i ! tvr HAIMT CAPlVAb SOVUKAIj, gALMf. ORBOON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1809. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL K. HOFKIl, Va. ant) Pitip, Independent Ketfiptpcr Dorotcd to American Principle and tho t'roKrcM nrt Dorelopoment of All Oregon. Piitillnho'l Krury Krenlug- Uiwipt Sunday, Salem, Oro. HUHHOItlirriON ItATIiS. (InrnrluMy In A1 y Atice,) tHMj, by rf ler, mr your M 00 Per month.- Wo UllT, by mull, per year iift I'm month 3fr W)klr, by mil, ir renr. . 1.03 9tx mmuIir !v1l532BrN. Bunion (ffi - TTib 1 -flTfiV-" ' uBE 33 ABOVE AT BUTTE; 33 BELOW AT HELENA "Ur Iltitte Mnot., Jan. 8. Tho North ern Pacific nnil Great Northorn rail road nro storm-ound, n wldo swoop if territory In tho Dnkotnn atul Mon- mn olng In tho grns pof n sovoro blizzard, Tho vagaries of tho storm nro In dicated yb tho fnct thnt nt Hcittc Ir-st night nt 7 o'olook, tho thermom o'er roglstorod 33 dogrocs nbovo zo ro, whllo nt Holonn, JiibL 50 miles invny, nt tho samo time, tho tomporn trrn wnn 33 dogroes clow zoro. Tho Northorn Pnclflo la Mocked from West of Mlesouln as far r-nnt ti Fargo, N. D. Tho Great Northern iwrvlco In demoralized, trnlns from tho wont being from 8 to 12 hours Into. No trnlns nrrlved horo yester dny from tho emit. O O aaa a s) O O o Ol THE MARKETS o o o o- WILBUR WRIGHT IS A REAL HIGH FLYER I'nrlB, .Inn. 8. Wlltir Wright, of Dayton, Ohio, champion nvlntor of tho world, was nnmod co-rojpondont hy Lieutenant Qoujnrdo of tho Culr ranlors, stationed nt Chnmpagny, Ji n dlvorco putltlon fllod todny. Tin ohm owlll o tried (horo next month. Mine. Ooujanlo In reported to lie mi onthuslnntlo noroplnnlHt, mid li Maid to hnvo eon proHont during many of tho flights mndo nt I. Mans hy Wright In his wonderful flyln mnchlne. o o o o o 0 CITY NEWS O O O () o o () ) To Keep Warm Knt more moot and Stwloff Droa. In tho plnco to buy your moat. Phono 31. During tho Hnotv filonn Yoni will need groceries Just tho same. Phono 311 J. M Lnwronce, and your orders will bo filled to your BfttlBfnctlon. Adams Found (Jullty W. II. A damn was, found guilty of larceny yostordny nftornoon nftor tho Jury hnd dollebrated ono hour. Ad am was visibly affected whon tho Jury handed In lt verdict, but Bald nothing Ills sontonco will bo mctod out Monday noxt. NOTION TO OONTRAOTOKfl. Notice la hereby given that sealed bids will bo opened at tho regular mooting of tho common council of Haiom Oregon 'to bo hold January 18, 1000 for tho Improvomont of Htato street with Warren nrothurs llltnllthlo Wator Proof Pavoont bo. treen the wret property lino of Commercial street and tho cast curb lino of Front street In said city ox oapt ths apace between tho rails and no foot outaldn tho rnltn of tho atroot railway trnoka of thoPortlnnd Hallway Light and Power Company, whorovor tho traoks of nnld compa ny oxtondn along or upon aald por tion of aald atroot. Hald Improve aiont tx bo made In nccordnnco with tho plana and specifications now on fllo In tho office of tho Olty Itooorder. Tho city of Bnlom ronorvos the right to reject any and all bids. Ily order of tho Olty Counull. W. A. MOOHKB, l'u O ty Recorder Feeding tint lllrds Ij .W. Davla, of Polk county, wan In tho olty yoHtordny, and roporlcd that hlmiolf nnd nolghbora In hla vicinity wore foodlng tho birds with wIiohI to keep them from ntnrvlng durliiK tho fold Htinp. Mr. Davla atarted tho good work by contribut ing n huahol of wltwit and was fol lowed by many of tho othor fnrmom In Polk county. John Ilrophy nnJ Watt Rhlpp nro taking pnrfnnal Intor- t In tho wellfaro of tho Buffering birds, and wero todny rnlalng a fund with which to dlBtrlbuto whont In tho ninny localities whoro birds aro nufforlng. SAN FJtANClSCO MAniCBTS. San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 8. Wheat No. 1 California club, per cental, $1.C7 .1.70; California whlto milling. $1.75 01.80; north ern blucstem, $1.75 01.80; off grades wheat, $1.50 01.60; Reds, $1.0201.07. Uarloy Food barloy, $1.420 1:45; common to fair, $1.3501.40; brewing at Snn Francisco nominal at $1.461.55; Chovallor, $1.5001.00 according to quality. UggB Por dozon, California fresh, Including cases, oxtras, 44c; firsts, 43c; HocondH, 40c; thirds, 32c; pul let selected, 40c; Eastern storage oxtrn, 35c; firsts, 32c; seconds, 29c. Huttor Por pound, California fresh, oxtrns, 33c; firsts, 32c; sec onds, 27c; storage California extra, 30 &c; ladles oxtras, 23c. Now choose por pound, Califor nia flats, fancy, lie; firsts, 13 c; socondB, 11 Vta; California Young inerlua fancy, lCc; firsts. 15V4c: Kastora Now York Cheddars, fnncy, 17c; Oregon lints, fancy, 14c; do. Young Amoricn, fancy, lCc; Cali fornia storngo fancy flatu, 13c; Or egon flats, fancy, 14c; do Young Amoricn, 15c. Potatoes Per cental, Rlvoi Whites, ( sacks) 00 075c; do. per contal, 75c 1$; Salinas llurbanks, $1.25 01.45; Oregon Durbnnks, $1 01.15; Karly Hose, (for sood) $1.25 fi.Jo; sweot potatoes, por crate $1.01.25, with somo extra fancy at $1.7502;: do. sacks, 75c0$l. Onions Por sack, Oregon, $1.35 1.50; California, $1.2501.35. Orangos -Uor box, Navels, stand ard, $1.2502; choice, $202.50; TniiKorlnoN, half ornngd boxes, $10 1.50. best, 10 014c per pound, according to Bhrlnkago; Valley, 16016c. Mohair Choice, 18c per pound. Hides Dry hides, No. 1, 13015c pound; dry kip, No. 1, 13c pound; dry calf, 10c peund: salted hides 0 ip8c pound; salted calfskin, 12 0 13c pound; green, lc less. Local Wholesale .Market. W!.ent, por bushel 90 095c Oats, per bUBhcl 45e Flour, bard wheat $5.00 Flour, valley $4.26 Mill food, shorts $33.50 Mill feed, bran $30.00 Hops, 1908 crop 708 Hops, 1907 crop 20 3c Chittlm bark 305 Wool, coarse 13c Wool, medium 15c Mohair 18c liny, chrat $12013 Hay, clovor $11012 Potatoes, bushel 40 045c Applos, biiHhol 5Oc0$l.OO Onions, por cwt 85 090c Prunes, por pound 1 i 0 4 c Crnnborrlos, Howe's vnrloty, bbl $13.00 Ilutoi mid Kggti, Itotnil, Bggl 40c lluttor, creamery 40c Country butter 35c o For Weak Kidneys Inflammation of the blad der, urinary troubles and backache use DeWitt's Kidney Jt Trial For 25c K. C. DaWITT lc CO., Chicnxo. Ill SOLI) 1V ALL DHALKHS. Notice to Contractors. Notice Ib-hereby given that sealed bids will bo oponed nt tho regular meeting of tho common council of Salem, Oregon, to bo hold January 18, 1909, for tho improvement of Liberty street with Wnrron Bros.' DI- tulithlc water-proof pnvomont bo I tween tho north property lino of State street nnd tho south property lino of Court street in said city, ex cept the spneo between tho calls, 4 Rlnf4r9pr Pills p foot ""tshle tho rails or tho and Bladder ius, rnllway lrnc of Ulo Portlnml Hnllwny, Light & Power Company, where the snmo extends along said portion of said streat. Said improve ment to bo made In nccordnnco with the plans and specifications now on file In tho office of tho city rocordor. Tho city of Snlom rosorvos the right to reject nny nnd nil bids. iiy ordor of tho common council. W. A. MOOItES, l-C-4t dly City Itecordor. Weeks1 Wafer llllli Aro now ready. Como In and get tho 10 per cent discount. l-7-3t HIDDKN DAXOKHS. Xiituro OIvch Timely Warning That No Salem CItlwn Can Afford to Ignore. EARTHQUAKE SITUATION IS MUCH IMPROVED Home Italy Juu. S. -Th wtrlh- avnktt ItunUoii Is liiiriluK rapidly, Hud It hi pnilwbU) that ihwrtt will be nothing for thu American UattlMhlp to do wiivH lUy arrlv at M TW- lUtliUM MoramwMl haa Htttt-d Hint It will nut n.U ttutiv batiliMhlpa UN ! m-.-ne lMrta tvom ltulu Me lua llirouiihoul tlm (rliHn arN todav ) tin rullor v..ik I k'h ulna htfad ay. thoMnH th u i 11 inurlt ( fi-llllit Hit iHtl It. and 1 Coffee j y Just Coffee, but perfect I Coffee. I B Your crwer will crlnd H I B lottor if tfivuud at houi not too fine, I s I A Local Option fiiiKc Attorney Onll 8. IH11, of Albany, deputy district nttornoy under John' II. McNnry, argued a local option np peal In tho aupromo court yostordny. Tho tltlo of tho case wnn State vs. Curran whl.eh was nppealed from the lower court of Judge Galloway on the grrwind the fine Imposed upon him nftor being found guilty of vUv Intlng tho local option law wai too heavy. Knoyrl the. Snow About 100 merry coasters took nd rantnga of the snow fait night nnd hied thomolven to tho big resorvolr hill In South Rnlom. whoro they sponl tho greater part of tho night gliding down the long, steep Incline, nnd, In cidentally, climbing up again. monster bonfire was built, nnd a first clatn snow party wns onjoyed. Took n Hun by Hlmolf Tho cold weather apparently put now llfo In nn unknown bono hltoha.l to a alalgii nt n'liht. hy tho way t wmt imtiHt nn Miuth CoimutmilHl triNt at r drnd rim. Whoro fli outfit aiartwl front, or whllhr. it went, baa nut bru laarnil na yl and rrom ths lively salt (t wm travl "I'm. It wna probably down lui Olaekamaa rouiily this murulHK. Sonntor lVikliu. Ite.ebcleil. lrrawtito Oal Ian. . The la i vHl of doubt on th l?uH4 Stat "liatorahlu Htaatin rail iula mi.-. v.hr ltiMUllaa mMhmv t ii..i,ar' To- nvf erartloally a nnaalmHia Yote to prime. Bi7c: uiedlum. httae imp h. ! ore C IVrklna. InaurUg hla rav l07 c 106. 1 ti 1 He. Hon next Tua4a.v Wool K.iatern Orvaon. uveragt , wwuHiwsiu.!,. , TME SlEEPjffS SICKKESS ..:.1' aS .rrrLirSluxv?Tiw which weaks death ' '"K I" i 1710.000 arhoul farua ....... , .. " ' - i aw .- wim i x rua ikai iuuii u - - - j iv traurv ISII Xhm Congo district. It la cnwwd by ' tho bUa of i UHrtae tly. hn ft biiM a puut. tho slwcpiuK symptoms KklB ami flnally th enttcrer steer .'a'll dwh o.rurs. j CoMinut ibis with the peaceful. ' halmy alp of liMltb. Is there auy thlHg more wearing than to lie awake i PilttJ t'n ti.o p.i.H.niM.ni " wwi, lowing about, nervous, with - T . ,lj fkul t.nl Iia.,1 ...! . . I uri k jiwh, jtH. s.-v. ;r:.;r;Vsh;r"rT. . "wrTLK": e.al raon are today aurforlng In i bit u we wold do almost any-1 h.rttal at Otoagow irom Inirl04 r. Mng fa nft 'row- daU Wd pre. eelvetl whon Oril Nfiflliorn pns-front It? Mr. George Hayes, of" ongr train wai ileralUtd n.ar Van- Union Ciiy. Pa., writea: had lost data. The cars toppUM ovor, throw-1 Ptt. was all run-down, eould , lag tho tuoMitRMM In Uoapi. Thouh ; J1,8,1 'lht, i bid tried avery ti U noi thought any will ale two aro . " -"! ""' V,no1 wa.8 "T uuiMONuri. anil io iiiy surpriBA, It I BlHKt lao at eur: jrave uie a spUndid apaoiue, and now 1 slp soundly. WhatVlooldMtorMr. Hayes.lt will ia for every run-down, nervous and overworked person who cannot sleo G. W. PUXXAM CO. . I'OltTLANI) MAItKKTS (Jrnln, I.'lour, 1-Ved. iJfc. Portland, Oregon, Jiuiiinry 8. Wheal niuostcm, 90(U)97o; club, ?2C per ton; brewing, $27. Onts Producers' prices: No. 1 88c; 40-fold, 91c; valloy, 91c. iiarloy Producers' prices: Feed, rolled barlov 28tfr39. Flour PatonUi, $6.00 per barrol; white, $31 31.50 per ton. "ay Timothy, Wlllametto Val loy; $4.05; V4-ack graham, $4.40; loy, $14 por ton; Knatern Oregon timothy, $16317; olover, $12; oiralfa, $13; grain hay, $13.50 $13. MlllBtuffs Bran, J3G.C0 per ton; middlings, $33; shorts, country, 01c, flfo, 90 0 91c; rod Russian. $30; city, $30; U. 8. mill chop, $22; Now York Cheddars, fancy, 17o; Oro gon flnts, fancy, 14c; do. Young America fancy, 16c; California wholo whoat, $4.86; rye, $5.50. VegeUblra and IVwIt. hrosh Fruits Apples, 60c $1 50 box; pears, $11 25 pir box; grnpn 70m50c por crate; quinces, $1.00 1.25 per box; cranberries, $13 50 14 por bhl.; Spanish Mnlaga grapes, $C.508.00 per barrel; huckleber ries, 10(01 Co per pound; per Sim mons, $1(0' 1.25. Potntooi Iluylng prlco, 75 90c; por hundred; sweot potatoes, 2 2 Vic pur pound; onlone, $1 por 100 pounds. Hairy ami Country Produce. Ilulter City creumurv. uxtnm i JitmaTc: rancy outsljlo croamery, 32 i 35c por pound; storo, 17 20o. tfilts Oregon nineh 4045w; Maatarn Jiltfi a n ,i..Q.. Poultry I Ions, Uc por lb; spilna M ll! 'mall, 13 tTllc; mixed, 13 l IHoc;, dueks, 1401SH; koo 0 ClOo; turkeys 10 17 Ho; drowsed turkeys, uo-ulnal Chotso Fsnoy cream twins, 18c por pound; full eream trlplaU. 16c; full cream You nit Amrl. it Veal Uxtra, i4e pr immiiuI; , imiiunry, 7fT5o; Ueary. le. pur Fauey, TVte por neuml: DANQKIl SIGNAL NO. 1 com. from tho kldnoy sccrotlons. They will warn you whon tho klilnoyn nro sick. Well kldnoys oxcroto n clonr, nmber j fluid. Sick kldnoys send out n thin, , pule and foamy, or n thick rod, 111- smelling urlno, full of sedlmont nnJ IrregMlur pnosngo. DANQKIt SIGNAL NO. 2 comes I rrom the back. Hack pains, dull nn.l heavy, or sharp and nouto, toll you of Blck kldnoys and warn you of the nppronch of dropjy, diabetes and IlrlghtV disease Doan's Kidney Pilla euro sick kldnoyn nnd euro them per manently. Hero's Snlom proof. William Haumgardncr, retired, 525 Wntor atroot, Salem, Oregon, oays. "I sponk from pcrsonnl oxporlonco vhon I eny that Doan's Kidney Pills do nil that Is claimed for them In curing kidney complaint nnd back- ache. I had folt tho need of a kld noy remedy for a. long time, but I found many of tho medicines I uood worthloss When I read of Doan's Kidney Pllh, I was Induced to pro cure n supply at Dr. Stone's drug store. Tho backache and weakness of the kllneyo, which hnd annoyed mo woro quickly removed, end 1 was restored to good health. I can rec ommend Doan's Kidney Pills to any ono In ncd of n kidney .medicine." For sale by all doalors. Prlco 60 cenK Fontcr-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, Now York, sole agents for tho Unltod Stntos. Ilemombor the nnmo Doan's nnd tnke no other. Don't Take (ho Itlxk. When you hnvo n bad cough or cold do not let It drag along until it uocomos chronic bronchitis, or do volops Into nn attack of pneumonia, but glvo it tho attention it desorves nnd got rid of it. Take Chamber lain's cough Ilomody nnd you nro sure of prompt rollof. From n small beginning tho snlo nnd uso of this preparation hnn oxtonded to nil parts of tho United States and to many forolgn countries. Its mnny romnrk nblo cures of coughs nnd colds have won for It this wldo reputnUon nnd extensive use. Sold by Dr. Stone's drug storo. Life 100,000 Years Ago. Sciontlst9 hnvo faun J In a cavo in Switzerland bones of men, who lived 100,000 yonrs ngo, whon llfo wns In constant dnngor from wild beasts. Today tho danger, aB shown by A. W. Drown of Alcxnnder, Mo., Is lnrgo ly from dondly disease "If It had not been for Dr. King's Now Discovery, which cured mo, I could not hnvo lived," he writes, "sufforlng as I did from a sovoro lung troublo nnd stub born cough.' To euro Soro Lungs, Colds, obstlnnte Coughs, nnd pre vent Pneumonia, its tho best modl clno on earth. SO.c and $1.00. Guar anteed by J. C. Perry. Trlnl bottlo free. You can't plonso ovoryono and If you edit n newspaper it Is still wor.o. You can't ploaso anybody. S a- a o. a. x ux. . dxtn llw - ,!W M "J,e 'W'J BOSJtt Cif win ST , MtrfTZjiT" W..k., - ;ocky Mountain Toa Nucflets nj h5.clnf U limy PopU. Er.it' 0ellfc r.'lth ml "(!.. Vl,er. . ,r-r'r f, r,'-"'Hrrti.r "i M'ii,ii. r.i.r . I Kiln v 1 1 until.,. T'( r . &trm. lull .-.I Wdl "rMt 4tifi noU. H-.i. I. ll,'1i'" ll Kiel'- n.Mifi'Ui IVh In . i- fi.-m V. .--m n hit i;c .lu.. nn I if. - , . rr,' i . . . imw raa tm WANTED! NAME IN OUR DIRECTORY 1 -w at v H i i ; I YOUR TELEPHONE cJclSl, "i b a tt four wt cent Interest. '"''"i " eieeUon yoaianlny, at win. h It w MuMiorlseU. Senool .',.,, uiik win )t. .trfctetl and - -d with tho moat modern nt n e. OM- eua- seriously Injured. Saw Mouey . Hy paying your walor hill and sot Mug 10 ier cent discount. 1-7-31 THE PACIFIC TELE PHONE & TELE- GRAPH CO. will is- sue a directory about Jan. 20, 1 909. Please mail changes to this not later than lO, 1909 : : WHY? Borrow your neighbor's telephone when you can get one of your own. need one and rates are low : Apply at the man ager's office, 170 N. Liberty Street : ' You the a V 4 li