Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 09, 1909, FIRST EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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I ..''.' ' ' ' '- I! Illl lit,'
(MrtlAfDni Co., Z. T. nfCK; 8Mem.' Oregon.
-t.f .,,., .,,,.. ... , ,. .....
:tm triiH bovver and'
Hand Pumps
Jor all kinds 'of work,
Spray, garden, lawn and
suction hotsi
Tho beat nnd tho cheap
est, Fairbanks 'engines and
lawn aprlnklors, metal and
wood tnnks.
Get bo mo of our Qrapha
lnatlo Paint for old or now
Uln roofs. Guaranteed for
lx years.
Chase & Skaif e
""' -""guu
www"! ' n
Is n quick nnd an ousy muttor If
our mill work U used. Wo hnvo all
tho partitions, railings, doors, etc,
road to put right up. You can hlro
un ouipty 'room In tho niornttiK und
with our mill work and a i;ood car
pouter you can hnvo r completely
Uttod offlco tho same day. Want to
sou soma' doalKUs?
A. M. If A N S IS N,
Phono" Vain 'iU '
Mr. Ndtoon spent yonrs porfectlsg
U1I4 Invention, so that It wc.ld be
tho most perfect reproducer of souud
thai could bo tnado. Come In and
hear tkcM,
Tho .UkMon &$m M&'n
league was .organized last week with
63 members, Including the cnllln-
nlroa und the bootblacks, and tey.
all sat down together and had a bjgj
banquet at tho hotel Lebanon, t,
which 74 partook- a oae d)ar ,per.
participate, A .recopUdnwaij given,
nt the OjJd" Felloes alljlwjilchq
Iadee mingled" freely and fearlessly
as most of the buolncsa mon pf Ljsbi
upon aro; accustomed to the noclety,
bf ladles' and know how to beh'gye
when thoy aro around. Tho toat
master w?" a. m. neeveathjO iejpo
log, merchant and, local Ohaunceyf.
Depow as' an after dinner spoil,
b",n(j0r, Ppcechea were also mado by
Arcblo Blackburn, tho druggist, N,
&. Newport, the lawyer Dr.4 Kimnapl,
Iter. W, T, Wnrdle, Oscar Ipgram,
editor Nutting of Albany, S. L. Cllne
of CorYOlJlB, tho, prgsldont . of tnq
State Ilotall Qrocore Association and.
Jlnblo to hold tho'o'fllco for,, llfo.
Cfins. D,, forrlckfar' tho Portland,
Association' also made a apeeoh,
Thoso who didn't make speeches
made at' them. Th'o dinner was ono
of thoso works-" of 'culinary art you
only find up on tho- foks' of, .tho
Salntiam where tho red apples bloom
nnd tho alfalfa- grows- Into the sec
ond stories of tho houses. Lebanon
s becoming tho great strawberry
contor of tho WHlametto Valley, nnd
tho only troublo thoy havo Is tq
grow them small enough. . Left to
Itself n Btrawborry will grow to tho
size of a spring chicken, nnd hnH to
bo carved to fit tho mouths of tho
guests. Altogether It was a booster
mooting and. loft n good tasto (n tho
mouths of all wru participated.
GHno was mentioned as a enndtdato
for govornor by- saroral present, .and
If ho enn get an Inspection certificate
from Dr. Wlthycombo or- Doc Dalloy
ho might mnko qult't a race.
Oamnorelal Street, Salem, Or
" .. - M HI i.
A. tAtfYnVi
c . AuryiAs
: ; ' fT
t Ls iJjC J
20 TO 4Q
I Greatest Cofflltaion Offer I
Th Dally Capital Journal nnd the Tlirlrn-Yk Now York
WH-tho greatest Nowapapor Of Its Typo. It always tells tho
at us as It Is, promptly and fully. Head lu every Kngllsh spoak
tag country.
1 'I has Invariably boon tho great etf6ri of the Thrlco-a-Woek
World edltlou of tho Now Yorfc World to publish tho news Im
partially In order that It may be au accurate reporter of what has,
happened. It tells tho truth, Irruapoctho of party, und for that
reason It has achieved u posltlou with the public unlquo among
payors of Its class.
If you want tho news us It really Is, subscribe to the Thrlce-a.
i Week edition of the New York World, which comes to you every
thsr day except 8unday, aud Is thus practically u dully at the
.jtftc of a weekly.
THK TllItlCK.A.WKKK WOUUVS regular subscription price
to gnly $1.00 per year, and this pays for 166 papers. W oer
tkU uuequulled uewspaper aud -
Tho resignation of John M. A.
Dnuo from 'tho stato board of pHarm
itcy has caused a hot scramble for
that plnco. Ono would think thu
whole drug profession were hunting
u fut Job, the way the petitions roll
Into tho governor's otllco. Portland
itlrcady strongly roprosontod on tho
hoard, wants to capture tho plum,,
nnd tho Drug Clerks' Association of
that city has pounced on Qovoruor
Chamberlain, with petitions, as thyy
aooiu'lu thing that Governor Chara
herla,in (has to take tho Tortland proi
scriptlon as against tho wholo state.
Frank, Ward of this olty Is also n
candidate. Ho was one of tho first
graduates of tho O. A. C. school of
pharmacy at Corvallls, and has tb.o
Alumni of that Institution pretty
aullllly back of him. He Is a youug
druggist' who has boon Interested In
business at Bnloin and has all his
life hold, responslblo positions In tho
drug trade.
Mr. Ward has tho solid support of
tho Salem druggists and is a man of
good prosenco nnd would mnko a
Quo addition to tho Btato Uoard of
m mki mm -cw
J'f Fy ,W Nature Lflto
qr f w to be happy an.d .II ('iJm
r var to be able to give B(S JSm-
f Smile All the While k
w man or woman and you see the pleasures that come k,
J from perfect health the protection that wards off the t
t jBr excesses of life to-day
LGhirardelli's Cocoa M
the perfect food drink braces up the system Jt
-p screngenens uie Doay ana encnuses Ff
the brain into perfect activity Kp
Hk besides it pleases the palate, J
mJy, t0 JF
iM&Wm(? m. 30 cups jlMyu'JlnS
rVHCSSiSL of a delicious JtMmlmllSiWm! '
wtfm nS-KL drink Kf lar i 111
HBf ,rp Mfik k. JEW WJm. lfn, MsL
CSp ipt F& k-r S9l jmhhP
ally Capital tarsal three snaths
Itlljr Capital Jiiraal six snaths
above or la vnly good for Strictly Cash lu Advance. Bend
, draft or postal note or pay at oOco of Capital Journal. No
sat'a commission allowed on thee terms. Send remlttanc to
. WOKUR, publUhar Dally Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon.
NifnHHiiiiminiHME mm itiijf tiI
Bprlugaold.Ills., Jan. 8. There
was not a quorum today In olther
branch of tho Illinois legislature,
wnoro an effort Is bolng mado to omt
Governor Char low Deneon, who wa
re-electod at th Novembw election.
Thero U a growing bollof that thd
chief executive has under consldera
tlon & plan tp delay the convening of
the assembly until after his tnaugu
ration, which la aet for nozt Mon-
djy. Denecn'a adherents have de
clined to join with the Republican
Democratic, alliance in tho house to
canvass the vote cast at the last elec
tion. Aa the situation now stands the
Inauguration of tho govornor cannot
Itako placo until a canvass of the vote
U taken.
Powers Agnhisi Austrl.
81 ' ., Jan. t. A ire
graphic oxchaiige of notea la reported
to have Mtvrred today between Rus
sia, France and England, in which
the powers mutually pledged the a.
wives to take a resolute stin
against Austria's stand In the Bal
kan region.
Put la Jail,
very accurately describes anyone's
feelings wq Ja confined to the house,
with an attack of rheumatism, lum
bago, a-tlff Joints or muscles. Bal
lard's Snow LUIuent will cure the
trouble, relieve the pala and mak
yea aa auppU aa a two ytxt old.
Sold by all fetfcc.
Old Dutch Dunkards Acoup,cofwhington;oUn.
ly, Pennsy.Vanians who havs
mde and used HICKORY BARK COUGH RDY for seventy y
il tV Pi IPO a fanii,y ofdven Mren. For C r
aJUI I Ul 16 Sale by aH dealers everywhere OUfC C-tlf1
No Alcohol Nor Alkaloids