Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 09, 1909, FIRST EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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    - v. aMMflk 1111 4uSBBnW. WlWlMlMbflPVllf .
Tt rr r4 Lair.
Secretary Will a H;t: "Oae 'f
the objects of the law In to Inform
tb consumer of the presence of'cer-
Isin harmful drug In rAedletao.'
The law requires tbat h amount
of chloroform, opium, nwrptaln.
and otbdr habit forming drugs be
alated oa thy labo! f isijb Jsottf.
The mjfactrr otjCnibrkla'a
Cough Homed y bare a$!liy claimed
tbat tbrfr remedy dM net ooataln
any of Uia drug, aad lb truth of
tble elahn la now fully arovea, M sot
xnenUon ot thaw la made on th label.
This remedy la Rt only oa of th
safost, bt ens of the bot In dm for
cough awl M. itfrV&H baa be
prove beyoad 4Mtlba during U
mety year It bM bN in gNral
use. For sale by Dr. Stoat's drug
Wiiosg fault wal7 In the owju
Ion of the tnon you are wrangling
'with, H fa yours.
-O ' '
f Too Much Vcc
Tou feel ax If you had one faca
too many when you bare Neuralgia
Don't you? Hare the face, you may
noed it; but get rid of the Neuralgia
by applying IJallard's Hnow Liniment.
Finest thing In the world tor rheu
matism, neuralgia, burns, cuts scalds,
lanM back aad all palna. Bold by all
Probably It was a bachelor who
aid as a rule, naugbtlatM doos not
cowt to naught. No, usually tb
mother goes aad gU It aad with a
few shakes removes the trouble.
For health and hapfHaew De
Witt's LlUle Early Itlaera pleasant
little liver p:lls, the bent made. Sold
by all druggists.
For Male A first-class 1 Vi horw
power Mitchell gasolne engine
with auto sparker, both In gxxl
condition. Also 3 horse power
water moter. Knq,ulre at Journa'
of! co Immediately, if you wife a
bwrgaln. 10-29-tf
Kor'RilnJrHotcn-roiim house, all
mo lorn convonlonoei," onn-balf
block land. For further pnrtlou
Urn .call o mo inornlngit at ay
rcsMfinffe, oaI of'rnr line, south.
Mrs. Goo. II Jones Phone 11 SI.
Tor 8lo-vron ahnro of Hlckor)
llcrk preferred stools. Addros
Drawer 01 8, Halo in, Oregon.
9 26-lf
I 'or Hulo Hevarnl Ii-miihw In balam.
and farm lands at a IabiwIMibV ,.., 7 ; . ,T ' .
., , v, ., i . TJ?rt laaturer of all kinds uf box, oraUs
llnl National Hank., W"d fruit dryar aceeaioriM. Pbon
For Hnlo -Itore. lUtirrea nniPek
with tnat Hiarkm, nearly jptiuo
lets, luiHse with six rooms j(Bp4
well, aad oulbulldlags; fi.0.
Apply al stmr ia N. ifik at.
A. 0. nrowa. 1-1-lw l
. I
HavfRilll Hltf fur Hnle luwalad oue I
mile from K P railroad bfrtwios,
Wpto and 0tou TmpIvc wll
llnn feet ot lojt avsllablr Ad-1
"r"s W. II Rgsn. Itt X (Irrvalt ,
11-21-lf j
Hwlaa fr fUl Mrowl sows and '
f4rrs (or butcher stork . A poly
In Ym. II. K(s Ht 3, Uervalv
Ortios. ll-21-tf
Wood for Slc oarond growth fir
wMid Im tt-lm-h aad lllncb
length, ilallvarfd ta any part at tha
rlly. Mhoae 74. ot rail at talm
Truck A Orar Cv, offlco. 00 tut
airoat. Malaas. orooon. IS-ISIf
For Kftla A iid. walMmprovod
farss tl trad for sail
phux r Taarar. Lyoaa. Or.
For &tlwFiibt lami oat straw, la
qutr at HoKaiaa grocery aiorv
North Saiom. I l-ft
(Inod 7roow aiodora. aw bouau and
una let on good street, clou lu;
only $2100.
10 aorss In ajty UailU; ouly $110 nor
usrt). for u (w day: a aaap.
IS sore In etty HntlU lu 1 aaru lota
for $201 w Hare.
Some flue lata aheap oa laaulltuuata
$6 down uHd $1 par mwmUi.
65 ueres all Ih uIUuUom. good
bouse, barn, trult. taaut, eowu;
everything how. flu bom. Ha
laud; a itHau. v
tlomo flH lot ekwe lu trow $!$ t
It Ju are ktoklng for a houip.nriH,
hotta. lota or buatuuaflueitft&. ov
, If u u n n( ( l ,
. I', hmitii ,v on.
hey h.x the guud aad ar uellora.
t(Hiw U. over I'ullml Ktaiwt Nutloiinl
CoiuTvto Work act my prices on
sldowulk. curbs, spetlc tanks and
cement work of any kind. All
viork guaiauteeil Oral class. M.
Ward, 3,378 MapU Are., HlihlsnJ.
rtfSho 609. May 2M
! I - ! " I I I
Tea iraaU let delay taking relay's
Kidnay KeatsCy at tha I rat alga af
kidney or bladdtr tfeubl If you
realized tbat neglect- might reiult In
JJrlgbt's disease or diabetes. Foley's
Kidney Ilemedy correct Irregulari
ties and cures all kldne; and bladder
disorders. J. (X Perry.
There should be no alga of wake
op In a girl's complexion or hair be
fore aba has reached 26.
A IC"IIkI"ii Author Statement.
For' syrvoral years I was a Dilated
with kidney trouble and but winter
J wiM suddenly strlckoa with a se
rer pain In my kidneys and was
confined to bed eight days unable to
get up without aaatatanc. My
urine contained a thlek white sedi
ment and I paaaed same frequently
day and night. I oomraeneod tak
ing Foley's KJdney Ilemedy, and the
pain gradually abated and finally
caused and my urine became normal.
I cheerfully recommend Foley's Kid
ney Remedy. J. C. Perry.
To tb real atrlet chrJreh observer
tboro occur about 40 sermon la a
year when parllew must be give
with the blinds down and the sews
kopt out of the paper.
Nolle Is hereby siren tbat the
Common Council of tha City of Salem
propozes to change and re-establish
the Brad on Coirt street In said
city, between Church street and a
point 54 6 fer east of the east prop
erty line of 18th street, la accordaneo
with the report of the city engineer
now on file lu the office of the city
recorder lly order of the Common
Council W. A. MOORBS.
1-M1t City Heeordcr .
iin-fii Work Concreto walks, sep-
t- unk, eennt floors and foun
d"'r Kst'rate- furnished anJ
all work guaranteed. J. P. Vetch,
32S Marin street. Phono COS.
0-10-tf I
Vorh LiunlMjr nnil I'uel C. Lum
ber, iblNglas, building materia!, I
wood aa aeal. Ijw prleea aad
riMtpt dallrarlea. On blk mY
of H. p. paeaeuger depot. Pboae
lt8 7-2tf
U'immIiihii of W orltl Mol every J'r!
, day night al 7 SO, la llolmaa ball
K Luplou. C.
C; I
tn uiiio. ai lu.tL u,i.u ....
rur t
Untie A. Wnilonitli i'Imi wIhm
ll.nor and rlgars. bandl
the rlebrald Kllog and' Castle
whUkles. Cool and refreahUg b -r
eunslantly oa draught Souta
Conunerelal street lI(-lyr.
Ilrllig Vaur laucalap 5i(Wrlitlnn
To Rlile I. (JsssIims Hi rrry
si. rea I iko (ukMilstlaa for
all mai4si. sttfrr r4r will r
elve arMt attaatUs rbnae
7(1 11-HtMn
llHlilla aad
lies, wrre
lst fair
i'muirv Uy Maeelsl-
prlts wlaaeM l the
Have bent and largest
any grnwH on the
variety of
roast ?end far my rr.Ulur Oeo
I. Allen. Ibanan. Ore I! 5-liti1
Wengrr .V CtiPiTlngion paH0, an(j
orgaan told on oary terms; tola
phot 11117, t? roiaMerrlal
Itratt. Baltm. Oregon tf
Uitrj and Pwil h(aliH4iiij tQii
offi HtabUa, at Jii Frrry atraat
bten Comuiarelal aad Ptoi
roata. TataphOH. UK. tamo J
tha BBl liveries la tba elty eon
be touMl here. Wtacott A John-
M tt
Nullre to tli Piiblliw-.AU OUfttert ot
. . , aat l
...-. .TV Mir.rQ 10 coarse M '
for aervlre.
with Jau-l--3l-t
uary 1.
fHriii'iitrrs I'iiIdh No. indft ljoal
t'nloH No. 106S of Carpenters and
Joluert of Aaierlea meet ever Sat
urday evenlug at 7:30 p. m. In
lioural hall. 120 Statu Strtot
A W Dennla. Iter aV-r
I'uriMt'iv of AniiTlcrt Court Hber
wood, Foresters, No ii MtoCg
Saturday night In llolmaa bail,
Hut street. Oeo. F. Pntterton, G.
It j J. C. Perry, Huaarlal atafjr
fa(b Mu No. H. . of IV
Cattle ball In llotmau bloek. oar
uar SUtte uad Liberty atreatji.
livipaj or edrb wk a- 7 30
tu Tkeoar lnhu'on. C O ; II.
Ahdereou. K. ot It and I
Modern Wtwtliiigit' of Ajuerlejt SrV
gou Cedar (Hiup So B4 Meots
Try Tburadav evenlag at S
o'elack In Ilolman ball W. W
1HII. V C : V A Turner, clerk
Lincoln Miutlty t'nlmi aiek, aeei
dent and ttensloi Insuraure: $3.
000.000 plHlge4l; everv rlaliu paid
Oooil ngents wnnted J H 0.
Montgomery, supreme organiser.
Hqk 433 flalom, Oregon. It. R
Uvnn setretary, 540 Stato street.
Imm 0avelir.
Tils Is a eoaisiea fern f mu
lar rheumatism. Ke Internal treat
ment Is needed. Apply Chamber-
laln's Liniment freely twice a day
and a qnlck core Is certain. This
liniment has proven especially valu
able for musnlar and ehronlc rheu
matism, and Is sure to giro Quick re
lief. Chamberlain's Liaiaeat is al
so most eiaeileat for aoraias sad
brute. Price, 2 ceats: large size
CO wsU. For sal by Dr. Stoaw's
drug store.
ft Wi aaoat m analeh traakila aa nat
a girl raualjr to bsi avwcjr ta wjwui aat
It is to get bar ntdf ta a asac rtaa.
la the optatoa of a Satuaa asatbar.
who be aa4 arparlaaai ta both
Kodol dlgaata all tk focal yvi ni
If you win take KoaVal for a HU)e
while you will ao lo5r aare taJl
geetloa. It is pletMat to tale. ats
protaoUy. Soli by all drstJti.
luaavnt a
raut x iafaaer:
sometalag to et ta bf of.
There is x oa record of a
eough. eoid ar la grippe deretoplag
Into pneuBBOBla after Foley's Honey
and Tar has beec takes, as It tares
the mot ebitlfiate deep aeated
coughs and eoMi. Tvhy take any
thing else? J. C. Perry.
Saleia people are usually wUHag
to do their duty, but they do aot1
Ilk to do too murk of It.
Kodol for Dyipepsta aad Indiges
tion will dlgst aay and all food at
any and al! times. Kodol li guaran
teed to glT prompt relief. Sold by
all druggists.
U ituteil - Infoin.ation regarding
liu or UtlKu.-nn mi if. Uj(
Iprt!cular about JKatlon. wish to
lu-ar froiii owner only, who will
sell direct to buyer, give price
deacrlpUon, aad state oa pos
saaaioa eaa b bad. Addrtut L.
Darbytthlru, Itoz 3010, Kocbator.
N. V.
WnnttMl Will do tftvatlng, gardwi
ptowiatf, ami all kind of teru
work. W. K. Bunn, 17S0 l U ,
pbone 1528. 12 21-tf
U'Hiiinl To exchange -10 arra, 3
mile from city llmlU, all c learn
and Improved, for well liaprov-l
10 or 20-arro tract cloao In. &h
It. A. Pfell, owner, for particulars.
13 Market street, iklam.
Hnlrinian Wnnlcil To ratraHnt us,
rxporlamie iiHwufluauary. 7S to
$160 per month and xpeiintiw or
commission. Yale Olgnr Co. Indian
spells, Ind. 1-S-tt
Wanted -. girl for general hoifie
work In family of thro adults
InsHlt 1339 Atatr .treet. rsone
3SS. l-S-ll
WaiiKil (Jowl, girl for gwnrril
hiHiaawork. Apply forenoons at
7S Cbnihuu atreet. l-S-3t
ural Hrvr.vrn.
$t!00 KlHe iHnlda eoruer lot, 0
12. and tmall house.
$60 Pln lot close ,'u, 53x100.
$3&0t Nvw motleru bouao oa or-
nr lid 75x100.
$l"5 Fine aubuibau home 10
aerM na hou, good barn, eh ck
en house at eud of ear lis.
Call aad tir lUt. of property be
fore buytag.
.MUVICIt . ItlCLL lM.VIl ("O.,
Hiateeuian Bldg .Room 1, I'paialra
'n,u.w r.. 11 n,..i 1
"C3 " " i' '- aaujaa, vusgujinwui V
nlclv fumtahad mod-rn HU ...
-" - - - . w-... '-Fa -we
w'thout bath, ins South High
atrl. Phou 105.
For lloiii PurHtakenl room. 15
aad up. durlHg the torw ol tha
Ugtalatur. SI! Summer and Cut
utkt ttreaja Phona 78S.
1-7 -at
llouso for limit Close to Hast
jtool. UanMlra at 80S yarloe
atree. 1H-3S-U
Ifur IHtiit- -Furatoaad roottu fur rut
durtug l'alHtur. motlora. our.
gleaeos. Addra "X," ear Jour
nal l.&t
Iic- The sale Of
Ha poraoaal
a buaeo rrr
,,.,w - ui 1 u. M-;765 Houae. two lou. for cash..
uta oa. Q. A. mUtK Waa bow jiooo wlU buy a good 7 -room boniw;
piiuned uatll Vrlday afteraoou. I aaa.
. 330 p m. Jaauar 15. llof. Ira $S00 l-rooau houw, ban) f4aUHl
lUm'lUtu. couatable 1-1-It , eoacrat fouadatloH.
KMTII S.M,,W, MUAT MAHKIfT.! "1?" " m l
Arntea from brtck aor oa Oo u- ..(..,U11
merclal street Freeh and rurod MA.VlHIl.
uirAia Ueneral delivery Olvu ua Vou to lUt your property with us.
Huffman . Morgau,, Props.
! 21 I mo
Phone 847
If complete rest and most perfect
coaditioBS rmaginable for nature
cure sre what you need, spend your
holidays at Paso Robles Hot Springs,
UOaliforala. A week or two, and
errea a few days there will accomp-
Ua aaor In the way of restored
eaergy thaa a much longer period
aad nor expeaslre treatment else
whert. becauee good old Mother Na
ture It aurae aad physician.
Paao Roblas is Uklsg the same
I rack la Ajaerica and enjoying the
same fame for wonderful cures that
Carlsbad aad Baden Baden do In
Surop. The hotel is a marvel of
fort aad luxury, and the bath
built by tha city, free to all,
Is said to be one of the beet in the
warM. It is a stubborn aliment and
a hopeless condition of physical
breakdown that the mineral waters
Aad hot mud baths of Paso Robles
will aot heal la a short time.
Call on agent at Salem for dc-
fceriaUre booklets oi Paso Robles,
and be will als tell you all about
U-J4-tf C. P. A. S. P. Co.
Women are responsible for men's
r&aity, says the Chicago News. That
aaay be. so doubt it is, but many
wotnea are alto responsible for men's
thla bank aceounu.
If you will take Foley's Orlno Lax
atlre until the bowels become regu
lar ysti will not bare to take purga
tlrea constantly, as Foley's Orlno
Laxative positively cures chronic
and sluggish liver
' Pleasant to take J. C. Perry.
Are you going to buy
farm or city proper
ty? Note these:
IloiiKo. S rooms and I
acre land Inside city
limit. ood barn, plenty fruit,
B acre. $-room' liouso, 3 acres
orchard, good barn, $1750,
Some snajH In farm property.
32S acrua, wll Improved at $30
por acre.
SlS'acrea, at $00 pur acre;
timber will pay for the place.
17 acres on 25th trel for
$250 per acre.
10 Oacrm In prune belt, 15
iter young ochard. 12 acres
prunaw, 162 aeruu under plow,
S3 aerH adjoining above, $00
per anro.
1G0 aerra, Waldo Illlla, $15 per
1C arre.-. Ssleinn Prnlrle, well
drained. $100 per acre.
80 acres at $0 per acre.
21 acres at $( per aere, a
geod dairy faraa.
C tares fer l(l(.
2S aetc la eras belt at $15
per acre.
TTe have lre l.nt ef ferws of
all slies aaa pikei and It will
pay yn te iavestlgats befere buv
lag. t)i,MnTHi ijisn wurA.Nr,
7 mr fll., Jalrm, Or.
rnn t Main Ml .N nrn Bi
1'Mtpit.ior of
Pubs aad Livery, all Itlgi Modura
Hubbar Tire.
TlitMi, M. Ibu-r I'luHiblng, but watar
aad steam beatlag and tutting,
164 Coutmurelnl street. IJhoue
Main 112. 9-l-tr
lOi acre IVi mllea (rout Salem for
$60 par acre.
Kml 1-Mntc
lb Murphy Illk. oor. Com. .nd State
WWII you have nothing to do, look
up wime of tltoa MHaps; surt out
right with tb New Year. Don't
pa rent; own your Uom.
Uou aad vaoant Iota eobl oh In-
Oooil 7-room houa. hard flubihwl;
banii J!p In, tor a fw days oa'
$340 down, balaae $100. with Ir.
taroat'iMNr year; prta. oaty $104.
I5U1 Stato st. Uayno Hldg
AM'O "f, i p,. ( nt"
,fjt. .-Vr,ry,'ifnrJ5
&SJ-4 ' ; I lToiwies DigjeslfonCkrnar
E t nss.vlRrtt.Conl"Insnciilw
ukzR i Uriu-n Morphine iwrJlkral,
" I ' Vn Virixnmtn
i-'ui iiiuv-uiiu.
V'vr. " Jtr-r-rcMsanunnnn
huTBjr?iw lirrf.
Ancifect Rcmdy forCon-llpi-Km.
. lour stieurli.DlarrtYitl
fcZztL' ; Wornisfoiffubionsfcwrislr
fcZ neasamlLossorSLEHP.
FtcSbile Signature of
iuararaced under ili
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
White House Restaurant
Tor n Ilegul'ir
25c Dinner at 20c
Tliey rmi't lit Iwnt
McGilclirist & Son
Corner Sevcutli nd Stivrk St. I!
: Portland's New and Modern :
; Hotel. Rates $1 per day and
: : ui. Euro)ien plan. Tret Bus. : :
Pribrietw s
FAMOiA nonnn TnArMBK.
Is now located at Canby Oregoii,
the best wlater quarters In the Norta
west tor training and developing
young horses. Sam has room for a
few more prospects, oklior for the
road or track and would Ilk ?o
communicate with anybody wishing
their hors trained. Mr. Caalo is
cone ded to b tb beat oolt maa la
the Wait and bis aucr oa tb Sa
lam track bean out tbfat sUtmnt
Terns reasonable and sotiifaetton
guaranteed. . Address
SAM CASTO, Cimtiy, Oropui.
CuininliiH Wroi, Transfer Company
AM kinds of transfer work done
Kurn'tura and planoi boxed ready
tor shipment. Prompt sertce U
our motto. Stand und oUlec at
263 South Commercial street
Phone 210. Residence Phone
M. J. Pouel Plumbing, steam and
gas fitting. Suceftsoor to Kuox Ac
Murphy, 22 6 Commorolal street
Good farm in MUnaeota tor Sjtlam
Two houses and four lots In South
Salem to trcd tor a good farm In
Marlon county.
Ifor Jaaain termt four wl!
from Salem, good houa aad bora.
bly of fruit. Pria $61 par aar
30 aeros 1 , mile east of SJm. 10
etre In Knx'lih walnut. 7 acre
Royal Aune cbrrt, 3 aoros ap.
Pt. Logo berrt aad other
fnuRa. Prte $$.
IIS aeros. la tarn. 9 utiles aorUt-
wat of Sale In Polk eouwty.we'l
Improved; very dealrabl. $S5 nvr
tt-K NEW
g3 aifiirQaaai
LVu KILjiiauUBaaafjBawi
KSp Guaranteed under tl r'owioji
Tor Infant 8 and Children.
pwawiiwii ii auaiisu,ilua0sisaWuaaJssiuasjajaTaUaWal
The Kiwi You Have
Always Bought
Thirty Years
'r'l'frH l' I T'i t'4"fr1 I I'r-U'l'l'i I 'I 'I vl 't
! Graber Bros. I!
Will glvo prompt tAtt,onlloo
to nil orders, guiiriiiitee our
work to glvo sntlsfqrtlon nnd
to be up to tho snnltary stand
nrd. WE WILL life PI.KASKH
We are agents for tho Ala
mo, Victor and Ideal Gnnollnc
Shop on Liberty streot, baolc
of Hair's Jewolry Store.
THK ItrST Itntsi 1HK
Can be obtained from our prima
tender and Juicy beat, mutton or
pork. All our mnts are kflfctei
'rom the choicest, and prepared Urc
:be table to iult the demands of the
fastidious. Our prices are luwui lor
quality than you can nnd at aay
place In Balum.
i'honi. Cut. 370 j;,ttfe R,
MfALS 15c
Call and try thorn. Meals 15a
Board per woek $2.75, alro fur
nished rooms very reasonable.
Salem Restaurant
For uater service apply at orHco,
niltR payable monthly in advance
Bears the JL m
Signature AA
j For