FJODAT-. JASVAKT B, 1& 4 ROAD EXPENDITURES it id FOR THE PAST YEAR M g OUR GREAT PRE4NVENT0RY it tte Fwfe lis ftistritotel Ifeit R lanw m MUUt INUfWtM 3B99KMX4. MJLXJKK. OtKKUVtt, rTauAi n, awvw, , i. . i ' "" "" ' -'" rS5TS3aSy7 5?i K&&t&iti?3KStJ fc JkmfMmr SwTMmtf MMm0 & WW .- - BLUE TAi i Use I p;,a , sc-: tl ! fKE FfllCt mt evitfX 4. M 9tt l - Amm4 mmC f li t( 21 f te r a 0, C. '?&''-- J. K. VtWMUfti. r. it, &im - t. . Ctaftrfw ft $. A. 8w it HOC saw 1 . ft m . A. JiwNr..- i j.v.ymtm itii . m. m ... it w, j. jgM . it ir. w. it tm I C ft. JIM. I J- A. :f . A- ;j W. A. ' . mm muw Aflfcfi Jt&M si St SI 7RWHtf . . . . 11 A. UV shy, x. w. if . . . tf ' J. a, Vkfmia7. XI A. C. IJW7 SI B. II. Ka4.. z n. w. M8r... tl'i E. A. Trior mHimnif 1 UjU a. 8wMi flj. W. AwferM. .Koala li 3 37 SI 14 4 41 mi4 iii.ii . HMt tl.i Pwi-i 7i U u: i i. it: : w t tT t i JH X' " 1J T H t ; in i: Htt: l.r :- Hi wr: m : i : lit it . : i t i m t ' 4lt IT :m Ml It ntM I G I. 0. A- J. 9m. -i Vtt I J 1.1 J l( lit : tlMMII IS4JU tl A. U K- - 0 mrtn 4 -1 if US A A. Ute. 7 0. i e f . - ai Mi iMii r tor (IvctMBM 1VI I IMI 1 ' f, V M l4 ( fk tlMI'X f "f Brti 'it frUfir ir'b wiHafP uub . t-.f4 ii i4i m4 M94nlv ri ful tffr 1 1 itt UJlft t.'r4rwii . . . . , twrlto Haw qwrrf KmaM Hk Qaamr KMrtl4 Hocfc Qtwirrr MiibMHUly Kk QMAfry . . . .". . , , (rirfuii Kck Qarrr --. ! I1hjC h4 Nr trMi tutl XJM Mi tlMg MovIrk r4 ralUr b XIovIbk rod rWr tte ftte U 4 4 &' TeUl M W ' 7u Cn: I S.ltt v i.:u ; . Ml' :t M :: !. I f Ml " 4 i. It I" Ml 4 ; 11114 iai 1.7 ! nt-4 MU4I fM U.t l.tM 414C 11UM4SC s ggffggjfjsjg goi 50 4 AA f BUt 1A0 UUt MO WW M& Bit Mf price PKitE mice price km fyg 00 Ofi Will comnience tomorrow, Saturday, January 9. We feel sure this will be the most successful sale we have ever held, simply because an honest house will conduct it on an honest basis. Prices are honestly reduced from 15 to 25 per cent. DON'T MISS THIS GREAT OPPORTUNITY IT IS YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE Don't allow yourself to conclude that this is "just one of those or dinary sales'5 without coming ;o investigate." Ii won't be our fault if you don't come and get your share of the great bargains now be mg orrered you. we are sure that prices at market this year will be higher than last. Fur niture at our sale prices will be a great invest ment. Come, for the saving wind is surely blowing this way. Remember, not 50 per cent off but an honest reduction of from 15 to 25 percent iSw&PSSS yinm BUREN & HAMILTON ,..T. .' V1I3 'BMtiW i. " 1 " fc-zji csKK.r.jTn kfH2 1 . '?zcit7 SMi - ta ,V-1 S-CVY TttteStS cp cp cp fj B W8B&3S& tg i 1. b ft tuiuiiukrj. Amuut lMJ o r d4rt (M Awunt tM(it MfeMJ V (iiAi . . . . AiU9il Htia a iwi fund H raid dltUtcta .. , Twial attiuuat nxpBilfl en rwnU kbi hKhwii)i ll.St l.l U.tlt II 1 . It ,- i44 i "J r i i.-n INI .... ' .!- 4Hi 1M ...C... .". ay. ! 1.TI1.W ,., mi . -. - IMllH Ji iNi : iMfi.M AMM. INI ... S.lti47 1 m : MSH ISC ....4 .... ........ f.9tl.M Kt9wMr. 1V4W ..., ..- &.SS7.M DmUt. lt , 1.6ISIS !'. I . llilfc . . i !. klativl ..: 1J V, (,-( jh, smi ,, I rtoi&K skwl). Thr rutf U caused by lb kftvy rmlkfail Mar bm Ml polRU kmiUi Tti SanUJtw rlw. u of tk lckMt Htthi MrMMi la Otpm. to at uad Mill as Um rank ( Um wuran eoW la tlta mmmaIinu Qlsatow tacluw of snow aal ttaaUttM e( lea covr ia Stay taa territory- OiUanks Wr- Savwl. 1WM I6S.13S U m9 4M MK ? lw Um low iVaHad Press l.isl Wire.) . lMta. Mo.. Jan. S. a Hr HEMEY PUTS GRAFT AT HASRIMAN'S DOOR (Ult4 lr l.Mbd Wira.) Chicago. Jan. S. Harrlmaa ' through hu control f the Southern I'aolflo, to rwpoHsltile for graft In Saa PraacJfreo. Harrlmau wants to coatrol ovorythlng ho can get hi hands on," declared Francis J. H noy, the San Pranolsco graft pros outor today. "I havo no retraction to make oC the aasartlon 1 made In Phlladil-lhla.- Me voBtlnued. "Harrlman KC.I3Z l( I rr iiiMiir rrt rwrr m cno ccwcdai vcAncrixak.thlilBR. ma aaM aMMin. i . . nr ma) )a Hw i uu gnuirn. luiij bow, a smalt Mwa aactr Alton, ill: ro&iMinaltiiA f- .. t.. ,.. : .- Awfiiait Hi Um wil wwitbar jnwlwrtr winds ottati to kM &nd " o ! out Um lowa.100- H wauts to oontrtl the watic- ym Mf$k m Bgbt ti HthB&B4 faip larw4fo raoatt fruJ OMtroHail lodar Hk a lose of he vvanU to control othsr Wimm ad IWMUio'jMtrlM WWth W nuUcaiM f iww I (!. Savaral mm war thlnR8',, Vore u : M wailr ar lam-. .Mghtly l,ard. The fire did nniJ" ' T V 0t ,cl0),S n nuaiiKum aa Idaho art- ..... tve . .,... rtll " ""u lor tne I'acltlc coaat. u-:u.w i tat Ui Tk iatiera Kraid la ib cold wMthr -n i.wt..i .h.-. " u wpocted to arrive In Saa Fran I 4m lS im" iait'ii wun x fe iaBa al kcat.d thirre cisco next Monday. --.3, iMWHMWWNianiMIHa uiflwimwua.iiiiti