25 a.m. Portland-IIUlsboro and In termediate Local ....10:00 a.m. Portland, Hlllsboro nnd Tualatin, Limited .. .10:50 n.m. Portland and Intormodlato, Local 1:00 p.m. Portland-IIUlsboro and In tormodlato, Local -V0O p.m Portland nnd Intormodinte, Local 5:45 p.m Portland and Intermediate, Local ,..S'1tt p.m. Portland nnd Intormodlato, Local 1040 p.m. Salem Fence Works Ilondquartors for Woven Wlro Fencing, Hop Wlro, Dnrb Wlro, Poultry Netting, Shingles, Mul thoid Roofing, P & D Rondy Roofing. All At Lowest Prices. CHAS. D. MULLIGAN !WO Court St Phono 121 Now is the Time to visit California When summer ha passed In these north orn statos, tho sun Is only mild under tho bright bluo skies of Southern California. This Is ono of nnturo'e happy provisions eternal summer for those who cannot en dure n more severe climate, California hat boen culled the "Mecca of tho winter tourist " Its hotels and stop P'ur places nro us vprlod as those of all wall regulated cities Visitors can always And sultablo accom modations, congenial companions and var ied, pleasing recrea tion). SOUTHERN PACIPIC CO. Will bo glad to supply some vory nttractlve literature, describing in detail the many d lights of winter la California. Tho rto from Salem to Los Angeles and return Is $55. UrrnU glx months, allowing stopovers la o'ttaer direc tion. Similar excursion rates ro U effwt to all California Mais. Fox full" information, sleeping car reservation and tlekets, call on, telegiaph or write agents, Salem, or W.M. MWrjIRAr, C.cn. Pass. Agt. Portland, Oregon. jf Coffee 1 a The aroma-tight can protects W M it against Impurities and dctcrl- H 3 oration never sold hi bulk. &1 m K H Your procor will grind It W better if ground at home nob too lino. I 2 "! I 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 !4 How Journal 1 .Readers Can Save $ Money X Head carefully, ovory day tho I Advertising Columns In tho Capital Journal Somo day you will bo Ultoly ; ; ; ; to find a bnrgaln ndvortlscd ; ; ; j that you want. A prompt ro- ; ; ; ply may savo you monoy. :: Watch It Carefully t ''nn i ii 1 1 in in i ii-n i m TORRID ZONE FURNACE The abovo cut ropresenta of brick lined Torrid Zono Furnacu, Guaranteed gas, smoko and duit ,roof. Economical and durable A. L. FRASER 1UiS STATK 8THKKT. Estimates furnlsned on heating O. C. T. Co. Stonmors Orogona and Pomonn loavo for Portland Monday, Wodnos day nnd Frld nt 10 n. in. Tuos day, Thursday and Saturday nt C a.m. Fare 50 cents. I envo fur Corvallls, Tuosdoy, Thursday and Saturday about 7 p. m. 31. P. IIALDWI.V, Agt. Gold Dast Flour Mm" by THE SYDNEY TOW EH COMPANY, Sidney, Oro go.. Mndo for family use. Ask our grocer for It. Hrnu and shortH always on hand. P. B. WALLACE, Agt. MfALS 15c ' Call and try them. Meals 15c Board per week 12.75, alo fur nished rooms very reasonable, AT THE Salem Restaurant 3.i0 COURT STREET. iitTTTT iii in i i CALHOUN TRIAL - BEGINS IN .'FRISCO (United Press Leased Wlro.) San Francisco Cnl., Jan. 13. Patrick Calhoun, president of the United Railways, flanked by hli corps of attornoys, faced J ml go Law lcr Tucday at tho opening session of his ttlal, on a chargo of offering n brlbo of $1000 to SMporvlsor Fred P. Nicholas. As the district attorney, Francis J. Honey, standing at tho prosecu tion's doak for the first tlmo since ho wa3 shot down during tho trial of Abraham Iluof, bogan his prelim inary motions of whnt promises to bo tho most' ronowed trial iln tho hlstroy of California courts. Twenty months have olnpsod slnco Calhoun wao first Indicted on charges of offering bribes to tho men who composed tho boodling board of supervisors undor former Mayor Schmltz. Dining that tlmo thrco oupplomorrtal (Indictments woro re turned agaliiBt tho traction magnate, and on ono of them ho now faces tho bar of Justice. Tho court's ban has been placed on delays. Tho prosecution has an nounced thnt no furthor contltvuanccs will bo asked, and tho dofonso has professed Itself as ready for trial for oovornl months. Calhoun In his dcslro for a spcoJy hearing, has Instructed his nttornoyi to lay asldo all technicalities. Attomoy- predict that It will tako but two weeks to secur ca Jury, and but another two wcoks to put In all tho ovldonco. Should this bo tho enso, tho hearing will not equal In longth tho Iluof trnl, which took four months to convict tho fallen city boss. - Honoy nrrlvod Inst night from tho East. Tho prosecutor was greeted by a lnrgo crowd at tho forry bullrd ng, In which woro mnny frlondo and foos of tho grit ft prosecution. Honoy was surrcMndcd by n bodygunrd of polco. Ho appeared In oxcollont honlth and spoko but a fow words. Ho snld: "I am not going to mnko n spooch, but I want to sny Just enough lo t'how you that I nm Htlll nblo to talk loud onough to convict ovoryono or tho grnftora boforo I quit." District Attomoy Lnngdon an nounced today that all tho other graft trials will bo rushed. Attor ney A. S. N'owburg Is now on trial on n chargo of offorlng n brlbo to n prospoctlvo Iluof Juror. M. W. Cot fey U first of tho boodling super visor to fnco trial for receiving n brlbo. Coffoy's immunity was with drawn by tho prosecution bocnftU') ho rofusrd to testify In ono of tho graft trials. Lnngdon says thnt tho fight trust men, Eddlo Oranoy, Willis Drltt and James Coffroth, nro noxt n ordor, and that formor Chlof of Pollco Joro. mlnh Dluan, ohargod with porjury, nnd Unltod Ilnllroads Attornoys Por U v Asho nnd Luther nrowno, charged with kidnaping Fremont Oldor, of tho Dullotln nn nftornoon pnpor, will soon bo plncod on trial. Wth Honoy nt tho prosocutlon's tnblo woro soatod District Attomoy William Langdon nnd Assistant Dis trict Attorney John O'Gnra. For Cnlhoun npponrod Attorney A. A. Mooro, his son, Stnnloy Mooro, and formor District Attomoy Lowls F, Dyngton, Calhoun, procodod by Thomas Gib son, bond of tho UnltoJ Railroads socret sorvloo, walkod composedly up tho main nlslo. Ho was accompan- I led by Thomwoll Mullally. Cnlhoun nodded to tho various newspaper men assembled, and talked In n low i voice with his attorneys. Shortly nf- forward Ilenoy entered tho oourt room. Ho was aoeompanled by D- j lecLvtm j'uibj nun .iiuvnriuy ui nurn's bodyguard. J Judge Lawlor began tho oxaml na tion of talounon who were 1n court to present legal exciisae for not serv ing on the Jury. While tho wooding out procoeo was going on Attomoy William A. Abbott of tho United Hallways, appoarcd at tho Cnlhoun counsol tablo. It was loarnod that Attorney Earl Rogons, of Los An golos, will bo aaeoclated with tho d fonse. Ho arrived In tho olty today, but was not In tho court room. Life 100,000 Yeurs Ago. Scientists liavo fo'jaJ In a oavo In Switzerland bones of mon, who lived 100,000 years ago, whon life was In eonstnnt danger from wild beasts Todny the danger, as shown by A W. Drown of Alexander, Me., is large ly from deadly dlsense. "If It had not been for Dr. King's New Discovery which cured me, I could not have lived," he writes, "suffering as I did from a serere lung trouble and stub born cough.' To ouro Soro Lungs. Colds. oueMnate Coughs, and pre vent Pneumonia,. Its. the beat medi cine on oarth. SOe and Jl.00. Guar anteed by J. O. Perry. Trial bottle free. A Good Skating Pond Somo of tho best skating dis covered, la this vlqlnlty so far, Hoj adjacent to tho mouth of MIR creek on tho Island side of tho slough. Thore aro sovoral small Inlets thor, and qulto a largo pond also. Tho lnrger of tho Inlets Is covered with nbout two or threo Inches of lco and owing to tho trees growing closely around It, tho surfnee frozo smooth as glass. Tho treo3 also protect It from being covered with snow. About two blocks squnro Is tho area of tho skating pond, nnd thcro s no dnngor from breaking through, as tho wntvr is only two feet dcop In tho deepest part. In order to roach this small lake, ono must fol low tho lco from tho foot of Hollo vlow Btroot ncross tho Httlo strait at that point, and thou follow tho sknto linos nlong tho edges of tho willows, which will load to tho boat skating. A Lndy'H Watch Sheriff Hurry Mlnto has in his pos session a filled caso lady's watch with n long chain attached, and which, ho thinks, hns boon stolon. Any ono losing such a pleco of Jowol ry can hnvo snmo by Identifying It nnd giving such Information as tho Bhorlff desires to ask by calling nt tho court houso. A Night Rider's Raid. Tho worst night rldors nro calo mel, croton oil or nlocs pills. Thoy raid your bod to rob you of rost. Not so with Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills. Thoy novor distress or lnconvonloncu but always elennso .tho systom, cur lug Colds, Hcadncho, Constipation, Malaria, 2Co at J. C. Porry'a. It Is tho unusual person who 1b ns groat a friend to others as ho thinks others should be to him. Kennedy's Laxntlvo Cough Syrup tastos uoarly as good as tnnplo sugar. It cures tho cold by gontly moving tho bowols, nnd at tho samo timo It 13 soothing for throat Irritation, thoreby stopping tho cough. Sold by nil druggists. o Notice. Tho rogulnr annual mooting of tho shnroholdors of tho Cnpltnl National Hank of Snlom, for tho election of d'roctors, will bo hold nt Its bnnk Ing houxo, In Snlom, Orogon, Tuos day Janunry 12, 1009, nt 3 o'clock JOrf. II. ALDBRT, " Cashlor n-iip A pin with n big nond Ih not much good uolthor Is n man with n big bond. Sluiplo Remedy for La Orlppe. Raoklng la grlppo uoughs that may develop Into puoumouln ovor night nro qulokly cuiod by Foloy's Honoy nnd Tnr. Tho Horo nnd In llnmod lungs nro honlod nnd strength onod, nnd a dangerous condition Is qulokly avortod. Tako only Folcy'B llonoy nnd Tnr In tho yollow pack age. J. C. Perry. A pin must bo pushed to mnko It go so must most mon. (ircnt Chinese Doctor ' L. M. II U M linn medicluo which will cure nr(, known dlsraso. Ho makes a special ty of, nud guarantees to euro Catarrh Asthma, Lung, Throat, Rheumatism, Doblllty, Stomach, Liver, Kldnoy Troubles; also any blackened oi iwolton surenoas, brokon limbs; 3mnllpox; Epidemic; nil kinds ol noils, Lost Manhood, Fomalo Weak nose, Hernu Troubles nnd Paralysis Consultation froe. Cnro of Ylck Be Cong Co., Chmeso drugs nnd horbs 153 High St., upstairs, Salem, Or, Every tlmo the averago Salem man niHkue a good giies he has a lot to say nbout his superior Judgment. Kodol for Dyspopsla and Indlgoi tion will digest any and all food at any and all tlmos. Kodol Is guaran teed to glvo prompt relief. Sold by all druggists. A coward manages to dodgo a lot of things that aro hoadod hlu way. CASTOR I A Por Infant)! aid Children. fiio K!ru You m Always Bought Bears tue 81gn'at 1 G &A4Z', CHICHESTER S PILLS -rv . TIIK lIAUOM IIKAM. A i rtiimgiiH, Hit ;M. V L,Sl:iVViW.;j?J.,5 csm lit"?' i 'h?.?'"'''" j IMIU U Ud -l CitM .iuliAy Ife i J SOU) Bv 38L6QIS7S rtTPyUHLSE READY TAILORED FOR WELL DRESSED MfM. WnDwrr 0i& THE STOCK BOOKS For tho North Snntlnm Mining compnny, nro still opon for In vestors. A limited amount of stock Is now for salo, at tho LOW PRICK of 5c poj sharo. SAVAGE & HERREN FISCAL AGENTS. I'M 8. COMMERCIAL ST. L 2 mf H-H-Hf llllliIlHllillft)Ilt)iaMI I Wire Fencing Paint ," ii rf op SALEM HARDWARE CO. ii ! ! 1 20 Commercial St. t BlH-eM-M-sH-raM-aH-f ff-KH- Z POUNDS eMati SELF RISING 1 3 S1 lib FLOUR COMPOUND, Trade Mnik. nn iiimitiiim iitif iinititf it ie I NO NEED OF WET FEET ! Why don't you purchase a pair of Rubber Shoes or Boots or a pair of my High-top Leather Shoes? See my line for the best in quality and price. One trial will prove it. JACOB VOGT, Th!oe ll44Ht3tlH)Hlttilliei8Hif l-HI, A BARGAIN FOR SALB-Modern im proved home. New houses. building in im mediate vicinity. An opportunity for right party or an invest ment Address, Capi tal Journal. 12 CLOTHES Z9 47nll A. tAifiyffvA . , suryiA'.r price: range 2D TO 40 rj A Meeting At which, your ono desire Is to apponr at your best something poa Itlvoly Impossible when your lluon la poorly lnundorod. Your collar, shirt or cuff or tho shirt waist, nockpleco, otc, la just as important In your appoaranco as tho clothes thomsolven. If you bring thorn horo thoy will bo porfectly lnundorod nnd roturned In A-l condition. Salem Laundry Co. Telephone 'M. lUO-KIO S. Llbertty St Builders' Hardware and Oil I ... .. ! Phone 1 72 ; ; ;; 1 81 I frH-OHMH-tt-4--ri oston rown Flour read FUK1S. Send ua ton of our clipped from his paper, nnd wo solid you one full slzo pnekngo solutoly FRIOI, ads, will ah- Inc. AliMCN'H II. Jl. I). FLOUR CO., Kim Jose, California. B I u f fOl3itj.StH(.tir K-z&xl " i iit t